
Socialization of Off-Campus Student Activities


In order to invite students to explore activities during college, Industrial Engineering UII held a socialization of student activities outside the campus. This agenda took place on (4/6) online through Zoom Meeting.

Putri Dwi Annisa, S.T., M.Sc. opened and guided the afternoon event as MC. Afterwards, there were remarks from the Secretary of the Undergraduate Program, Annisa Uswatun Khasanah, S.T., M.Sc.

“There are many paths to graduation. The 144 credits graduation requirement can not only be achieved through campus study, but also through several activities, such as internships, independent studies, student exchanges, and others,” she said.

She revealed that the study program provides opportunities and greatly facilitates students who are interested in participating in various programs. Some of the programs that the study program recommends include internships, student exchanges, entrepreneurial activities, and independent studies. However, keep in mind that there are also some requirements that students must fulfill first. She explained some of these in general. All of these requirements, flow, conversion system, and other important information are listed in the UII Industrial Engineering MBKM Guidebook.

Furthermore, the socialization went into an internship explanation session by Danang Setiawan, S.T., M.T.. He explained various internship opportunities that can be followed by students, starting from MBKM, study program partner internships, and magenta. Next, there was a competition explanation session by Dr. Dwi Adi Purnama, S.T. and Putri Dwi Annisa, S.T., M.Sc. They informed various competitions within the scope of Industrial Engineering that are interesting for students to participate in, whether they are ongoing or will take place. The competitions include PKM, PMC, Gemastik, various product design competitions, and others. Along with the delivery of information, students who were troubled or confused asked their questions directly.

The following is information and guidance that students can access.