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The UII FTI Industrial Engineering Study Program hosted another National Monthly Webinar on Friday (02/8). The fourth national webinar, titled “Circular Product Design: Principles and Recent Advances,” featured Sri Indrawati, S.T., M.Eng., as the guest speaker. The webinar focused on the ideas and characteristics of circular product design for a more sustainable future. The event was attended by 62 people online via Zoom Meeting, including UII Industrial Engineering academics and members of the general public. Nada Putri Fauziyah, the MC, began the webinar series at 09:00 WIB. Furthermore, the moderator, Sayyidah Maulidatul Afraah, S.T., M.T., provided a quick introduction by reading the speakers’ CVs before starting the material session.

In her presentation, Sri Indrawati explained that the concept of circular economy emerged as a response to many issues raised by the linear economy’s “take, make, dispose” model. These issues encouraged the development of the circular economy, an economic model that promotes a wiser and more sustainable approach by reducing consumption while increasing resource reuse. 

“In this way, we can ensure that future generations still have access to the same wealth of resources,” she said. Sri Indrawati also explained how the circular economy changes the economic paradigm to “make, use, recycle.”

Furthermore, she mentioned that Circular Product Design is the process of designing products that can operate constantly in a closed cycle. It aims to increase the product’s life cycle by reducing waste and returning raw materials and components into the system as new resources. A product is considered circular if it can keep its value throughout its life cycle and fits certain characteristics, such as being reusable, recyclable, remanufactured, refurbished, or including recycled materials. Circular products that already exist in society include products without packaging, recharging stations, and MUD Jeans, a fashion brand that offers jeans made from 40% fabric waste.

Circular Product Design

In the end, she noted that research on circular products would continue to grow, as the three main strategies of circular products—slowing, closing, narrowing—can increase the potential of achieving the SDGs. The development of circular product innovation must continue in order to create economic opportunities and a more sustainable as well as better future. She hopes that the circular product principle will be developed not only theoretically, but also practically. The moderator wrapped up the webinar with a Q&A session about circular products that are already available in society.

Syawarani Gayatri

Program Studi Teknik Industri FTI UII kembali menyelenggarakan National Monthly Webinar pada Jumat (02/08). Mengusung tema “Desain Produk Sirkular: Prinsip dan Kemajuan Terkini,” webinar nasional keempat ini menghadirkan Sri Indrawati, S.T., M.Eng., sebagai narasumber. Webinar berfokus pada pembahasan prinsip dan karakteristik desain produk sirkular untuk mencapai masa depan yang berkelanjutan. Sebanyak 62 partisipan, termasuk akademisi Teknik Industri UII dan masyarakat umum, mengikuti kegiatan ini secara daring melalui Zoom Meeting. MC, Nada Putri Fauziyah membuka rangkaian webinar pada pukul 09.00 WIB. Selanjutnya, moderator, Sayyidah Maulidatul Afraah, S.T., M.T., memberikan pengantar singkat dengan membacakan CV narasumber sebelum memasuki sesi materi.

Dalam presentasinya, Sri Indrawati menjelaskan bahwa konsep ekonomi sirkular muncul sebagai respons terhadap berbagai masalah yang muncul dari konsep “take, make, dispose” pada ekonomi linear. Permasalahan ini mendorong berkembangnya pemikiran mengenai ekonomi sirkular, yaitu sebuah model ekonomi yang menawarkan pendekatan lebih bijaksana dan berkelanjutan dengan meminimalkan konsumsi dan memaksimalkan penggunaan ulang sumber daya. 

“Dengan cara ini, kita dapat memastikan generasi mendatang masih memiliki akses terhadap kekayaan sumber daya yang sama,” ujarnya. Beliau juga menjelaskan bahwa ekonomi sirkular mengubah paradigma ekonomi menjadi “make, use, recycle.”

