
Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Undergraduate Program in Industrial Engineering will convert the recent curriculum of 2016 to 2021 under the following arrangements: 


  1. The new curriculum will be implemented, starting in odd semester 2021/2022 
  2. Enrolled by all students who have not completed the courses on even term 2020/2021 (special graduation requirement, will be applied to Batch 2021) 


  1. The socialization of curriculum conversion will be held per batch, scheduled as follows:




Zoom Link

July 5, 2021 at 1 PM
July 6, 2021 at 10 AM
July 7, 2021 at 1 PM
2017 and below 
July 8, 2021 at 10 AM
July 7, 2021 at 10 AM


2. By the end of Even Term 2020/2021, students should download the excel file of the conversion simulation attached at: for conversion completion purposes, later it must be uploaded to no later than August 10, 2021.



  1. The transition semester will be executed in odd term 2021/2022.
  2. The courses for the transition semester must be proposed at the registration/key in session 



You can explore and download more information from ACADEMIC Menu with the following link :


Hence, this information is made to be noticed. Later, it could be used as a standard for the future study plan. Thank you. 

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.


Undergraduate Program in Industrial Engineering 

Faculty of Industrial Technology 

Universitas Islam Indonesia


Assalamu’alaikum Warrahmatullah Wabarakaatuh

Prodi Teknik Industri Fakultas Teknologi Industri Universitas Islam Indonesia  akan menyelenggarakan perubahan kurikulum dari Kurikulum 2016 ke Kurikulum 2021 dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:


Ketentuan Umum

  1. Berlaku mulai semester ganjil tahun ajaran 2021/2022
  2. Berlaku untuk seluruh mahasiswa yang belum tutup teori pada semester genap tahun ajaran 2020/2021 (Khusus syarat kelulusan akan berlaku mulai Angkatan 2021).

Mekanisme, Prosedur, dan Jadwal Waktu

  1. Penjelasan terkait konversi kurikulum dilakukan per Angkatan, dengan jadwal berikut:
No Angkatan Jadwal Link Zoom
1 2020 5 Juli 2021 Jam 13
2 2019 6 Juli 2021 Jam 10
3 2018 7 Juli 2021 Jam 13
4 2017 dan sebelumnya 8 Juli 2021 Jam 10
5 IP 7 Juli 2021 Jam 10
  1. Setelah Semester Genap 20/21 berakhir, Mahasiswa mendownload file excel untuk simulasi konversi di kemudian mengisi tabel tersebut dan mengunggah ke maksimal 10 Agustus 2021.

Semester Transisi

  1. Semester transisi diselenggarakan pada semester ganjil untuk tahun ajaran 2021/2022.
  2. Pengajuan matakuliah pada semester transisi dilakukan bersamaan pada masa key in.

Demikian informasi yang dapat disampaikan, mohon dapat dicermati dan dijadikan acuan dalam penyusunan rencana studi dengan kurikulum baru. Terimakasih.

Dokumen Lengkap (lihat)

Wassalamualaikum Warrahmatullah Wabarakaatuh


Prodi Teknik Industri

Fakultas Teknologi Industri

Universitas Islam Indonesia



Mekanisme Pembayaran Biaya Studi Fast Track, berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Ketua Program Studi Program Magister FTI UII, No: 106/KaProdi/20/MTI/VI/2021, tanggal 28 Juni 2021, sebagai berikut

Catatan Penting = Salah satu syarat Ujian Pendadaran adalah Total Biaya Studi sudah harus dibayarkan semua

The International Undergraduate Program in Industrial Engineering (IP-IE) announced its Instagram
(IG) re-launching last Saturday, June 19, 2021. This act is taken to adjust IP-IE social media with the
current condition that encourages an institution or entity to be more agile, to adapt, and to innovate towards the stakeholders’ preferences, said Chancard Basumerda, Team Chairman of IP IE Digital Marketing via short message (Monday, June 21, 2021).

The current IG account displays a more captivating and vibrant concept, accustomed to the target
preferences. In the future, it will provide the most recent and structured information about activities, excellencies, and information that are framed attractively, as the representation of IP-IE in social media.

