Tag Archive for: fti uii

Penyerahan Cinderamata

Fakultas Teknologi Industri, Universitas Islam Indonesia menerima kunjungan dari SMK Garuda Bandar Mataram, Lampung Tengah, pada Kamis (30/11). Acara ini berlangsung di Auditorium FTI, Gedung KH Mansyur, Kampus Terpadu UII. Hadir sebanyak 54 orang siswa dan 6 orang guru pendamping dari SMK tersebut. Para siswa berasal dari program keahlian Akuntansi dan Keuangan Lembaga (AKL), Teknik dan Bisnis Sepeda Motor (TBSM), dan Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak (RPL). 

Tujuan dari kunjungan ini adalah memberikan wawasan tentang sistem pendidikan tinggi kepada siswa-siswa SMK Garuda Bandar Mataram, serta meningkatkan motivasi dan semangat mereka. Selain itu, acara ini juga bertujuan untuk berbagi pengalaman dan memberikan arahan kepada siswa-siswa terkait pendidikan tinggi. 

Sambutan Ketua Jurusan Teknik Industri

Dr. Drs. Imam Djati Widodo, M.Eng.Sc., Ketua Jurusan Program Studi Teknik Industri, memberikan sambutan sebagai pembuka acara. “Saya ucapkan selamat datang dan terima kasih kepada SMK Garuda atas kunjungannya, semoga bapak ibu dan teman-teman bisa menikmati waktu di sini.”

sambutan perwakilan SMK Garuda Bandar Mataram

Setelah itu, Margiyo, S.Pd. sebagai perwakilan dari pihak SMK Garuda Bandar Mataram, menyusul untuk memberikan sambutannya pula. Beliau mengungkapkan, “Kami ingin mengetahui, kami ingin silaturahmi, terkait bagaimana bayangan jika nanti belajar di fakultas. Sehingga diharapkan muncul keinginan dari anak-anak kami untuk melanjutkan studi.” 

Sebagai kenang-kenangan, sesi berlanjut dengan pertukaran cinderamata antara FTI UII dan SMK Garuda Bandar Mataram. Mata acara berikutnya adalah pemaparan Program Studi S1 di Fakultas Teknologi Industri oleh tim Marcomm (Marketing and Communication) FTI. Di akhir pemaparan materi, tim Marcomm membuka sesi tanya jawab.

siswa SMK ke laboratorium SIMAN

Setelah menerima informasi tentang program studi, rombongan SMK Garuda Bandar Mataram melanjutkan kunjungan dengan berkeliling langsung ke laboratorium Program Studi Teknik Industri. Mereka mengunjungi Laboratorium Sistem Manufaktur Terintegrasi (SIMAN), Laboratorium Inovasi dan Pengembangan Organisasi (IPO), Laboratorium Desain Sistem Kerja dan Ergonomi (DSKE), Laboratorium Pemodelan Sistem Industri (DELSIM), serta Laboratorium Data Mining (DATMIN). Sesi ini dipandu oleh mahasiswa Marcomm FTI dan Student Staff Program Studi Teknik Industri.  

Di setiap laboratorium, siswa berinteraksi langsung dengan asisten laboratorium yang memberikan penjelasan rinci tentang mata kuliah, fasilitas, dan manfaat dari pembelajaran di laboratorium tersebut. Siswa tampak tertarik dengan penjelasan yang disampaikan dan berbagai fasilitas yang disediakan oleh masing-masing laboratorium. 

Pada penghujung acara, seluruh rombongan SMK Garuda Bandar Mataram melakukan sesi foto bersama sebagai dokumentasi. 

Salwa Nur Rahma

Dr. Drs. Imam Djati Widodo, M.Eng.Sc., Ketua Jurusan Teknik Industri Fakultas Teknologi Industri (FTI) Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) didampingi Dr. Taufiq Immawan, S.T., M.M., Sekretaris Jurusan Teknik Industri FTI UII, menerima kunjungan studi banding Jurusan Teknik Industri Universitas Katolik Parahyangan (UNPAR) Bandung Jawa Barat.

