Industrial Engineering UII is proud to receive an announcement that 6 of its students passed PKM 2024 funding. This success is a clear proof of the dedication and hard work of the students in developing creative and innovative ideas that benefit the community. Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa (PKM) is an event that supports the development of the potential of Indonesian students in applying science and technology for the progress of the nation. This competition is the initial stage towards the Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa Nasional (PIMNAS) to compete with other universities for awards and make achievements. Industrial Engineering UII students who passed are divided into 4 groups with 3 different schemes, namely PKM-K, PKM-RE, and PKM-RSH.

One of the students who became the head of the PKM team that passed the funding, Mumtaz Fahd Rifmawan MS., felt overwhelming happiness for this achievement. “I feel very happy and grateful to Allah because this is my first experience to participate in PKM and it immediately passed to the funding stage. I would also like to thank my fellow team members who have struggled together in preparing the proposal,” he said. In order to achieve this achievement, he said not to forget to intend seriously and ask for blessings from parents.

Of course, he hopes and dreams with his team to be able to qualify for PIMNAS. Meanwhile, in the process of preparing the proposal, Mumtaz also received a lot of input to improve the proposal from his supervisor. In fact, thanks to this, his team can be even more active in discussions and brainstorming to get the best solution.

On this occasion, Ir. Ali Parkhan, M.T., expressed his joy for his students’ achievements. “The feeling is like a parent towards their child, if their child has an achievement, they are happy. But actually it is the students themselves who really play a role. Many IE students are already great, not their mentors,” he said. Then, he also hopes that all students who qualify for PKM 2024 funding can return home with a victory medal. This achievement is also an inspiration for other students to continue to develop their potential and creativity. 

Here is the list of students who passed the 2024 Student Creativity Program (PKM) funding:

NumberSchemeNameNIMProposal Title
1PKM-KAndi Nurulyunisa Permata Sari Pettalolo22522327Glasses Smart Patch Sebagai Prevention System Miopia dan Hipermetropia Terintegrasi Internet of Things Berbasis Website
2Mumtaz Fahd Rifmawan MS. 22522307Multipin Salep: Inovasi Salep Ekstrak Kalanchoe Pinnata dan Jatropha Multifida dengan Aroma Jasmine Sebagai Terapi Luka Menggunakan Strategi Grassroots Campaign
3Andi Muh Khaidir Resqullah Langgara22522198
4M. Arif Fadhillah22522223
5PKM-REDewi Nurmalina22522321Inovasi Metode Untuk Deteksi Merkuri Dalam Kosmetik Secara Cepat dan Akurat dengan Sensor Berbasis SPCE-AuNPs
6PKM-RSHRafi Abyaz Hanif22522323Pengaruh Perbedaan Musik Instrumental dan Musik Vokal pada Genre Jazz terhadap Aktivitas Kelistrikan Area Broca

Audiamara Vinka

In order to deepen the practical knowledge about lean, Industrial Engineering of Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) held another public lecture entitled “Lean/Total Industrial Engineering Basic, Standardized Work & Low Cost (Automation) Improvement”. The event invited an alumni who currently serves as Kakaricho Dept Manufacturing Engineer & TIE at PT Denso Manufacturing Indonesia, namely Nur Kholiq, S.T. The morning activity was held on Saturday (4/5) and took place in Classroom 2.14 FTI UII which was attended by 22 UII Industrial Engineering Students. Nada Putri Fauziyah as the MC began by inviting Putri Dwi Annisa, S.T., M.Sc., Representative of the Industrial Engineering Study Program to describe her remarks. She said that this agenda was a collaboration from last year.

“Well, this year is the continuation. The material will be a little different maybe. Hopefully it can be useful.” he said.

Lean/Total Industrial Engineering Basic

Next, the material was presented by Nur Kholiq, S.T., about the Basic Production System in Automotive, namely the Toyota Production System (TPS) which has 3 pillars in the form of Just In Time, Jidouka, and Abnormality. Toyota Production System (TPS) is a production system that aims to eliminate waste in order to achieve efficiency. This system applies the profit concept of monopoly era, local competition era, and global competition era.

“Pertalite may disappear next month with the existence of Pertamax, will we buy it? We will. Regardless of the price we still buy, that’s the monopoly era. Second, local competition era. So, to increase the profit, we reduce the cost. For example, the price is the same because if the price is not the same, the market people fight. The last one is the global competition era. We lower the cost, increase the profit, but still below the previous price,” he explained.

Then, there is the term Mura Muri Muda, which means that an irregularity will burden a job and causing a waste. This waste is all work that does not value added product. Thus, when there is waste, the resulting production costs are higher.

Standardized Work

The next material is about standardization in a job. Kholiq said that there is written and unwritten standardization. Written standardization is a standard that has been standardized by each company. Meanwhile, unwritten standardization is a standard that has been considered a culture. In addition, there are three important factors in work standards, namely takt time, work order, and standard stock in the process. All three will affect the occurrence of overtime and idle time. 

