On (21/02) Industrial Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) held a workshop entitled Mastering CV, Social Media & Tools: Kickstart to Your Career Success! This activity took place in the DSK&E Laboratory and was attended by 10 students. The workshop started at 13.45 WIB.

This workshop presented Vicky Caneca, S.T., MBA, who is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of MyMedica.id and Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Caneca Food Factory (FMCG & Retail), as the main speaker. In the session, he called participants one by one to a separate room to simulate a job interview. Previously, participants were asked to bring their Curriculum Vitae (CV) which would then be reviewed in detail.

In addition to discussing CV preparation and job interview simulations, the workshop also highlighted the importance of building personal branding in the digital era. Vicky emphasized that a digital track record, especially through platforms such as LinkedIn, can be a determining factor in attracting the attention of recruiters. Therefore, students are encouraged to be more active in managing their professional image and expanding their network through digital platforms.

In the next session, Vicky gave a more in-depth presentation on strategies to create an attractive CV that meets the standards of the company’s Human Resource Department (HRD). She also shared tips on optimizing your LinkedIn profile, including how to showcase your experience, skills, and build connections that are relevant to the industry you are interested in.

Ratih Dianingtyas Kurnia, S.T., Ph.D., as the representative lecturer of the study program, supervised the event and expressed her hopes for this activity. “This first meeting is the first step in introducing the event to students. If it gets a positive response, this activity will continue in the future,” he said.

This workshop provides insight for students in compiling a good CV before graduation. With this session, students can understand the experience and certifications that need to be included to be more competitive in the world of work.

Rani Novalentina

Industrial Engineering students from the Faculty of Industrial Technology (FTI), Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII), have once again achieved remarkable success at the national level. A team of UII Industrial Engineering students won 1st place in the EGSA Essay Competition 2024, organized by the Environmental Geography Student Association (EGSA), Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). They secured the victory with their essay titled WIJAYA: Waste-To-Energy Initiative For Jogja and Allied Actions, which presents an innovative solution towards achieving Net Zero Emission (NZE) 2060.

This essay competition encouraged students to put forward ideas and innovations related to environmental issues, under the theme “Pentahelix Synergy in Realizing Indonesia’s Commitment to Net Zero Emission 2060.” During their preparation, the team conducted in-depth research, brainstorming sessions, and a comprehensive framework-based analysis. They also integrated the pentahelix concept as a strategic solution for achieving the NZE 2060 target.

Team’s Progress

One of the team members, Rangga, shared that they collaborated with Dzaky Arkan Prabowo, a UII Chemical Engineering student, in writing the essay. “We collaborated with students from other programs because we felt this topic was closely related to their expertise. Although Industrial Engineering takes a holistic approach, we remain open to interdisciplinary collaboration to enrich our references and develop more innovative solutions,” he explained.

Rangga also provided some tips for students interested in joining similar competitions. According to him, it is crucial to set clear goals from the start, focus on idea development, and use feedback from previous competitions for evaluation. He also emphasized the importance of selecting teammates with high enthusiasm, as it plays a significant role in competing effectively.

Other Outstanding Achievements

The achievements did not stop there. UII Industrial Engineering students also excelled in the Policy Case Competition: Crafting Innovative Policies to Advance Sustainable Energy Initiatives in Yogyakarta, organized by SRE UGM x New Energy Nexus Indonesia. A team of three Industrial Engineering students secured a Top 5 position and won the Best Presentation award with their proposal titled MERAPI: Membangun Energi Ramah dan Pertumbuhan Inklusif (Building Sustainable Energy and Inclusive Growth). This proposal introduced an innovative approach to developing renewable energy in Yogyakarta.

These accomplishments demonstrate that UII Industrial Engineering students are highly competitive at the national level and contribute significantly to strategic thinking on environmental and sustainability issues. With a spirit of collaboration and innovation, they continue to create concrete solutions to support a more sustainable environment.

