Curriculum and Syllabus


Industrial Engineering Undergraduate Program is running on the 2016 Curriculum with 144 credits for undergraduate program completion.

The followings are a list of  Courses  :

Core Courses

Semester 1


Code of Subject




1 52215001 Religion Education 2
2 52215002 Pancasila and Civil Education 3
3 52213003 Calculus 1 3
4 52213004 Physics 1 2
5 52213005 Introduction to Industrial Engineering 3
6 52215006 Academic Writing and Communication 3
7 52213007 Basic of Industrial Engineering Design 3
8 52213008 Matrix and Vector 2

Semester 2


Code of Subject




1 52225001 Ibadah and Akhlaq 2 Religion Education
2 52223002 Programming Logics 3
3 52223003 Calculus 2 3 Calculus 1
4 52223004 Physics 2 2 Physics 1
5 52223005 Physics Laboratory 1 Physics 1
6 52223006 Industrial Statistics 1 2
7 52223007 Engineering Mechanics 2 Physics 1
8 52223008 Materials Science 2
9 52223009 Chemistry 2
10 52223010 Introduction to Economics 2

Semester 3


Code of Subject




1 52235001 Islamic Leadership 2 Ibadah and Akhlaq
2 52232002 Physiology and Work Measurement 4 Engineering Mechanics
3 52233003 Manufacturing Process 3 Engineering Material
4 52233004 Optimization 3 Matrix and Vector
5 52233005 Industrial Statistics 2 3 Industrial Statistics 1
6 52233006 Cost Estimation and Analysis 2 Introduction to Economics
7 52235007 Industrial Psychology 2
8 52233008 Environmental Science 2 Chemistry

Semester 4


Code of Subject




1 52242001 Production Planning and Control 3 Calculus 2, Introduction to Industrial Engineering
2 52243002 Stochastic Model 3 Optimization
3 52243003 Engineering Economics 2 Cost Estimation and Analysis
4 52242004 Ergonomics and Work System Engineering 3 Physiology and Work Measurement
5 52243005 Database Management System 3
6 52243006 Quality Control and Assurance 3 Industrial Statistics 2
7 52242007 Design of Industrial Organization 2 Physiology and Work Measurement, Industrial Psychology

Semester 5


Code of Subject




1 52255001 Islamic Civilization and Thought 2
2 52252002 Facilities Layout and Planning 3 Production Planning and Control 1, Cost Analysis and Estimation
3 52252003 Production Planning and Control 2 2 Production Planning and Control 1
4 52252004 System Modelling 2 Matrix and Vector, Optimization
5 52252005 Decision Analysis and Data Mining 3 Industrial Statistics 2
6 52252006 Management Information System 2 Database Management System, Design of Industrial Organization
7 52252007 Project Management 2 Engineering Economics
8 52252008 Product Design 3 Ergonomics and Work System Engineering, Basic of Industrial Engineering Design

Semester 6


Code of Subject




1 52262001 Intelligent System 2 Matrix and Vector, Optimization
2 52262002 Enterprise Resource Planning 3 Production Planning and Control 1, Management Information System
3 52262003 Enterprise Design and Analysis 3 Engineering Economics
4 52262004 Design of Integrated Industrial System 3 Production Planning and Control 2
5 52262005 Computer Simulation 3 System Modeling
6 Elective Course 1 3
7 52262006 Internship 3 100 credits

Semester 7


Code of Subject




1 52272001 Islamic Entrepreneurship 2
2 52273002 Basic of Research Methodology 2 System Modelling, Stochastic Model
3 52272003 Productivity Engineering 3 Ergonomics and Work System Engineering, Quality Control and Assurance
4 52272004 Supply Chain Management 3 System Modelling, Production Planning and Control 1
5 Elective Course 2 3
6 Elective Course 3 3
7 52271005 Community Service 2 100 credits

Semester 8


Code of Subject




1 52282001 Undergraduate Thesis 5 Basic of Research Methodology, 123 credits, 1 supported elective course, have taken/in the process of conducting an internship

Elective Courses

Research Group: Industrial Management


Code of Subject




1 52262001 Human Capital Management 3 Industrial Psychology
2 52262002 Strategic Management 3 Design of Industrial


