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International Program of Department Industrial Engineering Study Program again held a Summer Course 2024 with the theme “Unlock Your Market Potential: Mastering Competitive Innovation With TRIZ”. The activity in order to develop practical experience about industry and culture, especially in Yogyakarta was held on (3/8) through the Zoom Meeting platform. MC, Rona Sutra Dewangga Dyah Utami, led the event which had various benefits, followed by the reading of the divine word by Yudhistira Alfarizi. The Vice Dean for Resources of FTI UII, Dr. Agus Mansur, S.T., M.Eng.Sc., attended and gave a speech at the event. “This summer course program is designed with the knowledge and skills needed to master TRIZ and apply advanced principles to unlock good market potential,” he said during the meeting.

Furthermore, Class Facilitator, Danang Setiawan, S.T., M.T., explained that Summer Course 2024 was held online with Dr. Eng. Ir. Risdiyono, S.T., M.Eng., IPM, who was present to fill the training program. Then, this program is in collaboration with the Badan Kerjasama Penyelenggara Pendidikan Tinggi (BKSTI Korwil DIY) and TRIZ. Participants will get TRIZ International Certification Level 1 Practitioner if they follow the short course well. He also explained that the training had 54 student participants from various parts of the world. Then, he also explained that the facilitator would post all information and training materials via Google Classroom.

Furthermore, the agenda for the online Summer Course 2024 will take place from August 10, 2024 with an introduction session about TRIZ to the application of the method. In addition, there is an assessment on August 24, 2024 as the closing of this training program. Then, participants who always attend every session and get at least 75% on the TRIZ Certification Exam will have the opportunity to get a scholarship for a TRIZ certificate. This program is expected to provide useful insights and skills for participants in implementing competitive innovation in the global market.

Audiamara Vinka

Program Studi Teknik Industri Program Internasional kembali menyelenggarakan Summer Course 2024 dengan tema “Unlock Your Market Potential: Mastering Competitive Innovation With TRIZ”. Kegiatan dalam rangka mengembangkan pengalaman praktis mengenai industri dan budaya, khususnya di Yogyakarta itu diselenggarakan pada (3/8) melalui platform Zoom Meeting. MC, Rona Sutra Dewangga Dyah Utami, memimpin jalannya acara yang memiliki berbagai benefit itu. Selanjutnya, pembacaan kalam illahi oleh Yudhistira Alfarizi. Wakil Dekan Bidang Sumber Daya FTI UII, Dr. Agus Mansur, S.T., M.Eng.Sc., menghadiri sekaligus memberi sambutan dalam acara tersebut. “Program ini dirancang dengan pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang dibutuhkan untuk menguasai TRIZ dan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip lanjutan untuk membuka potensi pasar yang baik,” ucap beliau.

Selanjutnya, Fasilitator Kelas, Danang Setiawan, S.T., M.T., menjelaskan bahwa Summer Course 2024 terlaksana secara daring dengan Dr. Eng. Ir. Risdiyono, S.T., M.Eng., IPM, yang hadir untuk mengisi program pelatihan tersebut. Kemudian, program ini bekerja sama dengan Badan Kerjasama Penyelenggara Pendidikan Tinggi (BKSTI Korwil DIY) dan TRIZ. Peserta akan mendapatkan TRIZ International Certification Level 1 Practitioner jika mengikuti short course dengan baik. Beliau juga menerangkan bahwa pelatihan tersebut memiliki sebanyak 54 partisipan mahasiswa dari berbagai belahan dunia. Lalu, beliau juga menjelaskan bahwa fasilitator akan memposting semua informasi dan materi pelatihan melalui Google Classroom.

Seterusnya, agenda untuk online Summer Course 2024 ini akan berlangsung dari 10 Agustus 2024 dengan sesi pengenalan mengenai TRIZ hingga penerapan metode tersebut. Selain itu, terdapat assessment pada 24 Agustus 2024 sebagai penutup dari program pelatihan ini. Kemudian, peserta yang selalu hadir dalam setiap sesi dan memperoleh minimal 75% pada TRIZ Certification Exam akan berkesempatan mendapatkan beasiswa untuk sertifikat TRIZ. Program ini dapat memberikan wawasan dan keterampilan yang bermanfaat bagi peserta dalam mengimplementasikan inovasi kompetitif dalam pasar global. Dengan demikian, acara ini merupakan investasi berharga bagi siapa saja yang ingin unggul dalam dunia industri yang dinamis dan penuh tantangan.

