
Industrial Engineering UII Hosts BKSTI Korwil DIY Meeting

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On Tuesday (7/5), BKSTI Korwil Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta held their first offline meeting. This activity was attended by several lecturer representatives from universities throughout DIY. These universities include UII, UST, UPY, UTY, UAD, UAJY, ITDA, UPNVY, AKPRIND, and UNJAYA. Industrial Engineering UII had the opportunity to host this “Syawalan and Work Meeting” meeting which took place at the FTI UII Auditorium.

The Head of BKSTI Korwil DIY, Dr. Drs. Imam Djati Widodo, M.Eng.Sc. opened and gave a speech at the afternoon activity. “Today’s meeting will discuss plans for our activities. There are already some things that we agree on, but we will simplify it again, so that it can run and be useful.”

Furthermore, there were remarks by representatives of the Central BKSTI by the Head of Research and Service, Dr. Agus Mansur, S.T., M.Eng.Sc. “Cooperation between universities is something absolute. In doing something, between alone or collaboration, the results must be very different,” he said. He also added about one of the programs they are planning. “In the field that I am entrusted with, we will record the journals published by your campus. Then each of them can fill in for each other and get accredited. That way, we will know the competency mapping of each party or researcher.”

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Then, to get to know each other better in this first meeting, there was an introduction session for each lecturer representative who came. Furthermore, the event continued to the discussion session to talk about future programs or activities. Finally, a group documentation session concluded the day’s activities.

Salwa Nur Rahma