3 52262003 Knowledge Management 3 Management Information


4 52262004 Technology Management 3 Production Planning and

Control 1

5 52262005 Risk Management 3 Engineering Economics
6 52262006 Financial Management 3 Engineering Economics
7 52262007 Asset Management 3 Production Planning and Control 1
8 52262008 Service Management 3 Quality Assurance and Control
9 52262009 Decision Support System 3 Management Information


10 52262010 Industrial Marketing 3 Cost Estimation and Analysis

Research Group: Operation Research


Code of Subject




1 52272011 Six Sigma 3 Quality Assurance and Control
2 52272012 Multivariate Analysis 3 Industrial Statistics 2
3 52272013 System Dynamics 3 Computer Simulation
4 52272014 Agent Based Modelling &


3 System Modelling
5 52272015 Quality Engineering 3 Quality Assurance and Control
6 52272016 Business Intelligent 3 Decision Analysis and Data


7 52272017 Special Topics 3

Research Group: Production Engineering and Supply Chain Management


Code of Subject




1 52272001 Advanced Automation 3 Programming Logics, Industrial

Electronics (modified by IP)

2 52272002 Lean Manufacturing 3 Production Planning and

Control 2

3 52272003 Halal Supply Chain


3 Production Planning and

Control 1

4 52272004 Intelligent Manufacturing


3 Production Planning and

Control 2

5 52272005 Sustainable Manufacturing 3 Production Planning and

Control 2

6 52272006 Maintenance Management 3 Production Planning and

Control 1

7 52272007 Cellular Manufacturing


3 Facilities Layout and Planning
8 52272008 Business Process Integration 3 Enterprise Resource Planning
9 52272009 Humanitarian Logistics 3 Supply Chain Management
10 52272010 CAD/ CAM/ CAE 3 Product Design
11 52272011 Product Design &


3 Product Design
12 52272012 Logistics Management 3 Production Planning and

Control 2

Research Group: Ergonomic


Code of Subject




1 52262014 Occupational

safety and health

3 Ergonomics and Work System


2 52262015 Human Computer Interaction 3 Ergonomics and Work System


3 52262016 Man-Machine System 3 Ergonomics and Work System


4 52262017 Industrial Ergonomics 3 Ergonomics and Work System


5 52262018 Environmental Ergonomics 3 Environmental Science,

Ergonomics and Work System Engineering

6 52262019 Ergonomics Design for Special Purpose 3
7 52262020 Cognitive Ergonomics 3
8 52262021 Macro Ergonomics 3


Semester 1

1. Religion Education

This subject constitutes a compulsory subject given to all students in Universitas Islam Indonesia. The main objective of this subject is to give Islamic belief understanding as a solid foundation as Moslem to the students. Thus, the students will be able to apply tauhid values in every aspect of their lives.
The objectives of this subject are based on the UII mission, to create professional, competent, skillful scholars who could uphold Islamic values.

2. Pancasila and Civil Education

It is a compulsory nationalism subject. It gives students comprehension of basics law in the Republic of Indonesia especially Pancasila and Constitution 1945. This subject explains the historical formulation of Pancasila, implementation of Pancasila values in daily life, and dynamic interaction of Pancasila as an open ideology. The materials of this subject consist of history, formulation, the structure of Pancasila and Constitution 1945, the definition of Pancasila as basic philosophy in Indonesia, Pancasila as a point of view, identity, and as a unifier of the nation. Civic education is an obligatory subject for the students. It provides an understanding of the basis of Indonesia especially Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution for the students. This subject explains the history of Pancasila, its implementation in daily life, and the concept of Pancasila as an ideology. This subject covers the history, formula, and structure of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. Besides, this subject will also explain the definition of Pancasila as the Indonesian basic philosophy, way of life, and basic character. This subject will help the students to understand verses in Pancasila along with their implementation in daily life. This subject will emphasize discussion on the study cases and students’ opinions.

3. Calculus I

This subject provides students with a complete comprehension of the basic concept of Calculus. It consists of a real number system, equality, inequality, absolute value, limit, continuity, asymptote, and differential, method of differential, and application of calculus especially differential in industrial problems. Therefore, the learning strategy is more emphasized in the lecture method as a conventional method of learning and individual learning with several case studies to be solved in class.