Audiamara Vinka

The Industrial Engineering Doctoral Study Program, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Islam Indonesia collaborated with PT Jasa Raharja Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY) Branch to hold an international webinar on (24/7). The activity carried the theme “Effective Strategies for Increasing Road Traffic Awareness and Reducing Accidents in Yogyakarta” to improve driving safety. The event was opened by Amel Aminuddin as the MC, followed by the reading of the divine words by Pardiya, S.T. The Head of the Industrial Engineering Doctoral Program, Prof. Dr. Ir. Elisa Kusrini, MT, CPIM, CSCP, SCOR-P, hopes that the online event can contribute to helping increase public awareness. “The output of this activity is a strategic academic formulation to socialize traffic safety as an effort to increase the awareness of motorists and pedestrians in the Special Region of Yogyakarta in particular and other cities in Indonesia.” he said.

Furthermore, Muhammad Rizqy Abdurrahman Assyifa as the moderator greeted and invited Regy S. Wijaya, S.Kom, MMSI, AMII, Head of PT Jasa Raharja, Yogyakarta Special Region branch, Indonesia to deliver a Keynote Speech on Yogyakarta traffic accident statistics, such as the number of incidents, casualties, and injuries as the opening session of the international webinar that morning. “The average number of traffic accident victims every day in Yogya is 19 people and the average death toll is 1 victim every day.” he said.

Traffic Culture of Countries in Different Parts of the World


Then, entering the second session, namely the keynote session delivered by several speakers from various parts of the world with moderator Rurry Patradhiani. Fietyata Yudha, S.Kom., M.Kom., who came from National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan explained about the traffic system in Taiwan related to regulations, types of vehicles, and how law enforcement there. “When you are riding a bicycle and there is a pedestrian going through the crosswalk, then you have to wait for the pedestrian to cross first,” he explained. Therefore, a rider should always prioritize pedestrians when on the road.


Afterwards, the second speaker, Rian Adam Rajagede, S.Kom., M.Cs., from the University of Central Florida, USA shared how the driving culture in Florida strongly emphasizes two important rules, namely stopping at intersections and respecting other drivers on the road. Almost every intersection has a stop sign and drivers are required to slow down to a stop, not just slow down. This also applies even if there is an intersection that does not have a sign, “If there is no sign to stop, the default rule still applies. So, you must stop before entering the intersection.” he said.


On that occasion, Ir. Muhammad Ragil Suryoputro, S.T., M.Sc., IPM from the University of Wollongong, Australia who also provided experience about the country’s traffic culture. He said that the government wants to realize the transportation strategy of New South Wales, Australia aims to achieve zero fatalities and serious injuries by 2050. “We have Vision Zero targets for 2050, which are safe speeds, limits for speeding areas, promoting safe behavior, and also safe systems.” he said.


Afterwards, Ir. Andrie Pasca Hendradewa, S.T., M.T., IPM from Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway said that the country’s biggest challenge is not the population, but the weather or winter because snow is very disruptive to traffic. Road snow is very dangerous for drivers so the government is always working on cleaning and salting to keep the roads safe. In addition, people also use special tires to prevent slipping while driving. “So, usually people have to change their tires to a type of winter tire that has a lot of spikes.” he explained.


Meanwhile, Galang Prihadi Mahardhika, S.Kom., M.Kom., from Ibaraki University, Japan talked about 3Es or Traffic Safety System. “So for information, 3Es stands for engineering, enforcement, and education, one of several approaches that can be used to develop traffic safety.” he said. Examples of the application of engineering can be in the form of road improvements, enforcement in the form of sanctions for traffic violators, and education in the form of road safety campaigns.

The last keynote speaker, Ir. Ahmad Padhil, ST, MT, IPM, ASEAN Eng from Universitas Islam Indonesia, Indonesia, talked about ways to avoid traffic accidents. It starts with identifying the factors that cause incidents, such as lack of regulations, lack of facilities, lack of awareness, and especially lack of compliance. “If someone has awareness but does not comply, there are regulations, there are facilities, it will not work. Traffic compliance refers to the act of following traffic rules and regulations set by the relevant authorities.” he said.


Drowsiness Detector for Driving Safety

The last session was an explanation of the research of Zainudin Zukhri, S.T., MIT and Kholid Haryono, S.T., M.Kom., from the Islamic University of Indonesia, Indonesia regarding the creation of drowsiness detectors due to the many accidents that occur due to microsleep. The implementation of drowsiness detection technology and supporting traffic regulations can help reduce road accidents. “There are four expectations from the drowsiness detector. First, it warns drivers about drowsiness and the risk of microsleep, helps avoid accidents caused by fatigue, gives other drivers the opportunity to avoid collisions, and forces drivers to take the best action.” he explained. Afterwards, a question and answer session with all the speakers was held to finalize the international webinar on increasing driving awareness and safety.

