Industrial Engineering Study Program, Universitas Islam Indonesia held a public lecture again with the theme “Occupational Safety Management System” on (15/6). The speaker who presented the material at the event was Azjar Jhon Raghozt who is the PJK3 of PT Mawi Sarana Samawi. The OHS Management System functions to create a safe, efficient and productive workplace. This activity was carried out online in order to deepen knowledge about how to implement OHS Management System. A total of 150 participants attended the Zoom Meeting on the morning agenda. Then, Chancard Basumerda, S.T., M.Sc., as the moderator briefly introduced the profiles of the speakers.
Mr. Azjar as the speaker started the session by unifying perceptions about the objectives of implementing OHS. There are 2 main objectives, namely preventing occupational accidents and occupational diseases and ensuring and protecting human resources and the environment. In addition, he also explained about the company’s obligations in applying OHS Management System. “Well, in implementing OHS Management System, friends are required to implement the establishment of OHS policy, OHS planning, OHS implementation, monitor and review for improvement.” he said.
Furthermore, the Occupational Safety Management System is a company management system in order to control risks associated with work activities. He also explained the stages of OHS Management System implementation starting from stating commitment, establishing OHS Management System methods with third parties, to follow-up of the applicable implementation. Companies must also have competent human resources and adequate infrastructure to achieve optimal OHS Management System.
Afterward, there was a question-and-answer session to conclude the public lecture agenda that morning. One of the participants, Andi, asked about strategies that can be applied so that the socialization of OHS can run effectively for company employees. “Regarding the socialization of OHS Management System, it depends on company management. Well, related to socialization, it can be in safety meetings, special events can be held for socialization. Or in safety meetings, safety induction, there are posters that go into OHS communication. So, there are many ways to socialize, yes, friends.” he replied.
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