4. Physics I

This subject will be closely related to Physics II that will be taught in the even semester. The materials cover an introduction to physics and measurement, vector, kinematics, dynamics, work and energy, linear momentum, object rotation, angular momentum, static balance and elasticity, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics law I, kinetic theory of gasses, and thermodynamics law II.
To support the description of this subject, some references are recommended. Uncertainty theory, physics, mechanics – magnetic – electricity, and thermo physics that contains basic concepts are applied in the learning process to support advanced Physics concepts. For example, to understand the concept of gyroscope movement, the concepts in kinematics and dynamics theory are also required. A concept in thermodynamics also needed to be mastered in order to understand the concept of statistical Physics. Basic Theory in Physics I could drive students to understand advanced physics.

5. Introduction to Industrial Engineering

This subject is considered the core subject of Industrial Engineering. It is designated for freshmen to deliver a better and complete understanding of basics of Industrial Engineering. By learning this subject, students are expected to comprehend the basic of Industrial Engineering that covers Operational Science, Production Engineering, Management Research, and Ergonomics/Human Factors Engineering. From the understanding, furthermore, students are expected able to think under the perspective of Industrial Engineering, systemic and innovative that could provide alternative solutions on problems in the system, individually, or in a group. This subject also describes illustration on the possible profession for future graduates.

6. Academic Writing and Communication

Writing and Scientific Communication is an obligatory subject given at the beginning of the study period. It is composed in two credits and held in the first semester. This subject is designed to help the students in order to be able to arrange and write the result of research rightly in reports and paper. Writing skills are very important for the students since university life required them to write extensively. Moreover, this subject is also designed to introduce all students to scientific communication, where the reports or papers must be presented to the audience. Academic writing and Communication subject is based on the standard of content and competence that involves the introduction of research, types of research, the arrangement of reports, reviewing and composing papers. Therefore, the lecturing process uses an active learning strat competence.

7. Basic of industrial Engineering Design

Basic of Industrial Engineering Design contains basic knowledge that must be mastered by Industrial Engineering bachelor especially in the designing process. The output of this subject is the capability of engineering drawing and other industrial engineering diagrams that functioned to describe some information as a basic concept in designing. Basic materials of Industrial Engineering design are based on the content and competence of its graduates to cover an introduction to Industrial Engineering, designing using CAD, geometric construction, basics of engineering drawing, dimensioning, assembling, and product documentation.

8. Matrix and Vector

This subject provides a basic understanding of matrix and vector and their application in modeling and solving real cases. It covers Matrix, determinant, system of linear equation (SPL), operations on vector, euclides vector, subspace of matrix, basis, and dimension, eigen value, linear transformation (Rn to Rm), and all of its application to support other subjects in Industrial Engineering fields.

Semester 2

1. Ibadah and Akhlaq

This subject is a compulsory subject for all students in Universitas Islam Indonesia. The objectives of this subject are based on the UII mission, to create professional, competent, skilled personnel and scholar who upholds the Islamic value, knowledgeable in action and actionable in knowledge. Thus, this subject embodied religion education so that the students will understand and able to implement the basic competence of ibadah and akhlak based on Islamic teaching.

2. Programming Logics

This subject provides an understanding of logic and programming. The students will be directed not only to understand the concepts of logic and programming but also able to implement them in solving various problems. Learning strategy is emphasized to logical thinking in resolving problems and tutorial-based practices in laboratory, individually and in a group. The materials will cover logic, programming, techniques of problem solving, introduction to a programming language, types of data, variables, objects and expressions, input and output statements, function and procedure, branching, looping, searching, and sequencing. In the early sessions, students will be exposed to a brief description of the position of the subject in Industrial Engineering, learning method, and introduction of the subject. The combination between theories and practices is expected to help students with a better understanding of logic and programming.

3. Calculus 2

This subject gives comprehension for students about basic integral. The advanced integral will be further discussed in Calculus Multivariate. Students are expected to be able to identify, analyze, and solve problems of Calculus 2. The materials of Calculus 2 are consist of concept, technique, and integral’s application including determinate integral and indeterminate integral. Moreover, this subject teaches students to use applications/software in order to solve integral’s problems. Therefore, learning strategy is more emphasized on lecture method and individual learning with many problems exercise.

