3MT Challenge UII

On Friday (27/09) the Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Islamic University of Indonesia held the final round of the 3 Minutes Thesis Challenge (3MT) competition. The event was attended by three lecturers as judges, namely Dr. Taufiq Immawan, S.T., M.M., Ir. Muhammad Ridwan Andi Purnomo, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPM, and guest judge Prof. Ir. Dwi Agustina Kurniawati, S.T., M.Eng., Ph.D., IPM, ASEAN Eng from Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa University (UNISUKA). The event took place in room 03.16 of the K.H. Mas Mansur Building, starting at 08.00 WIB with remarks from the Head of the Industrial Engineering Department, Dr. Drs. Imam Djati Widodo, M.Eng.Sc.

Five finalists in the undergraduate category competed for the title. Najmuddin Muntashir Abdussalam from Gadjah Mada University won the first place with 1095/1500 points and the research title “Complaints of Skeletal Muscle Disorders: The Risk Behind Routine Maintenance Postures in Locomotive Workshops.” Second place went to Mohammad Ghiyats Athoillah from Universitas Jenderal Soedirman with 1020/1500 points, and third place went to Zahid Anugrah Muzaffar Rana from Universitas Islam Indonesia with 980/1500 points. Raditya Aufa Risman from the University of Surabaya was chosen as the Favorite Champion in the Undergraduate category with 27% of the audience votes.

In the Master’s category, Arissa Dwi Pangestu won first place with 1060/1500 points for the research “Analysis of Customer Service Quality towards E-Commerce Platforms in Indonesia Based on Topic Modeling.” The second place winner, Muhammad Iqbal Rofif, collected 1050/1500 points, while Tasya Santi Rahmawati, with 1025/1500 points, took third place and won the Favorite Champion in the Master category with 42% of the audience votes.

In the Doctoral category, Stefani Prima Dias from Gadjah Mada University (UGM) won first place, followed by Siti Afiani M. (UGM) as second place, and Ahmad Padhil from Universitas Islam Indonesia as third place.

The competition is part of the 3MT Challenge UII which is held annually with the aim of promoting research, innovation, and creativity among undergraduate to doctoral students. The three-minute format challenges participants to present their research clearly and concisely, and is expected to be a platform for sharing innovative ideas rooted in in-depth research.

Rani Novalentina

Prestasi mahasiswa Teknik Industri UII

UII Industrial Engineering students achieved another remarkable accomplishment. The Entrepreneurial Student Development Program (P2MW) team, coached by Ir. Muchamad Sugarindra, S.T., M.T.I., IPM, successfully advanced to KMI EXPO XV 2024. This event is in its advanced stages, having received P2MW funding in May. KMI EXPO allows students to compete, showcase their creative goods, and build commercial networks.

Zafira Ratna Dewi Nastiti, a team member who innovated by creating an environmentally friendly dish soap product, expressed her experience and ambitions for participation in the KMI EXPO XV 2024 event. “P2MW is a beneficial and interesting event. In addition to focusing on the competition, expert coaches teach us how to establish, sell, and enhance our businesses. Hopefully, we can achieve the best results in the P2MW competition and apply the knowledge we have gained effectively,” she mentioned.

In addition, industrial engineering students achieved success in other national competitions. Three Industrial Engineering students have advanced their team to the final stage of the famous XVII National Student Performance in Information and Communication Technology (GEMASTIK), where they will be competing on September 29, 2024. Another industrial engineering student from the UII Student Creativity Program (PKM) team progressed to the next stage, the National Student Scientific Week (PIMNAS), hosted by UNAIR in 2024. PIMNAS serves as the peak of a national conference for PKM activities, which focuses on discussions about community issues.

Dewi Nurmalina, a member of the PKM team that advanced to PIMNAS 2024, shared her gratitude for this achievement. “Participating in this PKM program brings a range of challenges, from fatigue to draining time, energy, and ideas. Reaching this stage was unexpected, but Allah made it happen, so let His will be done,” she said. The UII PKM team will compete again from October 14 to 18, 2024.

