
Step Toward Fresh Graduate Successful Career

In order to prepare fresh graduates to enter the working world, UII Industrial Engineering Study Program once again held a briefing agenda for prospective graduates. The event with the theme “Step Towards a Successful Career in the Digital Age” was held in Learning Space 2 FTI UII on Wednesday (24/7).

Anggun Galuh as the MC opened the activities in the morning by reciting basmalah and reading the program schedule. Then, the event continued by singing Indonesia Raya and UII Hymn together. Furthermore, there were remarks by the Head of the UII Industrial Engineering Undergraduate Program, Ir. Muhammad Ridwan Andi Purnomo, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPM. He hoped that the waiting time for UII Industrial Engineering graduates to get their first job would not exceed three months. 

“This is the last program given by the study program.  To be able to find a job, we need to look good to potential ‘users’. Therefore, we will hear sharing from our alumni on what needs to be prepared,” he said. 

Furthermore, the event entered the material delivery session. The MC started the session by introducing the speaker’s CV. Adhi Krisyasuda, S.T. who is an alumnus of Industrial Engineering UII was the speaker at the morning event. Now, he is a Director at PT Ebliethos Digital Indonesia.

He delivered some tips to start a career for fresh graduates. First, utilize technology, to expand professional networks and access career opportunities. Second, flexible working, allowing to organize your own time according to your interests to build a portfolio. Third, engagement and collaboration, looking for a career place that provides space to accommodate new ideas and innovation. Fourth, continuing education, looking for a career place that supports self-development and provides space for learning. Fifth, work-life balance, which is a person’s ability to balance their responsibilities at work, personal needs, and spiritual needs.

After that, there was a second presentation of material by Walid Jumlad S.Psi., M.Psi., Psikolog. from the Directorate of Career Development and Alumni of UII. He conveyed how graduates can prepare for the world of work. In this case, adaptation is very important to hone skills in meeting company criteria. This can be started by creating an attractive CV. After that, the participants were invited to conduct interview exercises with the speakers.

Finally, a photo session with the speakers closed the graduation debriefing activity that afternoon.

The following is a list of prospective graduates in Graduation Period VI Academic Year 2023/2024:

117522049Muhammad Hasby Aditya Pradana
217522059Nindya Niti Salma
317522137Aldhey Wahyu Pratama
417522198Ananta Wikrama Adi Purwaka
517522208Muhamad Umar
617522244Moh. Abyan Zakly
717522254Febiyanto Wibowo
818522043Muhammad Abid Sutisna
918522237Nabila Arista
1019522001Muzaki Akbar Adjie Puntodewo
1119522042Rillo Pambudi
1219522051Belinda Eko Wati
1319522071Rizki Agung Wibowo
1419522075Laundra Rasyadan Pratomo
1519522210Fauzil Fikri
1619522252Muhammad Rauful Mu'afiq
1719522305Ginayuh Sigit
1819522318Kinan Wira Prastha
1919522324Nuraisyah Shafira Meilina
2019522350Muhammad Tri Rahffi
2119522396Najla Tya Luqyana
2220522025Zahra Aulia Sadtomo
2320522028Isnain Ramadhan Kadafi Solihin
2420522044Meitarisha Viandrina
2520522055Amelia Evita Alam
2620522074Berliana Frisca Azzahra
2720522162Rafly Putra Dwitama
2820522165Ayu Najla Syahirah
2920522172Muhammad Taufiq Alhaj
3020522203Veni Alvionita
3120522259Muhamad Risyad Nur Hikmal
3220522262Kurniawan Widya Wardana
3320522267Muhammad Abdul Ghoffar Lahindra
3420522289Asshyifa Muthi'a Syafira
3520522306Putri Callista Rahma
3620522314Agri Nugraha
3720522338Daffa Elvira Ariellistiany
3820522351Aghniya Salsabila
3920522353Hario Seno
4020522355Ardhini Ramadhani Yusri
4120522360Fadhil Adita Ramadhan
4220522364Fadhillah Fikri
4320522370Devina Inayah Iryani
4420522373Aura Afika Ghayatri