Selanjutnya, beliau menjelaskan bahwa Circular Product Design merujuk pada perancangan produk yang dapat terus beroperasi dalam siklus tertutup. Hal ini bertujuan memperpanjang siklus hidup produk dengan meminimalkan limbah dan mengembalikan bahan baku serta komponen ke dalam sistem sebagai sumber daya baru. Produk dikatakan sebagai produk sirkular jika dapat mempertahankan value-nya sepanjang siklus hidup serta memenuhi karakteristik, seperti reusable, recyclable, remanufactured, refurbished, atau termasuk recycled product. Contoh produk sirkular yang telah ada di masyarakat meliputi produk tanpa kemasan, stasiun pengisian ulang, dan MUD Jeans, merek fashion yang menjual jeans dengan 40% bahannya berasal dari limbah kain jeans.

Circular Product Design

Sebagai penutup, Beliau menyampaikan bahwa penelitian mengenai produk sirkular akan terus berkembang, mengingat tiga strategi utama produk sirkular—slowing, closing, dan narrowing—dapat meningkatkan potensi tercapainya SDGs. Pengembangan inovasi produk sirkular perlu dilanjutkan untuk membuka peluang ekonomi serta mencapai masa depan yang berkelanjutan dan lebih baik. Beliau berharap prinsip produk sirkular tidak hanya berkembang dalam teori, tetapi juga dalam praktik. Moderator mengakhiri webinar dengan sesi tanya jawab yang membahas seputar produk sirkular yang sudah ada dalam masyarakat.

 Syawarani Gayatri

Nada Putri Fauziyah, a student of Industrial Engineering at Universitas Islam Indonesia (TI UII), won the Best Student Paper award at the International Conference on Green Technology and Sustainable Development (GTSD) 2024 by HCMC University of Technology and Education as the organizer on July 25-26, 2024 in Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. In this prestigious conference, Nada compiled a paper with other friends, Mutia Putri Gaisani, Prita Nurkhalisa, and Roaida Yanti with the title “Understanding Consumer Behavior and Market Segmentation using Non-Hierarchical Clustering Method: A Case Study of Café Culturehead in Yogyakarta” which raised the theme of Data Management and Machine Learning, one of the 35 themes available at the conference.

Nada’s Preparation

To prepare her presentation, Nada took about two months. “I started compiling and submitting papers since May and in June I received an acceptance notification for the opportunity to present at HCMC University of Technology and Education,” said Nada. There were two modes of presentation, offline on July 25 and online on July 26. She chose to present offline on July 25 and managed to bring home the Best Student Paper award on the same night.

Preparing for the conference was not easy. “Because I really want to participate in competitions or activities that are international, I tried to ask Mr. Qurtubi who is one of UII’s IT lecturers. There I was given several choices of international conferences, and fell on the choice of GTSD 2024. Then, Mutia and Prita and I wrote the paper together,” she said. After going through various obstacles, Nada received support from friends, family, and alumni, including Yanti as a 2019 Industrial Engineering alumni who became the fourth co-author and accompanied her to Vietnam.

Best Student Paper

Nada’s Message to Other Students

Then, Nada also gave a message to other students who wanted to take part in a similar competition. “Opportunities don’t come twice. If given the time and ability to follow and try new experiences, why not? Never be afraid to try and totality without limits to make UII proud from the Industrial Engineering Study Program,” she said. He also emphasized the importance of not feeling inferior to one’s abilities and to always try to achieve dreams. Nada Putri Fauziyah has brought the good name of UII and Industrial Engineering study program to the international arena. This proves that Indonesian students are able to compete at the global level.

Rani Novalentina

Nada Putri Fauziyah, mahasiswa Teknik Industri Universitas Islam Indonesia (TI UII), meraih penghargaan Best Student Paper dalam ajang International Conference on Green Technology and Sustainable Development (GTSD) 2024 oleh HCMC University of Technology and Education sebagai penyelenggara pada 25-26 Juli 2024 di Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Dalam konferensi bergengsi ini, Nada menyusun paper bersama teman lainnya, Mutia Putri Gaisani, Prita Nurkhalisa, dan Roaida Yanti dengan judul “Understanding Consumer Behavior and Market Segmentation using Non-Hierarchical Clustering Method: A Case Study of Café Culturehead in Yogyakarta” yang mengangkat tema Data Management and Machine Learning, salah satu dari 35 tema yang tersedia dalam konferensi tersebut.