Low Cost (Automation) Improvement

Finally, there was material on low cost automation using the Karakuri Kaizen concept. Karakuri Kaizen is an approach to material management that utilizes the force of gravity, the use of levers and hinges, and utilizes the principle of inertia to move goods. The advantage of principles from the Land of Sakura can reduce working hours and costs that the company produces. One of the implementations of this concept is in the process of moving empty boxes manually which then changes to utilizing a spring so as to minimize waiting time. Meanwhile, a group photo between the speakers and participants was the closing session of the public lecture agenda on this lean concept.

Audiamara Vinka

Direktur Utama PT PLN menyampaikan materi

Industrial Engineering UII held a public lecture for Master of Industrial Engineering and Doctor of Industrial Engineering on Saturday (04/05). The public lecture entitled “Implementation of SCM: Ensuring the Availability of Primary Energy Supply in Indonesia” took place online via Zoom Meeting.

Rektor UII memberikan sambutan saat kuliah umum

Ratna Agil as the MC opened the series of events by reciting basmalah and reading the order of the program. Then, there was a video presentation of UII’s profile and UII’s hymn. Furthermore, there was a speech by the Rector of UII, Prof. Fathul Wahid, ST., M.Sc., Ph.D. “We will get inspiring stories and experiences from PT PLN, which has been distributing primary energy in Indonesia. Hopefully, we can apply these good practices in other contexts.”

Furthermore, the event entered the main session, which was the delivery of material by the President Director of PT PLN Energi Primer Indonesia, Ir. Iwan Agung Firstantara, S.T, M.M, IPU, ASEAN ENG. In this session, the Head of the Master of Industrial Engineering Program, Ir. Winda Nur Cahyo, S.T., M.T., Ph.D, IPM guided as moderator. He started the session by reading the speakers’ backgrounds. After that, there was a video profile of PT PLN EPI.

Narasumber menerangkan materi

To carry out the mandate as a Primary Energy Sub-Holding, PLN EPI contributes and value creation for the reliability and efficiency of the electricity primary energy supply chain. First, as Security of Supply. PLN EPI becomes a consolidator of primary energy procurement to balance supply & demand and create supply chain efficiency. Furthermore, it ensures that the primary energy supply chain is well managed through robust processes, supporting regulations, and reliable capabilities. Second, as Value Creation. PLN EPI maintains the efficiency of the primary energy supply chain from upstream to downstream, develops the primary energy supply chain, and becomes energy transition leadership.

After the presentation, the moderator led a discussion and Q&A session with the participants. Furthermore, the event was finalized with a joint documentation session.

Salwa Nur Rahma

Factory Visit ke Yamaha

International Undergraduate Program in Industry Engineering (IUP IE) UII once again held its annual agenda, Educational Visit 2024. With the event titled “Road to Japan”, Japan became this year’s destination, a country which has long been famous for its innovation, high technology, and cultural richness.

This activity took place for 9 days and 7 nights from Sunday (25/2) to Monday (4/3). “Educational Visit is a routine agenda of the IUP IE to provide international exposure to their students, especially IUP students, in the hope that they all have overseas experience,” said Annisa Uswatun Khasanah, S.T., M.BA., M.Sc., lecturer of Industrial Engineering UII as well as the companion of the Educational Visit agenda.

According to Annisa, the Educational Visit focuses on visiting universities and industries abroad. Their agenda includes University Visit, Factory Visit, and City Tour.

University Visit

Mahasiswa mengikuti One Day Training mengenai Energy & Process Integration di University of Tokyo

During the University Visit, students visited the University of Tokyo, one of the best universities in Japan. Students were invited to tour the campus and had the opportunity to do One Day Training about Energy & Process Integration. In addition, students were also invited to explore Kyushu University. A university that is strong in research, especially in fields like engineering, science, and medicine. “IP students can get the atmosphere of learning at an overseas university, as well as interacting with foreign students and lecturers. Two short lectures on Energy and Enviromental were so exciting” said Annisa.

Factory Visit

Factory Visit

As an Industrial Engineering student, understanding industrial practices in developed countries such as Japan is extremely valuable. Through Factory Visit, students visited several leading factories in Japan, such as Yamaha, Suzuki, and Toyota. Annisa said, “IP students are invited to visit well-known factories that already have sophisticated industrial systems, such as automation and so on. So that later the implementation of the industrial world that they have learned during college can be reflected in the industries visited, such as Kaizen, Poka Yoke, and 5S (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke).”

City Tour and Cultural Immersion

Mahasiswa mengenakan pakaian tradisional Jepang saat melakukan City Tour

Furthermore, there was the City Tour and Cultural Immersion. The destination cities include Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, and Fukuoka. IP students are invited to explore the beauty and uniqueness of Japanese culture through visits to historical sites, parks, and bustling city centers. On this trip, they will have the opportunity to experience cultural immersion, deepening their understanding of the country’s history and traditions.

“It was amazing, we visited a leading Japanese corporation and one of the top universities in the world. We even got to see stuff we’ve only talked about in class, like Poka Yoke and the Toyota Production System (TPS), right there at the source. The university visit was just as impressive, with its stunning campus and engaging classes. The highlight, however, was learning about their emphasis on hydrogen energy as the future of energy,” said Alfina Dewi Hendryani, one of the IP students who participated.

Salwa Nur Rahma