
Industrial Engineering UII Receives Visit from Hidayatullah Integral Islamic Elementary School

Penyerahan cinderamata/ Souvenirs handover

Industrial Engineering UII received a visit from SD Islam Integral Hidayatullah Banjarnegara on Tuesday (25/06). This visit was organized for Study Tour and Visit Campus Visit with 17 students and 8 accompanying teachers. The morning agenda began in the Audiovisual Room (1.10) 1st Floor, KH Mansyur Building, UII Campus.

Anggun Galuh as MC opened the activities by reading basmalah. Then, there was a presentation of material about Industrial Engineering UII by Elanjati Worldailmi, S.T., M.Sc. She began by showing a profiling video, then delivered material about the department in an interesting and enthusiastic way. Considering that the audience was elementary school children, she used simple language, equipped with pictures and interactive videos. In this session, she also talked to the students to share about their dreams. “Who here wants to be a doctor? A teacher? Or maybe an engineer?” she asked with a smile.

As a commemoration, the activity continued with the handover of souvenirs between the respective representatives. Industrial Engineering UII by Elanjati Worldailmi, S.T., M.Sc. and SD Islam Integral Hidayatullah by Imam Suja’l, S.Pt, their Principal. 

Kunjungan laboratorium/ Laboratory visit

The next agenda was a tour of the Industrial Engineering laboratories. They visited the Desain Sistem Kerja dan Ergonomi (DSKE) Lab. and Inovasi Pengembangan Organisasi (IPO) Lab.  In each laboratory, the guests interacted directly with laboratory assistants who gave explanations about each laboratory. Some participants also tried to simulate the tools available in each laboratory, one of which was the climate chamber in the DSKE Lab. In addition to the Industrial Engineering laboratory, the participants were also invited to visit the Textile Engineering laboratory.

Furthermore, the participants were invited to the Library and Kimpulan Temple area of UII guided by the Student Staff of Industrial Engineering and Textile Engineering. Finally, the event was finalized with a joint documentation session. 

Salwa Nur Rahma