The rapid development of the times has made many innovations that can be made to solve problems that often occur. The opportunity to innovate was used by students of the Islamic University of Indonesia, one of them at the INDISCO (Industrial Design Seminar and Competition). INDISCO is a competition and seminar on product design aimed at students from Southeast Asia and beyond. The event was organized by the Industrial Engineering Student Association, Diponegoro University, Indonesia. Industrial Engineering UII successfully passed 2 teams to compete in the semifinals of the top 20 and brought the good name of UII at the event.
The semifinal stage is the stage where each team that has passed the proposal file selection is required to present a product design plan to the jury on Friday-Saturday (2-3 / 11) at Grasia Hotel, Semarang. After that there is a big 5 stage where the teams that pass are required to promote their ideas directly to the public through an exhibition on Sunday (4/11) at Car Free Day, Jalan Simpang Lima, Semarang.
The team from UII is a NAT 4.0 team consisting of Muhammad Taufik Anugerah (Industrial Engineering class of 2014), Adam Ferdian Farizky (Industrial Engineering class of 2014), and Nashtiti Aliafari (Industrial Engineering class of 2014) and the Alif Lam Mim team consisting of Muhammad Iqbal Crescent (Mechanical Engineering class of 2014) Industrial class of 2015), Ahmad Hanif Faiz (Industrial Engineering class of 2016), and Dennis Kusuma (Industrial Engineering class of 2016). Each team made a design in accordance with the theme of INDISCO 10, namely “Inclusive Design for Convenient Daily Activities”. The product design of the NAT 4.0 Team won the 2nd Runner Up at INDISCO 2018. The design carried was a multifunctional and ergonomic shower named Wafles Shower. Wafles showers have a filter function for bacteria and viruses, neutralize water PH, there are water pressure regulating features, there are brushes that are adjustable and can rotate automatically to clean difficult parts of the body such as the back, and the shower can be carried and installed anywhere. Alif Lam Mim’s team also won an award as Favorite Team. The product that is carried is a tool to lift and install gallons of water automatically, so users can avoid the risk of injury.