The Industrial Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Islam Indonesia held another National Monthly Webinar on Friday (05/07) with the theme of ergonomics by Ir. Hartomo, M.Sc., Ph.D. IPU, ASEAN.Eng, online through Zoom meetings. This third episode of the National Monthly Webinar discusses how to foster an ergonomic work culture through affective design.
A total of 80 participants from students of the Industrial Engineering Department and the general public participated in this webinar. This event was hosted by Mukhlishin Abdullah as MC and Mrs. Sayyidah Maulidatul Afraah, S.T., M.T. as moderator. The webinar, which started at exactly 09.00 WIB, began with singing the Indonesia Raya and UII Hymns, as well as reading a brief profile of the speakers.
Mr. Hartomo explained that manual activities and excessive use of computer technology can put a burden on workers. “Of course, this burden will put a pressure on our bodies, both physically and mentally. This pressure has the potential to cause discomfort at work, if it exceeds the limits of the person doing the work”.
Furthermore, he revealed that every human being wants to work healthily and safely. However, all work is bound to cause mild or severe illness. According to KEPPRES No.22 Year 1993 Article 1, diseases arising from work relations are diseases caused by work or the work environment. “When someone works safely and securely, there are no incidents, no accidents, or it is called no accident.” he said.
Therefore, he stated that ergonomics is a branch of science that deals with the optimal relationship between work and the work environment using the parameters of a comfortable environment. Thus, affective design is needed to foster pleasure and fondness in a job.
Furthermore, entering the question and answer session by inviting participants to ask questions related to the material presented by Mr. Ir. Hartomo. The National Monthly Webinar ended smoothly with a documentation session closed by the MC of the event.
Rani Novalentina