
Industrial Engineering UII Organizes EXPO Work System Design and Ergonomics (WSDE) 2024

Industrial Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Islam Indonesia once again held EXPO of Work System Design and Ergonomics (WSDE) 2024. The event as the culmination of the Work Systems Design and Ergonomics course took place on (12/7). The exhibition event presents various innovations and projects by students who have studied and implemented ergonomics and work system engineering concepts. The theme of the event was “Revolutionizing Industries: The Impact of AI-Powered Innovation” was held at Hall FTI UII. Lulu Riesta, one of the assistants, revealed that they had prepared everything, such as taking care of the photobooth design, gate, and layout since the beginning of the semester and coordinating every week to find vendors.

Then, Ratih Dianingtyas Kurnia, S.T., Ph.D., as one of the judges in EXPO WSDE 2024 stated, “In my opinion, the students have provided innovation, meaning that the products are very, very interesting. Then, the innovation can also be applied by the community or society now. It’s just that maybe the name is still learning, so it still needs improvement, overall it’s okay.” she said. Then, Aqila Adesti as a participant said, “The impression is exciting, fun, getting new experiences. Previously, I already had experience in DPTI, but here I can explore it more. It’s nice to be able to explain to people, be asked by the judges.” she said.

Impressions and Hopes for EXPO WSDE 2024

Moch. Adib as a visitor to EXPO WSDE 2024 gave an impression as well as input by saying, “Maybe it can be improved again for restrictions from the groups because they are confused. Last year, it was related to the boards so it was clearer, maybe the posters were bigger. The current one is also more crowded, anyway, more exciting and there are many product innovations too.” he explained. In addition, Rifki Nurul added, “For this year’s RSKE, it is very interesting because it raises a very contemporary theme, namely AI, which in this era really needs to digitize everything in order to increase productivity. Maybe ideas like this can be developed again to join competencies and others.” he said.

Latahita Fajar as the chief executive of EXPO WSDE 2024 hopes, “Hopefully for the future EXPO it will be even better and the lack of big pro this year can be completed next year. So, the big pro is also getting better and the practitioners are also more innovative.” he said.

The following is the list of winners in the EXPO Work Systems Design and Ergonomics (WSDE) 2024:

A4Demas Rakha Freeporta22522306Juara 1
Mumtaz Fahd Rifmawan MS.22522307
Rizki Esa Putra Bijaksana22522311
Zahwa Putri Aghniya22522329
C9Insan Akhsani22522040Juara 2
Rifa Damayanti22522080
Inggil Tahta Haritza22522203
Arkan Abbad Falah Wibowo22522231
B1Irma 'Azzah Mutiarani22522354Juara 3
Alifia Rismawati22522362
Fildzah Shabrina22522373
Sevika Putri Indriana22522386
D1Yudhistira Alfarizi22522250Best Expo
Manik Purbo Ulung22522287
Muhammad Sulthansyah Al Fayad22522350
Roro Wening Adiningrum22522374
D12Rangga Pamungkas Putradharma22522284Best Presentation
Arista Prabaningrum22522050
Manda Aprilia22522058
Zafira Ratna Dewi Nastiti22522063
B1Irma 'Azzah Mutiarani22522354Best Prototype
Alifia Rismawati22522362
Fildzah Shabrina22522373
Sevika Putri Indriana22522386

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