Opening Seminar

The seminar series ‘UII Talk Series’ returned on Monday (15/07) at the Theatrical Room, Prof. Dr. Sardjito Public Lecture Building, UII. The Directorate of Partnership or International Affairs Office of UII collaborated with PT Pamapersada Nusantara as a resource person in the seminar which was divided into three sessions. Vice Rector for Networking & Entrepreneurship Ir. Wiryono Raharjo, M.Arch., Ph.D., also attended the opening of this seminar. PT Pamapersada brought speakers from the Recruitment & Selection Head, Hendra Maraden, S.Psi, and Recruitment & Selection Analyst, Arika Zulfitri Karim, S. Psi, who discussed the topic of Maintaining Work Productivity Amid Modern Challenges in the Mining Industry. As for lecturers from the Industrial Engineering Study Programme, Bambang Suratno, MT, ST, Ph.D., who will review academic perspectives on productivity improvement with Seven Tools and New Seven Tools. This activity invites UII students so that they can enrich their knowledge and expand their professional network.

The event started at 08.30 WIB with Rani Septyani as the MC and Putri Dwi Annisa, S.T, M.Sc., as the moderator. It was opened with the recitation of Quran verses by Muhammad Arsil Arsor from the Ahwal Syakhsiyah Study Program, the presentation of PT Pamapersada Nusantara’s profile, as well as remarks from Ir. Wiryono Raharjo. In his speech, he expected UII students to strengthen the alumni network, “I think, this is a prospect for all of you in the future to enter this world. Because especially from Industrial Technology (FTI), yes. I think there can be a lot of discussion, but hopefully it can be a good start for the collaboration of Universitas Islam Indonesia with PT Pamapersada and hopefully among the participants can hang in there, so that it can strengthen the UII alumni network in the mining world” he said. Furthermore, the handover of souvenirs and documentation with the participants.

Session 1: Building Culture to Increase Productivity in Mining Contractor Industry Challenges

Maintaining Work Productivity Amidst Modern Challenges in the Mining Industry

In this first session, Hendra Maraden, S.Psi, from the Recruitment & Selection Head will present Building Culture to Increase Productivity in Mining Contractor Industry Challenges. In the mining sector, the company has become the largest production mining contractor in the world that produces more than one billion BCM (Bank Cubic Meter). With the increasing prospects of this company, PT Pamapersada is more selective in managing human resources by paying attention to the company’s system.  Realizing that people come and go, the company built an integrated system, “To be a big company, besides people, we must have a strong system. It must be systematized because people come and go, but the system must keep running” he said. To increase the productivity of its employees, the company is digitizing, namely the PAMA Integrated System which provides the needs of workers.

That way, PT Pamapersada Nusantara proves its productivity by moving forward from what was previously only a heavy equipment rental business to a mining contractor that has been integrated with various operating points. Not only in terms of improved systems, but the company also opens space for employees to develop, such as holding hobby clubs and receiving constructive suggestions for the company. Then, the moderator gave directions to enter the question and answer session.

Session 2: Flow of Recruitment Process in Mining Companies

Pembahasan Produktivitas Kerja

Next, Arika Zulfitri Karim, S.Psi, from the Recruitment & Selection Analyst field, explained the flow of the recruitment process at PT Pamapersada Nusantara. The company supports its employees to work productively and innovatively with synergy between employees and management. With the number of employees reaching 30 thousand, the company continues to improve its functions. The recruitment team is actively looking for the best seeds to maintain the company’s value. “Well, before PAMA people are finally productive, we must first look for people whose DNA is the same as PAMA. Therefore, we recruit ourselves who ultimately have to look for people like that where we have our own criteria,” he said. 

He also advised potential applicants to understand the essence of the company before applying. Arika explained that the flow of the application process at PT Pamapersada is different for D3 and S1, and mentioned the preparation and qualifications required by applicants.

