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Handover of Internship Students of PT Yamaha Indonesia and Thesis Defense

Serah Terima Mahasiswa Magang Batch XIX

On Monday (02/09), students of Industrial Engineering Study Program of Faculty of Industrial Technology (FIT) Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) attended the handover ceremony of internship students at PT Yamaha Indonesia office. This internship program is part of the cooperation between PT Yamaha Indonesia and the Industrial Engineering Study Program of FTI UII, which has long been established. Through this cooperation, students who pass the partnership internship selection can join the program. In the XIX batch, Industrial Engineering Study Program FTI UII sent seven students for internship.

The handover ceremony was accompanied by several lecturers of Industrial Engineering Study Program FTI UII, namely Wahyudhi Sutrisno, S.T., M.M., M.T., Ir. Muchamad Sugarindra, S.T., M.T.I., IPM, and Elanjati Worldailmi, S.T., M.Sc. In addition, Department Secretary Dr. Taufiq Immawan, S.T., M.M. was also present and gave a speech. In his speech, Dr. Taufiq conveyed a message for the students to remain enthusiastic and maximize their potential during their internship at PT Yamaha Indonesia. This message is in line with the expectations of Vice President of PT Yamaha Indonesia, Samsudin, who also emphasized the importance of maintaining enthusiasm and health during the internship program.

Meanwhile, Audiamara Vinka expressed her hope as one of the interns “I hope that by participating in the internship, I can open my eyes to how the world of work works and can make a good contribution to the company with my abilities” she said.

Completion of The XVIII Batch Internship Program

This handover also marks the completion of the XVIII batch internship program which has lasted for six months. This is at the same time to carry out the Awareness Program at the company. The students who have completed the internship are expected to be able to develop their skills based on the experience gained during this program. In addition, this partnership internship program is expected to support the industry’s need for competent workers in their fields.

Zahra Nasywari Firdantara, one of the internship students at PT Yamaha Indonesia, revealed that the internship at the company was very valuable because it provided a deep understanding of the application of industrial knowledge in the field. In the Production Engineering division, Zahra applied the concept of Value Stream Mapping (VSM) to analyze inventory, lead time, line balancing, defect goods, study time, and work sampling in order to identify waste and increase productivity with the improvement method (kaizen). 

He added that the projects undertaken during the internship can also be used as material for Practical Work (KP) and Final Project (TA). “So, we don’t have to bother looking for data anymore because everything is in line with the internship project,” he added. “Internship at Yamaha is really worth it, because we understand more about industrial science. If in lectures we only know the material, here we can understand the material as well as its application in the field,” said Zahra. 

She also emphasized the importance of patience and communication to explain the concept and work together on repair projects. Her experience shows the importance of preparation, knowledge and interpersonal skills to maximize internship opportunities and develop yourself in the industry.

Rani Novalentina