List of UII Industrial Engineering Students in the Winning Teams:

1.EGSA Essay Competition 2024Rangga Pamungkas Putradharma225222841st Place
Zahid Anugrah Muzaffar Rana22522100
2.Policy Case Competition: Crafting Innovative Policies to Advance Sustainable Energy Initiatives in YogyakartaAzhar Anargya Aryasatya22522332TOP 5 & Best Presentation
Arkan Abbad Falah Wibowo22522231
Rangga Pamungkas Putradharma22522284

Syawarani Gayatri


On (23/01) Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology (FTI), Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) provided career guidance for final year students held at Learning Space 2 in the KH. Mas Mansur Building. This event aimed to provide insight and motivation to 14 prospective graduates who were present in facing the competitive world of work.

On this occasion, Annisa Uswatun Khasanah S.T., M.Sc. as Secretary of the Industrial Engineering Study Program conveyed greetings from the Head of Study Program who was unable to attend. She left a message to all participants to remain enthusiastic in pursuing a career after completing their studies. 

“The moment of graduation is not the end of the journey, but the beginning of real social life. After graduation, the question that will often arise is no longer about where to study, but work, income, and financial independence,” said the Secretary.

This event is part of a routine program held every time before student graduation, where alumni share their experiences and tips for success in facing the world of work. This year, the briefing was given by Vicky Caneca, S.T., MBA, an alumnus of class 2015 who has pioneered as CEO of MyMedica.id. In the sharing session, Vicky shared experiences and strategies that can be applied in the process of finding a job and facing challenges in the professional world.

Vicky shared experiences and strategies.

Prospective graduates were reminded that the world of work has its own challenges, where mental resilience and self-readiness are the main keys. Not a few new graduates have difficulty adapting and end up deciding to resign in a matter of months. Therefore, they are encouraged to think carefully before making big decisions related to work.

In closing, all participants were encouraged to keep fighting to face the challenges and make every experience a learning process. With determination and hard work, they are expected to achieve success in the professional world.

The event was closed with prayers and hopes that the graduates will be given ease in pursuing their careers. With this program, it is hoped that students will be better prepared to face the reality of the world of work and be able to compete in their respective industries.

Rani Novalentina

On Sunday (22/12/2024), the Student Resource Development Division of the Industrial Engineering Student Association of the Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Islam Indonesia (HMTI LEM FTI UII) again successfully held AKSI TI 2024, an orientation event for new Industrial Engineering students class of 2024. With the event theme “Bersua Merangkai Asa, Wujudkan Cendiawan”, this event was attended by 97 new students and supported by 127 committees that ensured the fluency of activities for three days. Carrying the concept of indoor and outdoor, the event took place on December 15, 2024 for indoor activities, and on December 21-22, 2024 for outdoor activities at Girikaton Campground. This concept was designed to provide a comprehensive experience for participants in understanding the world of Industrial Engineering at UII.

Forepart Day

The first day began with an opening ceremony that began with the reading of saritilawah, playing the national anthem Indonesia Raya, and the UII Hymn. Furthermore, remarks were delivered by Allan Fridicya Tri Wahyudi as Chair of the Organizing Committee of AKSI TI 2024, Radza Rayhan as Chair of the Steering Committee of AKSI TI 2024, Hadel Hafiz Satria as Chair of HMTI LEM FTI UII 2023/2024, and Ir. Muhammad Ridwan Andi Purnomo, Ph.D., IPM, as Chair of the Industrial Engineering Study Program. The beating of the gong by the Chair of the Study Program became a symbol of the official opening of the event.

The series of Forepart Day events included various educational sessions, such as SIMAK TI: About the Academic Science of Industrial Engineering, which was presented by Feris Firdaus, M.Sc. as a lecturer in Industrial Engineering. This session explored the role of Industrial Engineering in supporting the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through the integration of Industry 4.0 technology, circular economy, and Lean Manufacturing. In addition, participants were also introduced to the Industrial Engineering Student Association (HMTI) through the PANEN HMTI session, as well as the introduction of six learning support laboratories in the Laboratory Show session.

