Tag Archive for: Doktor Rekayasa Industri

3MT Challenge UII

On Friday (27/09) the Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Islamic University of Indonesia held the final round of the 3 Minutes Thesis Challenge (3MT) competition. The event was attended by three lecturers as judges, namely Dr. Taufiq Immawan, S.T., M.M., Ir. Muhammad Ridwan Andi Purnomo, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPM, and guest judge Prof. Ir. Dwi Agustina Kurniawati, S.T., M.Eng., Ph.D., IPM, ASEAN Eng from Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa University (UNISUKA). The event took place in room 03.16 of the K.H. Mas Mansur Building, starting at 08.00 WIB with remarks from the Head of the Industrial Engineering Department, Dr. Drs. Imam Djati Widodo, M.Eng.Sc.

Five finalists in the undergraduate category competed for the title. Najmuddin Muntashir Abdussalam from Gadjah Mada University won the first place with 1095/1500 points and the research title “Complaints of Skeletal Muscle Disorders: The Risk Behind Routine Maintenance Postures in Locomotive Workshops.” Second place went to Mohammad Ghiyats Athoillah from Universitas Jenderal Soedirman with 1020/1500 points, and third place went to Zahid Anugrah Muzaffar Rana from Universitas Islam Indonesia with 980/1500 points. Raditya Aufa Risman from the University of Surabaya was chosen as the Favorite Champion in the Undergraduate category with 27% of the audience votes.

In the Master’s category, Arissa Dwi Pangestu won first place with 1060/1500 points for the research “Analysis of Customer Service Quality towards E-Commerce Platforms in Indonesia Based on Topic Modeling.” The second place winner, Muhammad Iqbal Rofif, collected 1050/1500 points, while Tasya Santi Rahmawati, with 1025/1500 points, took third place and won the Favorite Champion in the Master category with 42% of the audience votes.

In the Doctoral category, Stefani Prima Dias from Gadjah Mada University (UGM) won first place, followed by Siti Afiani M. (UGM) as second place, and Ahmad Padhil from Universitas Islam Indonesia as third place.

The competition is part of the 3MT Challenge UII which is held annually with the aim of promoting research, innovation, and creativity among undergraduate to doctoral students. The three-minute format challenges participants to present their research clearly and concisely, and is expected to be a platform for sharing innovative ideas rooted in in-depth research.

Rani Novalentina

3MT Challenge UII

Pada Jumat (27/09) Jurusan Teknik Industri Fakultas Teknologi Industri Universitas Islam Indonesia menyelenggarakan babak final kompetisi 3 Minutes Thesis Challenge (3MT). Acara ini dihadiri oleh tiga dosen sebagai juri, yaitu Dr. Taufiq Immawan, S.T., M.M., Ir. Muhammad Ridwan Andi Purnomo, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPM, serta juri tamu Prof. Ir. Dwi Agustina Kurniawati, S.T., M.Eng., Ph.D., IPM, ASEAN Eng dari Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa (UNISUKA). Acara berlangsung di ruang 03.16 Gedung K.H. Mas Mansur, dimulai pukul 08.00 WIB dengan sambutan dari Ketua Jurusan Teknik Industri, Dr. Drs. Imam Djati Widodo, M.Eng.Sc.

Lima finalis kategori Sarjana bersaing memperebutkan gelar juara. Najmuddin Muntashir Abdussalam dari Universitas Gadjah Mada berhasil meraih juara pertama dengan perolehan 1095/1500 poin dan judul penelitian “Keluhan Gangguan Otot Rangka: Risiko Dibalik Postur Pemeliharaan Rutin di Bengkel Lokomotif.” Juara kedua diraih oleh Mohammad Ghiyats Athoillah dari Universitas Jenderal Soedirman dengan 1020/1500 poin, dan juara ketiga adalah Zahid Anugrah Muzaffar Rana dari Universitas Islam Indonesia dengan 980/1500 poin. Raditya Aufa Risman dari Universitas Surabaya terpilih sebagai Juara Favorit kategori Sarjana dengan 27% suara audiens.