Persiapan Nada

Untuk mempersiapkan presentasinya, Nada membutuhkan waktu sekitar dua bulan. “Saya mulai menyusun dan mengirimkan paper sejak bulan Mei dan pada bulan Juni saya mendapat notifikasi acceptance untuk berkesempatan presentasi di HCMC University of Technology and Education,” ujar Nada. Terdapat dua mode dalam melaksanakan presentasi, yaitu offline pada 25 Juli dan online pada 26 Juli. Ia memilih untuk melakukan presentasi secara offline pada 25 Juli dan berhasil membawa pulang penghargaan Best Student Paper pada malam yang sama.

Persiapan untuk konferensi ini tidaklah mudah. “Karena aku pingin banget ikut kompetisi atau kegiatan yang berbau international, aku mencoba buat tanya-tanya ke Pak Qurtubi yang merupakan salah satu dosen TI UII. Di sana aku dikasih beberapa pilihan conference internasional, dan jatuhlah pada pilihan GTSD 2024. Terus di situ aku sama Mutia dan Prita nyusun paper bareng” ujarnya. Setelah melalui berbagai kendala, Nada mendapat dukungan dari teman-teman, keluarga, dan para alumni, termasuk Yanti selaku alumni Teknik Industri 2019 yang menjadi co-author keempat dan ikut mendampinginya ke Vietnam.

Pesan Nada untuk Mahasiswa Lainnya

Best Student Paper

Kemudian, Nada juga memberikan pesan kepada mahasiswa lain yang ingin mengikuti lomba serupa. “Kesempatan tidak datang dua kali. Jika diberikan waktu dan kemampuan untuk mengikuti dan mencoba pengalaman baru, why not? Jangan pernah takut untuk mencoba dan totalitas tanpa batas untuk mengharumkan nama baik UII dari Prodi Teknik Industri” pesannya. Ia juga menekankan pentingnya tidak merasa minder dengan kemampuan diri dan untuk selalu berusaha mencapai impian. Nada Putri Fauziyah telah membawa nama baik UII dan prodi Teknik Industri ke kancah internasional. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa mahasiswa Indonesia mampu bersaing ke tingkat global.

Rani Novalentina

Industrial Engineering Study Program of Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) recently held a discussion on (6/7) with various stakeholders to formulate curriculum changes. The Head of the Undergraduate Program, Ir. Muhammad Ridwan Andi Purnomo, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPM, led the discussion with the Head of the Curriculum Team, Dr. Harwati, S.T., M.T., and team members Wahyudhi Sutrisno, S.T., M.M., M.T. and Danang Setiawan, S.T., M.T.. Chairman of IKATI (Industrial Engineering Alumni Family Association) UII, Agham Satria Pristiwaji and several alumni were also present to provide input.

“We think that our graduates will be used for industry. Therefore, we need input from the industry,” said Ir. Muhammad Ridwan Andi Purnomo. 

For this reason, a meeting with alumni was held to get various inputs on how the curriculum should be designed. The curriculum team has prepared an initial draft which will then be refined based on input from industry and alumni. “Our alumni profile is not only in one sector, such as the manufacturing industry, services, government, consultants, and even entrepreneurs,” he added. The discussion brought together all these elements to provide comprehensive input. 

Curriculum Keywords

Various inputs from the discussion will then be summarized into keywords that will animate the course design in each semester. One of the potential keywords is the ability of students to convey ideas effectively. “Industrial Engineering students must be able to integrate the system as a whole and convey the integration idea well,” he said. Therefore, the future curriculum may provide more opportunities for students to convey ideas through presentations that are also assessed from the media used. 

The next potential keyword was feedback on the importance of IT skills, especially mastery of Microsoft Excel. Therefore, we are planning a new elective course, Spreadsheet Modeling. “Modeling industrial cases using Excel. How to understand cases, which parameters are decision variables, and use Excel tools,” he explained.