4.Physics 2

This subject is the continuation of Physics 1. It covers materials as follows: Electrostatics: The force of charges’ interaction (Coulomb’s Law), electrical field strength, electrostatic potential, capacitance, Basic electrical quantities, definition of electrical current, Electromotive Force/Electromotance, direct current, Kirchoff’s Law, resistance, electrical power and force. Magnetism: intensity of magnetic field, magnetic field on moving charge, permeability, magnetic works, inductance, generating the alternating current. Alternating current circuit: RLC circuit/resonant circuit, average value and value of RMS, active and reactive energy, factors of energy Electrical measurements: avometer, wattmeter and oscilloscope. Ray: Source of Ray, the characteristics of ray, reflection, diffraction and illumination, optics, geometrical optics and physical optics, optical devices.

5. Physics Laboratory

This laboratory works is compulsory for Industrial Engineering students. It will expose students to basic knowledge of electricity, magnet, mechanics, and several materials concerning to nature physics. This laboratory works also supports subjects that directly or indirectly related to physics. From the experiments, students could learn to understand the physical process of occurrences. It also helps students to comprehend the laws in Physics regarding to electricity, signal, and conductivity.

6. Industrial Statistics I

Generally, this subject provides students with basic knowledge of descriptive statistics and probability theory. It could be applied in research methodology to determine research sample, the research itself is defined as a sequence of activity that covers data collecting, presenting, analyzing, interpreting, and concluding. Descriptive statistics is applied in presentation, paper writing, the composing of internship, and final project reports. An interesting presentation could support a quality paper or oral presentation. Besides, the graduates are expected to be a decision maker that could grab information in a group of data promptly. This subject covers basic statistics, descriptive statistics, data and processing (a measure of central tendency, a measure of position and measure of statistical dispersion) both for single or grouped data, graphs, sampling theory, probability theory, variance, repeated measures of variance, conditional probability and Bayes rules, random variable, distribution of random variable probability and theoretical probability distribution (discrete and continue).

7. Engineering Mechanics

The objective of industrial engineering is to create graduates that can provide optimum solutions to the problems in an integral way both correctly and systematically. Engineering mechanics covers the concept of force and its effect on several constructions in addition to the methods. This can design work systems and ergonomic products in order to improve the performance and meet the quality required by customers. Students are expected to be able to provide the best solution to the problems in an integral system with insufficient or expensive resources. Besides, they are also expected to provide the alternative solution supported by analysis tools as operation research, financial analysis, feasibility study, engineering economics, ergonomics, etc.

8. Materials Science

This course is a sophomore course that explains the fundamental of structure, energetic and bonding that underpin material science.
It will discuss topics including an introduction to thermodynamic functions and laws governing equilibrium properties, macroscopic behavior to atomistic and molecular models of materials. It also discusses the role of electronic bonding to determine the energy, structure, and stability of materials; quantum mechanical descriptions of interacting electrons and atoms, material phenomena such as heat capacities, phase transformations, and multiphase equilibria to chemical reactions and magnetism. It also explains the symmetry properties of molecules and solids, the structure of the complex, disordered and amorphous materials, tensors and constraints on physical properties on symmetry, and diffraction to determine the structure of materials. Students will explore real-world applications such as electronic and magnetic materials, ionic and network solids, polymers and biomaterials, and engineering alloys.

9. Chemistry

This 2 credits course is addressed for freshmen on the second semester. The students are intended to understand reaction concept with all related formulas, process conversion on the existing production process, and especially to understand in noticing and measuring the role of inputs (material, labor, energy, and machines) with its correlation of output productivity (product) in a production system.

10. Introduction to Economics

This subject will discuss the definition and history of economic thoughts, business cycle, and monetary history in addition to the system of money distribution and the concept of a central bank. It also includes interests and usury/riba, GDP, GNP, customer behavior, monopoly, oligopoly, monopolistic market, and perfect competition. All discussions are oriented to benchmarking systems of conventional and alternative economics, especially Islamic economics.

Semester 3

1. Islamic Leadership

This subject gives basic competence for all students to understand Islamic leadership study. This subject also includes the discussion on the leadership both in Islamic and Western concepts in addition to learning about the principles of leadership in Al Qur’an. Those three topics are intended to enable the students to formulate the concept of future leadership for the needs of an organization and human beings.