Di kategori Master, Arissa Dwi Pangestu berhasil meraih juara pertama dengan 1060/1500 poin untuk penelitian “Analisis Kualitas Layanan Pelanggan Terhadap Platform E-Commerce di Indonesia Berbasis Pemodelan Topik.” Juara kedua, Muhammad Iqbal Rofif, mengumpulkan 1050/1500 poin, sedangkan Tasya Santi Rahmawati, dengan 1025/1500 poin, menempati posisi ketiga sekaligus memenangkan Juara Favorit kategori Master dengan 42% suara audiens.

Di kategori Doktoral, Stefani Prima Dias dari Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) meraih juara pertama, diikuti oleh Siti Afiani M. (UGM) sebagai juara kedua, dan Ahmad Padhil dari Universitas Islam Indonesia sebagai juara ketiga.

Kompetisi ini merupakan bagian dari 3MT Challenge UII yang diadakan setiap tahun dengan tujuan mempromosikan riset, inovasi, dan kreativitas di kalangan mahasiswa Sarjana hingga Doktoral. Format tiga menit ini menantang peserta untuk memaparkan penelitian mereka dengan jelas dan ringkas, serta diharapkan dapat menjadi wadah untuk berbagi gagasan inovatif yang berakar dari penelitian mendalam.

Rani Novalentina

On Saturday (24/08), the Doctor of Industrial Engineering (DRI) Study Program at the Faculty of Industrial Technology (FIT) Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) successfully held its first sharing session. Featured the Head of the DRI UII Student Association, Dr. (cand). Ahmad Padhil, S.T., M.T., IPM., ASEAN Eng., as speaker, the sharing session talked about Tips and Tricks for S3 Study at Doctor of Industrial Engineering, FTI UII. This activity took place online through a zoom meeting with 28 participants participating in it.

The event began at 09:00 WIB, with the MC greeting the participants enthusiastically. Following a quick introduction by the MC, the event moved on to the main agenda, which was the material delivery session. In his presentation, Ahmad Padhil discussed  several aspects related to the scheme and life of S3 lectures at DRI FTI UII, ranging from the curriculum, the number of credits, and the activities.

“In terms of aims and systems at UII, the Industrial Engineering Doctoral program’s courses are divided into progress activities that we will accomplish. This period lasts from the beginning to the end,  which is the sixth semester”, he stated, starting off a conversation regarding the flow of lectures and numerous activities throughout the semester.

tips and tricks for studying for program doctor

Furthermore, he went through the S3 lecture method at DRI FTI UII, which offers numerous benefits to students. One example is the attendance system, which is integrated with UII Connect and allows students to fulfill academic commitments without needing to be physically present on campus. This allows for more flexibility and support for students who have structural responsibilities and other duties during the lecture session. Additionally, doctoral students have access to campus residential. DRI FTI UII also actively hosts and participates in a variety of activities, including competitions, international webinars, and collaboration with external organizations.

“Alhamdulillah we have a considerable number of activities at DRI.  Even though we work online, when we do get to Jogja, those activities can be carried out productively and to the fullest,” he said.

As the Q&A session began, Ahmad Padhil, a member of the first cohort of  DRI FTI UII students shared study tips by answering questions from the attending academic peers. The sharing session event ended with a group photo session.

Syawarani Gayatri

Program Studi Rekayasa Industri Program Doktor Fakultas Teknologi Industri Universitas Islam Indonesia ( DRI UII) sukses mengadakan sharing session perdana pada Sabtu (24/08). Menghadirkan Ketua Himpunan Mahasiswa DRI UII, Dr (cand). Ir. Ahmad Padhil, S.T., M.T., IPM., ASEAN Eng., sebagai narasumber, kegiatan sharing session ini membahas seputar Tips & Trik Kuliah S3 di Program Doktor Rekayasa Industri FTI UII. Kegiatan ini berlangsung secara daring melalui zoom meeting dengan 28 partisipan di dalamnya.

Sharing session dimulai pada pukul 09:00 WIB oleh MC yang menyapa peserta dengan hangat. Kemudian kegiatan memasuki agenda utama yaitu penyampaian materi. Dalam presentasinya, beliau mengulas berbagai aspek terkait skema dan kehidupan perkuliahan S3 di DRI FTI UII, mulai dari kurikulum, jumlah SKS, hingga aktivitas yang ada.

