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Program Studi Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknologi Industri, Universitas Islam Indonesia kembali selenggarakan EXPO Rekayasa Sistem Kerja dan Ergonomi (RSKE) 2024. Acara sebagai titik puncak dari mata kuliah Rekayasa Sistem Kerja dan Ergonomi tersebut berlangsung pada (12/7). Ajang pameran itu menghadirkan berbagai inovasi dan proyek hasil karya mahasiswa yang telah mempelajari dan mengimplementasikan konsep-konsep ergonomi dan rekayasa sistem kerja. Kegiatan bertemakan “Revolutionizing Industries: The Impact of AI-Powered Innovation” itu digelar di Hall FTI UII. Lulu Riesta, salah satu asisten, mengungkapkan bahwa mereka telah menyiapkan segala sesuatu, seperti yang mengurus desain photobooth, gate, dan layout sejak awal semester dan melakukan koordinasi setiap minggu untuk mencari vendor.

Kemudian, Ratih Dianingtyas Kurnia, S.T., Ph.D., sebagai salah satu juri dalam EXPO RSKE 2024 menyatakan, “Menurut saya, mahasiswanya sudah memberikan inovasi, maksudnya produk-produknya itu sangat-sangat menarik. Kemudian, inovasinya juga bisa diaplikasikan oleh komunitas atau masyarakat sekarang. Hanya saja mungkin namanya masih belajar, jadi masih perlu peningkatan, overall sudah oke.” ujarnya. Lalu, Aqila Adesti sebagai peserta berkata, “Kesannya seru, menyenangkan, dapet pengalaman baru. Sebelumnya kan udah dapet pengalaman di DPTI itu, cuman kalo disini lebih eksplor lagi. Senang bisa ngejelasin ke orang-orang, ditanyain sama juri.” ucapnya.

Impresi dan Asa EXPO RSKE 2024

Moch. Adib sebagai pengunjung EXPO RSKE 2024 memberi kesan sekaligus masukan dengan menuturkan, “Mungkin bisa ditingkatin lagi untuk pembatasan dari grup-grupnya soalnya bingung. Kalau tahun kemarin, tuh, ada terkait papan-papannya jadi lebih jelas, bisa juga posternya lebih besar. Kalau yang sekarang lebih ramai juga, sih, lebih seru dan banyak inovasi produk juga.” jelasnya. Selain itu, Rifki Nurul menambahkan, “Untuk RSKE tahun ini sangat menarik ya karena mengangkat tema yang kekinian banget, yaitu AI yang mana pada era sekarang ini emang perlu digitalisasi semua hal agar bisa produktivitasnya lebih meningkat. Mungkin ide-ide seperti ini bisa dikembangkan lagi ikut kompetensi dan lain-lain.” tuturnya.

Latahita Fajar sebagai ketua pelaksana EXPO RSKE 2024 berharap, “Harapannya buat EXPO ke depannya lebih oke lagi dan kurang-kurangnya dari big pro tahun ini itu bisa diselesaikan tahun depan. Jadi, big pro-nya juga semakin bagus dan praktikannya juga semakin inovatif.” ungkapnya

Berikut merupakan daftar pemenang dalam EXPO Rekayasa Sistem Kerja dan Ergonomi (RSKE) 2024:

TimNama MahasiswaNIMPenghargaan
A4Demas Rakha Freeporta22522306Juara 1
Mumtaz Fahd Rifmawan MS.22522307
Rizki Esa Putra Bijaksana22522311
Zahwa Putri Aghniya22522329
C9Insan Akhsani22522040Juara 2
Rifa Damayanti22522080
Inggil Tahta Haritza22522203
Arkan Abbad Falah Wibowo22522231
B1Irma 'Azzah Mutiarani22522354Juara 3
Alifia Rismawati22522362
Fildzah Shabrina22522373
Sevika Putri Indriana22522386
D1Yudhistira Alfarizi22522250Best Expo
Manik Purbo Ulung22522287
Muhammad Sulthansyah Al Fayad22522350
Roro Wening Adiningrum22522374
D12Rangga Pamungkas Putradharma22522284Best Presentation
Arista Prabaningrum22522050
Manda Aprilia22522058
Zafira Ratna Dewi Nastiti22522063
B1Irma 'Azzah Mutiarani22522354Best Prototype
Alifia Rismawati22522362
Fildzah Shabrina22522373
Sevika Putri Indriana22522386

