Monthly Webinar TI 5 Juli

The Industrial Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Islam Indonesia held another National Monthly Webinar on Friday (05/07) with the theme of ergonomics by Ir. Hartomo, M.Sc., Ph.D. IPU, ASEAN.Eng, online through Zoom meetings. This third episode of the National Monthly Webinar discusses how to foster an ergonomic work culture through affective design.

A total of 80 participants from students of the Industrial Engineering Department and the general public participated in this webinar. This event was hosted by Mukhlishin Abdullah as MC and Mrs. Sayyidah Maulidatul Afraah, S.T., M.T. as moderator. The webinar, which started at exactly 09.00 WIB, began with singing the Indonesia Raya and UII Hymns, as well as reading a brief profile of the speakers.

Monthly Webinar TI 5 Juli

Mr. Hartomo explained that manual activities and excessive use of computer technology can put a burden on workers. “Of course, this burden will put a pressure on our bodies, both physically and mentally. This pressure has the potential to cause discomfort at work, if it exceeds the limits of the person doing the work”.

Furthermore, he revealed that every human being wants to work healthily and safely. However, all work is bound to cause mild or severe illness. According to KEPPRES No.22 Year 1993 Article 1, diseases arising from work relations are diseases caused by work or the work environment. “When someone works safely and securely, there are no incidents, no accidents, or it is called no accident.” he said.

Therefore, he stated that ergonomics is a branch of science that deals with the optimal relationship between work and the work environment using the parameters of a comfortable environment. Thus, affective design is needed to foster pleasure and fondness in a job.

Furthermore, entering the question and answer session by inviting participants to ask questions related to the material presented by Mr. Ir. Hartomo. The National Monthly Webinar ended smoothly with a documentation session closed by the MC of the event.

Rani Novalentina

Kunjungan (Visit) Usahid Solo

Industrial Engineering of Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) received a benchmarking visit from Industrial Engineering of Sahid University Surakarta (Usahid Solo) on Monday (8/7). Representatives from UII Industrial Engineering warmly welcomed the 29 guests who came that morning at Learning Space 2 FTI UII. Present at the meeting was the Head of the USS Industrial Engineering Study Program, Anita Oktaviana Trisna Devi, S.T., M.T., along with several representatives of USS Industrial Engineering lecturers and students. 

Opening and delivering remarks, the Head of the UII Industrial Engineering Department, Dr. Drs. Imam Djati Widodo, M.Eng.Sc. welcomed the visiting guests. Furthermore, Anita Oktaviana expressed the purpose and expectation of this visit in her speech. She said, “We want to try to apply the values at UII in our study program, so that later we can move faster for the better. One of them is related to learning, academics, and laboratories.”

Next, there was the presentation of the academic process by Dr. Drs. Imam Djati Widodo, M.Eng.Sc. Then continued to the explanation of the Fast Track program by the Head of the UII Industrial Engineering Master Program, Winda Nur Cahyo, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. Finally, the explanation of the MBKM program by the Secretary of the UII Industrial Engineering Bachelor Program, Annisa Uswatun Khasanah, S.T., M.Sc. At the end of the presentation of the material, there was a Q&A session and discussion between the attendees.

Kunjungan (Visit) Usahid Solo

As a memento, the activity continued with the handover of souvenirs between UII Industrial Engineering and Usahid Solo Industrial Engineering by each representative. After that, the group together with Ir. Muhammad Ridwan Andi Purnomo, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPM. as the Head of the Industrial Engineering Department of UII, Ira Promasanti Rachmadewi, Ir., M.Eng., IPU as the Secretary of the International Program of Industrial Engineering UII, and several other lecturers toured the laboratories and facilities owned by Industrial Engineering UII. Some visiting guests also tried to simulate the tools available in each laboratory.