“Secara target dan sistem di UII, pada program Doktor Rekayasa Industri, mata kuliah dipecah menjadi kegiatan-kegiatan progres yang akan kita lakukan. Tahapan ini berlangsung dari awal hingga menuju selesai yaitu semester 6,“ ungkap beliau membuka pembahasan mengenai alur perkuliahan.

Sharing Session: Tips dan Trik Kuliah S3

Lebih lanjut beliau mengulik sistem perkuliahan S3 di DRI FTI UII yang memberikan banyak manfaat bagi mahasiswanya. Salah satu contohnya adalah sistem kehadiran yang terintegrasi dengan UII Connect sehingga mahasiswa dapat memenuhi kewajiban akademis tanpa perlu selalu hadir secara fisik di kampus. Hal ini memberikan keleluasaan dan dukungan bagi mahasiswa yang memiliki keterikatan struktural maupun tanggung jawab lain selama masa perkuliahan. Sebagai tambahan, terdapat fasilitas residensial kampus yang dapat digunakan oleh mahasiswa S3. DRI FTI UII juga aktif menyelenggarakan dan berpartisipasi dalam berbagai kegiatan seperti lomba, webinar internasional, serta kegiatan kolaboratif lainnya bersama pihak eksternal.

“Nah, selain itu, kalau di DRI alhamdulillah kegiatannya lumayan banyak Bapak-Ibu. Padahal kita ini kerjanya secara daring, tapi sekali ke Jogja, kegiatan itu bisa secara produktif dilakukan dengan maksimal,” ujar beliau.

Memasuki sesi tanya jawab, Ahmad Padhil yang merupakan mahasiswa DRI FTI UII angkatan pertama ini membagikan tips perkuliahan dengan menjawab pertanyaan dari rekan-rekan akademisi yang hadir. Kegiatan siang itu ditutup dengan sesi dokumentasi bersama.

Syawarani Gayatri

The Industrial Engineering Doctoral Study Program, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Islam Indonesia collaborated with PT Jasa Raharja Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY) Branch to hold an international webinar on (24/7). The activity carried the theme “Effective Strategies for Increasing Road Traffic Awareness and Reducing Accidents in Yogyakarta” to improve driving safety. The event was opened by Amel Aminuddin as the MC, followed by the reading of the divine words by Pardiya, S.T. The Head of the Industrial Engineering Doctoral Program, Prof. Dr. Ir. Elisa Kusrini, MT, CPIM, CSCP, SCOR-P, hopes that the online event can contribute to helping increase public awareness. “The output of this activity is a strategic academic formulation to socialize traffic safety as an effort to increase the awareness of motorists and pedestrians in the Special Region of Yogyakarta in particular and other cities in Indonesia.” he said.

Furthermore, Muhammad Rizqy Abdurrahman Assyifa as the moderator greeted and invited Regy S. Wijaya, S.Kom, MMSI, AMII, Head of PT Jasa Raharja, Yogyakarta Special Region branch, Indonesia to deliver a Keynote Speech on Yogyakarta traffic accident statistics, such as the number of incidents, casualties, and injuries as the opening session of the international webinar that morning. “The average number of traffic accident victims every day in Yogya is 19 people and the average death toll is 1 victim every day.” he said.

Traffic Culture of Countries in Different Parts of the World


Then, entering the second session, namely the keynote session delivered by several speakers from various parts of the world with moderator Rurry Patradhiani. Fietyata Yudha, S.Kom., M.Kom., who came from National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan explained about the traffic system in Taiwan related to regulations, types of vehicles, and how law enforcement there. “When you are riding a bicycle and there is a pedestrian going through the crosswalk, then you have to wait for the pedestrian to cross first,” he explained. Therefore, a rider should always prioritize pedestrians when on the road.


Afterwards, the second speaker, Rian Adam Rajagede, S.Kom., M.Cs., from the University of Central Florida, USA shared how the driving culture in Florida strongly emphasizes two important rules, namely stopping at intersections and respecting other drivers on the road. Almost every intersection has a stop sign and drivers are required to slow down to a stop, not just slow down. This also applies even if there is an intersection that does not have a sign, “If there is no sign to stop, the default rule still applies. So, you must stop before entering the intersection.” he said.