Strengthening Day

Peserta menjalani Strengthening Day di Bumi Perkemahan Girikaton

The second day took place with an outdoor concept for two days and one night. The event began with the opening and reading of the rules of the participants, followed by Prototype Lab. In this session, participants in groups made prototypes to train critical thinking and creativity. The Tausiah Hikmah session presented by Alif Lukmanul Hakim (degree) conveyed a message about the importance of Islamic values in technological innovation.

The LAMPU HMTI event (Step Towards HMTI Center) introduced the HMTI organizational structure, followed by a case study that spurred participants’ critical thinking. The peak momentum was the Inauguration, where participants were officially confirmed as part of the UII Industrial Engineering family. The procession was marked by the reading of the student oath, symbolic installation of HMTI uniforms, bonfire lighting, singing of the UII Hymn, and closing prayer.

In the evening, the atmosphere became more intimate with the Secret Text event which created interaction between participants, and Stage Vibes which featured the band Imunity from HMTI. The second day’s activities were closed by a non-formal MC, with participants returning to the tents to rest.

Camaraderie Day

Peserta antusias pada mata acara WIB di Camaraderie Day

The last day began with the announcement of the Student Coordinator (KOSEMA) by Ilham Muhammad Anugrah Saragih, Head of Student Resources Development HMTI. Participants then followed the morning gymnastics session and breakfast together in the Morning Spirit event. The Lab Show session was the highlight, where each group showcased and presented their prototypes in Field C. Visitors also voted to determine the best prototype.

The event continued with WIB: Industry Time to Explore, an exploration activity on the tracking path to seven posts that tested participants’ cohesiveness and creativity. After a lunch break, the Rewarding session recognized the teams based on the best prototype.

Finally, the Closing Ceremony, in which the Chair of OC, SC, HMTI, LEM, DPM, and the Person in Charge of Activities Dian Janari, S.T., M.T. conveyed their messages and hopes. As a symbolic gesture, a gong was struck to mark the end of AKSI TI 2024. The event was closed with the screening of After Movie which summarized all moments from Forepart Day, Strengthening Day, to Camaraderie Day.

AKSI TI is not only an adaptation event for new students, but also a moment to instill a spirit of innovation, togetherness, and pride as part of Industrial Engineering UII. With the theme of Engineering to the Future, this event succeeded in motivating participants to continue to develop and contribute to creating hope for a better future.

Rani Novalentina

On Tuesday (23/12/2024), the Innovation and Technology Competition (LEVITASI) was successfully organized by the Student Executive Board (LEM) of the Faculty of Industrial Technology (FTI), Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII). The event took place at the FTI UII Hall from 09.00 WIB to 13.00 WIB and managed to attract attention with various technological innovations displayed. From a total of ten participants, two groups from Industrial Engineering UII successfully made proud achievements by winning first and second place.

First Place: Agricultural Drone Innovation

The group consisting of Dhinar Elma Arifa, Zhafif Radithya Nugroho, and Anggara Yoga Pradhana amazed the jury with their innovation, an agricultural drone equipped with hyperspectral imaging sensor technology, LiDAR cam, and coaxial propeller design. This technology is designed to improve efficiency in agricultural processes, such as monitoring and land cultivation. With automation capabilities and optimal lifting power, this drone is a modern solution for the agricultural sector.

Competition Poster Coaxial Drone

“Initially, this idea was just a development of last year’s concept that won runner-up. By improving the shortcomings based on the jury’s suggestions, we managed to bring this innovation to a better level,” said Dhinar Elma Arifa.

They were also accompanied by their supervisor, Putri Dwi Annisa, S.T., M.Sc., who provided valuable input during the development process. “It was really exciting during the presentation and expo, especially when we were judged by Ir. Muhammad Ridwan Andi Purnomo, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPM who understands automation. I didn’t expect to win first place,” added Dhinar.

Their message to other students is, “Don’t be afraid to try! Winning is just a bonus, the most important thing is the experience and learning during the process.”