Dr. Johanna Renny Octavia Hariandja, S.T.,M.Sc.,PDEng., Kepala Program Studi Magister Teknik Industri UNPAR sekaligus Ketua Pusat Studi Ergonomi, hadir bersama Dr. Carles Sitompul, S.T., M.T., M.I.M, Ketua Pusat Studi Rantai Pasok dan Dr. Yogi Yusuf Wibisono, S.T., M.T., Ketua Pusat Studi Sistem Enterprise.

Studi banding dilakukan secara luring ke FTI UII, di ruang Learning Space 2, Lantai 1 Gedung KH Mas Mansur, Kampus Terpadu UII, Jl Kaliurang Km 14,4 Sleman, Daerah istimewa Yogyakarta, pada hari Rabu, 10 Mei 2023.

Dr. Johanna, mengatakan “adapun tujuan dari studi banding ini dalam rangka peningkatan kualitas Program Studi Magister Teknik Industri UNPAR. Kami meyakini studi banding ini akan bermanfaat bagi pengembangan Jurusan TI UNPAR dan kerja sama antara Jurusan TI UNPAR dengan Jurusan TI, Universitas Islam Indonesia” katanya.

Sementara Ir. Winda Nur Cahyo, S.T., M.T., Ph.D, IPM, Ketua Program Studi Program Magister yang juga sebagai Plt Ketua Program Studi Program Doktor berbagi pengalaman dalam mengelola Program Magister.

“Program Magister Teknik Industri UII menjadi salah satu program yang telah meraih akreditasi “Unggul” dari Lembaga Akreditas Mandiri Teknik (LAM Teknik), nomor 0210/SK/LAM Teknik/AM/XII/2022, tanggal 21 Desember 2022,” kata Winda

Winda juga menjelaskan, “Program Magister Teknik Industri FTI UII terbagi menjadi empat konsentrasi, yakni Manajemen Industri, Teknik Industri, Ergonomi dan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Industri, serta Logistic & Supply Chain Management.”

Kurikulum di Program Magister Teknik Industri FTI UII didesain untuk dapat diselesaikan minimum 39 SKS dalam kurun waktu 4 Semester atau lebih cepat, dengan batas masa studi maksimum adalah 8 Semester.

Amarria Dila Sari, S.T., M.Eng., Sekretaris Program Studi Program Sarjana dan Atyanti Dyah Prabaswari, S.T., M.Sc., Manajer Administrasi Keilmuan Program Studi Program Magister serta Ir. Hartomo, M.Sc.,Ph.D. IPU., ASEAN.Eng, tampak hadir pada kegiatan tersebut.

Jerri Irgo

Desc: The Payment Extension for Tuition Fee and Catur Dharma For Students of 2020


Number: 835/Rek/10/SP/III/2021


Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

All praises to Allah SWT for the blessings and guidance upon all of us.


Universitas Islam Indonesia, after considering (a) the requests from students and parents/guardians that economically impacted amid Covid-19; (b) study evaluation process, particularly towards students of 2020, has decided:

  1. To provide the opportunity for students of 2020, who (a) have active status or in the process of proposing the academic leave and (b) have GPA (Grade Point Average) > 0,00, to conduct the payment of outstanding Catur Dharma and 3rd installment tuition fee, started from March 5 to March 10, 2021 at 12.00 (Western Indonesian Time);
  2. For students who have fulfilled the payment, to immediately perform self-reporting by completing the google form by following link http://uii.id/KonfirmasiAngsuranUII on March 10, 2021 at 13.00 (Western Indonesian Time), at the latest;
  3. To recommend the students not to select other subjects excluded from the semester package, without the permission of head or secretary of program.
  4. To allow the students of 2020 to process the academic leave, no later than March 19, 2021


Hence, this policy has been made, and only applies to Even Term Academic Year 2020/2021.


Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,


Yogyakarta, 22 Rajab 1442/March 4, 2021


Prof. Fathul Wahid, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D.


International Program IE UII  offers an Internship program at Yamaha Indonesia, PT.  This program is open to selected students who meet the requirements and pass the selection stage. During the internship program in Yamaha Company, students should work as an employee.  Students will learn many things such as teamwork project experience, communication skills, professional behavior, and an ability to plan and complete a project within a time frame.

