This program is a breakthrough in Indonesian education systems initiated by The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology. The Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka accommodates the flexibility for students in shaping their future through exploring their talent and passion. Some challenging programs are offered as depicted in Figure 1. In addition, this program is expected to prepare graduates with hard and soft skills that match the requirements of the fast-changing business environment in the artificial intelligent era. Government offers several programs that challenge the students to make up their portfolios.

Three types of schemes are available to accommodate the students who participate in student exchange/double degree), which are Inter-undergraduate programs from the same university through University mandatory courses (MKWU) UII, Same undergraduate programs from different universities, national or international based on the existing MOU/MOA available in the level of university/Faculty/Program or Inter-undergraduate programs from different universities based on the existing MOU/MOA available in the level of university/Faculty/Program.
Due to the implementation, it should be ensured that the curriculum of the assigned university supports the competence of the program and grants approval from the undergraduate program in Industrial Engineering through the existence of MOU/MOA. The course will be converted based on the adjustment of the relevant semester plan (RPS) of a subject. This type of path could be implemented in the 5th semester, yet it is highly suggested to be initiated in the 7th semester, under the following conditions:
- Students have attained a minimum GPA of 3.0, have accomplished 80 credits. The designated undergraduate program must hold the same grade of accreditation. Particularly for International Program students, they are recommended to select the program, which also runs the international class.
- The program will be converted to a relevant-weight course, as stated in the current curriculum of the Undergraduate Program in Industrial Engineering.
- Students must register the program to Study Plan, so the result of the program is visible for the conversion process.
- For system approval, the students must consult to Academic Advisor and register at To monitor the registration progress, students could access
The program is held in 6 months.
Equivalent Course Conversion :
The courses enrolled can be converted to equivalent courses as a whole or partial conversion.
The inequivalent enrolled courses can be converted to the following courses as a whole 20 credits or just partial credits.
- The Elective Course in International Credit Transfer / Student Exchange for a maximum of 12 credits (as additional credits to 144 credits of undergraduate program completion),
- Civic Education for 2 credits,
- Pancasila for 2 credits,
- Scientific Writing for 2 credits,
- English for 2 credits.
for pursuing Double Degree Program, The conversion must follow MOU/MOA related to course mapping.
Following are the list of collaborations correlated to student exchange with partner universities, both national and international :
- The collaborations initiated by the Undergraduate Program in Industrial Engineering,
- The collaborations initiated by the Faculty of Industrial Technology UII
- The collaborations initiated by Universitas Islam Indonesia,,,,
- International Program in Industrial Engineering: Double Degree and Fast Track Program
The preparation should be established started from the 5th semester. For its implementation, several alternatives are provided, as follows:
- The apprenticeship/ Internship is performed at the partner companies of Department, Faculty/University
- The students must register themselves at the administration office of the Undergraduate Program in Industrial Engineering by accessing the following form To monitor the registration progress, the students could access
- The apprenticeship/ Internship program is conducted in the 7th for a six-month apprenticeship/ Internship or the 8th semester for a three-month apprenticeship/ Internship.
- The students must follow the course path as suggested by the Undergraduate Program
- Minimum GPA of 3.0 and passed the CEPT
- Minimum one lecturer is assigned as the internship supervisor
- Specifically for apprenticeship/ Internship by Bangkit Program, the requirements are ruled by The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology at
Equivalent Course Conversion
The 3-month apprenticeship program is equivalent to 11 credits :
- 5-credit Undergraduate Thesis,
- 3-credit Internship,
- 3-credit Elective Course called Capita Selecta
The 6-month apprenticeship program is equivalent to 20 credits :
- 5-credit Undergraduate Thesis,
- 3-credit Internship,
- 3-credit Enterprise Analysis and Design (EAD)
- 9-credit Industrial System Analysis as an Elective Course
Bangkit Program is equivalent to 14 credits :
- 3-credit Programming Logic
- 2-credit Intelligent Systems
- 3-credit Database Management Systems
- 3-credit Business Intelligence
- 3-credit Internship
Following are the list of collaborations correlated to the internship program, with the national and international partner:
- The collaborations initiated by the Undergraduate Program in Industrial Engineering
- The collaborations initiated by the Faculty of Industrial Technology UII
- The collaborations initiated by Universitas Islam Indonesia,
- International Program in Industrial Engineering: Double Degree and Fast Track Program, International Internship with 31 Vietnamese Companies, and Japan Companies
Apprenticeship/Internship 3 months started from semester 8
Apprenticeship for 6 months started from semester 7
Apprenticeship for 6 months started from semester 8
This scheme is addressed for students who are interested to expand the business under professionals’ supervision. The output must be the product of technology innovation, as follows:
- A technology-based product
- Never been commercialized before (never been marketed)
- The proposed product is classified as a product of innovation, which is originated from the proposer or other party who has agreed to collaborate with the proposer
- The innovation technology must be at the level of prototype completion, not at the research level (minimal TKT-4).