On that occasion, Ir. Muhammad Ragil Suryoputro, S.T., M.Sc., IPM from the University of Wollongong, Australia who also provided experience about the country’s traffic culture. He said that the government wants to realize the transportation strategy of New South Wales, Australia aims to achieve zero fatalities and serious injuries by 2050. “We have Vision Zero targets for 2050, which are safe speeds, limits for speeding areas, promoting safe behavior, and also safe systems.” he said.


Afterwards, Ir. Andrie Pasca Hendradewa, S.T., M.T., IPM from Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway said that the country’s biggest challenge is not the population, but the weather or winter because snow is very disruptive to traffic. Road snow is very dangerous for drivers so the government is always working on cleaning and salting to keep the roads safe. In addition, people also use special tires to prevent slipping while driving. “So, usually people have to change their tires to a type of winter tire that has a lot of spikes.” he explained.


Meanwhile, Galang Prihadi Mahardhika, S.Kom., M.Kom., from Ibaraki University, Japan talked about 3Es or Traffic Safety System. “So for information, 3Es stands for engineering, enforcement, and education, one of several approaches that can be used to develop traffic safety.” he said. Examples of the application of engineering can be in the form of road improvements, enforcement in the form of sanctions for traffic violators, and education in the form of road safety campaigns.

The last keynote speaker, Ir. Ahmad Padhil, ST, MT, IPM, ASEAN Eng from Universitas Islam Indonesia, Indonesia, talked about ways to avoid traffic accidents. It starts with identifying the factors that cause incidents, such as lack of regulations, lack of facilities, lack of awareness, and especially lack of compliance. “If someone has awareness but does not comply, there are regulations, there are facilities, it will not work. Traffic compliance refers to the act of following traffic rules and regulations set by the relevant authorities.” he said.


Drowsiness Detector for Driving Safety

The last session was an explanation of the research of Zainudin Zukhri, S.T., MIT and Kholid Haryono, S.T., M.Kom., from the Islamic University of Indonesia, Indonesia regarding the creation of drowsiness detectors due to the many accidents that occur due to microsleep. The implementation of drowsiness detection technology and supporting traffic regulations can help reduce road accidents. “There are four expectations from the drowsiness detector. First, it warns drivers about drowsiness and the risk of microsleep, helps avoid accidents caused by fatigue, gives other drivers the opportunity to avoid collisions, and forces drivers to take the best action.” he explained. Afterwards, a question and answer session with all the speakers was held to finalize the international webinar on increasing driving awareness and safety.

Audiamara Vinka

The Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) commemorated its 42nd anniversary on Monday (5/20) at the Auditorium of FTI UII. With the theme “Guyub Rukun Bangun TI, Mugo Berkah lan Barokah”, this commemoration is not just a momentum to look back on achievements. However, it is also to reflect on a long journey full of meaning, relentless dedication, and sincere love for the world of education, especially Indonesian Industrial Engineering. Flashback stories of struggle, hope, and advice from the elders colored the event in the morning.

The recitation of the divine word together was the initial session of this birth day event. Then, the activity session continued with the singing of Indonesia Raya and Hymn UII. Furthermore, there was a speech session by the Dean of the Faculty of Industrial Technology, Prof. Dr. Ir. Hari Purnomo, M.T., IPU, ASEAN.Eng. He told how Industrial Engineering UII struggled to survive with all its limitations. He also expressed his gratitude for all the achievements and advised to always maintain the quality of Industrial Engineering UII as it matures. “I leave a message, 42 years old is an old age, but don’t let our quality be a young quality. Then our quality is an old quality too.” he said.

Furthermore, the Head of Industrial Engineering Department, Dr. Drs. Imam Djati Widodo, M.Eng.Sc., gave a speech by expressing his gratitude to the alumni who have strived for the progress of Industrial Engineering UII. He also emphasized for the students to be able to follow in the footsteps of the success of the alumni. “Students, please study hard because our alumni have been recognized and big universities respect our alumni,” he said.

