IPIEUIITalk on Big Data 1 : Accelerated Data Science Ecosystem with GPU & RAPIDS
International Program, Industrial Engineering Study Program, Universitas Islam Indonesia proudly announces that a series of Studium Generale (SG) is about to begin. The SG will discuss the implementation of Big Data Technology. IP IE collaborating with Novaglobal Pte Ltd from Singapore is arranging this webinar for you to update your knowledge. You also will uncover Research opportunities on Big Data for Industrial Engineering. Let’s join this free webinar. A door prize of Rp. 100.000 e-money for the 3 best participants and e-certificate for present participants upon following the International Program Instagram Account: international_ieuii
We are going to see how RAPIDS and the open-source ecosystem are advancing data science. In this session, we will explore RAPIDS, the new open-source data science platform from NVIDIA. Learn how to get started leveraging these open-source libraries for faster performance and easier development on GPU. See the latest engineering work and new release features including benchmarks, roadmaps, and demos. Finally, hear the stories on how data scientists across the world are leveraging on RAPIDS in production, how they benefit from early adoption, and how GPU outperform CPU equivalents.

Registration Big Data Webinar

IP IE UII Lecture Series on Big Data
Our distinguished speakers are ready to share with you the implementation of Big Data in the real world.
1. M. Andi Ariffin, ST
Novaglobal Pte Ltd
“Accelerated Data Science Ecosystem with GPU & RAPIDS”
2. Muhammad Ridwan, S.T, M.Sc., PhD
Head of Industrial Engineering Department, Universitas Islam Indonesia.
“Research Opportunities on Big Data Application in Industrial Engineering.”
Ir. Muhammad Ragil Suryoputro, S.T., M.Sc. (Secretary of Industrial Engineering Department, Universitas Islam Indonesia)
The Schedule of this event is on Saturday, 7th November 2020, 9:00 AM – 01.00 PM.
If you have any inquiries, don’t hesitate to contact International Program IE UII through email: [email protected]
This GL is free for you to enhance your knowledge.
e-Certificate will be issued for present participants
Stay tuned & don’t miss it.