The students’ accomplishments are closely tied to the guidance and support from UII Industrial Engineering lecturers. Ir. Ali Parkhan, M.T., a lecturer in UII’s Industrial Engineering department who led the GEMASTIK and PIMNAS teams, shared his thoughts on their journey through the competition. “As an educator, I don’t always know more than my students. My role is to accompany them and help them realize their full potential. Once people understand their own abilities, they can achieve the highest levels of success,” he said. He emphasizes that discipline and commitment to time are essential for success, and he hopes more students will get involved in national events to foster a critical and competitive environment in industrial engineering. Additionally, another Industrial Engineering lecturer, Amarria Dila Sari, S.T., M.Sc., successfully led her team to the finals of GEMASTIK XVII.

The students’ achievements at this stage are the outcome of hard work, innovation, and the confidence to take risks. High appreciation for all the students who participated. Congratulations, and best of luck in the next stage!

Here is the list of students who passed the National Competition:

No.EventsField of Business/SchemeNameNIMProposal Title
1EXPO KMI XV 2024Manufacturing and Applied TechnologyArkan Abbad Falah Wibowo22522231Resikopi Dishwash Sabun Cuci Piring Ramah Lingkungan
2Nasha Fazilatun Nisa22522044
3Insan Akhsani22522040
4Zafira Ratna Dewi Nastiti22522063
5Bisnis DigitalArisa Tria Shavira21522226CabTreats Marketplace Sebagai Upaya Mengoptimalkan Potensi UMKM Catering dan Bakery
6PIMNAS 37 UNAIR 2024PKM-REDewi Nurmalina22522321Inovasi Metode Untuk Deteksi Merkuri Dalam Kosmetik Secara Cepat dan Akurat dengan Sensor Berbasis SPCE-AuNPs
7PKM-KAndi Nurulyunisa Permata Sari Pettalolo22522327Glasses Smart Patch Sebagai Prevention System Miopia dan Hipermetropia Terintegrasi Internet of Things Berbasis Website
8Nabiilah Atha Fakhirah22522328
9GEMASTIK XVIIICT Business DevelopmentAlfina Dewi Hendryani21522263DEAFCARE (Perancangan Aplikasi Mobile Sebagai Media Informasi Bagi Pendamping Tunarungu
10Gibran Adi Wibisono21522208
11Lulu Riesta Nugroho21522001

Syawarani Gayatri

On (09/09) Maranatha Christian University visited the Industrial Engineering Faculty of Industrial Technology, Islamic University of Indonesia. The visit was warmly welcomed by lecturers from the Industrial Engineering Study Program of FIT UII in Room 04.04 FIT UII. Three representatives from Maranatha Christian University who attended this visit, namely Melina Hermawan, S.T., M.T, Yulianti, S.T., M.T., and Vivi Arisandhy, S.T., M.T..

The meeting started at 13.30 WIB with a welcome speech from Dr. Drs. Imam Djati Widodo, M.Eng.Sc. as the Head of the Industrial Engineering Department of UII. After that, he explained about the organizational structure in Industrial Engineering, FIT UII. “Later we will discuss, this one I will present from mostly just the skin. And maybe I’ll say this first, ma’am. So this is our structure, there are departments and study programs,” he explained.

Then it continued to the explanation of the Fast Track program by the Head of the UII Industrial Engineering Master Program, Winda Nur Cahyo, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. Finally, the explanation of the MBKM program by the Secretary of the UII Industrial Engineering Bachelor Program, Annisa Uswatun Khasanah, S.T., M.Sc. and the Academic Director of the UII Industrial Engineering Doctoral Program, Dr. Harwati, S.T., M.T., who also accompanied the meeting. At the end of the presentation of the material, there was a question and answer session and discussion between the attendees.

