Factory Visit ke Yamaha

International Undergraduate Program in Industry Engineering (IUP IE) UII once again held its annual agenda, Educational Visit 2024. With the event titled “Road to Japan”, Japan became this year’s destination, a country which has long been famous for its innovation, high technology, and cultural richness.

This activity took place for 9 days and 7 nights from Sunday (25/2) to Monday (4/3). “Educational Visit is a routine agenda of the IUP IE to provide international exposure to their students, especially IUP students, in the hope that they all have overseas experience,” said Annisa Uswatun Khasanah, S.T., M.BA., M.Sc., lecturer of Industrial Engineering UII as well as the companion of the Educational Visit agenda.

According to Annisa, the Educational Visit focuses on visiting universities and industries abroad. Their agenda includes University Visit, Factory Visit, and City Tour.

University Visit

Mahasiswa mengikuti One Day Training mengenai Energy & Process Integration di University of Tokyo

During the University Visit, students visited the University of Tokyo, one of the best universities in Japan. Students were invited to tour the campus and had the opportunity to do One Day Training about Energy & Process Integration. In addition, students were also invited to explore Kyushu University. A university that is strong in research, especially in fields like engineering, science, and medicine. “IP students can get the atmosphere of learning at an overseas university, as well as interacting with foreign students and lecturers. Two short lectures on Energy and Enviromental were so exciting” said Annisa.

Factory Visit

Factory Visit

As an Industrial Engineering student, understanding industrial practices in developed countries such as Japan is extremely valuable. Through Factory Visit, students visited several leading factories in Japan, such as Yamaha, Suzuki, and Toyota. Annisa said, “IP students are invited to visit well-known factories that already have sophisticated industrial systems, such as automation and so on. So that later the implementation of the industrial world that they have learned during college can be reflected in the industries visited, such as Kaizen, Poka Yoke, and 5S (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke).”

City Tour and Cultural Immersion

Mahasiswa mengenakan pakaian tradisional Jepang saat melakukan City Tour

Furthermore, there was the City Tour and Cultural Immersion. The destination cities include Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, and Fukuoka. IP students are invited to explore the beauty and uniqueness of Japanese culture through visits to historical sites, parks, and bustling city centers. On this trip, they will have the opportunity to experience cultural immersion, deepening their understanding of the country’s history and traditions.

“It was amazing, we visited a leading Japanese corporation and one of the top universities in the world. We even got to see stuff we’ve only talked about in class, like Poka Yoke and the Toyota Production System (TPS), right there at the source. The university visit was just as impressive, with its stunning campus and engaging classes. The highlight, however, was learning about their emphasis on hydrogen energy as the future of energy,” said Alfina Dewi Hendryani, one of the IP students who participated.

Salwa Nur Rahma

Factory Visit ke Yamaha

Program Internasional Teknik Industri UII kembali menyelenggarakan agenda tahunan, Educational Visit 2024. Dengan kegiatan bertajuk “Road to Japan”, Jepang menjadi destinasi tahun ini, sebuah negara yang telah lama terkenal dengan inovasi, kecanggihan teknologi, dan kekayaan budayanya.

Kegiatan ini berlangsung selama 9 hari 7 malam pada Minggu (25/2) hingga Senin (4/3). “Educational Visit merupakan agenda rutin International Program Teknik Industri untuk memberikan international exposure ke mahasiswa, khususnya mahasiswa IP, dengan harapan mereka semua memiliki pengalaman ke luar negeri,” ungkap Annisa Uswatun Khasanah, S.T., M.BA., M.Sc., dosen Teknik Industri UII sekaligus pendamping agenda Educational Visit.

Menurut Annisa, Educational Visit berfokus untuk mengunjungi universitas dan industri di luar negeri. Agenda mereka antara lain adalah University Visit, Factory Visit, dan City Tour.

University Visit

Mahasiswa mengikuti One Day Training mengenai Energy & Process Integration di University of Tokyo

Dalam University Visit, mahasiswa mengunjungi University of Tokyo, salah satu universitas terbaik di Jepang. Mahasiswa diajak untuk berkeliling kampus serta berkesempatan melakukan One Day Training mengenai Energy & Process Integration. Selain itu, mahasiswa juga diajak menelusuri Kyushu University. Sebuah universitas yang kuat akan penelitian, terutama di bidang-bidang seperti teknik, sains, dan kedokteran. “Mahasiswa IP akan mendapatkan suasana pembelajaran di universitas luar negeri, serta berinteraksi dengan mahasiswa dan dosen asing,” kata Annisa.

Factory Visit

Factory Visit

Sebagai mahasiswa Teknik Industri, memahami praktik industri di negara-negara maju seperti Jepang sangatlah berharga. Melalui Factory Visit, mahasiswa mengunjungi beberapa pabrik terkemuka di Jepang, seperti Yamaha, Suzuki, dan Toyota. Annisa menyampaikan, “mahasiswa IP diajak mengunjungi pabrik-pabrik ternama yang sudah memiliki sistem industri canggih, seperti otomasi dan sebagainya. Sehingga nanti implementasi dunia industri yang telah mereka pelajari selama kuliah bisa tercermin di industri yang dikunjungi, seperti Kaizen, Poka Yoke, dan 5S (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke).”

City Tour dan Cultural Immersion

Mahasiswa mengenakan pakaian tradisional Jepang saat melakukan City Tour

Selanjutnya, terdapat City Tour dan Cultural Immersion. Kota-kota yang menjadi destinasi antara lain adalah Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, dan Fukuoka. Mahasiswa IP diajak untuk menyusuri keindahan dan keunikan budaya Jepang melalui kunjungan ke situs-situs bersejarah, taman, dan pusat-pusat kota yang ramai. Dalam perjalanan ini, mereka akan memiliki kesempatan untuk merasakan cultural immersion, memperdalam pemahaman mereka tentang sejarah dan tradisi negara ini.

“Sebuah pengalaman yang luar biasa, kami mengunjungi perusahaan Jepang terkemuka dan salah satu universitas terbaik di dunia. Kami bisa melihat hal-hal yang hanya ada di kelas, seperti Poka Yoke dan Toyota Production System (TPS), langsung di sumbernya. Kunjungan ke universitas juga sama hebatnya, yang paling menarik adalah belajar tentang penekanan mereka pada energi hidrogen sebagai masa depan energi,” ucap Alfina Dewi Hendryani, salah satu mahasiswa IP yang menjadi peserta.

Salwa Nur Rahma