IPIEUIITalk: Standard and Conformity Assessment as Enabler of ICT based Health Services
National Standardization Agency of Indonesia (Badan Standardisasi Nasional (BSN)) in collaboration with International Program, Industrial Engineering UII, Gadjah Mada University (UGM), Universitas Indonesia, Underwriters Laboratory (UL) Asia Pacific, IEEE, and Ministry of Health of Republic Indonesia will present a webinar to celebrate Quality Month 2020. This webinar will share how e-health standardization is implemented in IT-based health services. You will meet distinguished speakers to get the most updated information around the e-health standards and implementation of AI in e-health. Let’s join this free webinar. A door prize of Rp. 100.000 e-money for the 3 best participants and e-certificate for present participants upon following the International Program Instagram Account: international_ieuii

Webinar e-Health
Since the pandemic strikes the world, every country has tried to prevent and mitigate the risk of Covid-19. The government, with all stakeholders, are working side by side to discover a prompt and precise solution. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) plays its role in accommodating better healthcare, to prevent and to mitigate the pandemic in Indonesia. Exactly how the standard and conformity assessment as an enabler, for ICT plays its role in the health sector will be discussed in this webinar.
Sejak pandemik melanda dunia, setiap negara berusaha melakukan pencegahan dan memitigasi dampak covid19. Pemerintah bersama stakeholder bekerjasama mencari solusi cepat dan tepat. TIK turut berperan didalamnya. Lalu bagaimanakah peran standar dan penilaian kesesuaian sebagai enabler layanan kesehatan berbasis TIK, akan dibahas pada webinar ini dengan pembicara :
1. Direktur Pelayanan Kesehatan Rujukan Kementerian Kesehatan, dr. Rita Rogayah, Sp.P (K), M.A.R.S.
Regulasi pelayanan telemedicine antar fasilitas layanan Kesehatan di Indonesia.
2. James Keller dan Paul B. Zang, Underwriters Laboratory US and China
Memaparkan Global trends Telehealth dan pemanfaatan Artificial Inteligent (AI) serta sertifikasi/pengujian healthcare berbasis TIK.
3. Prof. Dr. Wisnu Jatmiko
Inovasi Telehealth dan AI di bidang kesehatan. (https://bit.ly/3myQeDG dan https://bit.ly/2TFtW6J)
4. Prof. Dr. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si
GeNose, inovasi alat deteksi Covid19 menggunakan AI serta peran standar dalam hilirisasi hasil penelitian perguruan tinggi untuk masyarakat dan/industri.
5. Ir. Ira Promasanty Rachmadewi, M.Eng
Penerapan standardisasi e-kesehatan (e-health) baik di perkotaan dan pedesaan.
This Webinar is free and e-Certificate will be issued for present participants.
Stay tuned and Don’t miss it !