Salwa Nur Rahma

Team Tim Multipin Salep

The PKM-Kewirausahaan (Entrepreneurship) team of Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) consisting of students from the Industrial Engineering and Pharmacy majors succeeded in making innovative ointment products. The team consists of Mumtaz Fahd Rifmawan Ms, Andi Muh Khaidir Resqullah, Muhammad Arif Fadhillah, Sofa Tasya Kamila, and Khanza Adinda Salsabila. Under the guidance of Ir. Muchamad Sugarindra, S.T., M.T.I., IPM, the team succeeded in creating an innovation titled “Multipin Salep: Innovation of Kalanchoe Pinnata and Jatropha Multifida Extract Ointment with Jasmine Scent as Wound Therapy Using Grassroots Campaign Strategy”.

Multipin ointment is a wound ointment product derived from the plants Kalanchoe Pinnata (cocor bebek) and (Jatropha Multifida) jarak tintir which have been proven as plants that have properties in wound healing. This ointment also has no side effects because it uses herbal ingredients and also has the advantage of having a jasmine flower aroma.

The idea for this product arose because abrasions and cuts are often experienced by many people in Indonesia, and many of them still rely on traditional medicine or herbs. By using natural ingredients from herbal plants, this wound ointment has the advantage of a lower risk of side effects compared to chemical products. The selected herbs are jarak tintir (Jatropha multifida Linn) and cocor bebek (Kalanchoe pinnata Lamk) due to their beneficial content in wound healing. Jarak tintir contains anti-bacterial substances such as alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, and saponins. Meanwhile, cocor bebek leaves contain flavonoids, steroids, saponins, and tannins that have anti-inflammatory effects or reduce inflammation. In addition, this product uses jasmine essential oil to provide a distinctive jasmine floral aroma.

The preparation of this ointment goes through three main stages, which are the making of simplisia powder, extracts, and ointment preparations. The preparation of Multipin ointment begins with washing, slicing, and drying the leaves of cocor bebek and jarak tintir. The dried simplisia was pulverized and stored. The powdered simplisia was then extracted with 96% ethanol for three days, filtered, and evaporated to obtain a thick extract. To make the ointment, Cera Alba and Vaselin Album were melted, then mixed with extracts, preservatives, glycerin, and jasmine essential oil until homogeneous. The finished ointment was put into a tube and labeled.

In conducting marketing strategies, Multipin Ointment products conduct online and offline marketing. Online marketing is done through social media and e-commerce such as Shopee. Meanwhile, for offline media through partner cooperation with a grassroots campaign strategy, namely working with pharmacies and traditional herbal medicine stores in marketing products.

Industrial Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Industrial Technology UII again held a practitioner lecture to explore knowledge about logistics management. This activity is one of a series of Teaching Practitioner programs that have previously been held online. On this occasion, students can attend face-to-face meetings directly. A total of 50 participants attended the activity themed “Contemporary Logistics” in Classroom 03.11 on (29/6). Furthermore, the speaker on the agenda was Dr. Zaroni, CISCP, CFMP, CMILT. He is a senior consultant and Head of the Consultant Division at Supply Chain Indonesia. Putri Dwi Annisa, S.T., M.Sc., also attended the event to give a speech.

Rangga Pamungkas Putradharma as the MC guided the event. Then, Dr. Zaroni, CISCP, CFMP, CMILT, as the resource person packaged the event by discussing based on 3 case studies in the fields of cosmetics, construction, and technology. The case study on the cosmetics business discussed how to optimize the storage and delivery of cosmetic products. Meanwhile, the construction company discussed the challenges in terms of road safety issues. Then, for technology, it discusses how the application of the Internet of Things (IoT) for the logistics industry. The discussion was tense as each group persistently defended their respective arguments.

Next, he continued the session with an explanation of contemporary logistics. “Contemporary logistics means current logistics. Well, so, contemporary can be the technology, can be the environment faced, including what issues in Indonesia. I took three topics, the first is humanitarian logistics for disaster management because Indonesia is a disaster-prone country. The second one is urban logistics. So, how to manage cities that are environmentally friendly, not causing congestion. Then, logistics trends, well, we want to see what will happen in the next 50 years. The shift in people’s behavior and what technology is developing,” he explained.