UII Industrial Engineering Study Program hopes to produce a curriculum that is relevant, adaptive, and provides added value to all related parties.

Salwa Nur Rahma

In order to prepare fresh graduates to enter the working world, UII Industrial Engineering Study Program once again held a briefing agenda for prospective graduates. The event with the theme “Step Towards a Successful Career in the Digital Age” was held in Learning Space 2 FTI UII on Wednesday (24/7).

Anggun Galuh as the MC opened the activities in the morning by reciting basmalah and reading the program schedule. Then, the event continued by singing Indonesia Raya and UII Hymn together. Furthermore, there were remarks by the Head of the UII Industrial Engineering Undergraduate Program, Ir. Muhammad Ridwan Andi Purnomo, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPM. He hoped that the waiting time for UII Industrial Engineering graduates to get their first job would not exceed three months. 

“This is the last program given by the study program.  To be able to find a job, we need to look good to potential ‘users’. Therefore, we will hear sharing from our alumni on what needs to be prepared,” he said. 

Furthermore, the event entered the material delivery session. The MC started the session by introducing the speaker’s CV. Adhi Krisyasuda, S.T. who is an alumnus of Industrial Engineering UII was the speaker at the morning event. Now, he is a Director at PT Ebliethos Digital Indonesia.

He delivered some tips to start a career for fresh graduates. First, utilize technology, to expand professional networks and access career opportunities. Second, flexible working, allowing to organize your own time according to your interests to build a portfolio. Third, engagement and collaboration, looking for a career place that provides space to accommodate new ideas and innovation. Fourth, continuing education, looking for a career place that supports self-development and provides space for learning. Fifth, work-life balance, which is a person’s ability to balance their responsibilities at work, personal needs, and spiritual needs.

After that, there was a second presentation of material by Walid Jumlad S.Psi., M.Psi., Psikolog. from the Directorate of Career Development and Alumni of UII. He conveyed how graduates can prepare for the world of work. In this case, adaptation is very important to hone skills in meeting company criteria. This can be started by creating an attractive CV. After that, the participants were invited to conduct interview exercises with the speakers.

Finally, a photo session with the speakers closed the graduation debriefing activity that afternoon.

The following is a list of prospective graduates in Graduation Period VI Academic Year 2023/2024:

117522049Muhammad Hasby Aditya Pradana
217522059Nindya Niti Salma
317522137Aldhey Wahyu Pratama
417522198Ananta Wikrama Adi Purwaka
517522208Muhamad Umar
617522244Moh. Abyan Zakly
717522254Febiyanto Wibowo
818522043Muhammad Abid Sutisna
918522237Nabila Arista
1019522001Muzaki Akbar Adjie Puntodewo
1119522042Rillo Pambudi
1219522051Belinda Eko Wati
1319522071Rizki Agung Wibowo
1419522075Laundra Rasyadan Pratomo
1519522210Fauzil Fikri
1619522252Muhammad Rauful Mu'afiq
1719522305Ginayuh Sigit
1819522318Kinan Wira Prastha
1919522324Nuraisyah Shafira Meilina
2019522350Muhammad Tri Rahffi
2119522396Najla Tya Luqyana
2220522025Zahra Aulia Sadtomo
2320522028Isnain Ramadhan Kadafi Solihin
2420522044Meitarisha Viandrina
2520522055Amelia Evita Alam
2620522074Berliana Frisca Azzahra
2720522162Rafly Putra Dwitama
2820522165Ayu Najla Syahirah
2920522172Muhammad Taufiq Alhaj
3020522203Veni Alvionita
3120522259Muhamad Risyad Nur Hikmal
3220522262Kurniawan Widya Wardana
3320522267Muhammad Abdul Ghoffar Lahindra
3420522289Asshyifa Muthi'a Syafira
3520522306Putri Callista Rahma
3620522314Agri Nugraha
3720522338Daffa Elvira Ariellistiany
3820522351Aghniya Salsabila
3920522353Hario Seno
4020522355Ardhini Ramadhani Yusri
4120522360Fadhil Adita Ramadhan
4220522364Fadhillah Fikri
4320522370Devina Inayah Iryani
4420522373Aura Afika Ghayatri

Dalam rangka mempersiapkan fresh graduate memasuki dunia kerja, Program Studi Teknik Industri UII kembali melaksanakan agenda pembekalan calon wisudawan. Acara bertemakan “Step Towards a Successful Career in the Digital Age” tersebut terlaksana di Ruang Learning Space 2 FTI UII pada Rabu (24/7).