Audiamara Vinka

Program Studi Doktor Rekayasa Industri, Fakultas Teknologi Industri, Universitas Islam Indonesia berkolaborasi dengan PT Jasa Raharja Cabang Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) menyelenggarakan webinar internasional pada (24/7). Kegiatan tersebut mengusung tema “Effective Strategies for Increasing Road Traffic Awareness and Reducing Accidents in Yogyakarta” guna meningkatkan keselamatan berkendara. Acara dibuka Amel Aminuddin selaku MC yang dilanjutkan dengan pembacaan kalam illahi oleh Pardiya, S.T. Ketua Program Studi Program Doktor Rekayasa Industri, Prof. Dr. Ir. Elisa Kusrini, MT, CPIM, CSCP, SCOR-P, berharap acara yang berlangsung secara online itu dapat berkontribusi untuk membantu meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat. “Output dari kegiatan ini adalah rumusan akademis yang strategis untuk mensosialisasikan keselamatan lalu lintas sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan kesadaran pengendara dan pejalan kaki Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta pada khususnya dan kota-kota lain Indonesia.” sampainya.

Selanjutnya, Muhammad Rizqy Abdurrahman Assyifa sebagai moderator menyapa dan mempersilakan Regy S. Wijaya., S.Kom., MMSI., AMII., Kepala PT Jasa Raharja cabang Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia untuk menyampaikan Keynote Speech mengenai statistik kecelakaan lalu lintas Yogyakarta, seperti jumlah kejadian, korban meninggal, dan luka-luka sebagai pembuka sesi webinar internasional pagi hari itu. “Rata-rata korban laka setiap harinya di Yogya ini adalah 19 orang dan korban meninggal rata-rata 1 orang korban setiap harinya.” ucapnya.

Budaya Lalu Lintas Negara Berbagai Belahan Dunia


Kemudian, memasuki sesi kedua, yakni sesi keynote yang disampaikan oleh beberapa speaker dari berbagai belahan dunia dengan moderator Rurry Patradhiani. Fietyata Yudha, S.Kom., M.Kom., yang berasal dari National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan menjelaskan mengenai sistem lalu lintas di Taiwan yang berkaitan dengan peraturan, jenis kendaraan, serta bagaimana penegakan hukum di sana. “Saat kamu mengendarai sepeda dan ada pejalan kaki yang akan melewati penyeberangan, maka kamu harus menunggu pejalan kaki menyeberang terlebih dahulu.” jelasnya. Maka dari itu, seorang pengendara harus selalu memprioritaskan pejalan kaki saat berada di jalanan.


Sesudahnya, speaker kedua, Rian Adam Rajagede, S.Kom., M.Cs., dari University of Central Florida, USA menceritakan bagaimana budaya berkendara di Florida yang sangat menekankan dua aturan penting, yakni berhenti di persimpangan dan menghormati pengemudi lain di jalan. Hampir setiap persimpangan ada rambu berhenti dan pengendara wajib memelankan kendaraan hingga berhenti, bukan hanya memperlambat laju kendaraannya. Hal tersebut juga berlaku meskipun terdapat persimpangan yang tak memiliki rambu, “Apabila tidak ada rambu untuk berhenti, aturan default masih berlaku. Jadi, kamu harus berhenti sebelum memasuki persimpangan.” ujarnya.


Pada kesempatan itu, Ir. Muhammad Ragil Suryoputro, S.T., M.Sc., IPM dari University of Wollongong, Australia yang juga turut memberi pengalaman mengenai budaya lalu lintas negara tersebut. Beliau menyampaikan bahwa pemerintah ingin mewujudkan strategi transportasi New South Wales, Australia bertujuan untuk mencapai nol fatalitas dan cedera serius pada tahun 2050. “Kami memiliki target Vision Zero untuk tahun 2050, yaitu kecepatan yang aman, batasan untuk area speeding, mempromosikan perilaku yang aman, dan juga sistem yang aman.” tuturnya.


Setelahnya lanjut pada materi oleh Ir. Andrie Pasca Hendradewa, S.T., M.T., IPM dari Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norwegia yang menuturkan bahwa tantangan terbesar negara tersebut bukan pada jumlah penduduk, melainkan cuaca atau musim dingin karena salju sangat mengganggu lalu lintas. Salju jalanan sangat berbahaya bagi pengendara sehingga pemerintah selalu berupaya dengan pembersihan dan pemberian garam untuk menjaga keamanan jalan. Selain itu, para penduduk sana juga menggunakan ban khusus agar tidak tergelincir saat berkendara. “Jadi, biasanya orang harus mengganti ban mereka ke jenis ban musim dingin yang memiliki banyak paku.” urainya.


