Masters Program (S2)

The Industrial Engineering Master Program UII is one of the programs that have been accredited B by BAN-PT. This master program also has a double designation program, in addition to obtaining a Master of Engineering (MT) degree, graduates of the Master of Industrial Engineering UII will also get American Suply Chain Alalyst (ASCA) and Certified International of Project Manager (CIPM) certification. It aims to integrate academic degrees and certifications. Not only that, graduates of the Industrial Engineering Master Program UII will also get certification of expertise recognized by the National Professional Certification Board (BNSP).

The UII Industrial Engineering Masters Program is divided into four concentrations, namely Industrial Management, Industrial Engineering, Ergonomics and Industrial Safety and Health, and Logistics & Supply Chain Management. This program also provides scholarships for students who are interested, and can get job training opportunities to get a real picture and experience in the world of work. Alumni of Industrial Engineering Masters who are members of IKAMTI, have worked in various fields of industry: national, multinational companies, BUMN, Government, Educational Institutions, NGOs and Entrepreneurs

Degrees & Strata
M. T. – Magister (S2)
Study Duration
4 semesters (estimated full time study)
K.H Building. Mas Mansyur
Integrated Campus
Kaliurang Street KM 14,5
Sleman, Yogyakarta 55584
National Accreditation :
❯  Akreditasi B (BAN-PT)
International Accreditation :
❯  –
  • VISI

    Realizing the Masters of Industrial Engineering FTI UII as a trusted and superior educational institution in printing and strengthening professionals in the field of Industrial Engineering in 2020.

  • MISI

      1. Realizing the institutions that are part of the Islamic da’wah in accordance with the guidance of the Qur’an and Al-Hadith in industrial engineering and the place where Ulil albab people are born who believe and have faith and are able to show their identity as khairo ummah.
      2. Prepare graduates who have intellectual and professional capacity in the fields of Industrial Engineering, Industrial Management or Ergonomics and Work Safety that are in accordance with the needs of the times and able to face future challenges.
      3. Increasing the quantity and quality of the knowledge and research of lecturers and students in order to improve the quality of life of the community.
      4. Provide resource support for staff to develop themselves to become creative and innovative scientists and researchers as well as reliable educators.
      5. Running the processes of implementing postgraduate education with the principles of quality, accountability, autonomy, and equity.
      6. Maintaining communication with alumni for the implementation of a lifelong learning process, through the use of experience, knowledge and expertise they have.
      7. Establish mutually beneficial cooperation with various institutions both at home and abroad in supporting teaching, research, community service and Islamic propaganda activities

Berita Terbaru

Structure of Program Study

Winda Nur Cahyo, S.T., M.T., Ph.D

905220101 | Head of the Industrial Engineering Masters Program

Curriculum Vitae (.pdf)

Atyanti Dyah Prabaswari, S.T., M.Sc.

165211302 | Scientific Administration Manager

Curriculum Vitae (.pdf)

Jerri Irgo, S.E., M.M.

905220101 | Marketing & Liaison Officer

Curriculum Vitae (.pdf)

Taufiq Ismail, S.T.

905220101 | IT & Finance Staff

Curriculum Vitae (.pdf)

Muhammad Susilo Atmodjo, A.Md.

905220101 | Administration & Lecture

Curriculum Vitae (.pdf)