Anggun Galuh selaku MC membuka kegiatan pada pagi hari tersebut dengan melafadzkan basmalah dan membaca susunan acara. Kemudian, acara berlanjut dengan menyanyikan lagu Indonesia Raya dan Hymne UII secara bersama-sama. Selanjutnya, terdapat sambutan oleh Ketua Program Studi Program Sarjana Teknik Industri UII, Ir. Muhammad Ridwan Andi Purnomo, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPM. Beliau berharap waktu tunggu wisudawan Teknik Industri UII untuk mendapat pekerjaan pertama tidak lebih dari tiga bulan. 

“Ini adalah program terakhir yang diberikan oleh prodi.  Untuk bisa mencari kerja, kita perlu terlihat baik oleh para calon ‘pengguna kita’. Oleh karena itu, kita akan mendengar sharing dari alumni kita mengenai apa yang perlu dipersiapkan,” ujar beliau. 

Lebih lanjut, acara masuk ke sesi penyampaian materi. MC memulai jalannya sesi ini dengan memperkenalkan CV pembicara. Adhi Krisyasuda, S.T. yang merupakan alumni Teknik Industri UII menjadi pembicara pada acara pagi hari tersebut. Sekarang, beliau merupakan Direktur di PT Ebliethos Digital Indonesia.

Beliau menyampaikan beberapa tips untuk memulai karir bagi para fresh graduate. Pertama, pemanfaatan teknologi, untuk memperluas jaringan profesional dan mengakses peluang karir. Kedua, kerja fleksibel, memungkinkan untuk mengatur waktu sendiri sesuai dengan minat untuk membangun portofolio. Ketiga, keterlibatan dan kolaborasi, mencari tempat berkarir yang memberikan ruang untuk menampung ide-ide baru dan inovasi. Keempat, pendidikan berkelanjutan, mencari tempat berkarir yang mendukung pengembangan diri dan menyediakan ruang untuk belajar. Kelima, work life balance, yaitu kemampuan seseorang dalam menyeimbangkan tanggung jawabnya dalam pekerjaan, kebutuhan pribadi, dan kebutuhan spiritual.

Setelah itu, terdapat penyampaian materi kedua oleh Walid Jumlad S.Psi., M.Psi., Psikolog. dari Direktorat Pengembangan Karir dan Alumni UII. Beliau menyampaikan terkait bagaimana wisudawan bisa bersiap menghadapi dunia kerja. Dalam hal ini, adaptasi sangat penting untuk mengasah keterampilan dalam memenuhi kriteria perusahaan. Hal tersebut dapat dimulai dengan membuat CV yang menarik. Setelah itu, peserta pembekalan diajak untuk melakukan latihan interview dengan narasumber.

Terakhir, sesi foto bersama dengan narasumber menjadi penutup kegiatan pembekalan wisuda siang hari itu.