Furthermore, the handover of souvenirs that ended the discussion session this time as a memento between Industrial Engineering FIT UII and Maranatha Christian University. After that, the group along with Dr. Drs. Imam Djati Widodo, M.Eng.Sc., Ir. Muhammad Ridwan Andi Purnomo, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPM., toured the laboratories and facilities owned by Industrial Engineering UII. Some visiting guests also tried to simulate the tools available in each laboratory.

Rani Novalentina

Industrial Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Industrial Technology (FIT) Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) held an online “sharing session” on Thursday (05/09) with the title “Tips & Tricks to Get Scholarships and Study Abroad.” This event presented one of the lecturers of the Industrial Engineering Study Program at FTI UII, Mrs. Suci Miranda, S.T., M.Sc., as a resource person who will leave for doctoral studies abroad.

A total of 20 participants attended to listen to the sharing session which was held at 13.15 WIB. Putri Dwi Annisa, S.T., M.Sc., was present as the moderator for this sharing session. This webinar began with a resource person who shared her personal data and experience when she decided to continue her studies abroad through the LPDP scholarship route.

LPDP, or Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan, is a non-echelon work unit under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia that manages education funds in accordance with the mandate of the Minister of Finance Regulation Number 252 of 2010. In addition, Mrs. Suci Miranda also explained how to apply for this program. She emphasized always practicing and trying to get TOEFL and IELTS scores according to the required standards.

Ms. Suci Miranda, S.T., M.Sc., emphasized preparing the necessary document requirements at least a year before applying for the LPDP program. Within a year of preparation, prospective applicants can compile portfolios and achievements to be included in the CV (Curriculum Vitae) as complementary documents.

sharing session

Furthermore, she shared her experience when she joined the LPDP and PPAN programs that supported her master’s studies. This experience became a valuable moment for her to try out various opportunities available, as well as expand her network with students from various countries. “The opportunities that have been given, such as becoming an Awardee or whatever, should be celebrated. Celebrate by making sure that every step, every choice we make will have positive consequences for us,” she said. She meant that every achievement should be commemorated and appreciated.

A question-and-answer session ended this sharing of tips and tricks for winning scholarships abroad. Searching for information from various sources such as websites and social media is key to preparing oneself optimally.

Rani Novalentina

Pembekalan Akademik / Academic Briefing

The Industrial Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Islam Indonesia held an academic briefing for the new batch of 2024 students. The event took place on Monday (9/9) at the Public Lecture Building (GKU) Prof. Dr. Sardjito UII. 

Pardiya S.T. and Anisa Nur Aini as MCs opened the series of events in the morning by reciting basmalah and reading the program schedule. This was followed by singing Indonesia Raya and UII Hymn together. Furthermore, there was a recitation of divine words by a student from the International Studies Program, Muataseem.

Ridwan Andi Purnomo

The Head of the Industrial Engineering Undergraduate Program, Ir. Muhammad Ridwan Andi Purnomo, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPM. welcomed and warmly welcomed the new students. “The breadth of our field of work requires us to be highly capable graduates. So when you all go to college, don’t just settle for lectures. At UII, there is a wide opportunity to challenge ourselves at the international level, so take advantage of it. Later, the lecturers here are ready to guide you so that you can ‘picnic’ abroad while honing our ability to get along in the international world,” he said in his speech.

The event then continued to the introduction session of lecturers majoring in Industrial Engineering. Annisa Uswatun Khasanah S.T., MBA, M.Sc led the introduction session of lecturers who will accompany students while studying at Industrial Engineering UII. Afterward, there was a group photo session.

Not to forget, Industrial Engineering UII also invited one of its alumni, Wahyu Kurniawan ST., M.Sc., MBA. from PT Pos Logistics Indonesia. He shared stories about his experience studying at Industrial Engineering UII in the past, as well as how life after graduating from college and entering the world of work later.

After alumni sharing, the event entered into a material delivery session regarding Regular S1 by the Secretary of the Undergraduate Program, Annisa Uswatun Khasanah S.T., MBA, M.Sc. She introduced various graduation schemes, collaborations, and facilities available at TI UII.