Then, he also explained about the types of innovations that exist in each logistics and there are technological developments in the logistics industry that are increasingly sophisticated. Afterward, a group photo session concluded the logistics management practitioner lecture agenda.

Audiamara Vinka

Penyerahan cinderamata/ Souvenirs handover

Industrial Engineering UII received a visit from SD Islam Integral Hidayatullah Banjarnegara on Tuesday (25/06). This visit was organized for Study Tour and Visit Campus Visit with 17 students and 8 accompanying teachers. The morning agenda began in the Audiovisual Room (1.10) 1st Floor, KH Mansyur Building, UII Campus.

Anggun Galuh as MC opened the activities by reading basmalah. Then, there was a presentation of material about Industrial Engineering UII by Elanjati Worldailmi, S.T., M.Sc. She began by showing a profiling video, then delivered material about the department in an interesting and enthusiastic way. Considering that the audience was elementary school children, she used simple language, equipped with pictures and interactive videos. In this session, she also talked to the students to share about their dreams. “Who here wants to be a doctor? A teacher? Or maybe an engineer?” she asked with a smile.

As a commemoration, the activity continued with the handover of souvenirs between the respective representatives. Industrial Engineering UII by Elanjati Worldailmi, S.T., M.Sc. and SD Islam Integral Hidayatullah by Imam Suja’l, S.Pt, their Principal. 

Kunjungan laboratorium/ Laboratory visit

The next agenda was a tour of the Industrial Engineering laboratories. They visited the Desain Sistem Kerja dan Ergonomi (DSKE) Lab. and Inovasi Pengembangan Organisasi (IPO) Lab.  In each laboratory, the guests interacted directly with laboratory assistants who gave explanations about each laboratory. Some participants also tried to simulate the tools available in each laboratory, one of which was the climate chamber in the DSKE Lab. In addition to the Industrial Engineering laboratory, the participants were also invited to visit the Textile Engineering laboratory.

Furthermore, the participants were invited to the Library and Kimpulan Temple area of UII guided by the Student Staff of Industrial Engineering and Textile Engineering. Finally, the event was finalized with a joint documentation session. 

Salwa Nur Rahma

Kuliah Umum PT. Freeport

On Friday (21/06) the Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Islamic University of Indonesia held a Guest Lecture by Aditya Wishnu Wijaya S.T, M.Sc, Chief Construction Engineer of PT. Freeport Indonesia. This guest lecture was held to support the Chemistry of Materials course and was open to other students. The event was held in the Auditorium FTI UII 3rd floor. The event was opened by Anisa Nur Aini as MC which was then continued with remarks by Dr. Taufiq Immawan, S.T., M.M. as Secretary of the Industrial Engineering Department of FTI UII.

Furthermore, the presentation of material by Aditya Wishnu Wijaya S.T, M.Sc related to the introduction of PT Freeport Indonesia, the material mining process, to the smelting process and refining.

In his presentation, PT. Freeport Indonesia mines 3 main materials, namely silver, gold, and copper which are the most abundant. Their Grasberg open-pit mine, known as the world’s largest, was closed and transitioned to underground mining around 2018-2019. It has 500 km of underground lines and there is an elevator with a height that beats the Eiffel tower in France.

He also explained that all tools used in underground operations are remotely controlled from the control room like playing a game to achieve zero fatality in productivity. In the smelting process, PT Freeport Indonesia has a patent to separate gold in liquid. Their copper mine produces copper cathode products.

After the speakers’ presentation, the MC invited the participants to ask questions. The number of participants who asked questions showed enthusiasm in attending the guest lecture by PT. Freeport Indonesia.

Kuliah Umum PT. Freeport

From the implementation of the Guest Lecture as a support for the Chemistry of Materials course, participants gained broader insights related to the world of mining. The event went smoothly without significant obstacles which were then closed by the MC.

