On Friday (16/07), the Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology (FTI), Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) held a discussion related to the needs of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and Small and Medium Industries (SMIs) in the Sleman area. This activity is the first step in the establishment of the UMKM Academy by the Department of Industrial Engineering UII by collaborating with the Sleman Regency Government’s Industry and Trade Office (Disperindag).
The event was officially opened by the Head of the Department of Industrial Engineering FTI UII, Dr. Drs. Imam Djati Widodo, M.Eng.Sc. Also present at the opening of the event were the Head of Disperindag, Dra. Raden Rara Mae Rusmi Suryaningsih, Associate Expert Instructor from Disperindag Sleman Herry Murthala, Vice Dean Dr. Ir. Agus Mansur, S.T., M.Eng.Sc., IPU, and Prof. Dr. Ir. Elisa Kusrini, MT, CPIM, CSCP, SCOR-P.
In his speech, Dr. Drs. Imam Djati Widodo, M.Eng.Sc. said “We (IT FTI UII) will help you in developing any business that needs help. Later, students can also help.” He hopes that this discussion can encourage economic growth through MSMEs and SMEs in the Sleman area.
The discussion involved 50 representatives of MSMEs and SMEs from various sectors divided into eight FGD groups. Lecturers of the Industrial Engineering Department of FTI UII accompanied each group, providing direction and assistance to develop the business. Then, UMKM and IKM representatives will convey the problems and training they need.
Elanjati Worldailmi, S.T., M.Sc., lecturer of IT FTI UII said “So this is the forerunner and the first step by establishing a partnership first with Disperindag. We map by inviting and calling SMEs and SMEs in the Sleman area. and in clusters per field with accompanying lecturers.” He further explained that all problems will be followed up by providing the necessary training.
The Department of Industrial Engineering FTI UII established the UMKM Academy to provide concrete support for MSMEs and SMEs in Sleman. This program aims to help MSMEs and SMEs develop through continuous assistance from academics. The department also collaborates with Sleman’s Trade Department to support local economic empowerment.
Dra. Raden Rara Mae Rusmi Suryaningsih said “So, the government synergizes with universities to assist Sleman Regency MSME players so that they are more competitive. So what assistance is needed by MSME players.” Furthermore, she expressed her hope that Sleman Regency MSMEs can continue to consistently run their businesses.
Herry Murthala said that today’s discussion was very useful for SMEs in increasing collaboration between Rumah Kreatif Sleman and the Department of Industrial Engineering FTI UII to explore problems and find solutions. He hopes that this meeting can encourage synergy between SMEs and the Department of Industrial Engineering FTI UII in research and mentoring, especially in product development.
Then, as for Ilham, a representative of IKM from Zatra, said his impression, that this discussion was quite informative and weighty by telling the business profile and what obstacles were faced. He also hopes that other MSMEs can have the same opportunity.
The UMKM Academy is a strategic step to map and develop the potential of MSMEs and SMEs in Sleman, with a focus on increasing the competence and competitiveness of business actors at the regional and national levels. Furthermore, the discussion ended with a group photo session.
Rani Novalentina