Audiamara Vinka

Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Kepada seluruh mahasiswa Prodi Teknik Industri kami ingin menginformasikan bahwa ada pengumuman terbaru mengenai Masa Tunggu Pendadaran. Mohon segera mengecek informasi tersebut melalui link berikut :

Masa Tunggu Pendadaran

Wassalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Diberitahukan kepada Peserta Lomba 3MT Challange @UII, terdapat informasi sebagai berikut
1. Pengumuman Finalis 3MT: unduh
2. Final lomba akan dilaksanakan pada bulan September 2024
3. Finalis WAJIB melakukan konfirmasi keikutsertaan Final 3MT yang dilaksanakan di FTI UII

Demikian pengumuman yang dapat kami sampaikan. Terimakasih atas perhatiannya.

Wassalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Panitia 3MT Challange @UII

Industrial Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Industrial Technology UII again held a practitioner lecture to explore knowledge about logistics management. This activity is one of a series of Teaching Practitioner programs that have previously been held online. On this occasion, students can attend face-to-face meetings directly. A total of 50 participants attended the activity themed “Contemporary Logistics” in Classroom 03.11 on (29/6). Furthermore, the speaker on the agenda was Dr. Zaroni, CISCP, CFMP, CMILT. He is a senior consultant and Head of the Consultant Division at Supply Chain Indonesia. Putri Dwi Annisa, S.T., M.Sc., also attended the event to give a speech.

Rangga Pamungkas Putradharma as the MC guided the event. Then, Dr. Zaroni, CISCP, CFMP, CMILT, as the resource person packaged the event by discussing based on 3 case studies in the fields of cosmetics, construction, and technology. The case study on the cosmetics business discussed how to optimize the storage and delivery of cosmetic products. Meanwhile, the construction company discussed the challenges in terms of road safety issues. Then, for technology, it discusses how the application of the Internet of Things (IoT) for the logistics industry. The discussion was tense as each group persistently defended their respective arguments.

Next, he continued the session with an explanation of contemporary logistics. “Contemporary logistics means current logistics. Well, so, contemporary can be the technology, can be the environment faced, including what issues in Indonesia. I took three topics, the first is humanitarian logistics for disaster management because Indonesia is a disaster-prone country. The second one is urban logistics. So, how to manage cities that are environmentally friendly, not causing congestion. Then, logistics trends, well, we want to see what will happen in the next 50 years. The shift in people’s behavior and what technology is developing,” he explained.

Then, he also explained about the types of innovations that exist in each logistics and there are technological developments in the logistics industry that are increasingly sophisticated. Afterward, a group photo session concluded the logistics management practitioner lecture agenda.

Audiamara Vinka

Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.


Diberitahukan kepada Peserta Lomba 3MT Challange @UII bahwa terdapat perubahan lini masa pelaksanaan sebagai berikut:
1. Pengumuman Finalis Kategori S1 dan S2 pada hari Jumat, 5 Juli 2024
2. Pengumuman Pemenang Kategori S3 pada hari Jumat, 5 Juli 2024
3. Final lomba akan dilaksanakan pada hari Jumat, 19 Juli 2024

Demikian pengumuman yang dapat kami sampaikan, mohon maaf atas perubahan lini masa pelaksanaan, dan terimakasih atas perhatiannya.


Wassalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Panitia 3MT Challange @UII

The Integrated Manufacturing System Laboratory (SIMAN) of the Industrial Engineering Study Program, Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) once again held SIMAN CORNER. The event was held in order to provide a space for discussion with 6th semester students and above related to the topic of Final Project in the field of Production Systems. The activity on (14/6) was held at Smart Class Lab SIMAN with the theme “FGD: Research topics in Production Engineering & Supply Chain Management”. The speakers are Ir. Muhammad Ridwan Andi Purnomo, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPM., Suci Miranda, S.T., M.Sc., and Ir. Abdullah ‘Azzam, S.T., M.T., IPM.

Ir. Muhammad Ridwan Andi Purnomo, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPM, delivered the keynote speech on Intelligent Supply Chain System. Intelligent Supply Chain System is a concept that integrates advanced technology, such as Artificial Intelligent (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) to optimize every aspect of the supply chain. The next topic was Sustainable Supply Chain Management in Small and Medium Industries (SMI) by Suci Miranda, S.T., M.Sc. She gave research recommendations, such as the application of 5S in SMEs using Critical Success Factor, determination of standard time, and many other brilliant topics.