Then, the Head of HMTI, Muhammad Alifian Fauzannasa Nawawi, added achievements in terms of organizational institutions. “Here HMTI has become one that is indeed seen on other campuses. For example, in a conference (association) of Industrial Engineering students in Yogya, they will not start and the forum will not run when HMTI from UII is not present.” he said.

Flashback of UII Industrial Engineering Struggle

Afterward, Ir. Ali Parkhan, M.T., who represented the First Alumni of Industrial Engineering UII, gave a speech by telling a story that was quite emotional because for 3 years of college, the alumni of Industrial Engineering UII were not recorded because they did not yet have status or accreditation. Nevertheless, thanks to the unwavering determination, Industrial Engineering UII successfully overcame all the challenges. “With all the limitations of facilities and resources, we have been guided by the advice of our teachers. Alhamdulillah, those who have laid the foundation can now see the results. “ he said.

The anniversary event was also attended by the elders of Industrial Engineering UII. Ir. Hudaya, M.M., representing all the elders expressed his impression and message towards Industrial Engineering UII. He was very grateful that he still had the opportunity to see the Industrial Engineering Department of UII progressing and developing. He invited all attendees to reminisce together about his college days. “In the past, the Department of Industrial Engineering still had few lecturers and a mix of lecturers, some from Electrical Engineering, some from Mathematics and Natural Sciences, some from Mechanical Engineering, and some from Economics. Then, the facilities were also still like SD Inpres, the curriculum was mixed between Mechanical Engineering, Electrical, Mathematics, and so on.” he explained.

Afterward, the anniversary event continued with the screening of a video containing hopes from lecturers, alumni, and students for the beloved UII Industrial Engineering department. Furthermore, the games session filled the excitement between the participants who were present on that occasion. The Vice Dean for Resources Management of Faculty of Industrial Technology, Dr. Agus Mansur, S.T., M.Eng.Sc., IPU, led a prayer session to close the event.

Happy 42nd Anniversary of Industrial Engineering UII! A journey full of unforgettable moments, passionate struggles, and endless devotion. May it shine brighter and brighter to carve a global glory.

Audiamara Vinka

Jurusan Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknologi Industri, Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) memperingati milad yang ke-42 tahun pada Senin (20/5) di Auditorium FTI UII. Dengan mengusung tema “Guyub Rukun Bangun TI, Mugo Berkah lan Barokah”, peringatan ini bukan sekadar momentum untuk melihat kembali pencapaian. Akan tetapi, juga untuk merenungi perjalanan panjang yang penuh makna, dedikasi tanpa henti, dan cinta tulus terhadap dunia pendidikan, khususnya keilmuan Teknik Industri Indonesia. Kisah kilas balik perjuangan, asa, dan wejangan dari para sesepuh mewarnai berlangsungnya acara pada pagi hari tersebut.

Pembacaan kalam illahi secara bersama-sama merupakan sesi awal pada acara hari kelahiran ini. Kemudian, sesi kegiatan berlanjut dengan mengalunkan lagu Indonesia Raya dan Himne UII. Lebih lanjut, terdapat sesi sambutan oleh Dekan Fakultas Teknologi Industri, Prof. Dr. Ir. Hari Purnomo, M.T., IPU., ASEAN.Eng. Beliau menceritakan bagaimana Teknik Industri UII berjuang untuk bertahan dengan segala keterbatasannya. Beliau juga mengungkapkan rasa syukurnya atas seluruh pencapaian dan berpesan untuk senantiasa mempertahankan kualitas Teknik Industri UII sebagaimana kematangan usianya. “Saya titip pesan, usia 42 tahun ini sudah usia tua, tetapi jangan sampai kualitas kita adalah kualitas muda. Maka kualitas kita adalah kualitas yang tua juga.” sampainya.

Selanjutnya, Ketua Jurusan Teknik Industri, Dr. Drs. Imam Djati Widodo, M.Eng.Sc., memberi sambutan dengan menyampaikan ungkapan terima kasih kepada para alumni yang telah mengupayakan kemajuan Teknik Industri UII. Beliau juga menegaskan untuk para mahasiswa agar dapat meniru jejak keberhasilan para alumni. “Adik-adik mahasiswa untuk segera bergiat belajar karena alumni kita sudah diakui dan universitas-universitas besar itu menghormati alumni kita.” ujarnya.