Second place: CHELMONT-EA

Winner 2nd place

The CHELMONT-EA group, consisting of Demas Rakha Freeporta, Mumtaz Fahd Rifmawan, Rizki Esa Putra Bijaksana, and Zahwa Putri Aghniya also from the Industrial Engineering department of UII, won second place with their innovation in the form of Chicken Feeder and Health Monitor with Egg Automation. This system integrates automatic feeder technology, chicken health sensor, and egg collecting conveyor to improve the efficiency of laying hen farms.

In an interview, Mumtaz Fahd, one of the team members, revealed that the idea to participate in LEVITASI stems from the success of CHELMONT-EA in the RSKE Big Project Laboratory activities. “We see that this product has great potential to be competed. With the support of our supervisor, Ratih Dianingtyas Kurnia, S.T., Ph.D., we decided to compete in LEVITASI again,” he said.

Competition Poster Chielmont-Ea

According to Mumtaz, their product not only saves operational costs, but also improves the welfare of farmers through ergonomic design and real-time monitoring of chicken health. 

As for him, he gave a message to other students who want to follow in their footsteps “The message is to be more active in learning many things and the most important thing is to find an environment that really wants to process together, especially if you have the same intention, surely in the future you will have greater opportunities,” he said.

Assessment and Prospects

The assessment of the competition was done through presentations in front of the jury, which consisted of FTI UII lecturers, and assessment during the expo. This event provides an opportunity for students to show their potential in creating innovative technology-based solutions.

This achievement is proof of the ability of UII Industrial Engineering students to produce relevant and applicable work. With high enthusiasm and dedication, they are expected to inspire other students to continue working and innovating.

Rani Novalentina

The Industrial Engineering Department of Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) actively participated in Informatics EXPO 2025, an interactive educational exhibition open to the public. The event took place at the Society Atrium, UG floor, Pakuwon Mall Jogja, from January 10 to 12, 2025. Industrial Engineering aimed to introduce the academic world and the role of Industrial Engineering at UII to a broader audience through engaging and informative activities for visitors.

Interactive Discussion Session

One of the main highlights receiving positive responses was the Interactive Discussion Session with faculty members and students of Industrial Engineering UII, held on Friday, January 10, 2025. This session provided visitors with insights into various aspects of the Industrial Engineering Department, covering undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral programs, presented directly by the lecturers.

The discussion featured Prof. Dr. Ir. Elisa Kusrini, MT, CPIM, CSCP, SCOR_P, Ir. Winda Nur Cahyo, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., IPM, and Annisa Uswatun Khasanah, S.T., M.Sc., who elaborated on topics such as What is Industrial Engineering, career prospects, and academic fields like Intelligent Supply Chain Management and Enterprise Management, which are among the focus areas of Industrial Engineering UII.

The session also allowed visitors to explore the academic atmosphere of Industrial Engineering UII through direct explanations by laboratory assistants about the department’s lab facilities. Additionally, visitors gained a deeper understanding of the life of international students at Industrial Engineering UII through a sharing session hosted by Prita Nurkhalisa M. and Ridho Muzaik Ramadhan.

What They Said About Industrial Engineering at Informatics EXPO 2025

The Industrial Engineering booth also added excitement to the event with fun games and exclusive merchandise giveaways, creating an engaging and dynamic atmosphere. Visitors interacted with Industrial Engineering representatives, making the booth an attractive and lively spot at the event.

Here are some of their impressions about the Industrial Engineering booth:

“It’s really interesting; the event is lively, and a lot of people attended. The staff is friendly, and the atmosphere is excellent. In terms of facilities, the laboratories are well-equipped, and the accreditation is great. It’s perfect for those interested in applying to Industrial Engineering,” Lian R.I.

“The booth in expo is fun and interactive, making people curious about Industrial Engineering. It’s creative and well-executed. I hope it continues to grow, stay innovative, and keep advancing,”  – Naufal Tsaqif

“It’s impressive. The posters and fun games successfully attract visitors and are very informative. I’ve learned a lot more about Industrial Engineering at UII, and I’m even considering pursuing a Master’s degree here,” – Zaka

“There’s a lot of merchandise. I hope there will be more programs like this in the future to introduce Industrial Engineering UII to the public,” – Ino

With the success of this event, the Industrial Engineering Department of UII hopes to continue showcasing its potential and scientific contributions to national progress. See you at the next exciting event!

