
EXPO PSIT : Finding Industrial Solutions among MSMEs

On Thursday (11/07) the Integrated Industrial System Design (PSIT) course of the Industrial Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Islam Indonesia held a PSIT EXPO that showcased designs from the implementation of the course. The event started at 08.00 WIB until 12.00 WIB which could be attended by UII students. Through this exhibition, participants can showcase their products to the assessment team and visitors to then get stickers. Therefore, participants and visitors were given voting stickers to support their favorite products.

The assessment team was not only from lecturers, but also the Industrial Engineering Study Program invited representatives of the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia, Annisa Rizqi Damayanti, S.T. as well as representatives from the Yogyakarta Craft & Batik Center, and the owner of Cokelat nDalem Wednes Aria Yuda. Mrs. Annisa Rizqi Damayanti as the representative of the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia expressed her impression when attending EXPO PSIT, “It’s very interesting. There are so many works displayed by FTI UII students with innovations offered by students and of course very useful for the development of small industries around Yogyakarta”. She said she was interested in one of the groups that offered a solution by applying a simulation system through an application to get efficient production results. Ms. Annisa hopes that the product innovations on display can be applied directly, so that they can help Indonesia’s industry.

nDalem Chocolate Owner

In a separate interview with the owner of a specialty souvenir business from Yogyakarta, Cokelat nDalem, Wednes Aria Yuda gave his response regarding EXPO PSIT. He mentioned that the participants’ presentations were very good by applying various methodologies for one solution in designing product innovation. However, he also expressed his concern regarding data collection that still uses assumptions without seeing the field directly. “If you don’t take real data, I’m afraid the implementation will not run properly,” he said.

EXPO Impressions

Then, Zahra from the UII International Relations Study Program who was one of the visitors expressed her impression of attending EXPO PSIT, “It’s really exciting, honestly. Because this event does not exist in HI, so it opens up new insights related to the field of industrial engineering and also I learned a lot about product optimization which can open my insight. Thank you very much, tekdus.”

Wawancara Peserta EXPO PSIT

With this exhibition, UII Industrial Engineering students as participants and visitors can add their insights related to finding solutions in solving industrial problems. Participants also gave their impressions in working on product innovation to be exhibited to the general public. Nisrina Faiza Mufid said her impression “This year’s EXPO PSIT activity is very exciting and interesting. Students are required to be able to think systematically and always be innovative.  Honestly, we faced a lot of challenges when working on it. However, Alhamdulillah we got through it all and learned many new things”. Also the impression of another participant, M. Zidan Al-Facri “I’m really happy. As an engineer, I can express the products that I make. The process is very long from the beginning of the semester, so this is the time for us to express the results that we have done”. “PSIT is quite complicated because there are many elements that as engineers we just know, so it’s really difficult to process this. But Alhamdulillah, we are quite happy with the result”.

EXPO PSIT 2024 ran smoothly until the event was over. The majority of participants expressed satisfaction with the innovations brought and hoped that they could help provide industrial solutions in the future.

Rani Novalentina