Ira Promasanti Rachmadewi

After that, there was a material presentation session about the S1 International Program by the Secretary of the International Program Study Program, Ir. Ira Promasanti Rachmadewi, M.Eng. She showed various benefits and facilities obtained when joining the International Program, starting from training / courses, university visits, and company visits both at home and abroad to provide international exposure to students. Furthermore, one of the IE IP students, Mohammed Bichara, who is also the President of IP Community UII, gave a welcoming speech to the new students.

Then, the material delivery session continued about S2, Fast Track, and Double Degree by the Head of the Master Program Study Program, Ir. Winda Nur Cahyo, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. “Now, if you want to succeed, it is not enough just to run, but we need to accelerate by running faster. One of them is the fast track program at TI UII,” he explained.

After all the material was delivered, the MC guided the question and answer session. The new students expressed their curiosity about Industrial Engineering UII. Finally, the debriefing activity was completed with a quiz session with prizes.

Salwa Nur Rahma

On Saturday (24/08), the Doctor of Industrial Engineering (DRI) Study Program at the Faculty of Industrial Technology (FIT) Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) successfully held its first sharing session. Featured the Head of the DRI UII Student Association, Dr. (cand). Ahmad Padhil, S.T., M.T., IPM., ASEAN Eng., as speaker, the sharing session talked about Tips and Tricks for S3 Study at Doctor of Industrial Engineering, FTI UII. This activity took place online through a zoom meeting with 28 participants participating in it.

The event began at 09:00 WIB, with the MC greeting the participants enthusiastically. Following a quick introduction by the MC, the event moved on to the main agenda, which was the material delivery session. In his presentation, Ahmad Padhil discussed  several aspects related to the scheme and life of S3 lectures at DRI FTI UII, ranging from the curriculum, the number of credits, and the activities.

“In terms of aims and systems at UII, the Industrial Engineering Doctoral program’s courses are divided into progress activities that we will accomplish. This period lasts from the beginning to the end,  which is the sixth semester”, he stated, starting off a conversation regarding the flow of lectures and numerous activities throughout the semester.

tips and tricks for studying for program doctor

Furthermore, he went through the S3 lecture method at DRI FTI UII, which offers numerous benefits to students. One example is the attendance system, which is integrated with UII Connect and allows students to fulfill academic commitments without needing to be physically present on campus. This allows for more flexibility and support for students who have structural responsibilities and other duties during the lecture session. Additionally, doctoral students have access to campus residential. DRI FTI UII also actively hosts and participates in a variety of activities, including competitions, international webinars, and collaboration with external organizations.

“Alhamdulillah we have a considerable number of activities at DRI.  Even though we work online, when we do get to Jogja, those activities can be carried out productively and to the fullest,” he said.

As the Q&A session began, Ahmad Padhil, a member of the first cohort of  DRI FTI UII students shared study tips by answering questions from the attending academic peers. The sharing session event ended with a group photo session.

Syawarani Gayatri

Serah Terima Mahasiswa Magang Batch XIX

On Monday (02/09), students of Industrial Engineering Study Program of Faculty of Industrial Technology (FIT) Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) attended the handover ceremony of internship students at PT Yamaha Indonesia office. This internship program is part of the cooperation between PT Yamaha Indonesia and the Industrial Engineering Study Program of FTI UII, which has long been established. Through this cooperation, students who pass the partnership internship selection can join the program. In the XIX batch, Industrial Engineering Study Program FTI UII sent seven students for internship.

The handover ceremony was accompanied by several lecturers of Industrial Engineering Study Program FTI UII, namely Wahyudhi Sutrisno, S.T., M.M., M.T., Ir. Muchamad Sugarindra, S.T., M.T.I., IPM, and Elanjati Worldailmi, S.T., M.Sc. In addition, Department Secretary Dr. Taufiq Immawan, S.T., M.M. was also present and gave a speech. In his speech, Dr. Taufiq conveyed a message for the students to remain enthusiastic and maximize their potential during their internship at PT Yamaha Indonesia. This message is in line with the expectations of Vice President of PT Yamaha Indonesia, Samsudin, who also emphasized the importance of maintaining enthusiasm and health during the internship program.