Syawarani Gayatri

Sagarmatha team won the Favorite Winner award in the International Oil Rig Design Competition OCEANO 2024 Event. OCEANO 2024 itself is an event that aims to increase public awareness of the potential of global maritime resources through various series of competitions. The Faculty of Marine Technology, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (FTK ITS) organized the prestigious event. The competition with the theme “Pioneering innovative offshore oil platforms by enhancing structural and HSE aspects to maximize energy potential” was held for 3 days on 23-25 November 2024. 

The Sagarmatha team, consisting of Valendra Eril Erginansya, Khafiyya Aulia Istiadza, Dinda Meilia Rhepon, Manik Purbo Ulung, and Inggil Tahta Haritza, carried the concept of environmentally friendly oil rig design. They successfully created a mock-up of an oil rig to minimize oil pollution to the sea. In the competition, the mock-up must pass several stages, such as rig tests, floating tests, and motion tests with simulated artificial waves. At the rig test stage, the Sagarmatha Team’s mockup weighing 2 kg managed to support a load of up to 250 kg. However, they did not succeed in the floating test due to the unbalanced mockup design.

Preparation for this competition was challenging. From making accurate mock-ups and calculations to preparing presentations that illustrate the advantages of their designs. However, all of these challenges can be overcome well thanks to the guidance of FTI Industrial Engineering’s lecturers and mentors, namely Dian Janari, S.T., M.T., Diles Parel Lubis, S.T., M.T., and Putri Dwi Annisa, S.T., M.Sc. All three have a big role in achieving team success.

Ata, one of the Sagarmatha team members advised, “If the message from me is that maybe the friends are not interested in the competition. But when you participate for the first time, even though the results lose or win, you will definitely be addicted. So the key is to try first, to win or lose think later.” he said.

Congratulations to the Sagarmatha team for this achievement! Hopefully it will be an inspiration for the next generations.

Audiamara Vinka

The Manufacturing Systems Laboratory (SIMAN), Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology (FTI), Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII), once again hosted the EXPO Big Project DPTI 2024. A total of 69 teams of Industrial Engineering students from FTI UII participated in this event, which serves as the culmination of the Basic Industrial Engineering Design (DPTI) course practicum. In this Expo, participants were challenged to create, design, and develop innovative products, showcasing the application of the knowledge they have acquired throughout their studies.


With the theme “Beyond Green: Exploring Sustainable Solutions and Innovations,” the Expo was held on Friday (01/03) with great enthusiasm. Hosted at the Hall of K.H. Mas Mansyur Building, each team displayed their product designs, which were divided into several categories: Enhancing Lives, Preserving Dignity, Nurturing The Earth, and Ensuring Health. Through engaging media, visitors were not only able to view the students’ innovative works but also interact directly with the participants to understand the product designs and their development processes.

Dinda Meilia Rhepon, a SIMAN Laboratory assistant and the person in charge of this event, expressed her gratitude and excitement over the success of the Expo.

“Alhamdulillah, the DPTI Big Project 2024 Expo ran smoothly. All participants were enthusiastic, showcasing their posters and presenting impressive animated videos. Hopefully, the products developed through this Big Project can be further advanced, compete in other competitions, and inspire the new students,” she said.

Dinda also mentioned that the excitement of the Expo would continue the following day with the Top 10 Presentation. In this stage, the top 10 teams would present their products directly, to be evaluated by a panel of judges.


The Top 10 Presentation took place on Saturday (01/04) in the Auditorium Room on the 3rd floor of the K.H. Mas Mansyur Building. The event began with an opening ceremony hosted by Manik Purbo Ulung and Fildzah Shabrina as MCs, followed by a welcome speech from the Head of the SIMAN Laboratory, Putri Dwi Annisa, S.T., M.Sc.