- Product of innovation should have market potency, be commercially valued, be ready for trials as the final improvement, and be in the middle of intellectual property accomplishment, licensing, and/or other certification.
- Ready to register the proposed product to The Intellectual Property Right in the name of UII
The focus of business field to be prioritized, as follows:
- Foods
- Health and Pharmacy
- Information Technology and Communication
- Defense and Security
- Raw Material and Advanced Material
- Energy
- Transportation and Maritime
- Creative Industry and Tourism
(Detail of each focus field can be accessed at the UBIC 2021 Grants Guideline page 21 –
There are two schemes available, along with the prime activities, as follows:
- Pre Startup with main activities, as follows: The improvement for the prototype, trials and market test, the process of certification, SNI (standardization), KI, etc.
- Startup with the main activities, as follows: Process of Certification, SNI (standardization), KI, etc, product exposure to the market target, production, and commercialization.
Equivalent Program Conversion :
The Business Startup program is equivalent to 20 credits :
- 9-credit Technopreneurship,
- 3-credit Enterprise Analysis and Design (EAD),
- 5-credit Undergraduate Thesis
- 3-credit Internship
The path should be started in the 3rd semester with the implementation of activity in the 7th semester, under the following conditions:
- The students are suggested to take the business startup and must register themselves at the administration office of the Undergraduate Program in Industrial Engineering by accessing the following form To monitor the registration progress, students could access
- Selected courses must meet the scheme of the entrepreneurship path (business startup).
- Minimum GPA of 3.0 It could be proposed individually or in the group, but the student must be positioned as the main organizer
- It could be proposed individually or in the group, but the student must be positioned as the main organizer, as Hipster (design & UX: responsible for design and user experience for a product), Hacker (engineers & developers; responsible for the technology of a product) and hustler (marketing & business system design: responsible in marketing, product exposure, networking, and management).
- Minimum one lecturer has to be assigned as supervisor.
Information for Startup funding opportunities could be accessed at the following links:
- UBIC (UII Business & Innovation Challenge)
- Indonesian Innovation Startup/Startup Inovasi Indonesia (RISTEKBRIN)
- Kedaireka
- Student Creativity Program/Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa – The Ministry of Education and Culture/Kemendikbud
- Indonesian Students Entrepreneurship Program/Program Kewirausahaan Mahasiswa Indonesia – The Ministry of Education and Culture/Kemdikbud
- Startup4Industry
- FoodStartupIndonesia
- PHP2D – The Ministry of Education and Culture/Kemdikbud
- Indonesian Islamic Banking Association/Asosiasi Bank Syariah Indonesia
- Revolving Fund Management Agency/Lembaga Pengelola Dana Bergulir (BLU The Ministry of Cooperation/Kementerian Koperasi)
- Government Investment Center/Pusat Investasi Pemerintah (PIP) / BLU The Ministry of Finance /Kementerian Keuangan)
- Permodalan Nasional Madani (PNM)
- Independent Campus/Kampus merdeka The Ministry of Education and Culture/kemdikbud for entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship Study Path

Startup Study Path
Teaching Assistantships (Teaching Campus)
This program is designed for students who are interested to help the Indonesian government in improving the quality of education and establishing equal basic education. The program is supervised by the Independent Campus Program by the Ministry of Education and Culture/Kemendikbud and The Undergraduate Program. The students should meet the minimum GPA of 3.00 and are assigned with at least one supervisor. It is held in 6 months and equal to 20 credits, which covers the Elective Course in Teaching Assistance for 12 credits (excluded from the completion requirement of 144 credits), Community Service for 2 credits, Civic Education for 2 credits, Scientific Writing for 2 credits. The students must register themselves by completing the following form To monitor the registration progress, students could access The information of program offering could be accessed at the following link for teaching campus program.