Meanwhile, Audiamara Vinka expressed her hope as one of the interns “I hope that by participating in the internship, I can open my eyes to how the world of work works and can make a good contribution to the company with my abilities” she said.

Completion of The XVIII Batch Internship Program

This handover also marks the completion of the XVIII batch internship program which has lasted for six months. This is at the same time to carry out the Awareness Program at the company. The students who have completed the internship are expected to be able to develop their skills based on the experience gained during this program. In addition, this partnership internship program is expected to support the industry’s need for competent workers in their fields.

Zahra Nasywari Firdantara, one of the internship students at PT Yamaha Indonesia, revealed that the internship at the company was very valuable because it provided a deep understanding of the application of industrial knowledge in the field. In the Production Engineering division, Zahra applied the concept of Value Stream Mapping (VSM) to analyze inventory, lead time, line balancing, defect goods, study time, and work sampling in order to identify waste and increase productivity with the improvement method (kaizen). 

He added that the projects undertaken during the internship can also be used as material for Practical Work (KP) and Final Project (TA). “So, we don’t have to bother looking for data anymore because everything is in line with the internship project,” he added. “Internship at Yamaha is really worth it, because we understand more about industrial science. If in lectures we only know the material, here we can understand the material as well as its application in the field,” said Zahra. 

She also emphasized the importance of patience and communication to explain the concept and work together on repair projects. Her experience shows the importance of preparation, knowledge and interpersonal skills to maximize internship opportunities and develop yourself in the industry.

Rani Novalentina

Industrial Engineering students of Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) succeeded in making brilliant achievements in the 11th Industrial Engineering Conference 2024 (11th IDEC 2024) on (25/7). The event organized by Industrial Engineering of Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) raised the theme “Acceleration of Making Indonesia 4.0: Engineering Transformation in the Era of the Latest Industrial Revolution”.

Best Paper Topic of Work System Design and Ergonomics

The first team consisted of DSKE Laboratory assistants consisting of Lulu Riesta Nugroho, Ridho Muzaik Ramadhan, Zahara Intan Wigathie, and Felix Rasyada Rafif. They won the Best Paper award for the topic of Work System Design and Ergonomics. The paper with the title “Ergonomic Analysis and Redesign of Trans Jogja Bus Stop with RULA and Anthropometry Methods” managed to attract the attention of the jury, leading them to this achievement. Guidance from lecturers Mrs. Amaria Dila, Mrs. Ratih Dianingtyas, and Mr. Chancard also played a major role in this success.

Lulu Riesta said that the preparation for the competition had begun long before registration opened, so that her team already had mature materials. “Alhamdulillah, it went well, it was fun, I gained experience too,” she said. She also added that the conference gave her the opportunity to get used to performing in public and enrich her publication experience.

Best Paper Topic Logistics and Business Systems

The second achievement was achieved by a team consisting of Data Mining laboratory assistants, namely Fajra Aqila Adesti, Sastyaviani Irami P, Ar Royyan Utama T, Nisrina Faiza Mufid, and Samaya Dhiya Salindri. Their paper entitled “Analysis of Shopping Behavior and Customer Grouping at ABC Retail Stores Using Clustering Methods” won the Best Paper award for the topic of Logistics and Business Systems. The team also received guidance from experienced lecturers, who helped them refine their paper to achieve the award.

According to Royyan, the conference was very interesting because they gained many new insights into the dynamics of industry in Indonesia from various perspectives. This made them even more determined to contribute to the industrial world in the future. They also gave a message to other students not to be afraid to try and keep trying to achieve. “Keep up the spirit, write your paper with all your intentions. Write as if writing is your passion,” said Royyan.

Salwa Nur Rahma

prestasi rouf

Ahmad Arro’uf Sulfuadi, a UII Industrial Engineering student from the 2023 batch, has made numerous outstanding achievements in his first year. Rouf, as he is commonly referred to, is known for his persistence, dedication, and clear vision. From the very beginning, Rouf has made specific plans to fulfill his academic goals and, more than just planning, has put them into action.

