
TI Achievement: UII Industrial Engineering Students Ready to Compete at National Competitions

Prestasi mahasiswa Teknik Industri UII

UII Industrial Engineering students achieved another remarkable accomplishment. The Entrepreneurial Student Development Program (P2MW) team, coached by Ir. Muchamad Sugarindra, S.T., M.T.I., IPM, successfully advanced to KMI EXPO XV 2024. This event is in its advanced stages, having received P2MW funding in May. KMI EXPO allows students to compete, showcase their creative goods, and build commercial networks.

Zafira Ratna Dewi Nastiti, a team member who innovated by creating an environmentally friendly dish soap product, expressed her experience and ambitions for participation in the KMI EXPO XV 2024 event. “P2MW is a beneficial and interesting event. In addition to focusing on the competition, expert coaches teach us how to establish, sell, and enhance our businesses. Hopefully, we can achieve the best results in the P2MW competition and apply the knowledge we have gained effectively,” she mentioned.

In addition, industrial engineering students achieved success in other national competitions. Three Industrial Engineering students have advanced their team to the final stage of the famous XVII National Student Performance in Information and Communication Technology (GEMASTIK), where they will be competing on September 29, 2024. Another industrial engineering student from the UII Student Creativity Program (PKM) team progressed to the next stage, the National Student Scientific Week (PIMNAS), hosted by UNAIR in 2024. PIMNAS serves as the peak of a national conference for PKM activities, which focuses on discussions about community issues.

Dewi Nurmalina, a member of the PKM team that advanced to PIMNAS 2024, shared her gratitude for this achievement. “Participating in this PKM program brings a range of challenges, from fatigue to draining time, energy, and ideas. Reaching this stage was unexpected, but Allah made it happen, so let His will be done,” she said. The UII PKM team will compete again from October 14 to 18, 2024.

The students’ accomplishments are closely tied to the guidance and support from UII Industrial Engineering lecturers. Ir. Ali Parkhan, M.T., a lecturer in UII’s Industrial Engineering department who led the GEMASTIK and PIMNAS teams, shared his thoughts on their journey through the competition. “As an educator, I don’t always know more than my students. My role is to accompany them and help them realize their full potential. Once people understand their own abilities, they can achieve the highest levels of success,” he said. He emphasizes that discipline and commitment to time are essential for success, and he hopes more students will get involved in national events to foster a critical and competitive environment in industrial engineering. Additionally, another Industrial Engineering lecturer, Amarria Dila Sari, S.T., M.Sc., successfully led her team to the finals of GEMASTIK XVII.

The students’ achievements at this stage are the outcome of hard work, innovation, and the confidence to take risks. High appreciation for all the students who participated. Congratulations, and best of luck in the next stage!

Here is the list of students who passed the National Competition:

No.EventsField of Business/SchemeNameNIMProposal Title
1EXPO KMI XV 2024Manufacturing and Applied TechnologyArkan Abbad Falah Wibowo22522231Resikopi Dishwash Sabun Cuci Piring Ramah Lingkungan
2Nasha Fazilatun Nisa22522044
3Insan Akhsani22522040
4Zafira Ratna Dewi Nastiti22522063
5Bisnis DigitalArisa Tria Shavira21522226CabTreats Marketplace Sebagai Upaya Mengoptimalkan Potensi UMKM Catering dan Bakery
6PIMNAS 37 UNAIR 2024PKM-REDewi Nurmalina22522321Inovasi Metode Untuk Deteksi Merkuri Dalam Kosmetik Secara Cepat dan Akurat dengan Sensor Berbasis SPCE-AuNPs
7PKM-KAndi Nurulyunisa Permata Sari Pettalolo22522327Glasses Smart Patch Sebagai Prevention System Miopia dan Hipermetropia Terintegrasi Internet of Things Berbasis Website
8Nabiilah Atha Fakhirah22522328
9GEMASTIK XVIIICT Business DevelopmentAlfina Dewi Hendryani21522263DEAFCARE (Perancangan Aplikasi Mobile Sebagai Media Informasi Bagi Pendamping Tunarungu
10Gibran Adi Wibisono21522208
11Lulu Riesta Nugroho21522001

Syawarani Gayatri