Internship / FieldWork /Apprenticeship

The internship or  Fieldwork program are three-credit subjects that must be taken by a student of the International Program.  It is a prerequisite subject before writing the thesis/undergraduate research project.

The Objectives of the Internship / Fieldwork /

Apprenticeship Program

The objective of the internship or fieldwork is to provide students with an opportunity to implement their knowledge and skills learned from the class into real-world problems. Students are expected to have hands-on-experiences to improve their learning ability in the real-world working environment.  An internship or fieldwork allows a student to acquire and apply practical skills in field experiences while working towards career goals, which are related to the goals of a supervising professional or agency.  An internship or fieldwork bridges the gap between formal education and the real-world system.

Internship / Fieldwork / Apprenticeship Implementation

The internship or fieldwork must be conducted in an institution such as a manufacturing company or service company as a host organization both international or national companies or organizations. During the pandemic, a special case internship or fieldwork program is also available from topics as a part of research offered by Laboratories.

Fieldwork is intended to gather data and information to complete an assignment of a special/specific topic. Whereas an internship is a program that combines academic skills with career-related work experience to form a link and match education program between formal education and real-world problems.

During the internship or fieldwork program, students should work as an employee.  Students will learn many things such as teamwork project experience, communication skills, professional behavior, and an ability to plan and complete a project within a time frame.

Fieldwork is intended to gather data and information to complete an assignment of a special/specific topic. Whereas an internship is a program that combines academic skills with career-related work experience to form a link and match education program between formal education and real-world problems.


The period of time in conducting the Internship or Fieldwork is at least 1 (one), 3, or 6 months depending on the activity offered by the institution where the internship is conducted.

A group consisting of a maximum of two students may conduct an internship or fieldwork. They are allowed to conduct the internship or fieldwork at the same institution but they must write different topics/projects.

Types of Internship/Fieldwork/

Apprenticeship Programs :

Several types of Internship or Fieldwork programs are offered :

  1. International Internship or Fieldwork (working on an overseas company) (see the detail)
  2. Fieldwork Pandemic Program (see the detail)
  3. Regular Internship or Fieldwork Program
  4. Stated-Owned Company (BUMN) Internship Program
  5. PT. Yamaha Indonesia, PT. Inti Ganda Perdana, Sogan Batik, PT FUCHS Indonesia, PT Globalindo Intimates, Disperindag Kota Yogyakarta Internship Program (see the detail )
  6. Internship BANGKIT Program (see the detail )
  7. METI (Japan ) Internship Program (Japan Scholarship)
  8. Integrated Internship and Undergraduate Thesis
  9. “MERDEKA” Apprenticeship Program (see the detail)

Administration Requirements

Pick up and fill out the internship form provided by International program management along with:

  1. A copy of a student card
  2. A prove of IP tuition fee payment for all proceedings and current terms
  3. A prove of internship fee payment transferred to IP Bank account (IP Management does not receive a cash payment.  All payments should be transferred into the Faculty Bank account

Internship or Fieldwork Journal of Activities

During the internship, a student should maintain a journal of activities describing the internship activities in the institution.  The journal contains assignments, observations, schedules, or data processing carried out during the internship.  The journal describes the activities during the internship chronologically; it must be approved by the supervisor or the authoritarian of the host organization where the student is conducting the internship.

Integrated Internship and Undergraduate Thesis Program

An Internship program can proceed to a Final Undergraduate Research Project. The internship will be an integral part of a Final undergraduate Project. This program is called Integrated Internship and Final Undergraduate Projects. A student picks a type of internship program and discusses it with the appointed supervisor for potential final undergraduate project integration.


Non-Integrated Internship/Fieldwork Program

  1. Students have completed a minimum number of 100 credits with a minimum of 2.0 Cumulative  GPA.
  2. Students have completed administration requirements.
  3. Students have attended at least one meeting of an internship/fieldwork workshop.