Rouf’s journey of achievement began soon after he officially became a UII student in August 2023. In the midst of his busy orientation schedule, Rouf, who has long been interested in energy transition, placed in the top ten of an article writing competition on climate change and energy transition concerns, held by the Hijau Indonesia Institute and the Indonesian Center for Environmental Law. Furthermore, he succeeded to the semifinals of Kampusinovatif.id‘s Business Plan competition, which featured IBISMA as a media partner.

Rouf did not stop there; he continued to expand his achievements as an outstanding student by becoming a grand finalist in ADHI ICon and won the Best Work Safety and Community Involvement award alongside his partner, Alan Salim. At the same time, his team placed fourth in the Best GFT UII category in PKM-IC and took bronze in the International Youthpreneur Competition.

University’s Support and Preparation

Rouf revealed that while preparing for the competition, he always attempted to improve his sensitivity and critical thinking toward issues and environmental situations. In addition, he was carefully taking notes and pursuing any ideas that came to him. A positive environment, with complete support from the university and study program, both in terms of guidance and financing, enhanced Rouf’s achievement. He is grateful that his presence at university has helped him build new connections. In addition, motivation comes from UII Industrial Engineering lecturers who are always willing to help and provide opportunities for growth.

prestasi rouf

Benefits and Goals

Rouf’s achievements are not only an investment in knowledge and experience for the future, but also beneficial to his daily life. He has gained confidence in talking with others, increased his writing skills, and became more able to use technology and journals. Rouf also got more solution-oriented and empathetic at dealing with the difficulties around him. Although he still feels insecure, he chooses to see his emotions positively.

“Insecurity and fear are definitely there; it’s essential for us. After all, we are still human, it’s sunnatullah. However, there is one sunnatullah that we must understand: Allah wouldn’t have created us without potential. So, don’t waste that potential. Since then and even after my college days at UII are over, I’ll continue to hold onto those dreams. With all the fear and insecurity that must be overcome. It’s okay, all is well,” said Rouf.

Rouf realizes that not everyone has the same opportunities. Therefore, he is determined to use every opportunity at college as a learning experience. He aims to continue to develop and brings benefits to himself, UII, and the community, both now and in the future. Finally, Rouf expressed his enthusiasm to his comrades, “Best wishes to all outstanding colleagues, just do what you want and you will be what you start today! InsyaAllah,  good news for what we’re working on,” He concluded.

Syawarani Gayatri

Foto bersama dengan UMM

On Wednesday (21/8), the Industrial Engineering Study Program at Universitas Islam Indonesia welcomed a comparative study visit from Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM). Eleven delegates from UMM including the Head of UMM Industrial Engineering Study Program, Ir. Shanty Kusuma Dewi ST., MT. IPM., were greeted warmly by representatives of the Industrial Engineering UII. The meeting was held at room 4.04, KH Mansyur Building, UII Integrated Campus, amid an atmosphere of closeness and collaboration.

The meeting began at 1:00 PM WIB with a welcome address by the Head of the Industrial Engineering Department at UII, Dr. Drs. Imam Djati Widodo, M.Eng.Sc., who greeted the visiting guests. This was followed by a presentation session covering topics such as the MBKM and OBE-based curriculum, National and International Accreditation, and Laboratory Development.

“We have six laboratories. So there is ERP, and a manufacturing system laboratorium. There is also industrial simulation, ergonomics, IPO–namely organizational design–and there is data mining,” He explained regarding laboratory development materials.

Kunjungan UMM

After the presentation session, a discussion took place involving several participants. This include representatives from the UII Industrial Engineering lectures and visiting guests. Following the presentasion session, the activity continued with an exchange of souvenirs between each universities as a symbol of reminiscence. After that, UII Industrial Engineering lecturers guided the visiting participants on a tour, showcasing the six laboratories and facilities within the department. The study visit concluded with a group photo session.

Syawarani Gayatri