Session 3: Seven Tools and New Seven Tools

Then, Bambang Suratno, MT, ST, Ph.D., as a lecturer from the Industrial Engineering Study Programme started the third session which will review academic perspectives on increasing productivity with Seven Tools and New Seven Tools. The digitalisation carried out by PT Pamapersada Nusantara requires the concept of supporting tools in analyzing related data. Seven Tools are statistical equipment used to solve work problems and seek improvements in work results and processes that are usually needed. Then, he explained that understanding seven tools can help adjust which tools are right for ideas in problem solving. Then there are the New Seven Tools that are commonly used for office management, such as analyzing risks in companies.

He said that these two methods complement each other, ‘So, the two Seven Tools complement each other, which initially (Old Seven Tools) was used more for production related to numerical data. If the new one (New Seven Tools) is to the upper management problem,’ he explained.  Furthermore, it was explained that in its use, the latest Seven Tools were used at the beginning of the research, then numerical data was sought using the old Seven Tools. 

The third session ended after a short question and answer session from the participants to the speakers and continued with the closing of this seminar series by the MC. From this meeting, it is hoped that it can increase the productivity of UII students, as well as add insight to participants and help prepare themselves for a better work environment.

Rani Novalentina

ERP Talks

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Laboratory, Industrial Engineering UII held their annual agenda, ERP Talks on Tuesday (16/6). This year’s event was themed “Exploring the Integration Between Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Corporate Management in Multinational Company”. The activity took place online through Zoom Meeting and was attended by 104 participants.

Inggil Tahta and Vira Dwi as MCs opened the series of events in the morning by reciting basmalah and reading the program schedule. Next, the coordinator of the ERP Laboratory Assistant, Muhammad Zidan Al-Fachri gave his speech. He hoped that this activity could be an opportunity to understand how important ERP science is. “After we have practiced for 6 months, we want to give feedback. Actually what is the future function of what you have done in practicum, how important ERP is in the future world of work,” he said.

Danang ERP Talks

Furthermore, there were remarks by the Head of the ERP Laboratory, Danang Setiawan, S.T., M.T. “ERP Talks is a routine forum of the ERP Laboratory. Usually we invite UII Industrial Engineering alumni who have careers in the ERP field to attend as speakers,” he said.

Tita Safira as the moderator directly guided the material delivery session. Hibatul Wafi Abrar, who is an alumnus of Industrial Engineering UII, was the guest speaker at the event that day. He is currently a Platform Experience Associate at Accenture.

ERP Benefits

“In my opinion, the benefits of ERP are only two, the most impactful. First, Integration & Efficiency, then second, Business Development,” he said.

In Integration & Efficiency, we can see Indomaret as an example. Indomaret’s ERP integrates various business functions for operational efficiency. When a customer buys chocolate, the POS system records the purchase and updates the inventory stock. If the stock is running low, the ERP gives a notification for procurement. These transactions are recorded in the financials in real-time. ERP enables reporting and analytics that help management in decision-making, ensuring a balance between demand and inventory and optimal customer service.

ERP Talks 2024

Next, in Business Development. There are three things that can be highlighted about why ERP affects Business Development. First, ERP helps in real time and insight. The more data you have, you can know what is happening in the field or company. Second, streamlined operations, which is about efficiency and integration. Third, enhance collaboration between divisions. A good ERP system will greatly support companies that want to grow. 

After the presentation of the material was completed, ERP Talks was finalized with a discussion and Q&A session.

Salwa Nur Rahma

Fire Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Training is one of the training programs that aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills to manage fire risks in industrial work environments. Therefore, Industrial Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) in collaboration with Campus Facilities Manager of the Waqf Board Foundation of Universitas Islam Indonesia (PFK YBW UII) and CV. Segala Safety Yogyakarta conducted training for students of batch 2022. The program was held on (15/7) in the courtyard near Ki Bagoes Hadikoesoemo Sports Building (GOR). On this occasion, Chancard Basumerda, S.T., M.Sc., as one of the OHS lecturers accompanied the event.

