
Industrial Engineering UII Welcome Visit from Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Foto bersama dengan UMM

On Wednesday (21/8), the Industrial Engineering Study Program at Universitas Islam Indonesia welcomed a comparative study visit from Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM). Eleven delegates from UMM including the Head of UMM Industrial Engineering Study Program, Ir. Shanty Kusuma Dewi ST., MT. IPM., were greeted warmly by representatives of the Industrial Engineering UII. The meeting was held at room 4.04, KH Mansyur Building, UII Integrated Campus, amid an atmosphere of closeness and collaboration.

The meeting began at 1:00 PM WIB with a welcome address by the Head of the Industrial Engineering Department at UII, Dr. Drs. Imam Djati Widodo, M.Eng.Sc., who greeted the visiting guests. This was followed by a presentation session covering topics such as the MBKM and OBE-based curriculum, National and International Accreditation, and Laboratory Development.

“We have six laboratories. So there is ERP, and a manufacturing system laboratorium. There is also industrial simulation, ergonomics, IPO–namely organizational design–and there is data mining,” He explained regarding laboratory development materials.

Kunjungan UMM

After the presentation session, a discussion took place involving several participants. This include representatives from the UII Industrial Engineering lectures and visiting guests. Following the presentasion session, the activity continued with an exchange of souvenirs between each universities as a symbol of reminiscence. After that, UII Industrial Engineering lecturers guided the visiting participants on a tour, showcasing the six laboratories and facilities within the department. The study visit concluded with a group photo session.

Syawarani Gayatri