Berikut merupakan daftar calon wisudawan pada Wisuda Periode VI Tahun Akademik 2023/2024:

117522049Muhammad Hasby Aditya Pradana
217522059Nindya Niti Salma
317522137Aldhey Wahyu Pratama
417522198Ananta Wikrama Adi Purwaka
517522208Muhamad Umar
617522244Moh. Abyan Zakly
717522254Febiyanto Wibowo
818522043Muhammad Abid Sutisna
918522237Nabila Arista
1019522001Muzaki Akbar Adjie Puntodewo
1119522042Rillo Pambudi
1219522051Belinda Eko Wati
1319522071Rizki Agung Wibowo
1419522075Laundra Rasyadan Pratomo
1519522210Fauzil Fikri
1619522252Muhammad Rauful Mu'afiq
1719522305Ginayuh Sigit
1819522318Kinan Wira Prastha
1919522324Nuraisyah Shafira Meilina
2019522350Muhammad Tri Rahffi
2119522396Najla Tya Luqyana
2220522025Zahra Aulia Sadtomo
2320522028Isnain Ramadhan Kadafi Solihin
2420522044Meitarisha Viandrina
2520522055Amelia Evita Alam
2620522074Berliana Frisca Azzahra
2720522162Rafly Putra Dwitama
2820522165Ayu Najla Syahirah
2920522172Muhammad Taufiq Alhaj
3020522203Veni Alvionita
3120522259Muhamad Risyad Nur Hikmal
3220522262Kurniawan Widya Wardana
3320522267Muhammad Abdul Ghoffar Lahindra
3420522289Asshyifa Muthi'a Syafira
3520522306Putri Callista Rahma
3620522314Agri Nugraha
3720522338Daffa Elvira Ariellistiany
3820522351Aghniya Salsabila
3920522353Hario Seno
4020522355Ardhini Ramadhani Yusri
4120522360Fadhil Adita Ramadhan
4220522364Fadhillah Fikri
4320522370Devina Inayah Iryani
4420522373Aura Afika Ghayatri

ERP Talks

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Laboratory, Industrial Engineering UII held their annual agenda, ERP Talks on Tuesday (16/6). This year’s event was themed “Exploring the Integration Between Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Corporate Management in Multinational Company”. The activity took place online through Zoom Meeting and was attended by 104 participants.

Inggil Tahta and Vira Dwi as MCs opened the series of events in the morning by reciting basmalah and reading the program schedule. Next, the coordinator of the ERP Laboratory Assistant, Muhammad Zidan Al-Fachri gave his speech. He hoped that this activity could be an opportunity to understand how important ERP science is. “After we have practiced for 6 months, we want to give feedback. Actually what is the future function of what you have done in practicum, how important ERP is in the future world of work,” he said.

Danang ERP Talks

Furthermore, there were remarks by the Head of the ERP Laboratory, Danang Setiawan, S.T., M.T. “ERP Talks is a routine forum of the ERP Laboratory. Usually we invite UII Industrial Engineering alumni who have careers in the ERP field to attend as speakers,” he said.

Tita Safira as the moderator directly guided the material delivery session. Hibatul Wafi Abrar, who is an alumnus of Industrial Engineering UII, was the guest speaker at the event that day. He is currently a Platform Experience Associate at Accenture.

ERP Benefits

“In my opinion, the benefits of ERP are only two, the most impactful. First, Integration & Efficiency, then second, Business Development,” he said.

In Integration & Efficiency, we can see Indomaret as an example. Indomaret’s ERP integrates various business functions for operational efficiency. When a customer buys chocolate, the POS system records the purchase and updates the inventory stock. If the stock is running low, the ERP gives a notification for procurement. These transactions are recorded in the financials in real-time. ERP enables reporting and analytics that help management in decision-making, ensuring a balance between demand and inventory and optimal customer service.

ERP Talks 2024

Next, in Business Development. There are three things that can be highlighted about why ERP affects Business Development. First, ERP helps in real time and insight. The more data you have, you can know what is happening in the field or company. Second, streamlined operations, which is about efficiency and integration. Third, enhance collaboration between divisions. A good ERP system will greatly support companies that want to grow. 

After the presentation of the material was completed, ERP Talks was finalized with a discussion and Q&A session.

Salwa Nur Rahma

Fire Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Training is one of the training programs that aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills to manage fire risks in industrial work environments. Therefore, Industrial Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) in collaboration with Campus Facilities Manager of the Waqf Board Foundation of Universitas Islam Indonesia (PFK YBW UII) and CV. Segala Safety Yogyakarta conducted training for students of batch 2022. The program was held on (15/7) in the courtyard near Ki Bagoes Hadikoesoemo Sports Building (GOR). On this occasion, Chancard Basumerda, S.T., M.Sc., as one of the OHS lecturers accompanied the event.