Sementara itu, Galang Prihadi Mahardhika, S.Kom., M.Kom., dari Ibaraki University, Jepang mengutarakan mengenai 3Es atau Traffic Safety System. “Jadi sebagai informasi, 3Es adalah singkatan dari engineering, enforcement, dan education, salah satu dari beberapa pendekatan yang dapat digunakan untuk mengembangkan keselamatan lalu lintas.” ucapnya. Contoh dari penerapan engineering bisa berupa perbaikan jalan, enforcement berupa pemberian sanksi bagi pelanggar lalu lintas, dan education yang berupa kampanye keselamatan jalan raya.

Kemudian, keynote speaker terakhir, Ir. Ahmad Padhil, ST., MT., IPM.,ASEAN Eng dari Universitas Islam Indonesia, Indonesia yang menyampaikan mengenai cara-cara untuk menghindari kecelakaan lalu lintas. Hal tersebut bermula dengan mengidentifikasi faktor penyebab insiden yang terjadi, seperti lack of regulations, lack of facilities, lack of awareness, dan terutama lack of compliance. “Apabila seseorang memiliki kesadaran tetapi tidak patuh, adanya regulasi, adanya fasilitas, itu tidak akan bekerja. Kepatuhan lalu lintas mengacu pada tindakan mengikuti peraturan lalu lintas dan peraturan yang telah ditetapkan oleh otoritas terkait.” ujar beliau.

Drowsiness Detector for Driving Safety

Sesi terakhir adalah penjelasan penelitian Zainudin Zukhri, S.T., MIT dan Kholid Haryono, S.T., M.Kom., dari Universitas Islam Indonesia, Indonesia mengenai pembuatan detektor kantuk karena banyaknya kecelakaan yang terjadi akibat microsleep. Implementasi teknologi deteksi mengantuk dan peraturan lalu lintas yang mendukung dapat membantu mengurangi kecelakaan di jalan raya. “Terdapat 4 harapan dari alat detektor kantuk. Pertama, memperingatkan pengemudi tentang rasa kantuk dan risiko tidur mikro, membantu menghindari kecelakaan yang disebabkan oleh kelelahan, memberikan kesempatan kepada pengemudi lain untuk menghindari tabrakan, dan memaksa drivers untuk mengambil tindakan terbaik.” jelas beliau. Sesudahnya, kegiatan tanya jawab dengan seluruh speaker merupakan sesi untuk merampungkan acara webinar internasional mengenai peningkatan kesadaran dan keselamatan berkendara itu.

Audiamara Vinka

Opening Seminar

The seminar series ‘UII Talk Series’ returned on Monday (15/07) at the Theatrical Room, Prof. Dr. Sardjito Public Lecture Building, UII. The Directorate of Partnership or International Affairs Office of UII collaborated with PT Pamapersada Nusantara as a resource person in the seminar which was divided into three sessions. Vice Rector for Networking & Entrepreneurship Ir. Wiryono Raharjo, M.Arch., Ph.D., also attended the opening of this seminar. PT Pamapersada brought speakers from the Recruitment & Selection Head, Hendra Maraden, S.Psi, and Recruitment & Selection Analyst, Arika Zulfitri Karim, S. Psi, who discussed the topic of Maintaining Work Productivity Amid Modern Challenges in the Mining Industry. As for lecturers from the Industrial Engineering Study Programme, Bambang Suratno, MT, ST, Ph.D., who will review academic perspectives on productivity improvement with Seven Tools and New Seven Tools. This activity invites UII students so that they can enrich their knowledge and expand their professional network.

The event started at 08.30 WIB with Rani Septyani as the MC and Putri Dwi Annisa, S.T, M.Sc., as the moderator. It was opened with the recitation of Quran verses by Muhammad Arsil Arsor from the Ahwal Syakhsiyah Study Program, the presentation of PT Pamapersada Nusantara’s profile, as well as remarks from Ir. Wiryono Raharjo. In his speech, he expected UII students to strengthen the alumni network, “I think, this is a prospect for all of you in the future to enter this world. Because especially from Industrial Technology (FTI), yes. I think there can be a lot of discussion, but hopefully it can be a good start for the collaboration of Universitas Islam Indonesia with PT Pamapersada and hopefully among the participants can hang in there, so that it can strengthen the UII alumni network in the mining world” he said. Furthermore, the handover of souvenirs and documentation with the participants.