Furthermore, Abdullah ‘Azzam, S.T., M.T., IPM, explained about Product Development. He started his session by explaining the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) method. The implementation of this product development must also be in accordance with consumer preferences. In addition, he also conveyed how the right stages in developing a product. Not to forget, he gave varied ideas if you want to take a topic about Product Development.

Afterward, there was a discussion session with the students who attended regarding the final project topics that might have been thought of. Anggun, one of the students who participated in the activity stated, “I think the event is very helpful for students, especially final semester students. There was an overview of what final project topics to take and what methods to use. Then there is also information about projects that can be used for TA, that helps too.” she said. 

Audiamara Vinka

Industrial Engineering Study Program, Universitas Islam Indonesia held a public lecture again with the theme  “Occupational Safety Management System” on (15/6). The speaker who presented the material at the event was Azjar Jhon Raghozt who is the PJK3 of PT Mawi Sarana Samawi. The OHS Management System functions to create a safe, efficient and productive workplace. This activity was carried out online in order to deepen knowledge about how to implement OHS Management System. A total of 150 participants attended the Zoom Meeting on the morning agenda. Then, Chancard Basumerda, S.T., M.Sc., as the moderator briefly introduced the profiles of the speakers.

Mr. Azjar as the speaker started the session by unifying perceptions about the objectives of implementing OHS. There are 2 main objectives, namely preventing occupational accidents and occupational diseases and ensuring and protecting human resources and the environment.  In addition, he also explained about the company’s obligations in applying OHS Management System. “Well, in implementing OHS Management System, friends are required to implement the establishment of OHS policy, OHS planning, OHS implementation, monitor and review for improvement.” he said.

Furthermore, the Occupational Safety Management System is a company management system in order to control risks associated with work activities. He also explained the stages of OHS Management System implementation starting from stating commitment, establishing OHS Management System methods with third parties, to follow-up of the applicable implementation. Companies must also have competent human resources and adequate infrastructure to achieve optimal OHS Management System.

Afterward, there was a question-and-answer session to conclude the public lecture agenda that morning. One of the participants, Andi, asked about strategies that can be applied so that the socialization of OHS can run effectively for company employees. “Regarding the socialization of OHS Management System, it depends on company management. Well, related to socialization, it can be in safety meetings, special events can be held for socialization. Or in safety meetings, safety induction, there are posters that go into OHS communication. So, there are many ways to socialize, yes, friends.” he replied.

Audiamara Vinka

Industrial Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Islam Indonesia held a public lecture on (8/6). The event was held in order to explore the knowledge of benefit cost analysis in the implementation of OSH. A total of 200 students who took Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) and Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) courses attended the event which took place via Zoom Meeting. The event with the theme “Cost Benefit Analysis of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Implementation” invited a resource person, namely Azjar Jhon Raghozt who is the PJK3 of PT Mawi Sarana Samawi with moderator Atyanti Dyah Prabaswari, S.T., M.Sc.

The resource person started the material session by re-discussing the definition of K3. Furthermore, he explained what the costs are when implementing OSH in a company. Examples of OHS implementation costs include the cost of preparing an Occupational Safety & Health plan, the cost of purchasing Work Protective Equipment and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), and the cost of installing OHS signs. “Personal Protective Equipment includes safety helmets, eye protection, SCBA for diving activities, yes. There are ear plugs and ear muffs, respiratory protection, gloves, safety shoes, full body harness. There is a life vest, there is a safety vest, and there is an apron or shirt, yes, friends. That is one of the cost analyses that we have to budget for as well.” he said.

Then, he also explained that, “When we don’t implement OHS, there are some costs that are really very detrimental to the company, friends. Maybe the company only knows, oh, there is an accident, that’s it, there is already insurance. Whereas in the iceberg theory if we don’t analyze the third cost, there really is a huge loss even to the closure of the company.” he explained. In general, the only visible costs are accident and illness costs. In reality, there are many other costs that can cause damage, delays, and time losses if companies do not budget for OHS costs. Furthermore, there was a question and answer session to conclude the public lecture that morning.