An introduction to fire and various types of extinguishers was the beginning of this fire OHS training event. Then, the main activity in the training was a simulation of extinguishing a fire using a wet cloth, fire extinguisher, and hydrant. In this activity, the students actively participated in demonstrating how to extinguish the fire properly. The training simulation needs to pay attention to the direction of the wind on the drum that has caught fire.

Next, the resource person from CV. Segala Safety Yogyakarta explained about the types of fire extinguishers (APAR) and their size variations. In this OHS fire training, students use the type of CO2 or carbon dioxide extinguisher and dry powder extinguisher with sizes ranging from 3 kg to 6 kg. In addition, the resource person also explained that there is maintenance for fire extinguishers, one of which is to shake the fire extinguisher once a while.

Furthermore, students also simulated fire extinguishing using hydrants in the courtyard of GOR UII. In the fire safety training, the speaker introduced two types of fire hoses, namely red hose and white hose. This color variation occurs due to differences in the materials they are made of, the white hose is made of burlap sacks and the red hose is made of rubber. With the implementation of this fire safety training program, it is hoped that students can utilize the knowledge and skills they have gained to maintain the safety of themselves and others in the work environment.

Audiamara Vinka

Training Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3) Kebakaran merupakan salah satu program pelatihan yang bertujuan memberi pengetahuan dan keterampilan untuk mengelola risiko kebakaran pada lingkungan kerja industri. Program Studi Teknik Industri Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) bekerja sama dengan Pengelola Fasilitas Kampus Yayasan Badan Wakaf Universitas Islam Indonesia (PFK YBW UII) dan CV. Segala Safety Yogyakarta melaksanakan pelatihan untuk mahasiswa angkatan 2022. Program tersebut diselenggarakan pada (15/7) di pelataran dekat Gedung Olahraga (GOR) Ki Bagoes Hadikoesoemo. Pada kesempatan ini, Chancard Basumerda, S.T., M.Sc., selaku salah satu dosen pengampu mata kuliah K3 mendampingi jalannya acara tersebut.

Pengenalan mengenai api dan berbagai jenis alat pemadam merupakan awal dari acara training K3 kebakaran ini. Kemudian, kegiatan utama dalam pelatihan tersebut adalah simulasi memadamkan api menggunakan kain basah, APAR, dan hydrant. Dalam kegiatan ini, para mahasiswa dan mahasiswi turut serta secara aktif untuk mendemonstrasikan upaya pemadaman api dengan benar. Simulasi pelatihan perlu memperhatikan arah gerak angin pada drum yang telah terbakar.

Seterusnya, narasumber dari CV. Segala Safety Yogyakarta menjelaskan mengenai jenis-jenis APAR (Alat Pemadan Api Ringan) beserta variasi ukurannya. Pada training K3 kebakaran ini mahasiswa menggunakan jenis APAR CO2 atau karbon dioksida dan APAR dry powder dengan ukuran mulai dari 3 kg hingga 6 kg. Selain itu, narasumber juga memaparkan bahwa terdapat maintenance untuk APAR, salah satunya adalah melakukan pengguncangan APAR beberapa waktu sekali.

Selanjutnya, mahasiswa juga melakukan simulasi pemadaman menggunakan hydrant yang ada pada halaman GOR UII. Pada training K3 kebakaran itu, pembicara memperkenalkan dua jenis selang pemadam kebakaran, yakni selang merah dan selang putih. Variasi warna ini terjadi akibat perbedaan bahan pembuatnya, selang putih terbuat dari karung goni dan selang merah terbuat dari karet. Dengan terlaksananya program training K3 kebakaran ini, harapannya mahasiswa dapat memanfaatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang mereka peroleh untuk menjaga keselamatan diri sendiri dan orang lain pada lingkungan kerja.

Audiamara Vinka