Session 1: Building Culture to Increase Productivity in Mining Contractor Industry Challenges

Maintaining Work Productivity Amidst Modern Challenges in the Mining Industry

In this first session, Hendra Maraden, S.Psi, from the Recruitment & Selection Head will present Building Culture to Increase Productivity in Mining Contractor Industry Challenges. In the mining sector, the company has become the largest production mining contractor in the world that produces more than one billion BCM (Bank Cubic Meter). With the increasing prospects of this company, PT Pamapersada is more selective in managing human resources by paying attention to the company’s system.  Realizing that people come and go, the company built an integrated system, “To be a big company, besides people, we must have a strong system. It must be systematized because people come and go, but the system must keep running” he said. To increase the productivity of its employees, the company is digitizing, namely the PAMA Integrated System which provides the needs of workers.

That way, PT Pamapersada Nusantara proves its productivity by moving forward from what was previously only a heavy equipment rental business to a mining contractor that has been integrated with various operating points. Not only in terms of improved systems, but the company also opens space for employees to develop, such as holding hobby clubs and receiving constructive suggestions for the company. Then, the moderator gave directions to enter the question and answer session.

Session 2: Flow of Recruitment Process in Mining Companies

Pembahasan Produktivitas Kerja

Next, Arika Zulfitri Karim, S.Psi, from the Recruitment & Selection Analyst field, explained the flow of the recruitment process at PT Pamapersada Nusantara. The company supports its employees to work productively and innovatively with synergy between employees and management. With the number of employees reaching 30 thousand, the company continues to improve its functions. The recruitment team is actively looking for the best seeds to maintain the company’s value. “Well, before PAMA people are finally productive, we must first look for people whose DNA is the same as PAMA. Therefore, we recruit ourselves who ultimately have to look for people like that where we have our own criteria,” he said. 

He also advised potential applicants to understand the essence of the company before applying. Arika explained that the flow of the application process at PT Pamapersada is different for D3 and S1, and mentioned the preparation and qualifications required by applicants.

Session 3: Seven Tools and New Seven Tools

Then, Bambang Suratno, MT, ST, Ph.D., as a lecturer from the Industrial Engineering Study Programme started the third session which will review academic perspectives on increasing productivity with Seven Tools and New Seven Tools. The digitalisation carried out by PT Pamapersada Nusantara requires the concept of supporting tools in analyzing related data. Seven Tools are statistical equipment used to solve work problems and seek improvements in work results and processes that are usually needed. Then, he explained that understanding seven tools can help adjust which tools are right for ideas in problem solving. Then there are the New Seven Tools that are commonly used for office management, such as analyzing risks in companies.

He said that these two methods complement each other, ‘So, the two Seven Tools complement each other, which initially (Old Seven Tools) was used more for production related to numerical data. If the new one (New Seven Tools) is to the upper management problem,’ he explained.  Furthermore, it was explained that in its use, the latest Seven Tools were used at the beginning of the research, then numerical data was sought using the old Seven Tools. 

The third session ended after a short question and answer session from the participants to the speakers and continued with the closing of this seminar series by the MC. From this meeting, it is hoped that it can increase the productivity of UII students, as well as add insight to participants and help prepare themselves for a better work environment.

Rani Novalentina

Opening Seminar

Ragam seminar “UII Talk Series” kembali hadir pada Senin (15/07) di ruang Teatrikal, Gedung Kuliah Umum Prof. Dr. Sardjito, UII. Direktorat Kemitraan atau Kantor Urusan Internasional UII bekerja sama dengan PT. Pamapersada Nusantara sebagai narasumber dalam seminar yang dibagi menjadi tiga sesi. Wakil Rektor bidang Kemitraan & Kewirausahaan Ir. Wiryono Raharjo, M.Arch., Ph.D., turut hadir dalam pembukaan seminar ini. PT. Pamapersada membawa narasumber dari bidang Recruitment & Selection Head, Hendra Maraden, S.Psi., dan bidang Recruitment & Selection Analyst, Arika Zulfitri Karim, S. Psi., yang membahas topik Menjaga Produktivitas Kerja di Tengah Tantangan Modern Dunia Industri Tambang. Adapun dosen dari Program Studi Teknik Industri Ir. Bambang Suratno, MT., ST., Ph.D., yang akan mengulas perspektif akademis mengenai peningkatan produktivitas dengan Seven Tools and New Seven Tools. Kegiatan ini mengundang mahasiswa UII sehingga dapat memperkaya pengetahuan dan memperluas jaringan profesional.