Integrated  Internship/Fieldwork and Undergraduate Thesis Program

  1. Students have completed a minimum number of 126 credits with a minimum of 2.0 Cumulative  GPA.
  2. Students have completed administration requirements.
  3. Students have attended at least one meeting of an internship/fieldwork and Undergraduate workshop.
  4. Students have submitted a research outline approved by International Program.
  5. Data Collection for Internship and Undergraduate Thesis can be accomplished simultaneously.
  6. An internship Supervisor is prioritized to be promoted as an undergraduate thesis supervisor.
  7. International Program will appoint another supervisor as an undergraduate supervisor in the case of an unavailable Internship supervisor to continue supervising.
  8. A student is still required to complete an internship report approved by the internship Supervisor.

Internship or Fieldwork Supervision

  1. Two supervisors will supervise A student.  They are:
    1. A lecturer appointed by the International Program management.  Each problem emerging during the process must be consulted and conducted under the supervision of the appointed lecturer.
    2. A supervisor appointed by the company will supervise activities in a host company/organization.
  2. A supervisor has the authority to assign a special topic related to the implementation of Industrial Engineering in the company in case of no company assignment.
  3. The maximum of consultation and supervision is 6 months starting from the issued date of the supervision letter.  Three months extension is accepted for an exceptional case with strong reason.  If the students can not submit an internship report within 6 months, s/he should start all internship procedures from the beginning.

How to Apply :

  1. Select a type of Internship Program then fill out this form  :
    • Fieldwork Pandemic Program (New Normal Internship ) Application Form:
    • PT. Yamaha Indonesia, PT. Inti Ganda Perdana, Sogan Batik, PT FUCHS Indonesia, PT Globalindo Intimates, Disperindag Kota Yogyakarta  Internship Program: fill out the application form by clicking the link  Then,  contact Mr. Sugarindra for further information
    • International Internship:
    • Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry Japan (see the detail )
    • Regular Internship or Fieldwork Program
      • Students have to write an internship/fieldwork proposal that has been approved and signed by the Head of Department.
      • The Application letter will be sent to the designated company with a signed internship/fieldwork Proposal attached.
  2. Students fill out the application form and complete all documents required. The followings are the documents that should be submitted:
    1. A copy of a student card,
    2. A copy of the academic transcript has been validated by the office of academic record Faculty of Industrial Technology.
    3. A fieldwork seminar card showing a minimum of a 2-time seminar.
    4. 1 sheet Proof of payment of Internship/Fieldwork fee for non-integrated internship/fieldwork and an additional 1 sheet proof of payment of Undergraduate Thesis fee for integrated Internship. The followings are steps to make the payment :
      1. Get a virtual account to make your internship/fieldwork payment by filling out this form
      2. Make the internship/fieldwork fee payment.
      3. Submit your proof of payment  to
      4. Look up the status of the payment that is available from  this link
      5. Upon approval of the payment, students will receive emails informing the internship/fieldwork supervisor. Students can start consultation and coordinating the seminar schedule.
  3. A student that has been accepted to a company with proof of company fieldwork/internship acceptance letter may receive an assignment letter, an activity log book, a supervisor decree letter issued by the Industrial Engineering Study Program. The decree letter will be forwarded to the Company and the Supervisor. Send the company acceptance letter to [email protected].
  4. Students, who have yet to be accepted by a designated company or have not received a reply letter from the designated company, can apply for fieldwork/internship at other companies by first reporting to the Department of Industrial Engineering.

Internship Report 

Students must write internship/fieldwork reports. An Internship/Fieldwork report will be presented as normal bound hard copy and digital form in a PDF Format. The Internship/Fieldwork report must pass the correct English written report approved by a proofreader before submission.

The approved internship reports (signed by the supervisor) should be submitted to Upon submission,  students wait for the internship grade to be posted.

Complete information about reporting and uniform writing format is explained completely in the Internship and Thesis Guidelines Book.

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