Rani Novalentina

The Integrated Manufacturing System Laboratory (SIMAN) of the Industrial Engineering Study Program, Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) once again held SIMAN CORNER. The event was held in order to provide a space for discussion with 6th semester students and above related to the topic of Final Project in the field of Production Systems. The activity on (14/6) was held at Smart Class Lab SIMAN with the theme “FGD: Research topics in Production Engineering & Supply Chain Management”. The speakers are Ir. Muhammad Ridwan Andi Purnomo, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPM., Suci Miranda, S.T., M.Sc., and Ir. Abdullah ‘Azzam, S.T., M.T., IPM.

Ir. Muhammad Ridwan Andi Purnomo, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPM, delivered the keynote speech on Intelligent Supply Chain System. Intelligent Supply Chain System is a concept that integrates advanced technology, such as Artificial Intelligent (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) to optimize every aspect of the supply chain. The next topic was Sustainable Supply Chain Management in Small and Medium Industries (SMI) by Suci Miranda, S.T., M.Sc. She gave research recommendations, such as the application of 5S in SMEs using Critical Success Factor, determination of standard time, and many other brilliant topics.

Furthermore, Abdullah ‘Azzam, S.T., M.T., IPM, explained about Product Development. He started his session by explaining the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) method. The implementation of this product development must also be in accordance with consumer preferences. In addition, he also conveyed how the right stages in developing a product. Not to forget, he gave varied ideas if you want to take a topic about Product Development.

Afterward, there was a discussion session with the students who attended regarding the final project topics that might have been thought of. Anggun, one of the students who participated in the activity stated, “I think the event is very helpful for students, especially final semester students. There was an overview of what final project topics to take and what methods to use. Then there is also information about projects that can be used for TA, that helps too.” she said. 

Audiamara Vinka

Industrial Engineering Study Program, Universitas Islam Indonesia held a public lecture again with the theme  “Occupational Safety Management System” on (15/6). The speaker who presented the material at the event was Azjar Jhon Raghozt who is the PJK3 of PT Mawi Sarana Samawi. The OHS Management System functions to create a safe, efficient and productive workplace. This activity was carried out online in order to deepen knowledge about how to implement OHS Management System. A total of 150 participants attended the Zoom Meeting on the morning agenda. Then, Chancard Basumerda, S.T., M.Sc., as the moderator briefly introduced the profiles of the speakers.

Mr. Azjar as the speaker started the session by unifying perceptions about the objectives of implementing OHS. There are 2 main objectives, namely preventing occupational accidents and occupational diseases and ensuring and protecting human resources and the environment.  In addition, he also explained about the company’s obligations in applying OHS Management System. “Well, in implementing OHS Management System, friends are required to implement the establishment of OHS policy, OHS planning, OHS implementation, monitor and review for improvement.” he said.

Furthermore, the Occupational Safety Management System is a company management system in order to control risks associated with work activities. He also explained the stages of OHS Management System implementation starting from stating commitment, establishing OHS Management System methods with third parties, to follow-up of the applicable implementation. Companies must also have competent human resources and adequate infrastructure to achieve optimal OHS Management System.

Afterward, there was a question-and-answer session to conclude the public lecture agenda that morning. One of the participants, Andi, asked about strategies that can be applied so that the socialization of OHS can run effectively for company employees. “Regarding the socialization of OHS Management System, it depends on company management. Well, related to socialization, it can be in safety meetings, special events can be held for socialization. Or in safety meetings, safety induction, there are posters that go into OHS communication. So, there are many ways to socialize, yes, friends.” he replied.

Audiamara Vinka

Magang/ Internship

Two UII Industrial Engineering students have just completed an internship program at PT Yamaha Electronic Manufacturing Indonesia (YEMI), one of the companies that collaborates with UII Industrial Engineering. They are Rona Sutra Dewangga Dyah Utami and Azzahra Tiffany Rachmad. The series of internship programs ended with a monitoring session where students presented the results of their projects in front of mentors, managers, and supervisors.

The internship lasted for 3 months, starting from March 12 – June 12 at PT YEMI located in Pasuruan, East Java. Before starting the internship, they prepared themselves by preparing all the necessary files and looking for as many references as possible. “Since the collaboration with YEMI was the first time, we had to be active in finding references. In addition, we made several activity targets to be achieved during the internship,” said Tiffany.