Acara dimulai pada pukul 08.30 WIB dengan Rani Septyani sebagai MC dan Putri Dwi Annisa, S.T, M.Sc., selaku moderator. Dibuka dengan pembacaan ayat Al-Qur’an oleh Muhammad Arsil Arsor dari Program Studi Ahwal Syakhsiyah, penayangan profilisasi PT. Pamapersada Nusantara, sekaligus kata sambutan dari Ir. Wiryono Raharjo. Dalam sambutannya, beliau mengharapkan mahasiswa UII dapat menguatkan jaringan alumni, “Saya kira, ini menjadi prospek adek-adek sekalian ke depan untuk masuk ke dunia ini. Karna terutama dari Teknologi Industri (FTI), ya. Saya kira bisa banyak diskusi, tapi mudah-mudahan bisa menjadi awal yang baik bagi kerjasama Universitas Islam Indonesia dengan PT. Pamapersada dan mudah-mudahan di antara para peserta bisa nyantol kesana, sehingga bisa menguatkan jaringan alumni UII di dunia pertambangan.” ucapnya. Selanjutnya, penyerahan cinderamata dan dokumentasi bersama peserta.

Sesi 1: Building Culture to Increase Productivity in Mining Contractor Industry Challenges


Pada sesi satu, Hendra Maraden, S.Psi., akan memaparkan materi Building Culture to Increase Productivity in Mining Contractor Industry Challenges. Dalam bidang pertambangan, perusahaan ini telah menjadi kontraktor pertambangan produksi terbesar di dunia yang menghasilkan lebih dari satu milyar BCM (Bank Cubic Meter). Dengan semakin meningkatnya prospek perusahaan ini menjadikan PT. Pamapersada lebih selektif dalam pengelolaan sumberdaya manusia dengan memperhatikan sistem perusahaan.  Menyadari bahwa manusia datang dan pergi, perusahaan membangun sistem yang telah terintegrasi, “Untuk menjadi sebuah perusahaan besar, selain people, kita harus mempunyai sistem yang kuat. Harus disistematisasi karena orang datang dan pergi, tapi sistem harus tetap berjalan.” ujarnya. Untuk meningkatkan produktivitas karyawannya, perusahaan melakukan digitalisasi, yaitu PAMA Integrated System yang menyediakan kebutuhan pekerja.

Dengan begitu, PT. Pamapersada Nusantara membuktikan produktivitasnya dengan melangkah maju dari yang sebelumnya hanya bisnis rental alat berat menjadi kontraktor tambang yang telah terintegrasi dengan berbagai titik operasi. Tidak hanya dari segi sistem yang ditingkatkan, namun perusahan tersebut juga membuka ruang untuk karyawan dapat berkembang, seperti mengadakan club hobi dan menerima saran membangun untuk perusahaan.

Sesi 2: Alur Proses Rekrutmen Pada Perusahaan Tambang

Pembahasan Produktivitas Kerja

Selanjutnya, Arika Zulfitri Karim, S.Psi., dari bidang Recruitment & Selection Analyst, menjelaskan alur proses rekrutmen di PT. Pamapersada Nusantara. Perusahaan ini mendukung karyawannya untuk bekerja secara produktif dan inovatif dengan sinergi antara karyawan dan manajemen. Dengan jumlah karyawan mencapai 30 ribu, perusahaan terus meningkatkan fungsi-fungsinya. Tim rekrutmen aktif mencari bibit terbaik untuk mempertahankan nilai perusahaan. “Nah, sebelum pada akhirnya insan PAMA ini produktif, pasti awal mulanya kita mencari orang-orang yang DNA-nya sama dengan PAMA. Maka dari itu, kami rekrutmen sendirilah yang pada akhirnya harus mencari orang-orang yang seperti itu dimana kami mempunyai kriteria sendiri-sendiri” ujarnya. 

Beliau juga menyarankan calon pelamar untuk memahami esensi perusahaan sebelum melamar. Arika menjelaskan bahwa alur proses melamar di PT. Pamapersada berbeda untuk D3 dan S1, serta menyebutkan persiapan dan kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan pelamar.

