Strengthening Kinship Among New Industrial Engineering Students Through AKSI TI 2024
On Sunday (22/12/2024), the Student Resource Development Division of the Industrial Engineering Student Association of the Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Islam Indonesia (HMTI LEM FTI UII) again successfully held AKSI TI 2024, an orientation event for new Industrial Engineering students class of 2024. With the event theme “Bersua Merangkai Asa, Wujudkan Cendiawan”, this event was attended by 97 new students and supported by 127 committees that ensured the fluency of activities for three days. Carrying the concept of indoor and outdoor, the event took place on December 15, 2024 for indoor activities, and on December 21-22, 2024 for outdoor activities at Girikaton Campground. This concept was designed to provide a comprehensive experience for participants in understanding the world of Industrial Engineering at UII.
Forepart Day
The first day began with an opening ceremony that began with the reading of saritilawah, playing the national anthem Indonesia Raya, and the UII Hymn. Furthermore, remarks were delivered by Allan Fridicya Tri Wahyudi as Chair of the Organizing Committee of AKSI TI 2024, Radza Rayhan as Chair of the Steering Committee of AKSI TI 2024, Hadel Hafiz Satria as Chair of HMTI LEM FTI UII 2023/2024, and Ir. Muhammad Ridwan Andi Purnomo, Ph.D., IPM, as Chair of the Industrial Engineering Study Program. The beating of the gong by the Chair of the Study Program became a symbol of the official opening of the event.
The series of Forepart Day events included various educational sessions, such as SIMAK TI: About the Academic Science of Industrial Engineering, which was presented by Feris Firdaus, M.Sc. as a lecturer in Industrial Engineering. This session explored the role of Industrial Engineering in supporting the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through the integration of Industry 4.0 technology, circular economy, and Lean Manufacturing. In addition, participants were also introduced to the Industrial Engineering Student Association (HMTI) through the PANEN HMTI session, as well as the introduction of six learning support laboratories in the Laboratory Show session.
Strengthening Day
The second day took place with an outdoor concept for two days and one night. The event began with the opening and reading of the rules of the participants, followed by Prototype Lab. In this session, participants in groups made prototypes to train critical thinking and creativity. The Tausiah Hikmah session presented by Alif Lukmanul Hakim (degree) conveyed a message about the importance of Islamic values in technological innovation.
The LAMPU HMTI event (Step Towards HMTI Center) introduced the HMTI organizational structure, followed by a case study that spurred participants’ critical thinking. The peak momentum was the Inauguration, where participants were officially confirmed as part of the UII Industrial Engineering family. The procession was marked by the reading of the student oath, symbolic installation of HMTI uniforms, bonfire lighting, singing of the UII Hymn, and closing prayer.
In the evening, the atmosphere became more intimate with the Secret Text event which created interaction between participants, and Stage Vibes which featured the band Imunity from HMTI. The second day’s activities were closed by a non-formal MC, with participants returning to the tents to rest.
Camaraderie Day
The last day began with the announcement of the Student Coordinator (KOSEMA) by Ilham Muhammad Anugrah Saragih, Head of Student Resources Development HMTI. Participants then followed the morning gymnastics session and breakfast together in the Morning Spirit event. The Lab Show session was the highlight, where each group showcased and presented their prototypes in Field C. Visitors also voted to determine the best prototype.
The event continued with WIB: Industry Time to Explore, an exploration activity on the tracking path to seven posts that tested participants’ cohesiveness and creativity. After a lunch break, the Rewarding session recognized the teams based on the best prototype.
Finally, the Closing Ceremony, in which the Chair of OC, SC, HMTI, LEM, DPM, and the Person in Charge of Activities Dian Janari, S.T., M.T. conveyed their messages and hopes. As a symbolic gesture, a gong was struck to mark the end of AKSI TI 2024. The event was closed with the screening of After Movie which summarized all moments from Forepart Day, Strengthening Day, to Camaraderie Day.
AKSI TI is not only an adaptation event for new students, but also a moment to instill a spirit of innovation, togetherness, and pride as part of Industrial Engineering UII. With the theme of Engineering to the Future, this event succeeded in motivating participants to continue to develop and contribute to creating hope for a better future.
Rani Novalentina