Magang/ Internship

During their internship, they were involved in various important activities in the company. “It just so happened that my and Tiffany’s last CVs were related to SAP ERP as ERP Lab. assistants, so we were placed in the Production Control Department and Procurement Department. There we had the opportunity to dive directly into all transactions in the company by applying internal systems and SAP,” said Rona. In addition, they were also assigned to look for improvements (kaizen) both technically and non-technically, the results of which they will present at the end of the activity. Rona and Tiffany emphasized that the knowledge they gained during college was very helpful in undergoing internships, especially SCM, ERP, PPIC, and Programming Logic courses.

Despite gaining a lot of valuable experience, they also faced some challenges during their internship. They need to make adjustments to the new environment, especially since Yamaha is known as a company with high discipline. In addition, there are many technical languages that have never been learned in lectures, as well as different implementations from lecture theories to the reality in the field.

Rona feels very grateful to be able to participate in this internship program. “Even though we were placed in the eastern region which was the first batch there, the knowledge gained was really amazing. We can dive into the office according to our passion, it is more challenging, but the experience gained is worth it.” Tiffany added, “In general, everything is good, but there are some things that are unique to YEMI, such as the implementation of 5S, kaizen, corei, and horenso. Also, the working environment at YEMI is very positive. They collaborate with each other to achieve a common goal.”

For other students who are interested in joining the internship program, Rona gave some messages and tips. First, make sure you have a company, passion, and career goal in mind as early as possible. Second, find out as much information as possible about the company offered by the program. Third, prepare all the requirements and files needed. Finally, prepare mentally to be ready if you are placed in a different company. Tiffany added, “prepare your CV well and show your best version during the interview, starting from your attitude and language arrangement in answering questions.”

Through this internship program, Rona and Tiffany not only gained valuable work experience, but were also able to apply academic knowledge in real situations, which will certainly be a valuable provision in their future career journey.

Salwa Nur Rahma

Kuliah Tamu/ Guest Lecture Colorant Industry

Industrial Engineering UII held a guest lecture on Friday (14/6). The activity took place online with the theme “Safe Materials For Packaging In Colorant Industry”. A total of 160 students who took the Chemistry of Materials course attended the event in the morning.

Jantung Hilmy as the MC opened the guest lecture by reading the schedule of the event. He then gave a little introduction by reading the CV of the speaker, Daniar Rianawati S.T. She is the Purchasing Department Head of PT DIC Astra Chemicals. Before getting into the presentation of the material, Daniar first showed the Company Profile video of PT DIC Astra Chemicals.

“Our company is a manufacturer of coloring materials, such as for plastics, textiles, and other applications, all from us. So, basically, where there is color, there is PT DIC Astra,” she said.

Colorant and Packaging

Colorant is a substance that is added to change the color of a material or surface. Based on its form, colorant is categorized into five types, which are dry color, liquid color, paste dispersion, masterbatch, and compounded color. In general, color consists of three main materials, including pigments, resins, and additives.

Packaging is the science, art, and technology to wrap or protect a product in the process of distribution, storage, sale, and use. “Packaging design is not just as simple as wrapping, but also considers various aspects, such as function, aesthetics, and needs. The choice of material is one that needs to be carefully considered.”

Safe Materials in Colorant Industry

Kuliah Tamu/ Guest Lecture Colorant Industry

“How do we know safe materials in the colorant industry? We must choose materials that do not contain prohibited ingredients. In addition, ensure that the dosage limitation is in accordance with regulations,” she explained. First, before approving the material, check the laboratory test results, especially related to the application you want to use. Second, check the actual content regularly because the quality of each batch may change. Furthermore, for some safe pigments, among others are Non/Selected Azo Pigment, Non Diarylide Pigment, and Non Heavy Metal Pigment.

After the presentation, Daniar held an interactive quiz session. Students who scored the highest points were rewarded with an e-wallet balance from her. Finally, the guest lecture was completed with a discussion and Q&A session.

Salwa Nur Rahma