Entries by Abdullah Azzam

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Kuliah Umum: Business Process Maturity

Program Studi Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknologi Industri, Universitas Islam Indonesia menggelar kuliah umum pada Kamis (30/5). Kuliah bertemakan “Business Process Maturity and Productivity Improvement” tersebut berlangsung secara daring menggunakan Zoom […]

Supporting Success with Adaptability

Coaching Career is a program that guides the steps of a graduate in order to prepare himself more thoroughly to face the world of work. Therefore, the Industrial Engineering Study […]


Menunjang Kesuksesan dengan Kemampuan Adaptasi

Coaching Career merupakan sebuah program yang menuntun langkah seorang lulusan agar dapat mempersiapkan dirinya lebih matang untuk menghadapi dunia kerja. Oleh karena itu, Program Studi Teknik Industri UII berkolaborasi dengan […]


Empowering Fresh Graduate Career Path

As a form of support and preparation for fresh graduate candidates, Industrial Engineering UII once again held a program to mentor prospective graduates. The event with the theme “Empowering Your […]

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Empowering Fresh Graduate Career Path

Sebagai bentuk dukungan dan persiapan para calon fresh graduate, Teknik Industri UII kembali melaksanakan agenda pembekalan calon wisudawan. Acara bertemakan “Empowering Your Career Path” tersebut terlaksana di Ruang Learning Space […]

Industrial Engineering UII 42nd Anniversary

The Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) commemorated its 42nd anniversary on Monday (5/20) at the Auditorium of FTI UII. With the theme “Guyub […]