Akmal Faiq Fadhillah Hidayat, one of Industrial Engineering UII students won the twibbon design competition at La Fête 2024. La Fête 2024 is one of the annual events to commemorate the anniversary of the French Language Education Student Association (HIPER) FBSB UNY. The 3rd place winner in the national twibbon competition received an award in the form of a certificate and coaching money. The event which took place on (31/05) was attended by all high school / vocational school students, university students and the general public in Indonesia with the theme “Une Odyssée Fantastique : A journey into wonder”. This success is clear evidence that UII Industrial Engineering students also excel in demonstrating creativity and innovation.

Akmal said that the road to victory in the twibbon competition began with preparing concepts related to adventure, fantasy, and magic. Therefore, it took a strong effort to explore his imagination deeply. After that, he started playing around with various editing applications to create stunning visuals. Nonetheless, Akmal still found some improvements to make his work even more stunning.

A supportive friendship environment helped Akmal during the competition process. There were several friends whom he asked to give suggestions on the design so that they could be taken into consideration. Meanwhile, many twists and turns occurred during the twibbon design competition process. However, this did not discourage him. He quickly imagined how to continue the design according to the previous concept. “The design was lost when there was a revision of the theme writing, but Alhamdulillah it was backed up, so the design was not completely lost,” he said.

The 2023 student admitted that he was grateful for the myriad of benefits from participating in the twibbon design competition. “I am very happy because it was the first time I won a competition while studying at UII, made new friends at UNY, improved my editing skills, and many more,” he said. He also advised other students who might want to follow in his footsteps, “Be confident in what you have done and don’t get hung up on the negative words of others.” he said.

Audiamara Vinka

The Industrial Engineering Study Program at Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) held an annual routine program, namely the 2023 student parents’ meeting. This program was carried out in order to introduce student’s parents to the academic environment and activities in Industrial Engineering UII. The event took place on (1/06) in Room 04.16 and 04.17 KH Mas Mansyur Building. The event was attended by Dr. Drs. Imam Djati Widodo, M.Eng.Sc., Head of the Industrial Engineering Department, Dr. Agus Mansur, S.T., M.Eng.Sc., Vice Dean for Resources of the Faculty of Industrial Technology, Ir. Winda Nur Cahyo, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., IPM, Head of the Industrial Engineering Master Program, Ir. Muhammad Ridwan Andi Purnomo, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPM., Head of the Industrial Engineering Undergraduate Program, and Ira Promasanti Rachmadewi, M.Eng., IPU., Secretary of the Industrial Engineering International Program were present to fill the activity.

The recitation of the word of God by Ridho Muzaik Ramadhan started the agenda at noon. Next, there was a welcome session by the Head of the Industrial Engineering Undergraduate Program, Ir. Muhammad Ridwan Andi Purnomo, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPM. He welcomed by conveying the current lecture model. “Ladies and gentlemen, we say that currently we have an MBKM (Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka) program so that the learning activities of your children will be on campus and off campus. So that later when your children tell you that there are college activities outside the campus, we encourage them to be able to study outside the campus in order to gain more experience.” he explained.

Profiling of Industrial Engineering UII

Furthermore, in the meeting of parents, the Secretary of the International Program in Industrial Engineering, Ir. Ira Promasanti Rachmadewi, M.Eng., IPU., explained the profile of Industrial Engineering UII starting from lecturers, staff, lecture schemes, scholarship programs, and also various achievements of Industrial Engineering UII students. In addition, she also outlined an explanation of the activities contained in the international program. One of the activities is international intership in collaboration with Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Malaka (UTeM). “There will be another new program, we can spend 6 months in Malaysia to complete the final project with the name Teaching Factory and this is fully funded by the International Program.” she explained.

On this occasion, the Head of the Industrial Engineering Master Program, Ir. Winda Nur Cahyo, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., IPM, also conveyed related activities in the master program. He said that there are several schemes in the form of accelerated programs (fast track), dual degrees, and fast track – dual degrees. “Ladies and gentlemen, if their children want to join the fast track – double degree, they can. Five years after graduation, you can get three degrees, so you can get S.T., from S1, M.T., from S2, M.B.A from NTUST.” he said. Finally, there was a question and answer session with student’s parents to conclude the event.

Audiamara Vinka

Kuliah Tamu TU/e oleh Prof. Turetken

Industrial Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Islam Indonesia held a guest lecture on Thursday (30/5). The lecture themed “Business Process Maturity and Productivity Improvement” took place online using Zoom Meeting. On this occasion, UII Industrial Engineering presented a special guest speaker, Prof. Dr. Oktay Turetken. He is the Chair of the Industrial Engineering Bachelor Program and Professor of Information Systems from Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Netherlands.