This program has been running for more than 3 years and is proven to be able to provide benefits for students and companies. For students, the benefits obtained are real work experience in the world of work by participating in working directly, completing assignments given by the company. This program is also proven to be able to accelerate students to graduate because there is a “project” that is entrusted to apprentices, to do Job Training (KP) as well as Final Projects (TA) during the internship period. For the company, the benefits obtained are fresh ideas from students and the assistance of additional resources to work on tasks that the company has previously mapped specifically for apprentices.

This program starts at the beginning of each semester and runs for 6 months with the following criteria:

  1. students have completed coursework
  2. students have completed the Community Service Course  (KKN ) program
  3. students have passed the CEPT
  4. have a high commitment
  5. Students must complete all administration and academic requirements

a number of applicants will go through the selection stage, from administrative selection to interviews to see the potential of students. Selected participants will be delivered to partner companies to be placed as interns for a period of time.

International Program, Industrial Engineering Study Program, Universitas Islam Indonesia proudly announces that a series of Studium Generale (SG) has begun. The SG will discuss the implementation of Big Data for Machine Learning. Let’s join this free webinar.

A door prize of Rp. 100.000 e-money for the 3 best participants and e-certificate for present participants upon following the International Program Instagram Account: international_ieuii

This webinar will live on International Program Industrial Engineering UII Youtube Channel.

You will meet our distinguished Lecturers who are going to share the implementation of Big Data in the real world.

IP IE UII Webinar Machine Learning

IP IE UII Webinar Machine Learning

1. Prof. Anirban Mukhopadhyay
Professor & Former Head
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of Kalyani. Kalyani-741235, Nadia, West Bengal, India.
“Machine Learning for Biological Data Mining”

2. Winda Nur Cahya, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D
Head of Magister Industrial Engineering, UII
“Social Media Data Mining”

Moderator : Annisa Uswatun Khasanah, S.T., M.Sc.

The Schedule of this event is on Saturday, 21st November 2020, 9:45 AM – 01.00 PM.
If you have any inquiries, don’t hesitate to contact International Program IE UII through email: [email protected]

This GL is free for you to enhance your knowledge.
e-Certificate will be issued for present participants

Stay tuned & don’t miss it.


Below is youtube link for our previous event:
Big Data: Accelerated Data Science Ecosystem with GPU and RAPIDS (07 November 2020)

Assalamu’alaikum  wr.wb.

Again, International Program always brings you interesting topics that will be beneficial for your career development. Project management is exactly highly required to all organizations ranging from construction management up until software/IS Development.

Then, to give you an idea that Project Management is not only for construction management  domain, then  International Program of Department of Industrial Engineering UII in collaboration with Project Management Institute Indonesia  is  organizing a free webinar that will uncover all practical implementation of Project management in various fields.

This event is hosted by International Program, Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Islam Indonesia to accommodate the students and public with significant information about :
1. How project Management is implemented in various fields and
2. How to legally expose your Project Management skills by holding a professional Certification on Project Management with CAPM (Certified Associate in Project Management).

Distinguished and Professional experts will present in this Webinar to share beneficial knowledge and valuable experience.

Bronsen Wijaya, MPM., PMP. (Project Director at PT Exacta Pranata Enjiniring)
Arief Prasetyo, PMP., PMI-RMP. (Integration Project Manager at Schlumberger)
Jerry M. Samosir, PMP., PMI-RMP., PMI-ACP. (Program Manager at Cisco)

Suci Miranda, S.T., M.Sc.





So , don’t be late. Let’s join this free webinar.

A door prize of Rp. 100.000 e-money for the 3 best participants and e-certificate for present participants upon following the International Program Instagram Account: international_ieuii.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to send your Question to : [email protected]



National Standardization Agency of Indonesia (Badan Standardisasi Nasional (BSN)) in collaboration with International Program, Industrial Engineering UII, Gadjah Mada University (UGM), Universitas Indonesia, Underwriters Laboratory (UL) Asia Pacific, IEEE, and Ministry of Health of Republic Indonesia will present a webinar to celebrate Quality Month 2020. This webinar will share how e-health standardization is implemented in IT-based health services. You will meet distinguished speakers to get the most updated information around the e-health standards and implementation of AI in e-health. Let’s join this free webinar. A door prize of Rp. 100.000 e-money for the 3 best participants and e-certificate for present participants upon following the International Program Instagram Account: international_ieuii

Webinar e-Helath

Webinar e-Health

Since the pandemic strikes the world, every country has tried to prevent and mitigate the risk of Covid-19. The government, with all stakeholders, are working side by side to discover a prompt and precise solution. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) plays its role in accommodating better healthcare, to prevent and to mitigate the pandemic in Indonesia. Exactly how the standard and conformity assessment as an enabler, for ICT plays its role in the health sector will be discussed in this webinar.

