Industrial Engineering Prepared the Students for Practical Work and Dual Degree.

KP material was presented by Secretary of Industrial Engineering , Agus Mansur ST , M.Eng.Sc. ” KP is one of the compulsory subjects with weight 2 credits that must be taken as one of the requirements to take the course final project ( TA ) ,” Agus explained . ” All the student must apply the knowledge and understanding of science in Industrial Engineering and see the relevance in enterprise systems ,” said Agus. More than, according to Agus, students should be able to analyze the problems in the enterprise in a simple way and provide a solution based on the theory , understand and gain experience with the actual working environment. .
Responding to student questions about which companies that the students implemented KP , as he joked, Agus explained that the students would only implement KP in two companies namely Manufacturing company or service company . In the manufacturing company , the student had to choose a company that has a legal entity and classified into the middle and upper firms . Whereas when selecting services company, students had to obtain approval through a special consideration .
To be more prepared for KP , students should read the guide book KP in detail , understand the basic theory related to the topic of KP , prepare a work plan in the form of a proposal that has been approved by Supervisor Job Training ( DPKP ) .
Furthermore, students should not hesitate to consult the company on the plan until the realization of the activities. All activities must be recorded in the record book of KP , and next, it would be compiled into progress report of activities authorized by mentors field. “After the completion of KP , do not forget to complete the administration of KP within the company and the university to get the score of of KP ” Agus explained, closing the session.
After the completion of KP, in the same place, the students got explanation about Joint Degree Program in corporation with foreign universitu; RMUTT.
The Joint Degree presenter, Muhammad Ridwan Andi Purnomo, S.T. M.Sc, Ph.D started his presentation by a joke saying.
“Joint Degree program is more interesting than Mr.Agus’s KP program because in the almost same period of time, you will get two tittles. Here, in UII, you will get ST title and B.Eng (Bachelor Engineering). Means, if your name is Susi, for instance, it will be Susi, S.T. B. Eng .”