Anggun Galuh as the MC opened the series of activities by reciting basmalah and welcoming all participants. Next, the session continued with a presentation by the speakers, guided by a moderator, Bambang Suratno, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., who is also a lecturer at UII Industrial Engineering department.

“The main objective of Business Process Management is to instill a process thinking mindset in organizations for continuous process improvement and innovation. BPM should not be considered as a one-off project, but should be established as a permanent practice,” said Prof. Turetken as an opening remark. Organizations that are mature in managing their business processes will further increase their productivity.

The Business Process Maturity Model (BPMM) defines an evolutionary path that takes an organization from immature and inconsistent processes to mature and disciplined processes. The evolutionary path consists of five sequential levels. First, the Initial level, the stage of inconsistent management, where there is a need for repeated practice. Next, level 2: Managed, the work unit management stage, where standardized practices are required. Then, level 3: Standardized, the process management stage, where optimization practices are needed. Further, level 4: Predictable, the capability management stage, where innovative practices are needed. Finally, level 5: Innovating, the innovation management stage.

Sesi kuis kuliah tamu TU/e

After the presentation, the moderator led a discussion and Q&A session with the participants. Furthermore, there was a quiz session to evaluate participants’ understanding of the guest lecture material. This quiz session was packaged in the form of a game where participants who managed to answer questions quickly and accurately received points. This competitive but fun atmosphere made the afternoon activities more lively. Finally, the event was finalized with a group photo as documentation.

Salwa Nur Rahma

Coaching Career is a program that guides the steps of a graduate in order to prepare himself more thoroughly to face the world of work. Therefore, the Industrial Engineering Study Program of UII in collaboration with the Directorate of Career & Alumni Development of UII held Coaching Career Clinic #1 on (28/05). The activity which took place in Room 04.05A KH Mas Mansyur Building FTI UII was attended by students who had graduated. In fact, students who were just about to graduate were also eager to participate in the activity in order to steal the start to fight the challenges of work later. The event, which invited Dian Ayu Amalia, S.Psi, M.Psi, Psychologist, aimed to support success with good adaptation skills. 

Ms. Dian delivered her introduction by elaborating, “So, the implementation of the WFH system, work from home, this increasingly shows that the world we live in is changing very quickly. We as humans who live in this world or on this earth that we live in must be able to respond by being adaptable. What is adaptable? Being able to adjust.“ she said.

Make a Selling Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Adaptability is very important in the process of honing skills in order to meet the company’s criteria. This can be started by creating an outstanding CV. He explained, “Recruiters will only look at CVs that really sell, according to the value they will receive. How does a prospective recruiter see that this candidate has value? Has a character that represents the company? From his experiences, from his habits. It turns out that he often participates in this activity, he has been involved in this important activity. That’s an example of aspects that sell in our CV.” she explained.

Furthermore, the activity ended with a counseling session with Dian Ayu Amalia, S.Psi, M.Psi, Psychologist and Ayuza Amalia, S.Psi, M.Psi, Psychologist. This session aims to provide consultation regarding preparation in applying for a job. Then, graduates and students can share their experiences about the obstacles they face during the preparation process. In addition, in the session the participants were also able to do a job interview roleplay.

One of the participants, Safira, revealed, “Career Coaching is very useful for preparing to apply for work, especially for making CVs and then for preparing for job interviews.” Then, Ridho added that this program can provide insight so that the interview can run smoothly. “Hopefully I can learn more about how to interviews with recruiters.”

Audiamara Vinka

Sesi dokumentasi atau foto bersama BKSTI DIY

On Tuesday (7/5), BKSTI Korwil Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta held their first offline meeting. This activity was attended by several lecturer representatives from universities throughout DIY. These universities include UII, UST, UPY, UTY, UAD, UAJY, ITDA, UPNVY, AKPRIND, and UNJAYA. Industrial Engineering UII had the opportunity to host this “Syawalan and Work Meeting” meeting which took place at the FTI UII Auditorium.

The Head of BKSTI Korwil DIY, Dr. Drs. Imam Djati Widodo, M.Eng.Sc. opened and gave a speech at the afternoon activity. “Today’s meeting will discuss plans for our activities. There are already some things that we agree on, but we will simplify it again, so that it can run and be useful.”

Furthermore, there were remarks by representatives of the Central BKSTI by the Head of Research and Service, Dr. Agus Mansur, S.T., M.Eng.Sc. “Cooperation between universities is something absolute. In doing something, between alone or collaboration, the results must be very different,” he said. He also added about one of the programs they are planning. “In the field that I am entrusted with, we will record the journals published by your campus. Then each of them can fill in for each other and get accredited. That way, we will know the competency mapping of each party or researcher.”