2. Physiology and Work Measurement

Physiology and work measurement is a part of subject s in industrial engineering related to ergonomics as one of the basics of industrial engineering. Learning from work physiology, students are expected to understand human physical limitations from the perspective of human physiology in working conditions, so the working performance could be improved as well as productivity. From this subject, the students will learn on work measurement method based on standard time. The materials of this subject are an introduction to anatomy and work physiology, musculoskeletal system, respiration and circulation, factors that influence work physiology, work nutrition, physical work measurement method, work shift, stress management, productivity, direct and indirect work measurement, work sampling, and Method of time measurement.

3. Manufacturing Process

Industrial Engineering Program Study is an educational institution that obligates to support students with the expertise of designing, improving, and complex system installing. One of the required skills is the knowledge of product design using machine tools. This Manufacturing Process subject becomes important since it is a basic of producing a product/component. This product dimension turns to be something quite important due to its function and benefit of the utility, as it will deal with the issue of standard of content and competence of passing grade covering material characteristics, types, and function.

4. Optimisation

This subject is intended to expose the method of formulating industrial problems into a mathematical model to get the optimum solution. The optimization is based on the standard of content and standard of graduates’ competency consists of the concept of basic modeling, Linear Programming Model Formulation, Problem Solution: Graph Method, Simplex Method, Duality and Sensitivity Analysis, Assignment and Transportation Problem.

5. Industrial Statistics 2

This subject provides understanding to students about industrial statistics concept, particularly Statistical Inference. Statistical inference is divided into two major parts, which are estimation and hypothesis test. Students are accommodated by basic concepts of statistical inference and how the application of various techniques in statistical inference could solve problems that occurred in industries. The material covers the definition of industrial statistics, definition, and techniques in statistical inference, definition, and technique of estimation and hypothesis test, dot estimation, interval estimation, hypothesis test for a single and double parameter, ANOVA one way and two ways, regression and correlation.

6. Cost Analysis and Estimation

This subject supports one of Industrial Engineering’s Body of Knowledge, which is: Management System. Students are expected to understand basic knowledge related to the company’s finances, capable to calculate production costs and analyze the company’s financial performance. The materials cover the type of cost, its characteristics, the implementation based on industry, cost system based on order, processes and activities, the process of financial accounting, financial performance analysis based on accounting report.

7. Industrial Psychology

Department of Industrial Engineering accommodates their students with a competency of an engineer by designing, implementing, and improving its industrial system in an integrated way. For that matter, an industrial engineering graduate shall be knowledgeable and capable in understanding an industry/organization from different aspects, start from technical, managerial, and human aspects both physically and mentally. To align with the purpose, the subject of human psychology in the scope of industrial organization and its environment is presented. Materials of industrial psychology are based on its core subject and graduates’ competence standardization that comprise: comprehension of industrial psychology history, scope, and role of psychology in industrial and organizational activity. Analysis of position, recruitment, selection and work placement, training and human resource development, work assessment, motivation, work stress, and satisfaction rate, work health and safety, work environment and ergonomics, workgroup and leadership, organizational culture and development, and consumer behaviors.

8. Environmental Science

This subject is designated for sophomore students with 2 credit points. Students are expected to be more familiar with ecosystem concept, waste treatment system, understand the characteristics of pollutant, and could apply AMDAL integrated with all disciplines related to minimize its destructive effect and environment pollution caused by industrial waste.

Semester 4

1. Production Planning and Control 1

Production Planning and control are activities in the manufacturing process that determine what kind of products later will be manufactured, the number of products, the timeline, and the person in charge who is responsible for each process. In order to meet the accurate answer for those items, a market study will be conducted by having a market demand forecasting. The result will be implemented to design production and sales planning or later called aggregate planning. It is then followed by deeper planning which is the determination of the production main schedule. Material planning and machine scheduling on the production floor will support the production schedule. To run more effective and efficient production planning, it takes good planning techniques or methods both heuristic and optimization. This subject will support students with more effective techniques or methods in production planning and control, which is appropriate to be implemented in manufacture. This subject will discuss several techniques or methods in Production planning and control that will be started with forecasting, aggregate planning, master production planning, material planning, and production scheduling

2. Stochastic Model

Problems in several sectors whether economics, business, or other sectors, undeniable are getting more complicated and require accurate decision-making. The factors are involved varied environments, whether definite and indefinite environments, risk environments, and competitive environments. Understanding environmental conditions will underlie a person to be smart and wise in identifying environmental conditions for decision making in order to reach appropriate effectiveness. Two types of analysis are identified in the decision-making process, which is quantitative and qualitative based on consideration and management experiences, expert’s intuition on the problems, and quantitative analysis that focused on facts or quantitative data related to problems. Quantitative analysis is usually applied to decision-making approaches. Defining problems properly will require model development, which can be used to represent the above problems. The mathematical model turns to be an important part of the quantitative approach. This mathematical model consists of the deterministic model and a probabilistic/stochastic model.