Sesi 3: Seven Tools and New Seven Tools

Kemudian, Ir. Bambang Suratno, MT., ST., Ph.D., selaku dosen dari Program Studi Teknik Industri mengulas perspektif akademis mengenai peningkatan produktivitas dengan Seven Tools and New Seven Tools. Digitalisasi yang diusung  PT. Pamapersada Nusantara memerlukan konsep tools pendukung dalam menganalisis data-data terkait. Seven Tools merupakan perlengkapan statistis yang digunakan untuk memecahkan masalah pekerjaan dan mengusahakan perbaikan hasil dan proses kerja yang biasanya dibutuhkan. Kemudian, beliau menjelaskan bahwa dengan memahami seven tools dapat membantu menyesuaikan alat mana yang tepat untuk ide dalam pemecahan masalah. Lalu ada New Seven Tools yang umumnya digunakan untuk manajemen kantor, seperti menganalisis risiko pada perusahaan.

Beliau mengatakan bahwa kedua metode ini saling melengkapi, ”Jadi, kedua Seven Tools saling tu melengkapi yang awalnya (Old Seven Tools) dipakai lebih kepada produksi yang berkaitan dengan data numerik. Kalo yang new (New Seven Tools) ke permasalahan manajemen ke atas” Paparnya.  Lebih lanjut, dijelaskan dalam penggunaannya Seven Tools terbaru digunakan pada awal penelitian, kemudian dicari data numeriknya menggunakan Seven Tools yang lama. 

Sesi ketiga berakhir setelah tanya jawab singkat dari peserta kepada narasumber dan dilanjutkan penutupan seminar seri ini oleh MC. Dari pertemuan ini, harapannya dapat meningkatkan produktivitas mahasiswa UII, serta menambah wawasan peserta dan membantu mempersiapkan diri ke lingkungan kerja yang lebih baik.

Rani Novalentina

Fire Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Training is one of the training programs that aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills to manage fire risks in industrial work environments. Therefore, Industrial Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) in collaboration with Campus Facilities Manager of the Waqf Board Foundation of Universitas Islam Indonesia (PFK YBW UII) and CV. Segala Safety Yogyakarta conducted training for students of batch 2022. The program was held on (15/7) in the courtyard near Ki Bagoes Hadikoesoemo Sports Building (GOR). On this occasion, Chancard Basumerda, S.T., M.Sc., as one of the OHS lecturers accompanied the event.

An introduction to fire and various types of extinguishers was the beginning of this fire OHS training event. Then, the main activity in the training was a simulation of extinguishing a fire using a wet cloth, fire extinguisher, and hydrant. In this activity, the students actively participated in demonstrating how to extinguish the fire properly. The training simulation needs to pay attention to the direction of the wind on the drum that has caught fire.

Next, the resource person from CV. Segala Safety Yogyakarta explained about the types of fire extinguishers (APAR) and their size variations. In this OHS fire training, students use the type of CO2 or carbon dioxide extinguisher and dry powder extinguisher with sizes ranging from 3 kg to 6 kg. In addition, the resource person also explained that there is maintenance for fire extinguishers, one of which is to shake the fire extinguisher once a while.

Furthermore, students also simulated fire extinguishing using hydrants in the courtyard of GOR UII. In the fire safety training, the speaker introduced two types of fire hoses, namely red hose and white hose. This color variation occurs due to differences in the materials they are made of, the white hose is made of burlap sacks and the red hose is made of rubber. With the implementation of this fire safety training program, it is hoped that students can utilize the knowledge and skills they have gained to maintain the safety of themselves and others in the work environment.

Audiamara Vinka

Training Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3) Kebakaran merupakan salah satu program pelatihan yang bertujuan memberi pengetahuan dan keterampilan untuk mengelola risiko kebakaran pada lingkungan kerja industri. Program Studi Teknik Industri Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) bekerja sama dengan Pengelola Fasilitas Kampus Yayasan Badan Wakaf Universitas Islam Indonesia (PFK YBW UII) dan CV. Segala Safety Yogyakarta melaksanakan pelatihan untuk mahasiswa angkatan 2022. Program tersebut diselenggarakan pada (15/7) di pelataran dekat Gedung Olahraga (GOR) Ki Bagoes Hadikoesoemo. Pada kesempatan ini, Chancard Basumerda, S.T., M.Sc., selaku salah satu dosen pengampu mata kuliah K3 mendampingi jalannya acara tersebut.

Pengenalan mengenai api dan berbagai jenis alat pemadam merupakan awal dari acara training K3 kebakaran ini. Kemudian, kegiatan utama dalam pelatihan tersebut adalah simulasi memadamkan api menggunakan kain basah, APAR, dan hydrant. Dalam kegiatan ini, para mahasiswa dan mahasiswi turut serta secara aktif untuk mendemonstrasikan upaya pemadaman api dengan benar. Simulasi pelatihan perlu memperhatikan arah gerak angin pada drum yang telah terbakar.