The program continued with presentations by each of the top 10 teams. The presentations were attended and evaluated by three invited lecturers serving as judges: Ir. Abdullah ‘Azzam, S.T., M.T., IPM, Putri Dwi Annisa, S.T., M.Sc., and Didin Dwi Novianto, S.T., M.LSCM. Following the enthusiastic presentation sessions, the announcement of winners became the highlight of the Expo Big Project DPTI 2024. Awards included 1st Winner, 2nd Winner, and 3rd Winner, along with special awards for categories such as Best Poster, Best Animation, and Favorite Winner.

One of the award-winning product designs was the Aqua Purifier Touch (APT) by team DD-5. This product offers a water sanitation solution utilizing dew and rainwater as the main components. The applied filtration process produces clean water suitable for use, particularly in regions facing water scarcity.
“Our product is designed to assist areas with limited access to clean water, providing a practical solution to future sanitation challenges,” explained Azzahra Febriana, a member of team DD-5.

Azzahra also shared her experiences during the Expo, stating that the process was not easy from the beginning until the day of the event. Through this Expo, Azzahra and her team learned to develop creative ideas addressing societal issues in line with the chosen theme.

This activity serves as one of the platforms provided by the Industrial Engineering Department at FTI UII for students to nurture their creativity. Through the Big Project, students are encouraged to create solutions that are not only technology-based but also considerate of environmental issues.

Congratulations to the winners and all students who participated in the SIMAN Big Project Expo 2024! Keep innovating, creating, and contributing to a better future. Salam Satu Hati!

Below is the list of award recipients for the EXPO Big Project DPTI 2024:

DC-11st WinnerAnnisa Nazala AflahScy Shield
Fayef Shorea Hendri
Sakura Holly Oceania Wibowo
DD-52nd WinnerRaudatul Salsabila RAPT: Aqua Purifier Tech
Aisha Azahra Dani Atmaja
Azzahra Febriana
DC-43rd WinnerDimas SaputraChekker Bar
Bella Dian Elok Mahardika
Aura Ramadhani
DD-10Best PosterAnis Nur HandayaniTOPPI
Annisa Nur Harimurti
Sevy Dwi Ramadhina
DC-11Best AnimationNaila Desca Mufadhila IlmiSmartChair
Nabila Putik Aprilia
Amanda Tatyana Cindynovika
DB-11Favorite WinnerFarez Abyan PashaqilaGuardian Gear
Evins Tito
Luthfia Labibah

Syawarani Gayatri

The Laboratory of Innovation and Organizational Development (IPO) under the Industrial Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Islam Indonesia (FTI UII), has once again held the Expo Big Project DOI 2024. This annual event is part of the practical course series for Industrial Organization Design (DOI), participated by 93 teams of Industrial Engineering students from FTI UII. Through this activity, students are encouraged to collaborate directly with Small, and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the community. They are challenged to identify the problems faced by SMEs and formulate innovative solutions using the design thinking approach as a tangible application of the knowledge they have learned.

Expo Big Project DOI 2024

The series of activities kicked off with the expo on Friday (03/01). The event was held at the Hall of K.H. Mas Mansyur Building, starting at 8:00 AM WIB and was open to the general public. During the expo, each team showcased their solution designs using media that attracted visitors’ attention. Visitors not only observed innovative projects but also interacted directly with the students to understand the processes behind each solution.

One of the participants, Reza Ibrahim, shared his experience during the Expo Big Project DOI 2024.

“Alhamdulillah, I have participated in the expo several times, and each time I feel excited because we get to showcase the results of what we have worked on throughout the semester. Additionally, we also get to see other incredible projects from our peers,” he said enthusiastically.

On this occasion, Reza and his team collaborated with a garment SME to offer a solution in the form of a real-time recording system through an application they developed. He hopes that events like this will continue to be held in the coming years as a platform to enhance the creativity of Industrial Engineering students at FTI UII.