3. Engineering Economics

Problems occur in many sectors especially in the economy and businesses have risen in complexity that requires an integrated view in dealing with them. We have faced inevitably two important and related aspects, physical and economic environment. A comprehension of the physical environment will equip a student to observe, identify, and control technical concepts to achieve a certain purpose effectively. A comprehension of economic concepts on the other hand will assist in the side of efficiency. The subject of engineering economics delivers fundamental concepts to students related to two environments mentioned in order to enable them in analyzing the economic aspects of technical investment planning.

4. Ergonomics and Work System Engineering

This subject is one of the 3 credits mandatory subjects designated for sophomore students. Ergonomics and work system design is considered important in the industry. It is purposed to provide basic knowledge on designing and improving work systems by using an ergonomics approach. Most of the manufacturing and service companies have allocated significant costs and time to implement this. It is recommended for students to master this subject for their future job. It covers Ergonomics, Anthropometry, design of a workstation, design of supporting tools, manual material handling, cognitive, display and control, macro ergonomics, usability, principles on working tools, work system/workplace, and work environment.

5. Database Management System

This subject provides an understanding of the concept of database management. Students are directed to understand more about the intended concept that includes implementing database management in the information system. Learning strategy will involve lecturing, discussion, software demo, and practices. The early materials cover data concepts, information, basic knowledge, and database management. It is related to software that applied for database management; therefore students will have a clear description of the application or advantages of this subject. Mid sessions of lectures are emphasized on materials that related to database design and development. By the end of lectures, a discussion on a big project will be involved to make sure that the students are well aware of the concept, implementation, designing of a proper database under the existing study case.

6. Quality Control and Assurance

An enterprise competitiveness can be assessed by its product/service valued by customers which are compared with other competitors. The value of a product or service can be defined in terms of quality, price, and delivery time. Quality control has a significant role to create customers’ value. The roles of quality control cover the whole process of business activities starts from materials delivered by supplier, production process and along the way to the end process. The quality of every output from each process is monitored to ensure the finished goods will satisfy end customers.

7. Design of Industrial Organization

Based on the development and application of the industrial system, the graduates are demanded to have competencies in designing and developing industrial organizations. Design of Industrial Organization is a 2 credits compulsory subject in the Industrial Engineering curriculum that oriented to the competence of students in designing, analysis, industrial organization innovation, and management. The learning strategy refers to the understanding aspects (cognitive), attitude (affective), and behavior (psychomotor). In its achievement, several processes are applied, that cover materials about the design concept and organizational development, discussion on a seminar with experts and alumnae about the actual industrial organization, assignment, and assistances, SME’s visit for real industrial organization, assignment presentation to nurture communication ability. The materials involve the concept of organization, design, the change of organization and its environment, organizational structure, establishment and management, organization culture, design of organization, strategy, and technology.

Semester 5

1. Islamic Civilization and Thought

This subject of thought and Islamic Civilization constitutes university subject (local curriculum) given in even semester for all study programs in Universitas Islam Indonesia for 2 credits.
Based on the vision and mission of both UII and department, this subject is expected to be able to embody the integrated religion subjects in Universitas Islam Indonesia. On the other hands, this subject also gives basic competence for student to understand thought and Islamic civilization fundamentally. This subject deals with the growth of thought and Islamic civilization of pre-Islam period to the growth of Islamic civilization in Indonesia. It also deals with the history of Islamic High School (STI) as a part of UII’s history. Therefore, this subject explains the Islamic thought aspects in broad scope such as; theology, state administration, law, philosophy, tasawuf, etc that occurred and grew during classic to the contemporary era.

2. Facilities Layout and Planning

This subject provides understanding on concept of facility layout and planning and location determination. Students will study and comprehend the basic concept to be able to design a facility based on main and secondary data. Project based learning is determined as the learning strategy. A group of 3 or 4 is required for that purpose. The materials cover introduction to Facility layout and planning, traditional approach in designing the facility, basic model on location’s problem, advance model on location’s problem, location determination, optimization of location determination, basic model on layout determination, carry out the layout planning, and optimization on layout planning. For the learning process, students are driven to read related literatures and journals. References are the main source for composing the planning and group’s assignment report (project).