An introduction to fire and various types of extinguishers was the beginning of this fire OHS training event. Then, the main activity in the training was a simulation of extinguishing a fire using a wet cloth, fire extinguisher, and hydrant. In this activity, the students actively participated in demonstrating how to extinguish the fire properly. The training simulation needs to pay attention to the direction of the wind on the drum that has caught fire.

Next, the resource person from CV. Segala Safety Yogyakarta explained about the types of fire extinguishers (APAR) and their size variations. In this OHS fire training, students use the type of CO2 or carbon dioxide extinguisher and dry powder extinguisher with sizes ranging from 3 kg to 6 kg. In addition, the resource person also explained that there is maintenance for fire extinguishers, one of which is to shake the fire extinguisher once a while.

Furthermore, students also simulated fire extinguishing using hydrants in the courtyard of GOR UII. In the fire safety training, the speaker introduced two types of fire hoses, namely red hose and white hose. This color variation occurs due to differences in the materials they are made of, the white hose is made of burlap sacks and the red hose is made of rubber. With the implementation of this fire safety training program, it is hoped that students can utilize the knowledge and skills they have gained to maintain the safety of themselves and others in the work environment.

Audiamara Vinka

Industrial Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Islam Indonesia once again held EXPO of Work System Design and Ergonomics (WSDE) 2024. The event as the culmination of the Work Systems Design and Ergonomics course took place on (12/7). The exhibition event presents various innovations and projects by students who have studied and implemented ergonomics and work system engineering concepts. The theme of the event was “Revolutionizing Industries: The Impact of AI-Powered Innovation” was held at Hall FTI UII. Lulu Riesta, one of the assistants, revealed that they had prepared everything, such as taking care of the photobooth design, gate, and layout since the beginning of the semester and coordinating every week to find vendors.

Then, Ratih Dianingtyas Kurnia, S.T., Ph.D., as one of the judges in EXPO WSDE 2024 stated, “In my opinion, the students have provided innovation, meaning that the products are very, very interesting. Then, the innovation can also be applied by the community or society now. It’s just that maybe the name is still learning, so it still needs improvement, overall it’s okay.” she said. Then, Aqila Adesti as a participant said, “The impression is exciting, fun, getting new experiences. Previously, I already had experience in DPTI, but here I can explore it more. It’s nice to be able to explain to people, be asked by the judges.” she said.

Impressions and Hopes for EXPO WSDE 2024

Moch. Adib as a visitor to EXPO WSDE 2024 gave an impression as well as input by saying, “Maybe it can be improved again for restrictions from the groups because they are confused. Last year, it was related to the boards so it was clearer, maybe the posters were bigger. The current one is also more crowded, anyway, more exciting and there are many product innovations too.” he explained. In addition, Rifki Nurul added, “For this year’s RSKE, it is very interesting because it raises a very contemporary theme, namely AI, which in this era really needs to digitize everything in order to increase productivity. Maybe ideas like this can be developed again to join competencies and others.” he said.

Latahita Fajar as the chief executive of EXPO WSDE 2024 hopes, “Hopefully for the future EXPO it will be even better and the lack of big pro this year can be completed next year. So, the big pro is also getting better and the practitioners are also more innovative.” he said.

The following is the list of winners in the EXPO Work Systems Design and Ergonomics (WSDE) 2024:

A4Demas Rakha Freeporta22522306Juara 1
Mumtaz Fahd Rifmawan MS.22522307
Rizki Esa Putra Bijaksana22522311
Zahwa Putri Aghniya22522329
C9Insan Akhsani22522040Juara 2
Rifa Damayanti22522080
Inggil Tahta Haritza22522203
Arkan Abbad Falah Wibowo22522231
B1Irma 'Azzah Mutiarani22522354Juara 3
Alifia Rismawati22522362
Fildzah Shabrina22522373
Sevika Putri Indriana22522386
D1Yudhistira Alfarizi22522250Best Expo
Manik Purbo Ulung22522287
Muhammad Sulthansyah Al Fayad22522350
Roro Wening Adiningrum22522374
D12Rangga Pamungkas Putradharma22522284Best Presentation
Arista Prabaningrum22522050
Manda Aprilia22522058
Zafira Ratna Dewi Nastiti22522063
B1Irma 'Azzah Mutiarani22522354Best Prototype
Alifia Rismawati22522362
Fildzah Shabrina22522373
Sevika Putri Indriana22522386