Audiamara Vinka

Akmal Faiq Fadhillah Hidayat, one of Industrial Engineering UII students won the twibbon design competition at La Fête 2024. La Fête 2024 is one of the annual events to commemorate the anniversary of the French Language Education Student Association (HIPER) FBSB UNY. The 3rd place winner in the national twibbon competition received an award in the form of a certificate and coaching money. The event which took place on (31/05) was attended by all high school / vocational school students, university students and the general public in Indonesia with the theme “Une Odyssée Fantastique : A journey into wonder”. This success is clear evidence that UII Industrial Engineering students also excel in demonstrating creativity and innovation.

Akmal said that the road to victory in the twibbon competition began with preparing concepts related to adventure, fantasy, and magic. Therefore, it took a strong effort to explore his imagination deeply. After that, he started playing around with various editing applications to create stunning visuals. Nonetheless, Akmal still found some improvements to make his work even more stunning.

A supportive friendship environment helped Akmal during the competition process. There were several friends whom he asked to give suggestions on the design so that they could be taken into consideration. Meanwhile, many twists and turns occurred during the twibbon design competition process. However, this did not discourage him. He quickly imagined how to continue the design according to the previous concept. “The design was lost when there was a revision of the theme writing, but Alhamdulillah it was backed up, so the design was not completely lost,” he said.

The 2023 student admitted that he was grateful for the myriad of benefits from participating in the twibbon design competition. “I am very happy because it was the first time I won a competition while studying at UII, made new friends at UNY, improved my editing skills, and many more,” he said. He also advised other students who might want to follow in his footsteps, “Be confident in what you have done and don’t get hung up on the negative words of others.” he said.

Audiamara Vinka

Akmal Faiq Fadhillah Hidayat, salah satu mahasiswa Teknik Industri UII memenangkan kompetisi desain twibbon pada acara La Fête 2024. La Fête 2024 merupakan salah satu acara tahunan dalam rangka memperingati ulang tahun Himpunan Mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa Prancis (HIPER) FBSB UNY. Perolehan juara 3 dalam lomba twibbon nasional tersebut menuai penghargaan berupa sertifikat dan uang pembinaan. Ajang yang terlaksana pada (31/05) itu diikuti oleh seluruh siswa/i SMA/SMK, mahasiswa/i dan masyarakat umum di Indonesia. Acara tersebut mengangkat tema “Une Odyssée Fantastique : Sebuah perjalanan menuju keajaiban”. Keberhasilan ini merupakan bukti nyata bahwa mahasiswa Teknik Industri UII juga unggul dalam unjuk kreativitas dan inovasi.

Akmal menyampaikan bahwa jalan menuju kemenangan dalam lomba twibbon itu Ia mulai dengan mempersiapkan konsep yang berhubungan dengan petualangan, fantasi, serta keajaiban. Oleh karena itu, perlu upaya yang kuat untuk menggali imajinasi secara mendalam. Setelahnya, Ia mulai bermain-main dengan berbagai aplikasi editing untuk menciptakan visual yang menakjubkan. Meskipun demikian, Akmal tetap mendapatkan beberapa perbaikan agar karyanya semakin memukau.

Lingkungan pertemanan yang suportif membantu Akmal selama proses perlombaan berlangsung. Terdapat beberapa teman yang Ia minta untuk memberikan saran terhadap desain sehingga dapat menjadi bahan pertimbangan. Sementara itu, banyak lika-liku yang terjadi selama proses kompetisi desain twibbon itu. Namun, hal tersebut lantas tak membuatnya putus semangat. Ia dengan sigap berimajinasi untuk melanjutkan desain yang ada sesuai konsep sebelumnya. “Desain sempat hilang ketika ada revisi penulisan tema, tapi Alhamdulillah sudah ter-back up, sehingga desain tidak hilang sepenuhnya.” tuturnya.

Mahasiswa angkatan 2023 itu mengaku bersyukur karena segudang manfaat dari mengikuti kompetisi desain twibbon ini. “Sangat senang karena pertama kali menang lomba selama kuliah di UII, mendapat teman baru di UNY, meningkatkan skill editing, dan masih banyak lagi.” ucapnya. Ia juga berpesan kepada yang ingin mengikuti jejaknya, “Yakin sama apa yang sudah dikerjakan dan jangan terpaku dengan perkataan negatif orang lain.” ujarnya.

Audiamara Vinka