3. Production Planning and Control 2

It considered as part of shop floor system that consists of several execution and control stages on production activity. Most of the companies have allocated significant cost and time to plan and improve the production activities performance. On this stage, every industry will plan, coordinate and direct the production activities to a system that will yield the product with minimal cost and short time span. The materials cover flow shop and job shop Assembly line balancing, Input/ output control, Theory of constrains, Process planning: CAPP, Just in time production system, Group technology and cellular manufacturing and Flexible manufacturing system.

4. System Modelling

This course provides an understanding of modelling system concept for the students and guides them to be able to turn the real system into a mathematic model by giving prior comprehension on the concept of system and model. Therefore, the learning system is firstly more emphasized with lecture method and group assignment for three to four students. The topics in the first part of the course include the definition and kinds of systems, definition and characteristics of models, kinds of models (deterministic and stochastic), the stages of model development, mathematic modelling, parameter estimation, and model verification and validation. In the second part of the course, the students will need to conduct a practice on modelling a real system through a major project for 3 to 4 persons.

5. Decision Analysis and Data Mining

This subject provides understanding about the concept of decision analysis and data mining. Students are directed not only to understand the basic concepts of decision analysis and data mining, but only able to apply several of general techniques to solve problems in industry. The materials cover definition of decision analysis and data mining, techniques of decision making based on multi criteria (MCDM), analysis on data mining that employs several techniques, such as clustering, association rule and classification.

6. Management Information System

Information system is proven to give advantage and value to business/industrial organization and other sectors. Appropriate IT-based MIS implementation will support organization management at all levels. It could elevate the effectivity and broaden the scope of decision making in terms of competition strategy. IT-based Management Information System has become important parts or even held the strategic value to modern organization. Therefore, subject’s understanding is basic needs for professionals in business and industry. The topics that involved in this subject cover information technology (computer system, hardware component, software component, computer network and internet), database, DBMS, MIS concept and application in organization, decision support system and executive, artificial intelligence, MIS development, social issues, ethics and information system security.

7. Project Management

Industrial Engineering Department as part of education institution has the duty to equip the students with the skills about designing, improving, and installing complex system. One of the essential skills is knowledge and skill of project management. Project management becomes very crucial since the unique and distinctive characteristics of every project with the operational management. Such characteristics will influence the planning, scheduling, budgeting, and the controlling process. Based on the content and graduate competence standard, this subject covers the concept of project management, planning and scheduling, implementation, and project controlling.

8. Product Design

Department of Industrial Engineering has the task to equip the students with the skills on designation, improvement, and instalment of complex system. Therefore, the knowledge on design and product commercialization becomes a very crucial course to realize such skills. The material of Product Design is based on the standard of content and graduates that includes product design concept, product design organization, product designation process, market analysis, product specification determination, concept development and selection, and prototyping. Besides, this subject also explains the methods of product designation such as quality function deployment and design for manufacturing. In the end of the course, the students will also learn to plan product commercialization.

Semester 6

1. Intelligent System

Information Technology based in the manufacturing system is expected to be the local genius of the Department of Industrial Engineering, Universitas Islam Indonesia. The context of information technology in the competence of the study program can be seen from the curriculum that consists of various information technology-based courses such as Data Base Management, Management Information System, Analysis and Design of Information System, Decision Support System, Intelligent System, Computer Simulation, etc. Besides the courses, the content of information technology can also be seen from some practical courses which mostly are based on information technology. The intelligent system is one of the compulsory subjects in this department. In this course, students will study the basics of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the making process of AI, and the parties involving acquisition, and representation of knowledge and methodologies used in the making of knowledge bases such as fuzzy, uncertainty, ANN, and GA methods. Intelligent System is offered in the sixth semester from the total 8 semesters. This subject requires basic knowledge on optimality and some comprehension of systems especially business and industry in several subjects such as Management Business, Production System, and Facility Layout and Planning.

