
UII PKM-K Team Creates Ointment Innovation as Wound Therapy

Team Tim Multipin Salep

The PKM-Kewirausahaan (Entrepreneurship) team of Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) consisting of students from the Industrial Engineering and Pharmacy majors succeeded in making innovative ointment products. The team consists of Mumtaz Fahd Rifmawan Ms, Andi Muh Khaidir Resqullah, Muhammad Arif Fadhillah, Sofa Tasya Kamila, and Khanza Adinda Salsabila. Under the guidance of Ir. Muchamad Sugarindra, S.T., M.T.I., IPM, the team succeeded in creating an innovation titled “Multipin Salep: Innovation of Kalanchoe Pinnata and Jatropha Multifida Extract Ointment with Jasmine Scent as Wound Therapy Using Grassroots Campaign Strategy”.

Multipin ointment is a wound ointment product derived from the plants Kalanchoe Pinnata (cocor bebek) and (Jatropha Multifida) jarak tintir which have been proven as plants that have properties in wound healing. This ointment also has no side effects because it uses herbal ingredients and also has the advantage of having a jasmine flower aroma.

The idea for this product arose because abrasions and cuts are often experienced by many people in Indonesia, and many of them still rely on traditional medicine or herbs. By using natural ingredients from herbal plants, this wound ointment has the advantage of a lower risk of side effects compared to chemical products. The selected herbs are jarak tintir (Jatropha multifida Linn) and cocor bebek (Kalanchoe pinnata Lamk) due to their beneficial content in wound healing. Jarak tintir contains anti-bacterial substances such as alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, and saponins. Meanwhile, cocor bebek leaves contain flavonoids, steroids, saponins, and tannins that have anti-inflammatory effects or reduce inflammation. In addition, this product uses jasmine essential oil to provide a distinctive jasmine floral aroma.

The preparation of this ointment goes through three main stages, which are the making of simplisia powder, extracts, and ointment preparations. The preparation of Multipin ointment begins with washing, slicing, and drying the leaves of cocor bebek and jarak tintir. The dried simplisia was pulverized and stored. The powdered simplisia was then extracted with 96% ethanol for three days, filtered, and evaporated to obtain a thick extract. To make the ointment, Cera Alba and Vaselin Album were melted, then mixed with extracts, preservatives, glycerin, and jasmine essential oil until homogeneous. The finished ointment was put into a tube and labeled.

In conducting marketing strategies, Multipin Ointment products conduct online and offline marketing. Online marketing is done through social media and e-commerce such as Shopee. Meanwhile, for offline media through partner cooperation with a grassroots campaign strategy, namely working with pharmacies and traditional herbal medicine stores in marketing products.