Equivalent Course Conversion :
The 6-month Teaching Assistant Program is equivalent to 20 credits
- 12-credit Teaching Assistant Elective Course as additional credits to 144 credits of undergraduate program completion,
- 2-credit Community Service,
- 2-credit Civic Education,
- 2-credit Pancasila,
- 2-credit Scientific Writing
This program is in the form of a research project conducted in a research center laboratory managed by the Independent Campus Program by the Ministry of Education and Culture/Kemendikbud and The Undergraduate Program. The students should meet the minimum GPA of 3.00 and are assigned with at least one supervisor. The program is held in 6 months and equal to 20 credits, which covers the Elective Course in Research for 8 credits (excluded from the completion requirement of 144 credits), 3 credits of internship with an assigned supervisor, 9 credits of Elective Course as ruled by the program. The students must register themselves by completing the following form To monitor the registration progress, students could access The information of program offering could be accessed at the following link for research
Equivalent Course Conversion
The 6-month is equivalent to 20 credits :
- 8-credit Elective Course in Research as additional credits to 144 credits of undergraduate program completion,
- 3-credit Internship with an assigned supervisor,
- 9-credit of Elective Courses
Humanitarian Projects
This program promotes ideas of solutions for social issues. It is supervised by the Independent Campus Program by the Ministry of Education and Culture/Kemendikbud and The Undergraduate Program. The students should meet the minimum GPA of 3.00 and are assigned with at least one supervisor. The program is held in 6 months and equal to 20 credits, which covers The Elective Course in the Humanitarian Project for 12 credits (excluded from the completion requirement of 144 credits), Community Service for 2 credits, Civic Education for 2 credits, Pancasila for 2 credits, Scientific Writing for 2 credits. The students must register themselves by completing the following form To monitor the registration progress, students could access The information of program offering could be accessed at the following link for a humanitarian project.
Equivalent Course Conversion
The 6-month Humanitarian Project is equivalent to 20 credits :
- 12-credit Elective Course in the humanitarian project as additional credits to 144 credits of undergraduate program completion,
- 2-credit Community Service
- 2-credit Civic Education
- 2-credit Pancasila
- 2-credit Scientific Writing
Independent Study/Projects
This program is addressed to master the cross-department applied science, directly from the experts. The program is supervised by the Independent Campus Program by the Ministry of Education and Culture/Kemendikbud and The Undergraduate Program. The students should meet the minimum GPA of 3.00 and are assigned with at least one supervisor. The program is held in 6 months and equal to 20 credits, which covers the Elective course in Study/Independent Project for 9 credits (excluded from the completion requirement of 144 credits), 9 credits of the Elective Course as ruled by the program, Scientific Writing for 2 credits. The students must register themselves by completing the following form To monitor the registration progress, students could access The information of program offering could be accessed at the following link
Equivalent Course Conversion
The 6-month Independent Study/Project is equivalent to 20 credits :
- 9-credit Elective Course in independent Study/Project as additional credits to 144 credits of undergraduate program completion,
- 9-credit Elective Course based on the content of the independent Study/Project
- 2-credit Scientific Writing
Rural Development/Thematic Community Services
This program promotes ideas of solutions for social issues. It is supervised by the Independent Campus Program by the Ministry of Education and Culture/Kemendikbud and The Undergraduate Program. The students should meet the minimum GPA of 3.00 and are assigned with at least one supervisor. The program is held in 6 months and equal to 20 credits, which covers the Elective Course in Community Development for 12 credits (excluded from the completion requirement of 144 credits), The Community Service for 2 credits, Civic Education for 2 credits, Pancasila for 2 credits, Scientific Writing for 2 credits. The students must register themselves by completing the following form To monitor the registration progress, students could access The information of program offering could be accessed at the following link for Community Development (Thematic Community Service)
Equivalent Course Conversion
The 6-month Rural Development/Thematic Community Services equivalent to 20 credits :
- 12-credit Elective Course in Rural Development/Thematic Community Services as additional credits to 144 credits of undergraduate program completion,
- 2-credit Civic Education
- 2-credit Pancasila2-credit Scientific Writing
- 2-credit Community Service
International Student Mobility Award
This program is designed for students’ mobility at the best universities in the world in the form of student exchange or International Credit Transfer (ICT) with grants provided by the government or other parties. It is supervised by the Independent Campus Program by the Ministry of Education and Culture/Kemendikbud and The Undergraduate Program. The requirements are as the followings :
- The students should meet the minimum GPA of 3.00 and
- The students are assigned with at least one supervisor.
The program is held in 6 months.
Equivalent Course Conversion
The courses enrolled can be converted to equivalent courses as a whole or partial.
The inequivalent enrolled courses can be converted to the following courses as a whole 20 credits or just partial ones.
- The Elective Course in Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards for a maximum of 12 credits (as additional credits to 144 credits of undergraduate program completion),
- Civic Education for 2 credits,
- Pancasila for 2 credits,
- Scientific Writing for 2 credits,
- English for 2 credits.
The students must register themselves by completing the following form To monitor the registration progress, students could access The information of program offering could be accessed at the following link
Jurusan Teknik Industri
Gedung KH Mas Mansyur Lantai 1
Kampus Terpadu UII
Jalan Kaliurang km. 14,5 Sleman
Yogyakarta 55584
+62 274 895287 ext. 118
[email protected]