Industrial Engineering UII 42nd Anniversary

The Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) commemorated its 42nd anniversary on Monday (5/20) at the Auditorium of FTI UII. With the theme “Guyub Rukun Bangun TI, Mugo Berkah lan Barokah”, this commemoration is not just a momentum to look back on achievements. However, it is also to reflect on a long journey full of meaning, relentless dedication, and sincere love for the world of education, especially Indonesian Industrial Engineering. Flashback stories of struggle, hope, and advice from the elders colored the event in the morning.

The recitation of the divine word together was the initial session of this birth day event. Then, the activity session continued with the singing of Indonesia Raya and Hymn UII. Furthermore, there was a speech session by the Dean of the Faculty of Industrial Technology, Prof. Dr. Ir. Hari Purnomo, M.T., IPU, ASEAN.Eng. He told how Industrial Engineering UII struggled to survive with all its limitations. He also expressed his gratitude for all the achievements and advised to always maintain the quality of Industrial Engineering UII as it matures. “I leave a message, 42 years old is an old age, but don’t let our quality be a young quality. Then our quality is an old quality too.” he said.

Furthermore, the Head of Industrial Engineering Department, Dr. Drs. Imam Djati Widodo, M.Eng.Sc., gave a speech by expressing his gratitude to the alumni who have strived for the progress of Industrial Engineering UII. He also emphasized for the students to be able to follow in the footsteps of the success of the alumni. “Students, please study hard because our alumni have been recognized and big universities respect our alumni,” he said.

Then, the Head of HMTI, Muhammad Alifian Fauzannasa Nawawi, added achievements in terms of organizational institutions. “Here HMTI has become one that is indeed seen on other campuses. For example, in a conference (association) of Industrial Engineering students in Yogya, they will not start and the forum will not run when HMTI from UII is not present.” he said.

Flashback of UII Industrial Engineering Struggle

Afterward, Ir. Ali Parkhan, M.T., who represented the First Alumni of Industrial Engineering UII, gave a speech by telling a story that was quite emotional because for 3 years of college, the alumni of Industrial Engineering UII were not recorded because they did not yet have status or accreditation. Nevertheless, thanks to the unwavering determination, Industrial Engineering UII successfully overcame all the challenges. “With all the limitations of facilities and resources, we have been guided by the advice of our teachers. Alhamdulillah, those who have laid the foundation can now see the results. “ he said.

The anniversary event was also attended by the elders of Industrial Engineering UII. Ir. Hudaya, M.M., representing all the elders expressed his impression and message towards Industrial Engineering UII. He was very grateful that he still had the opportunity to see the Industrial Engineering Department of UII progressing and developing. He invited all attendees to reminisce together about his college days. “In the past, the Department of Industrial Engineering still had few lecturers and a mix of lecturers, some from Electrical Engineering, some from Mathematics and Natural Sciences, some from Mechanical Engineering, and some from Economics. Then, the facilities were also still like SD Inpres, the curriculum was mixed between Mechanical Engineering, Electrical, Mathematics, and so on.” he explained.

Afterward, the anniversary event continued with the screening of a video containing hopes from lecturers, alumni, and students for the beloved UII Industrial Engineering department. Furthermore, the games session filled the excitement between the participants who were present on that occasion. The Vice Dean for Resources Management of Faculty of Industrial Technology, Dr. Agus Mansur, S.T., M.Eng.Sc., IPU, led a prayer session to close the event.

Happy 42nd Anniversary of Industrial Engineering UII! A journey full of unforgettable moments, passionate struggles, and endless devotion. May it shine brighter and brighter to carve a global glory.

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