The laboratory which stands under the Industrial Engineering Study Program of the Islamic University of Indonesia has the main objective as a pillar to overshadow the scientific groups that exist in Industrial Engineering, namely Industrial Management Systems, Operation Research, Ergonomics, and Production Systems so that 6 laboratories are formed namely Manufacturing Systems Laboratory, Design Laboratory Work and Ergonomics, Laboratory of Industrial Statistics and Optimization, Laboratory of Innovation and Organizational Development, Modeling and Simulation Laboratories, and SAP Enterprise Resource Planning Laboratory so that it is expected to be able to produce graduates who are able to play a role in society or the world of work by bringing three graduate profiles namely noble morals, problems solver, and innovative as an outcome of education.

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  • laboraturium sistem manufaktur teknik industri uii

Manufacturing Systems Laboratory (SIMAN)

This laboratory provides skills and specialization to students in production planning and control and Production Floor management. Designing product forms, producing, assembling products, calculating inventory and total labor, making scheduling, carrying out product control and others assisted by computer equipment

Laboratorium Desain Sistem Kerja & Ergonomi (DSKE)

Laboratorium ini memberikan ketrampilan dan spesialisasi pada penerapan konsep aplikasi perancangan sistem kerja guna mencapai suatu tingkat produktifitas tertentu, ergonomi, serta aspek aspek yang mempengaruhinya terutama aspek fisiologis maupun lingkungan

Industrial Statistics & Optimization Laboratory (SIOP)

The laboratory provides detailed skills and specializations regarding the use of various models and statistical methods in solving problems in the industrial world. Then proceed to provide specialization to solve problems with some form of optimization models and mathematical modeling

Industrial Modeling and Simulation Laboratory (DELSIM)

This laboratory provides the skills and specialization in simulating industrial systems and services as well as business management. All practicums are carried out with the help of computers. The two mechanisms of the practicum mechanism are system analysis and Industrial Games

Enterprice Resource Planning (ERP) Laboratory

This laboratory provides the skills and specialization of Enterprice Resource Planning whose systems are used by almost all companies both inside and outside the country. This laboratory provides international certification that is recognized throughout the world

Organizational Innovation and Development Laboratory (IPO)

This laboratory provides skills and specialization about industrial systems and management innovations such as organizational development, facility layout in industry and their effects on worker performance and production costs