Audiamara Vinka

On Thursday (11/07) the Integrated Industrial System Design (PSIT) course of the Industrial Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Islam Indonesia held a PSIT EXPO that showcased designs from the implementation of the course. The event started at 08.00 WIB until 12.00 WIB which could be attended by UII students. Through this exhibition, participants can showcase their products to the assessment team and visitors to then get stickers. Therefore, participants and visitors were given voting stickers to support their favorite products.

The assessment team was not only from lecturers, but also the Industrial Engineering Study Program invited representatives of the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia, Annisa Rizqi Damayanti, S.T. as well as representatives from the Yogyakarta Craft & Batik Center, and the owner of Cokelat nDalem Wednes Aria Yuda. Mrs. Annisa Rizqi Damayanti as the representative of the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia expressed her impression when attending EXPO PSIT, “It’s very interesting. There are so many works displayed by FTI UII students with innovations offered by students and of course very useful for the development of small industries around Yogyakarta”. She said she was interested in one of the groups that offered a solution by applying a simulation system through an application to get efficient production results. Ms. Annisa hopes that the product innovations on display can be applied directly, so that they can help Indonesia’s industry.

nDalem Chocolate Owner

In a separate interview with the owner of a specialty souvenir business from Yogyakarta, Cokelat nDalem, Wednes Aria Yuda gave his response regarding EXPO PSIT. He mentioned that the participants’ presentations were very good by applying various methodologies for one solution in designing product innovation. However, he also expressed his concern regarding data collection that still uses assumptions without seeing the field directly. “If you don’t take real data, I’m afraid the implementation will not run properly,” he said.

EXPO Impressions

Then, Zahra from the UII International Relations Study Program who was one of the visitors expressed her impression of attending EXPO PSIT, “It’s really exciting, honestly. Because this event does not exist in HI, so it opens up new insights related to the field of industrial engineering and also I learned a lot about product optimization which can open my insight. Thank you very much, tekdus.”

Wawancara Peserta EXPO PSIT

With this exhibition, UII Industrial Engineering students as participants and visitors can add their insights related to finding solutions in solving industrial problems. Participants also gave their impressions in working on product innovation to be exhibited to the general public. Nisrina Faiza Mufid said her impression “This year’s EXPO PSIT activity is very exciting and interesting. Students are required to be able to think systematically and always be innovative.  Honestly, we faced a lot of challenges when working on it. However, Alhamdulillah we got through it all and learned many new things”. Also the impression of another participant, M. Zidan Al-Facri “I’m really happy. As an engineer, I can express the products that I make. The process is very long from the beginning of the semester, so this is the time for us to express the results that we have done”. “PSIT is quite complicated because there are many elements that as engineers we just know, so it’s really difficult to process this. But Alhamdulillah, we are quite happy with the result”.

EXPO PSIT 2024 ran smoothly until the event was over. The majority of participants expressed satisfaction with the innovations brought and hoped that they could help provide industrial solutions in the future.

Rani Novalentina

Alan Bayu Kusuma, a student of Industrial Engineering UII managed to win 3 achievements at once in a short time. The 2023 student won the Grand Finalist / Best Category Award ADHI ICon 2024 with the organizer PT ADHI KARYA (Persero) Tbk. In the competition to create innovations in the construction sector, he along with Ahmad Arro’uf Sulfuadi and Muhamad Salimudin Paripurna focused on the Social Engagement & Safety Environment area with the title of the idea in the form of “Vision-Pro: Smart Glass with Pulse Detector for Better Occupation”.

