Powersim Software is a tool for modeling and simulation of dynamic system. It can be used to study time continuous progress in a great number of areas, such as industry, economics, ecology, etc. Powersim Software was developed by a Norwegian company, based in Bergen. This software has users within most sectors in both national and international business, in small companies as well as large enterprises.
This Powersim Fundamental Training was held in 2 days, Saturday-Sunday (21-22/12) at MMC laboratory building. Modeling and Simulation Laboratory, Department of Industrial Engineering, University Islam Indonesia as the committee of this training very satisfied with the success of this training. There is 28 participants from various region with different background from lecturers, students, until employer of a company participated in this training. This training was talking about the fundamental of Powersim and the implementation of Powersim as a tool to support System Dynamic approach in providing business simulation products and consulting services.
Mr. Aziiz Sutrisno, M.phil.,MBA (researcher at system engineering, modeling and simulation lab, University of Indonesia) as the trainer also express that he is very interest in discussion with the participant about system dynamic, how is the implementation in real case, and other things beside the Powersim itself during this training. He also said that system dynamic can be developed more in the future.Arif Najwan Hilmy, as the participant of this training and also Assistant Development of Modeling and Simulation Industry, Department of Industrial Engineering, University Islam Indonesia admit that he is very interesting in system dynamic after finished this training and want to explore more about system dynamic. “System Dynamic is very amazing, it can be use in various areas of business and industry today and in the future”, he said.
And also Adi Muslimawadi as the Head Committee of this training express that he is very satisfy for to success of this training and all of participant can get what they want to know about fundamental of Powersim in this training. Adi also said, that through many events like this can develop Modeling and Simulation Laboratory (Delsim Lab) according to the vision and mission of Delsim Lab, Department of Industrial Engineering, University Islam Indonesia to be the center of modeling and simulation study in Indonesia. “Alhamdulillah, this training run successfully although there must be some shortage of us as the committee, and we hope through training event like this can realize the vision and mission of Delsim Lab to be the center of modeling and simulation study in Indonesia’’, Adi said.