The series of activities did not end there; it continued with the next event, the Top 10 Presentation, held on Tuesday (08/01) in the Auditorium on the 3rd Floor of the K.H. Mas Mansyur Building. The event began with an opening hosted by Andi Nurulyunisa P. and Dimas Rizky D. as the MCs, followed by a speech from the Head of the IPO Laboratory, Wahyudhi Sutrisno, S.T., M.M., M.T.

The main agenda featured presentations by each of the top 10 teams. These presentations were attended and evaluated by three invited lecturers serving as judges: Nashrullah Setiawan, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D.; Yuli Agusti Rochman, S.T., M.Eng.; and Wahyudhi Sutrisno, S.T., M.M., M.T.

After an enthusiastic session of presentations, the announcement of the winners became the highlight of the Expo Big Project DOI 2024. Team B-9 won the 1st Winner award with an innovative solution in the form of an application called Monetz. In the 2nd Winner position, Team E-7 impressed the judges with their solution, a website called Pullsphere. Meanwhile, Team A-11, with their innovation titled UMKM Bengkel Budi Jaya Motor, secured the 3rd Winner position.

Special awards were also given to teams that excelled in other categories. Team E-9, addressing issues from Aleta Leather SMEs, received the Best Presentation award, while the Favorite Expo award was presented to Team B-8 with their project titled Next Laundry.

Mumtaz Fahd R, one of the IPO laboratory assistants who attended the Top 10 Presentation, expressed his appreciation for the event. “This activity serves as a platform for students to engage directly with the community and address real-world problems, especially in the SME sector. I hope this event will continue in future periods to bring more beneficial innovations from the younger generation,” he stated.

Congratulations to all the winners and students involved in the Expo Big Project DOI 2024! Keep creating and innovating for a brighter future.

Below is the list of award recipients for the Expo Big Project DOI 2024:

B-1Zahid Anugrah Muzaffar Rana1st Winner
Putri Rosihatul Zahra
Muhammad Dava Aji
E-7Zahwa Putri Aghniya2nd Winner
Demas Rakha Freeporta
Rizki Esa Putra Bijaksana
A-11Virna Kumala3rd Winner
Nabila Alifah
Ulvi Sakinah
E-9Adamsyah Hadi KusumahBest Presentation
Hafis Abil Fauzi
Hafizh Iqbal Baihaqy
B-8Rifa DamayantiFavorite Expo
Manda Aprilia
Arista Prabaningrum

Syawarani Gayatri

UII Industrial Engineering students once again made proud achievements in the “X Congress & National Seminar of the Indonesian Ergonomics Association (PEI) 2024”. The event took place on (8-10/8) at Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, Bandung.

Muhammad Alif Basyariah, a representative of UII Industrial Engineering who is an assistant of the Work System Design and Ergonomics Laboratory (DSKE), presented a paper entitled “Ergonomic Car Seat Design with AI Integration”. The research raised innovative solutions in creating ergonomic car seat designs by utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) technology, in order to increase the comfort and convenience of drivers in driving. This paper is a development of posters and essays that were successfully presented at the Ergo Camp event.

Alif shared the process he went through, from drafting the paper, preparing the journal for publication, to doing various presentation exercises. This research is the result of collaboration with the Big Project team, which consists of Alif’s colleagues, Hadi Ramadhan, Aji Adianta Firjatullah, and Reyhandi Rachmad Fadila Wicaksono. Not only that, Alif was also under the guidance of Chancard Basumerda, a lecturer in UII Industrial Engineering in the field of Ergonomics. 

“I am proud. Because it is also the first time to be the representative for the National Ergonomics Conference too. Then meet great people too. Leading lecturers at major universities, as well as ergonomics experts. So I got a lot of valuable insight,” said Alif.

He also gave a message of encouragement to other students. “Grow a sense of curiosity and a sense of wanting to achieve something. So how can you get something from that feeling.  Well, then, how do you prepare for it. Continue to be balanced with good time management anyway, because one of the factors may be that it is difficult for students now.”

This achievement is proof of the contribution of UII Industrial Engineering students in the development of ergonomics and technology. Hopefully this achievement will inspire other students to continue working and make the university proud in the national and international levels.

Salwa Nur Rahma