His second achievement was Bronze Medal (III) in Youthpreneur International Competition 2024 with INVENTIFY Center as the organizer. In the competition that hones entrepreneurial skills, Alan again collaborated with Ahmad Arro’uf Sulfuadi. Furthermore, Alan also made achievements on campus by being awarded the 4th winner of PKM-GFT Idea Challenges Universitas Islam Indonesia 2024. He, Ahmad Arro’uf Sulfuadi as team leader, and colleagues from other study programs produced a creative and innovative idea with the title “SEANERGY: Utilization of Wave and Thermal Seawater as a Renewable Electrical Energy Procurement Strategy Integrated with Internet of Things and Wireless”.

Inevitably, various challenges came in the process of achieving all the awards. “I faced many challenges, especially since this competition is related to product design. So, my colleagues and I also had to make renewable innovations with existing tools. In my opinion, it was tiring because every day I had to research journals to find out about existing developments,” he said. Nevertheless, the student was grateful for working in a compact team. “Alhamdulillah, with a compact team, I was able to get through it all smoothly even though I didn’t get perfect results, but I think every process is worth appreciating,” he added.

Finally, he also gave advice so that other students could win awards in the competition. “Advice from me, do a lot of research and be sensitive to your surroundings because I think if you are sensitive to your surroundings, especially the world of technology, you will definitely be able to create fantastic ideas.” he concluded.

Audiamara Vinka

Monthly Webinar TI 5 Juli

The Industrial Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Islam Indonesia held another National Monthly Webinar on Friday (05/07) with the theme of ergonomics by Ir. Hartomo, M.Sc., Ph.D. IPU, ASEAN.Eng, online through Zoom meetings. This third episode of the National Monthly Webinar discusses how to foster an ergonomic work culture through affective design.

A total of 80 participants from students of the Industrial Engineering Department and the general public participated in this webinar. This event was hosted by Mukhlishin Abdullah as MC and Mrs. Sayyidah Maulidatul Afraah, S.T., M.T. as moderator. The webinar, which started at exactly 09.00 WIB, began with singing the Indonesia Raya and UII Hymns, as well as reading a brief profile of the speakers.

Monthly Webinar TI 5 Juli

Mr. Hartomo explained that manual activities and excessive use of computer technology can put a burden on workers. “Of course, this burden will put a pressure on our bodies, both physically and mentally. This pressure has the potential to cause discomfort at work, if it exceeds the limits of the person doing the work”.

Furthermore, he revealed that every human being wants to work healthily and safely. However, all work is bound to cause mild or severe illness. According to KEPPRES No.22 Year 1993 Article 1, diseases arising from work relations are diseases caused by work or the work environment. “When someone works safely and securely, there are no incidents, no accidents, or it is called no accident.” he said.

Therefore, he stated that ergonomics is a branch of science that deals with the optimal relationship between work and the work environment using the parameters of a comfortable environment. Thus, affective design is needed to foster pleasure and fondness in a job.

Furthermore, entering the question and answer session by inviting participants to ask questions related to the material presented by Mr. Ir. Hartomo. The National Monthly Webinar ended smoothly with a documentation session closed by the MC of the event.

Rani Novalentina

Kunjungan (Visit) Usahid Solo

Industrial Engineering of Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) received a benchmarking visit from Industrial Engineering of Sahid University Surakarta (Usahid Solo) on Monday (8/7). Representatives from UII Industrial Engineering warmly welcomed the 29 guests who came that morning at Learning Space 2 FTI UII. Present at the meeting was the Head of the USS Industrial Engineering Study Program, Anita Oktaviana Trisna Devi, S.T., M.T., along with several representatives of USS Industrial Engineering lecturers and students. 

