One of the goals of the Islamic University of Indonesia (UII) formulated in the UII Statute is to form qualified Muslim intellectuals and national leaders, benefit the community, master Islamic knowledge, and be able to apply Islamic values, and be highly competitive. To achieve the stated goals, UII realizes that one of the important things that must be done is coaching students while in college. In this context, UII equips students, not only with hard-skills that are explicitly raised in the curriculum, but also with the soft-skills needed to become intellectuals and national leaders in the future.

UII has formulated the Pattern of Student Development (Polbangmawa) with the general goal of developing students who are: (a) Islamic-minded, principled by morality based on faith and piety to Allah subhanahu wata’ala and implementing Islamic values ​​in all forms of activities (da’wah Islamiyah), (b) be scientific, innovate productively to practice and devote science and technology responsibly, honestly, in accordance with the norms prevailing in the world of education that are useful for the development of the people, society, nation, and country, (c ) having a national perspective, having a high national commitment, being open, fond of deliberation, and having social responsibilities as the implementation of rahmatan lil’alamin.

In addition, students are specifically expected to become: (a) monotheistic people who understand the existence and consequences of divinity, manifested in the form of understanding and carrying out functions as servants of God and caliphs on earth, (b) human beings who understand the scientific paradigm in the form of manifestation understanding the historical development of science, being responsive and critical to the results of thought, understanding the nature of science, and being able to develop and practice their knowledge, (c) professional people who have a work ethic according to Islam, mastering science and technology, skilled in applying it, and being responsible to the profession, (d) a leader who understands the concept of Islamic leadership and is able to apply it to himself, family, and society.

Departing from the awareness of the importance of Islamic values ​​within the Islamic University of Indonesia, UII has a department that oversees the development and religious development of students and Islamic da’wah, on and off campus. The Directorate of Islamic Development and Development Senanhiasa seeks to always improve themselves in the future. The big agenda that the Ull DPPAI wants to do is build a good and sincere relationship with the entire Ull academic community and the community to support each other in realizing Islamic propaganda in accordance with our expectations. One effort to build good, sincere and open relations is by publishing the profile of the Ull DPPAI so that all academics and the public can get to know more about the current Ulf DPPAI, starting and vision, mission, programs and people who sit in the management structure .