Dear IP IE UII students,
UII invites 250 students to join a Virtual Trip: Indonesia-Singapore that will be conducted on 10 May 2021. This program is a collaborative activity between Universitas Islam Indonesia and Temasek Polytechnic Singapore.
This program will:
* Enrich school-life experience
* Deepen cross-cultural skills & global mindset
* Build relationships (you are encouraged to continue your e-engagement)
Facility: E-certificate
Please register at
Save the date !!!
Thank you.
Best Regards,
International Programs, Department of Industrial Engineering Universitas Islam Indonesia carries out a Virtual Student Exchange in Big Data. It will be lecture series run in one semester during Odd Term 2020/2021.
Participants will be enrolled in one semester, a non-degree program with no fees incurred. Participants will also receive certificates and/or earn Credit Transfers.
The Lecture will be delivered in a team teaching of Lecturer from the Department of Industrial Engineering, Universitas Islam Indonesia, and Tu Wien Austria.
For Applying the exchange, click
Any inqueries can be forwarded to :
email : [email protected] , line : ip_ieuii

Virtual Student Exchange in Big Data
Managing information flow for accurate and fast response decision making in the Artificial Intelligence era is very challenging today. New technologies, devices, and social applications are revolutionizing data management in many domains of activities in business, public administration, and scientific research. Types of data are getting complicated. Organizations must face a massive amount of data on a daily basis ranging from text, images, sound, video (multimedia) coming from many sources of online and offline transactions. We are in the Big Data world. Big Data is continuously changing the way organizations run their businesses.
Organizations need to improve their ability to understand and analyze big data to take full advantage of its power in making the right and timely decisions such as strategic decision making and identify new business opportunities. Also, a massive level of information raises the high demand for data scientists and business analysts to help organizations gathering and analyzing data insights.
This course is designed to learn how big data is organized, analyzed and interpreted for enhancing decision making. Some practical big data analytic will be discussed for understanding what insight big data. This course will explore big data in practice and tools and technology employed to manage big data in an organization.
Course Outline:
- Introduction to Big Data. Topics such as What is Big Data, Types of Big Data, Source of Big Data, Big Data in Practice will be discussed.
- Introduction to Technology of big data: Hadoop, Spark, NoSQL, Python, R.
- Machine learning with Big dataThis topic will introduce machine learning techniques to explore, analyze, and leverage data. Some technology and tools and algorithms will be discussed to create machine learning models. The big data analytics will use algorithms that run on Spark with Python. This topic also discusses Predictive Analytics, Descriptive Analytics, and Social Network Analytics.
- Big Data Projects
Source :
- Baesens, Bart. Analytics in a Big Data World. The Essential Guide to Data Science and its Applications. John Wiley & Sons. 2014. Dasgupta, Nataraj. Practical Big Data Analytics. Packt Publishing. 2018.
- Dasgupta, Nataraj. Practical Big Data Analytics. Packt Publishing. 2018.
- Deitel, Paul J. Intro to Python for Computer Science and Data Science. Learning to Program with AI, Big Data, and Cloud. Pearson Education.2020.
- Marr, Bernard. Big Data in Practice. How 45 Successful Companies Used Big Data Analytics to Deliver Extraordinary Results. John Wiley & Sons.2016.
International Program
Department of Industrial Engineering
KH Mas Mansyur Building, 1st Floor
UII Main Campus
Kaliurang km. 14,5 Sleman
Yogyakarta 55584
+62 274 895287 ext. 118
WA : +6281216974433
[email protected]