Sejak pandemik melanda dunia, setiap negara berusaha melakukan pencegahan dan memitigasi dampak covid19. Pemerintah bersama stakeholder bekerjasama mencari solusi cepat dan tepat. TIK turut berperan didalamnya. Lalu bagaimanakah peran standar dan penilaian kesesuaian sebagai enabler layanan kesehatan berbasis TIK, akan dibahas pada webinar ini dengan pembicara :
1. Direktur Pelayanan Kesehatan Rujukan Kementerian Kesehatan, dr. Rita Rogayah, Sp.P (K), M.A.R.S.
Regulasi pelayanan telemedicine antar fasilitas layanan Kesehatan di Indonesia.

2. James Keller dan Paul B. Zang, Underwriters Laboratory US and China
Memaparkan Global trends Telehealth dan pemanfaatan Artificial Inteligent (AI) serta sertifikasi/pengujian healthcare berbasis TIK.

3. Prof. Dr. Wisnu Jatmiko
Inovasi Telehealth dan AI di bidang kesehatan. (https://bit.ly/3myQeDG dan https://bit.ly/2TFtW6J)

4. Prof. Dr. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si
GeNose, inovasi alat deteksi Covid19 menggunakan AI serta peran standar dalam hilirisasi hasil penelitian perguruan tinggi untuk masyarakat dan/industri.

5. Ir. Ira Promasanty Rachmadewi, M.Eng
Penerapan standardisasi e-kesehatan (e-health) baik di perkotaan dan pedesaan.

This Webinar is free and e-Certificate will be issued for present participants.


Stay tuned and Don’t miss it !

International Program, Industrial Engineering Study Program, Universitas Islam Indonesia proudly announces that a series of Studium Generale (SG) is about to begin. The SG will discuss the implementation of Big Data Technology. IP IE collaborating with Novaglobal Pte Ltd from Singapore is arranging this webinar for you to update your knowledge. You also will uncover Research opportunities on Big Data for Industrial Engineering. Let’s join this free webinar. A door prize of Rp. 100.000 e-money for the 3 best participants and e-certificate for present participants upon following the International Program Instagram Account: international_ieuii

We are going to see how RAPIDS and the open-source ecosystem are advancing data science. In this session, we will explore RAPIDS, the new open-source data science platform from NVIDIA. Learn how to get started leveraging these open-source libraries for faster performance and easier development on GPU. See the latest engineering work and new release features including benchmarks, roadmaps, and demos. Finally, hear the stories on how data scientists across the world are leveraging on RAPIDS in production, how they benefit from early adoption, and how GPU outperform CPU equivalents.

Registration Big Data Webinar

Registration Big Data Webinar

IP IE UII Lecture Series on Big Data

IP IE UII Lecture Series on Big Data

Our distinguished speakers are ready to share with you the implementation of Big Data in the real world.

1. M. Andi Ariffin, ST
Novaglobal Pte Ltd
“Accelerated Data Science Ecosystem with GPU & RAPIDS”

2. Muhammad Ridwan, S.T, M.Sc., PhD
Head of Industrial Engineering Department, Universitas Islam Indonesia.
“Research Opportunities on Big Data Application in Industrial Engineering.”


Ir. Muhammad Ragil Suryoputro, S.T., M.Sc. (Secretary of Industrial Engineering Department, Universitas Islam Indonesia)

The Schedule of this event is on Saturday, 7th November 2020, 9:00 AM – 01.00 PM.
If you have any inquiries, don’t hesitate to contact International Program IE UII through email: [email protected]

This GL is free for you to enhance your knowledge.
e-Certificate will be issued for present participants

Stay tuned & don’t miss it.