Opening and delivering remarks, the Head of the UII Industrial Engineering Department, Dr. Drs. Imam Djati Widodo, M.Eng.Sc. welcomed the visiting guests. Furthermore, Anita Oktaviana expressed the purpose and expectation of this visit in her speech. She said, “We want to try to apply the values at UII in our study program, so that later we can move faster for the better. One of them is related to learning, academics, and laboratories.”

Next, there was the presentation of the academic process by Dr. Drs. Imam Djati Widodo, M.Eng.Sc. Then continued to the explanation of the Fast Track program by the Head of the UII Industrial Engineering Master Program, Winda Nur Cahyo, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. Finally, the explanation of the MBKM program by the Secretary of the UII Industrial Engineering Bachelor Program, Annisa Uswatun Khasanah, S.T., M.Sc. At the end of the presentation of the material, there was a Q&A session and discussion between the attendees.

Kunjungan (Visit) Usahid Solo

As a memento, the activity continued with the handover of souvenirs between UII Industrial Engineering and Usahid Solo Industrial Engineering by each representative. After that, the group together with Ir. Muhammad Ridwan Andi Purnomo, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPM. as the Head of the Industrial Engineering Department of UII, Ira Promasanti Rachmadewi, Ir., M.Eng., IPU as the Secretary of the International Program of Industrial Engineering UII, and several other lecturers toured the laboratories and facilities owned by Industrial Engineering UII. Some visiting guests also tried to simulate the tools available in each laboratory.

Salwa Nur Rahma

Team Tim Multipin Salep

The PKM-Kewirausahaan (Entrepreneurship) team of Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) consisting of students from the Industrial Engineering and Pharmacy majors succeeded in making innovative ointment products. The team consists of Mumtaz Fahd Rifmawan Ms, Andi Muh Khaidir Resqullah, Muhammad Arif Fadhillah, Sofa Tasya Kamila, and Khanza Adinda Salsabila. Under the guidance of Ir. Muchamad Sugarindra, S.T., M.T.I., IPM, the team succeeded in creating an innovation titled “Multipin Salep: Innovation of Kalanchoe Pinnata and Jatropha Multifida Extract Ointment with Jasmine Scent as Wound Therapy Using Grassroots Campaign Strategy”.

Multipin ointment is a wound ointment product derived from the plants Kalanchoe Pinnata (cocor bebek) and (Jatropha Multifida) jarak tintir which have been proven as plants that have properties in wound healing. This ointment also has no side effects because it uses herbal ingredients and also has the advantage of having a jasmine flower aroma.

The idea for this product arose because abrasions and cuts are often experienced by many people in Indonesia, and many of them still rely on traditional medicine or herbs. By using natural ingredients from herbal plants, this wound ointment has the advantage of a lower risk of side effects compared to chemical products. The selected herbs are jarak tintir (Jatropha multifida Linn) and cocor bebek (Kalanchoe pinnata Lamk) due to their beneficial content in wound healing. Jarak tintir contains anti-bacterial substances such as alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, and saponins. Meanwhile, cocor bebek leaves contain flavonoids, steroids, saponins, and tannins that have anti-inflammatory effects or reduce inflammation. In addition, this product uses jasmine essential oil to provide a distinctive jasmine floral aroma.

The preparation of this ointment goes through three main stages, which are the making of simplisia powder, extracts, and ointment preparations. The preparation of Multipin ointment begins with washing, slicing, and drying the leaves of cocor bebek and jarak tintir. The dried simplisia was pulverized and stored. The powdered simplisia was then extracted with 96% ethanol for three days, filtered, and evaporated to obtain a thick extract. To make the ointment, Cera Alba and Vaselin Album were melted, then mixed with extracts, preservatives, glycerin, and jasmine essential oil until homogeneous. The finished ointment was put into a tube and labeled.

In conducting marketing strategies, Multipin Ointment products conduct online and offline marketing. Online marketing is done through social media and e-commerce such as Shopee. Meanwhile, for offline media through partner cooperation with a grassroots campaign strategy, namely working with pharmacies and traditional herbal medicine stores in marketing products.