Lalu, Ketua HMTI, Muhammad Alifian Fauzannasa Nawawi, menambahkan pencapaian dari sisi lembaga keorganisasian. “Disini HMTI sudah menjadi salah satu yang memang dipandang di kampus-kampus lain. Semisal di konferensi (perkumpulan) mahasiswa Teknik Industri satu Yogya, mereka tidak akan mulai dan forum tidak akan berjalan ketika HMTI dari UII belum hadir.” ungkapnya.

Kilas Balik Perjuangan Teknik Industri UII

Sesudahnya, Ir. Ali Parkhan, M.T., yang mewakili Alumni Pertama Teknik Industri UII, memberikan sambutan dengan menuturkan kisah terdahulu yang cukup emosional karena selama 3 tahun berkuliah, para alumni Teknik Industri UII tidak tercatat sebab belum mempunyai status atau akreditasi. Meskipun demikian, berkat tekad yang tak pernah padam, Teknik Industri UII sukses mengatasi seluruh tantangan yang ada. “Dengan segala keterbatasan fasilitas maupun sumber daya atas petuah-petuah guru-guru kami. Alhamdulillah, beliau-beliau yang telah menanamkan pondasi, saat ini bisa dilihat hasilnya. ” tuturnya.

Dalam acara milad itu juga hadir para sesepuh Teknik Industri UII. Ir. Hudaya, M.M., mewakili seluruh sesepuh menyatakan kesan dan pesannya terhadap Teknik Industri UII. Beliau sangat bersyukur karena masih dapat kesempatan untuk bisa menyaksikan Jurusan Teknik Industri UII yang semakin maju dan berkembang. Beliau mengajak seluruh hadirin untuk mengenang bersama keadaan semasa beliau kuliah dahulu. “Dulu, Jurusan TI itu dosennya masih sedikit dan campur bawur ada dari Elektro, ada dari MIPA, ada dari Mesin, ada dari Ekonomi. Kemudian, fasilitasnya juga masih seperti SD Inpres, kurikulumnya campur aduk antara Teknik Mesin, Elektro, MIPA, dan sebagainya.” jelasnya.

Sesudahnya, acara milad berlanjut dengan pemutaran video yang berisi harapan dari dosen, alumni, dan mahasiswa untuk jurusan Teknik Industri UII tercinta. Selanjutnya, sesi games mengisi keseruan antara para peserta yang hadir pada kesempatan itu. Wakil Dekan Bidang Sumber Daya FTI, Dr. Agus Mansur, S.T., M.Eng.Sc., IPU, memimpin sesi doa bersama untuk menutup kegiatan peringatan hari kelahiran Teknik Industri UII itu.

Dirgahayu Teknik Industri UII ke-42! Perjalanan penuh momen yang tak terlupakan, perjuangan yang penuh semangat, dan pengabdian tanpa akhir. Semoga semakin bersinar terang tuk mengukir kejayaan yang mendunia.

Audiamara Vinka

Program Studi Teknik Industri UII akan mengadakan National Monthly Webinar pada bulan Mei hingga Desember 2024 bersama dosen-dosen Teknik Industri UII yang memiliki keahlian dan pengalaman yang mumpuni. Para peserta nantinya akan mendapat suguhan ilmu dan wawasan pada masing-masing kelompok keahliannya. Acara ini terbuka untuk mahasiswa program sarjana, magister, doktor, dan masyarakat umum yang tertarik dengan ilmu Teknik Industri.

Jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk bergabung dalam webinar yang penuh manfaat ini.
Segera catat tanggal dan waktunya agar tidak ketinggalan informasi yang berharga ini.

Zoom Meeting              :  http://bit.ly/WebinarTI2024

Direktur Utama PT PLN menyampaikan materi

Industrial Engineering UII held a public lecture for Master of Industrial Engineering and Doctor of Industrial Engineering on Saturday (04/05). The public lecture entitled “Implementation of SCM: Ensuring the Availability of Primary Energy Supply in Indonesia” took place online via Zoom Meeting.