Seterusnya, narasumber dari CV. Segala Safety Yogyakarta menjelaskan mengenai jenis-jenis APAR (Alat Pemadan Api Ringan) beserta variasi ukurannya. Pada training K3 kebakaran ini mahasiswa menggunakan jenis APAR CO2 atau karbon dioksida dan APAR dry powder dengan ukuran mulai dari 3 kg hingga 6 kg. Selain itu, narasumber juga memaparkan bahwa terdapat maintenance untuk APAR, salah satunya adalah melakukan pengguncangan APAR beberapa waktu sekali.

Selanjutnya, mahasiswa juga melakukan simulasi pemadaman menggunakan hydrant yang ada pada halaman GOR UII. Pada training K3 kebakaran itu, pembicara memperkenalkan dua jenis selang pemadam kebakaran, yakni selang merah dan selang putih. Variasi warna ini terjadi akibat perbedaan bahan pembuatnya, selang putih terbuat dari karung goni dan selang merah terbuat dari karet. Dengan terlaksananya program training K3 kebakaran ini, harapannya mahasiswa dapat memanfaatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang mereka peroleh untuk menjaga keselamatan diri sendiri dan orang lain pada lingkungan kerja.

Audiamara Vinka

Industrial Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Islam Indonesia once again held EXPO of Work System Design and Ergonomics (WSDE) 2024. The event as the culmination of the Work Systems Design and Ergonomics course took place on (12/7). The exhibition event presents various innovations and projects by students who have studied and implemented ergonomics and work system engineering concepts. The theme of the event was “Revolutionizing Industries: The Impact of AI-Powered Innovation” was held at Hall FTI UII. Lulu Riesta, one of the assistants, revealed that they had prepared everything, such as taking care of the photobooth design, gate, and layout since the beginning of the semester and coordinating every week to find vendors.

Then, Ratih Dianingtyas Kurnia, S.T., Ph.D., as one of the judges in EXPO WSDE 2024 stated, “In my opinion, the students have provided innovation, meaning that the products are very, very interesting. Then, the innovation can also be applied by the community or society now. It’s just that maybe the name is still learning, so it still needs improvement, overall it’s okay.” she said. Then, Aqila Adesti as a participant said, “The impression is exciting, fun, getting new experiences. Previously, I already had experience in DPTI, but here I can explore it more. It’s nice to be able to explain to people, be asked by the judges.” she said.

Impressions and Hopes for EXPO WSDE 2024

Moch. Adib as a visitor to EXPO WSDE 2024 gave an impression as well as input by saying, “Maybe it can be improved again for restrictions from the groups because they are confused. Last year, it was related to the boards so it was clearer, maybe the posters were bigger. The current one is also more crowded, anyway, more exciting and there are many product innovations too.” he explained. In addition, Rifki Nurul added, “For this year’s RSKE, it is very interesting because it raises a very contemporary theme, namely AI, which in this era really needs to digitize everything in order to increase productivity. Maybe ideas like this can be developed again to join competencies and others.” he said.

Latahita Fajar as the chief executive of EXPO WSDE 2024 hopes, “Hopefully for the future EXPO it will be even better and the lack of big pro this year can be completed next year. So, the big pro is also getting better and the practitioners are also more innovative.” he said.

The following is the list of winners in the EXPO Work Systems Design and Ergonomics (WSDE) 2024:

A4Demas Rakha Freeporta22522306Juara 1
Mumtaz Fahd Rifmawan MS.22522307
Rizki Esa Putra Bijaksana22522311
Zahwa Putri Aghniya22522329
C9Insan Akhsani22522040Juara 2
Rifa Damayanti22522080
Inggil Tahta Haritza22522203
Arkan Abbad Falah Wibowo22522231
B1Irma 'Azzah Mutiarani22522354Juara 3
Alifia Rismawati22522362
Fildzah Shabrina22522373
Sevika Putri Indriana22522386
D1Yudhistira Alfarizi22522250Best Expo
Manik Purbo Ulung22522287
Muhammad Sulthansyah Al Fayad22522350
Roro Wening Adiningrum22522374
D12Rangga Pamungkas Putradharma22522284Best Presentation
Arista Prabaningrum22522050
Manda Aprilia22522058
Zafira Ratna Dewi Nastiti22522063
B1Irma 'Azzah Mutiarani22522354Best Prototype
Alifia Rismawati22522362
Fildzah Shabrina22522373
Sevika Putri Indriana22522386

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