Sesi diskusi para hadirin BKSTI DIY

Then, to get to know each other better in this first meeting, there was an introduction session for each lecturer representative who came. Furthermore, the event continued to the discussion session to talk about future programs or activities. Finally, a group documentation session concluded the day’s activities.

Salwa Nur Rahma

Tim Ekadanta/ Ekadanta Team

Ekadanta team successfully advanced to the final stage of Petroleum Integrated Days (PETROLIDA) 2024, an international competition by Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) in collaboration with Unilever. As UII representatives, the team consisted of Rifki Nurul Mukarim, Nisrina Faiza Mufid, and Atiqoh Fairuz Hamidah. They successfully placed 4th in the International Business Case Competition.

There were many stages that they had to go through to get to that point. Starting from preliminary, semifinal, and final. In the preliminary stage, there was a case study in the form of a problem faced by the company, they brainstormed and made an executive summary of the solution to the problem. Next for the semifinal stage, they make a full report or solution proposal related to the given case study. At this stage, they held discussions with their advisor, Putri Dwi Annisa S.T., M.Sc., to optimize each aspect of the assessment that was considered so that it could provide an appropriate solution for the company.

Final Presentation/ Presentasi Final

Team Ekadanta’s effort and dedication paid off, they were selected to advance to the final stage to present their solution in front of the judges in person. At the final stage, they prepared various things such as leaflets, x-banners, and Pitch Deck PPT. Not to forget, they also practiced to be fluent in the presentation which was done in English.

Of course, all the processes they went through were not free from obstacles. One of them is the short preparation time for the final, as well as UII students who are in the midterm exam period (UTS). To overcome this, the Ekadanta Team tried to equalize their free time to take the time to practice together.

“Becoming a finalist in an international competition is a new and valuable experience for us. It’s not easy, but thanks to teamwork and great also supportive supervisors, we are able to commit in striving to give our best,” said the Ekadanta Team.

Salwa Nur Rahma

As a form of support and preparation for fresh graduate candidates, Industrial Engineering UII once again held a program to mentor prospective graduates. The event with the theme “Empowering Your Career Path” was held in Learning Space 2 FTI UII on Tuesday (22/05).

Anggun Galuh as the MC opened the activity at noon by reading the schedule of the event. Then it was continued by singing Indonesia Raya and UII Hymn together. Furthermore, there was a divine chant by Pardiya, S.T.

The Head of the Industrial Engineering Undergraduate Program, Ir. Muhammad Ridwan Andi Purnomo, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPM. congratulated the prospective graduates. He revealed that this activity is a support for the study program to equip prospective graduates to enter the real world later. “Often, even though our skills are qualified, we lose in wrapping ourselves. Therefore, we invite alumni who have succeeded to teach how to make us look attractive to our potential users,” he stated.

Furthermore, the event entered the material session. The MC started the session by introducing the speaker’s CV, Nur Laily Haryanti, S.T., M.T., a UII Industrial Engineering alumni who has now become a Safety Analyst.

The material delivery session was very interactive. After sharing their college and work experiences, the debriefing participants were invited to do an interview exercise with the speaker. Some things that graduates need to prepare include know your dream job, know how to get it, analyze yourself well, and setting yourself up.

“Like an airplane, we need time, preparation, and preparation to fly high. Don’t be discouraged, if you fail try again, maybe the thrust is lacking, you have to evaluate. Hopefully your journey will be as enjoyable as you expect,” he concluded.

Then, there was an info session from the study program by Putri Dwi Annisa S.T., M.Sc. Finally, the event was concluded with an impression of message and a symbolic gift for the highest GPA achievers, Anindya Tiara Pertiwi Maharani and Dwi Untari Harnani.

The following is a list of prospective graduates in Graduation Period V Academic Year 2023/2024:

117522010Deka Akbar Anshorulloh
217522088M. Munaldi Novriansyah
317522121Reysando Bayu Adi
417522243Kartika Nur Anggraeni
518522056Allya Valdatara Absy Putri
618522177Rahmat Hendrayana
718522178Fiqih Fandrian Pangestika
819522093Audrie Aldefka Arzhaputra Anafacsyah
919522098Javier Bayu Nugroho
1019522099Alvin Soni Rolando
1119522152Muhammad Arfin Shibyan
1219522178Naufal Arkhan Hadianto
1319522184Jarot Dwiyanto
1419522200Jodhi Iman Kesuma Warsito
1519522205Alhimni Rusydi Ramadhan
1619522206Sheilla Cahaya Desca
1719522212Daffa Alfarizy
1819522232Restu Amelia
1919522263Rasel Timoty Teja
2019522275Nurul Hadi F.F.
2119522325Akbar Iftikhor
2219522330Muhammad Novarizky
2319522336Luthfiyyah Wasiilah Maahiroh
2419522377Muhammad Wahyu Setiyadi
2520522038Anindya Tiara Pertiwi Maharani
2620522064Adrian Farhan Bagaskoro
2720522107Aulia Putri Maritza
2820522223Muhammad Arif Buditama
2920522287Dwi Untari Harnani
3020522319Prayitno Budi Utomo

Salwa Nur Rahma

The Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) commemorated its 42nd anniversary on Monday (5/20) at the Auditorium of FTI UII. With the theme “Guyub Rukun Bangun TI, Mugo Berkah lan Barokah”, this commemoration is not just a momentum to look back on achievements. However, it is also to reflect on a long journey full of meaning, relentless dedication, and sincere love for the world of education, especially Indonesian Industrial Engineering. Flashback stories of struggle, hope, and advice from the elders colored the event in the morning.

The recitation of the divine word together was the initial session of this birth day event. Then, the activity session continued with the singing of Indonesia Raya and Hymn UII. Furthermore, there was a speech session by the Dean of the Faculty of Industrial Technology, Prof. Dr. Ir. Hari Purnomo, M.T., IPU, ASEAN.Eng. He told how Industrial Engineering UII struggled to survive with all its limitations. He also expressed his gratitude for all the achievements and advised to always maintain the quality of Industrial Engineering UII as it matures. “I leave a message, 42 years old is an old age, but don’t let our quality be a young quality. Then our quality is an old quality too.” he said.

Furthermore, the Head of Industrial Engineering Department, Dr. Drs. Imam Djati Widodo, M.Eng.Sc., gave a speech by expressing his gratitude to the alumni who have strived for the progress of Industrial Engineering UII. He also emphasized for the students to be able to follow in the footsteps of the success of the alumni. “Students, please study hard because our alumni have been recognized and big universities respect our alumni,” he said.

Then, the Head of HMTI, Muhammad Alifian Fauzannasa Nawawi, added achievements in terms of organizational institutions. “Here HMTI has become one that is indeed seen on other campuses. For example, in a conference (association) of Industrial Engineering students in Yogya, they will not start and the forum will not run when HMTI from UII is not present.” he said.

Flashback of UII Industrial Engineering Struggle

Afterward, Ir. Ali Parkhan, M.T., who represented the First Alumni of Industrial Engineering UII, gave a speech by telling a story that was quite emotional because for 3 years of college, the alumni of Industrial Engineering UII were not recorded because they did not yet have status or accreditation. Nevertheless, thanks to the unwavering determination, Industrial Engineering UII successfully overcame all the challenges. “With all the limitations of facilities and resources, we have been guided by the advice of our teachers. Alhamdulillah, those who have laid the foundation can now see the results. “ he said.

The anniversary event was also attended by the elders of Industrial Engineering UII. Ir. Hudaya, M.M., representing all the elders expressed his impression and message towards Industrial Engineering UII. He was very grateful that he still had the opportunity to see the Industrial Engineering Department of UII progressing and developing. He invited all attendees to reminisce together about his college days. “In the past, the Department of Industrial Engineering still had few lecturers and a mix of lecturers, some from Electrical Engineering, some from Mathematics and Natural Sciences, some from Mechanical Engineering, and some from Economics. Then, the facilities were also still like SD Inpres, the curriculum was mixed between Mechanical Engineering, Electrical, Mathematics, and so on.” he explained.

Afterward, the anniversary event continued with the screening of a video containing hopes from lecturers, alumni, and students for the beloved UII Industrial Engineering department. Furthermore, the games session filled the excitement between the participants who were present on that occasion. The Vice Dean for Resources Management of Faculty of Industrial Technology, Dr. Agus Mansur, S.T., M.Eng.Sc., IPU, led a prayer session to close the event.

Happy 42nd Anniversary of Industrial Engineering UII! A journey full of unforgettable moments, passionate struggles, and endless devotion. May it shine brighter and brighter to carve a global glory.

Audiamara Vinka

Mahasiswa Teknik Industri UII Lolos Pendanaan P2MW

Program Pembinaan Mahasiswa Wirausaha (P2MW) is a program organized by the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs (Belmawa), Ditjen Dikti Ristek, Kemdikbud Ristek designed to strengthen the entrepreneurial ecosystem in higher education. The program includes a series of coaching, mentoring, and business training for students. A total of 13 UII Industrial Engineering students won funding in this competition.