Rektor UII memberikan sambutan saat kuliah umum

Ratna Agil as the MC opened the series of events by reciting basmalah and reading the order of the program. Then, there was a video presentation of UII’s profile and UII’s hymn. Furthermore, there was a speech by the Rector of UII, Prof. Fathul Wahid, ST., M.Sc., Ph.D. “We will get inspiring stories and experiences from PT PLN, which has been distributing primary energy in Indonesia. Hopefully, we can apply these good practices in other contexts.”

Furthermore, the event entered the main session, which was the delivery of material by the President Director of PT PLN Energi Primer Indonesia, Ir. Iwan Agung Firstantara, S.T, M.M, IPU, ASEAN ENG. In this session, the Head of the Master of Industrial Engineering Program, Ir. Winda Nur Cahyo, S.T., M.T., Ph.D, IPM guided as moderator. He started the session by reading the speakers’ backgrounds. After that, there was a video profile of PT PLN EPI.

Narasumber menerangkan materi

To carry out the mandate as a Primary Energy Sub-Holding, PLN EPI contributes and value creation for the reliability and efficiency of the electricity primary energy supply chain. First, as Security of Supply. PLN EPI becomes a consolidator of primary energy procurement to balance supply & demand and create supply chain efficiency. Furthermore, it ensures that the primary energy supply chain is well managed through robust processes, supporting regulations, and reliable capabilities. Second, as Value Creation. PLN EPI maintains the efficiency of the primary energy supply chain from upstream to downstream, develops the primary energy supply chain, and becomes energy transition leadership.

After the presentation, the moderator led a discussion and Q&A session with the participants. Furthermore, the event was finalized with a joint documentation session.

Salwa Nur Rahma

Direktur Utama PT PLN menyampaikan materi

Teknik Industri UII menggelar kuliah umum bagi Magister Teknik Industri dan Doktor Rekayasa Industri pada Sabtu (04/05). Kuliah umum yang bertajuk “Implementasi SCM: Memastikan Ketersediaan Pasokan Energi Primer di Indonesia” tersebut berlangsung secara daring via Zoom Meeting.

Rektor UII memberikan sambutan saat kuliah umum

Ratna Agil selaku MC membuka rangkaian acara dengan melafazkan basmalah dan membacakan susunan acara. Kemudian, terdapat penayangan video profilisasi UII dan hymne UII. Selanjutnya, terdapat sambutan oleh Rektor UII, Prof. Fathul Wahid, ST., M.Sc., Ph.D. “Kita akan mendapatkan cerita dan pengalaman yang menggugah dari PT PLN yang selama ini menyalurkan energi primer di Indonesia. Harapannya praktek-praktek baik tersebut bisa kita terapkan dalam konteks lain.”

Lebih lanjut, acara masuk ke sesi utama yaitu penyampaian materi oleh Direktur Utama PT PLN Energi Primer Indonesia, Ir. Iwan Agung Firstantara, S.T, M.M, IPU, ASEAN ENG. Dalam sesi ini, Ketua Program Magister Teknik Industri, Ir. Winda Nur Cahyo, S.T., M.T., Ph.D, IPM memandu sebagai moderator. Beliau mengawali sesi dengan membacakan latar belakang dari narasumber. Setelah itu, terdapat penampilan video profilisasi dari PT PLN EPI.

Narasumber menerangkan materi

Untuk mengemban amanah sebagai Sub-Holding Energi Primer, PLN EPI memberikan kontribusi dan value creation untuk keandalan dan efisiensi rantai pasok energi primer ketenagalistrikan. Pertama, sebagai Security of Supply. PLN EPI menjadi konsolidator pengadaan energi primer untuk menyeimbangkan supply & demand serta menciptakan efisiensi rantai pasokan. Selanjutnya, memastikan supply chain energi primer terkelola dengan baik melalui proses yang robust, regulasi yang mendukung, dan kapabilitas yang reliable. Kedua, sebagai Value Creation. PLN EPI menjaga efisiensi supply chain energi primer dari hulu ke hilir, mengembangkan rantai pasok energi primer, dan menjadi energy transition leadership.

Setelah penyampaian materi selesai, moderator memandu sesi diskusi dan tanya jawab dengan para peserta. Selanjutnya, acara tersebut dirampungkan dengan sesi dokumentasi bersama.

Salwa Nur Rahma