Who we are



Welcome to theofficial website of Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Islam Indonesia. Industrial Engineering Department is a department that has sufficient number of active students in many environments of UII. Based on internal and external conditions, it is able to exist and is able to continue playing an active role in the world of higher education , especially in the field of manufacturing industry. Industrial Engineering Department hopes to become a qualified industrial technology education and to take an active roles in nation-building based on ‘Khairu Ummah’ [Best Society] character.

Brief ofIndustrial Engineering Program

Industrial Engineering Programwas founded in 1982, and since 2003 until now still achieve accreditation with the value of A from the National Accreditation Board and has produced thousands of alumni who work in the private and public sectors. Industrial Engineering Program curriculum is designed based manufacturing systems and services that are tailored to the rapid development of information technology and global influence human behavior and the industrial world.

Our Vision

Leadingto produce graduates who are competent in the field of Industrial Engineering, to contribute to national development and to be able to be internationally recognized in taking part in the scientific development in the world.

Our Mission

  1. Implementhigher education-oriented developments in science and technology.
  2. Implement and produce research activities that are beneficial to national development and contribute to the improvement of quality of life.
  3. Implement community service and Islamic missions that are useful for society progres.


The Buildings

Teaching and learning process building consists  of Unit III and Unit XII which each is consisting of 29 classrooms, 2 rooms of Audio Visual, 24 laboratories, a library, offices, courtrooms, auditoriums, and lecture rooms.

The Library

Library ofthe Faculty of Industrial Technology is a facility to support and enhance the academic quality of teaching and learning through information services and to provide a variety of collections. The library also serves to form the habit of reading (reading habit), the ability to read independently and sustainable, open and develop intellectual horizons and provide information for the purposes of research, science and technology.
The library provides a wide collection of books, magazines, journals, theses, research reports, reports of practical work, and proceeding. The library also provides interactive CD programs that can be borrowed and utilized for the benefit of the learning process.

Internet Connection

The faculty has VSAT antenna that connects directly to the global internet network via satellite, so that students can immediately get an internet connection.

IntegratedInformation Systems

The faculty optimizes the use of information technology in teaching and learning activities. Students gain access to the portal of integrated Information Systems (UNISYS), e-Learning system (Klasiber), as well as access to some online journals.

Sport Facilities

The faculty has some sport areas, such as football, basketball, volleyball, and tennis. Football field is located 200 meters to the east of the faculty building, or rather in the south of Building D-3 FE UII. Basketball field is next to the faculty building which also can be used as a volleyball court. Tennis courts are located 500 meters to the east of the faculty building (south Mosque Ulil Albab). The facilities can be used freely without charge to faculty, students, and university employees.

Health facilities

Health facilities owned is clinics for the entire university academic community. It is located in the east of the mosque UlilAlbabwhich serve during office hours.

Parking facilities

The capacity of the parking facilities are around 800 motorcycles and 150 cars. Motorcycle parking is located to the east of the faculty building, while the car parking is located to the north. With 20 personnel parking attendant who are regulated in turn, is expected to be a guarantee of security for parked vehicles.


It is located in the hall of faculty building.

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