One of the team leaders who passed the funding stage, Fika Aliya Febriyana, expressed her happiness for this achievement. “My hope is that I can utilize the funding money as well as possible, and can pass the KMI Award P2MW later. Hopefully, this business will also keep running and not just for the competition.”

Fika shared the process she went through to get to this stage. “Form a solid team with a high vision and mission and commitment, then divide the tasks as well as possible so that the preparation of the proposal will be easier.” Fika also emphasized the importance of teamwork and time management in facing obstacles due to different majors and batches among team members.

Ir. Muchamad Sugarindra, S.T., M.T.I., IPM, one of the P2MW supervisors, expressed his pride in the students’ achievements. He hoped that more students would join this program. “Participate while there is still a chance because P2MW is a prestigious national level event. I hope this will receive high attention from students.” He also expressed UII’s support which will greatly facilitate those who are interested, both in terms of funding, mentoring, and others.

The following is a list of students who passed the 2024 Program Pembinaan Mahasiswa Wirausaha (P2MW) funding:

No.Business CategoryNameNIMProposal Title
1Digital BusinessArisa Tria Shavira21522226CabTreats Marketplace as an Effort to Optimize the Potential of Catering and Bakery MSMEs
2Service, Tourism and TradeFitri Fathurahma21522039Simpansini Laundry
3Yulia Puspitasari21522062
4Irfan Novaldi21522233Eco Green Laundry Business from Upstream to Downstream that Has Special Concern for the Condition of the Surrounding Natural Environment
5Khairullah Raesya Nugroho21522265
6Food and BeverageFika Aliya Febriyana21522381Buahlicious Bites High in Fiber and Vitamins
7Anggun Galuh Puspita Ningtyas21522352
8Muhammad Rafly Ferdiansyah21522154
9Rangga Pamungkas Putradharma22522284
10Manufacturing and Applied TechnologyArkan Abbad Falah Wibowo22522231Resikopi Dishwash Eco-friendly Dish Soap
11Nasha Fazilatun Nisa22522044
12Insan Akhsani22522040
13Zafira Ratna Dewi Nastiti22522063

Salwa Nur Rahma

Industrial Engineering Study Program UII held a monthly webinar with the topic “Best Practice Enhacing Industrial System Through Dynamic Insight A Digital Twin Approach”. The new program, which is planned to be held regularly every month, was held online through Zoom Meeting on (10/5) and was attended by 121 general participants, including participants from outside UII and outside Yogyakarta. This activity tells about the implementation of the digital twin in various sectors of the industrial system. Participants were able to gain a deeper understanding of how the digital twin improves efficiency and effectiveness in the management of industrial systems.

Anisa Nur Aini as the host of the morning program warmly welcomed all participants who attended. She briefly explained the schedule of the event and introduced the moderator who would lead the discussion in this webinar. Then, Didin Dwi Novianto, S.T., M.LSCM., as the moderator gave a little introduction by reading the CVs of the speakers. In addition, he also said that various industries have implemented the digital twin concept, including manufacturing, transportation, healthcare, and reconstruction.

“So, the advantage of this digital twin concept is that it can help increase productivity and reduce costs by providing digital insights and analytics.” he said.

What is Digital Twin?

Furthermore, the core session of the webinar was the delivery of material by Ir. Muhammad Ridwan Andi Purnomo, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPM., Head of the Industrial Engineering Undergraduate Program. He explained that digital twin is a concept that shows the physical object as a visual representation of the process. Then, continue to simulate in order to improve the physical system. Therefore, when applying the concept, you must understand how to duplicate, make a twin of the physical object, understand what data to extract, and also need any sensors.

“If we talk about industry, it will definitely intersect with the physical system, the factory is also a physical system. So if we look at it, yes, the physical system is taken real-time data, entered into the computer system, meaning the simulation of the physical system, is the twin of the physical system. Then, after the real-time data is retrieved, the decision maker can improve the system in real-time as well,” he explained.

One application of the digital twin is the pick and place system in smart manufacturing. This theory allows the system to be integrated with the database in the marketing department. Its function is to control the movement of the conveyor so that it does not move statically, which sometimes results in overstock or understock. In that case, when demand is high, the speed on the conveyor can increase automatically so that it can produce more. Conversely, when demand is low, the conveyor speed will slow down to adjust the amount of demand. Finally, a Q&A session and group photo session concluded the monthly webinar series.

Audiamara Vinka