2. Enterprise Resource Planning

Department of Industrial Engineering enhances their students with the ability to integrate business activities of an enterprise from an information system point of view. The so-called ERP software, SAP is adopted as a learning media. The software will assist students to understand all aspects of business in an integrated view; logistics, financial, production planning, human resources, and so on are tied and related to each other. Based on core-subject and student’s competence, the materials of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) comprise of background and objectives of ERP, ERP’s issuer company and its software development, the basic concept, and software implementation. As for the module itself, students will study the flow of information system of every department in a business which consists of Sales & Distribution, Materials Management, Production Planning, Financial Accounting, Controlling, and Human Capital Management. The active learning strategy is used as a learning process in this subject in an effort to understand the core subjects of ERP and how it is implemented in enterprises.

3. Enterprise Analysis and Design

This subject is the application of some previous courses such as Introduction to Economics, Production Planning & Control, Cost Analysis and Estimation, and Design of Industrial Organization. This course is designated for students in the sixth semester, in consideration that the students have mastered the knowledge and skills in previous subjects mentioned before. This subject will help the students to illustrate the way to implement the knowledge and skills from the previous subjects. It is expected that the students are ready to run a company owned by them or other persons. This is in accordance with the vision and mission of the faculty and university that the graduates of Industrial Engineering are not only able to run other people’s company but also to establish their own company and provide new work opportunities.

4. Design of Integrated Industrial System

This subject is decided as compulsory 3 credits subject. The students are required to practice the theories from the previous semester independently. In this subject, no lectures needed. Students will be grouped and assigned with certain projects, from designing the product to selling it. Week after week, there are stages that should be accomplished related to the assignment. It covers field tasks, presentation, the design of product prototypes, and product selling. In the early sessions, the students will be coached with the general concept of subject and assignment. Each group will be assigned products in line with the determined topic. Each group should determine the market demand and product determination. Later, it will be followed by product designing, prototyping, process design, calculating HPP, and defining the marketing strategy. Later, each group should try to sell the products, perform the expo and compose the financial report.

5. Computer Simulation

Simulation is one of the methods learned in the Department of Industrial Engineering to solve problems in the industry. Simulation is applied when the problem complexity has become irresistible that causes either numeric or analytic solutions are not visible for the problem. By learning this subject, the students are expected to be able to design, install and improve the integrated system’s performance by establishing credible models as parts of problem-solving. Generally, this subject will discuss discrete system simulation that consists of system thinking concept, system basic concept, model and methodology, input modeling, assessing the model credibility (verification, validation, and replication), and techniques of best alternative selection (design of experiment).

Semester 7

1. Islamic Entrepreneurship

This subject is purposed to provide a business overview from the perspective of conventional and Islamic rules. The behavior of conventional business refers to capitalism that oriented to profit than “berkah” in Islam. The interaction of these contradictive perspectives will be discussed. This subject will illustrate business behavior among business actors. The approaches will cover both theoretical and empirical. The theoretical approach will be emphasized on economics theory understanding that is implemented in business while the empirical approach will be emphasized on observation and analysis on business practices that performed in the economic environment as well as the establishment of entrepreneurs’’ characteristics and mental.

2. Basic of Research Methodology

This subject will discuss the concept of scientific research in the scope of industrial engineering. The students will learn to comprehend kinds of research in the industrial engineering department. The participants will also learn to understand the difference of general research and specific research and the minimum standard of research in Industrial Engineering. The topics covered in this course are definition and kinds of research, researches in the scope of industrial engineering, selecting research topics, setting up the state of art, proposal writing techniques, and presentation techniques. Therefore, in the learning process of this subject, the strategy used is active learning and group discussion.

3. Productivity Engineering

This subject provides an understanding of measurement concepts and productivity management. Principles of productivity engineering are correlated with efficiency, effectivity, quality, and performance as well as collaboration among those factors that required by management to meet better improvement in an organization.

4. Supply Chain Management

Recently, competition is no longer happens among companies but on companies’ networking. Therefore, cooperation between a company and its supplier and distributor is inevitably necessary to convey the products or services to customers. Supply Chain Management (SCM) learns to manage entire activities for distributing the material, information, and financial starts from the raw material of supplier’s supplier to manufacturer’s supplier, to the distributor, to retail, and eventually to customers. The function of SCM is wider than logistics or a company’s procurement. This subject delivers understanding to students about the definition of SCM and logistics, planning of SCM strategy, a strategy of distribution and transportation, inventory management, procurement, warehousing, the function of information technology in SCM, and performance measurement in SCM