Furthermore, as explained by Ira Promasanti, Secretary of International Undergraduate Program in
Industrial Engineering, IP-IE has assigned a special team to handle the social media, specifically
tailored to broadcast IP-IE activities, achievements, and programs internally and externally. She firmly stated that the team’s activities are fully supported and motivated.

Later, the students will be involved for their achievements, contributions in the community, international mobilities, inbound and outbound activities that will be collaborated with all supports
and facilities accommodated by the institution.

Follow – industrial.ipuii

Pengumuman Jadwal Pendaftaran Fast Track Periode 2
Program Studi Teknik Industri Program Magister
Fakultas Teknologi Industri UII
No. 101/Kaprodi/20/MTI/VI/2021

Assalamu’alaikum Wr Wb

Puji syukur bagi Allah SWT yang telah memberikan kesempatan kepada kita untuk bisa menjalankan amanahNya, Shalawat dan Salam semoga terlimpahkan kepada Nabi Besar Muhammad SAW.

Berikut kami sampaikan informasi Jadual Pendaftaran Fast Track Periode 2 Program Studi Teknik Industri Program Magister FTI UII, Tahun Akademik 2021/2022, sebagai berikut:

1. Pendaftaran sampai dengan 30 Juli 2021
Syarat Akademik
• Tercatat sebagai Mahasiswa aktif
• Telah menempuh 6 semester
• Telah mencapai minimal IPK = 3.00
• Telah menempuh minimal 120 SKS dengan nilai minimal lulus
Syarat Administrasi:
• Unduh Form Ijin Orangtua –
• Lengkapi Form Pendaftaran Fast Track dan Unggah Form Ijin Orangtua

2. Wawancara : 7 sd 8 Agustus 2021
3. Pengumuman : 13 Agustus 2021
4. Daftar Ulang : 24 Agustus 2021
5. Kuliah Perdana : 11 September 2021*

Demikian untuk menjadi perhatian.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr Wb

Yogyakarta, 11 Juni 2021
Ketua Program Studi Teknik Industri
Program Magister FTI UII

Ir. Winda Nur Cahyo, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., IPM

Dear IP IE UII students,


UII invites 250 students to join a Virtual Trip: Indonesia-Singapore that will be conducted on 10 May 2021. This program is a collaborative activity between Universitas Islam Indonesia and Temasek Polytechnic Singapore.

This program will:
* Enrich school-life experience
* Deepen cross-cultural skills & global mindset
* Build relationships (you are encouraged to continue your e-engagement)

Facility: E-certificate

Please register at


Save the date !!!

Thank you.

Best Regards,

Desc: The Payment Extension for Tuition Fee and Catur Dharma For Students of 2020


Number: 835/Rek/10/SP/III/2021


Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

All praises to Allah SWT for the blessings and guidance upon all of us.


Universitas Islam Indonesia, after considering (a) the requests from students and parents/guardians that economically impacted amid Covid-19; (b) study evaluation process, particularly towards students of 2020, has decided:

  1. To provide the opportunity for students of 2020, who (a) have active status or in the process of proposing the academic leave and (b) have GPA (Grade Point Average) > 0,00, to conduct the payment of outstanding Catur Dharma and 3rd installment tuition fee, started from March 5 to March 10, 2021 at 12.00 (Western Indonesian Time);
  2. For students who have fulfilled the payment, to immediately perform self-reporting by completing the google form by following link on March 10, 2021 at 13.00 (Western Indonesian Time), at the latest;
  3. To recommend the students not to select other subjects excluded from the semester package, without the permission of head or secretary of program.
  4. To allow the students of 2020 to process the academic leave, no later than March 19, 2021


Hence, this policy has been made, and only applies to Even Term Academic Year 2020/2021.


Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,


Yogyakarta, 22 Rajab 1442/March 4, 2021


Prof. Fathul Wahid, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D.


Dear IP students,

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

The followings are information that you should notice for organizing your Even-Term 2020/2021 Study Plan.

Table 1. Pre Key-In, Key-In, Key-In Revision Schedules

Student Batch

Academic Supervisor Consultation Schedule

Pre Key-In Pre Key-In


Key-In Revision



February 3-11, 2021 No No No


2019,2018,2017,2016,2015 February 3-11, 2021 Yes Thursday – Friday, February 11-12, 2021 at 09.00-16.00 WIB

“Add to Cart”

Thursday, February  18, 2021, at 10-16 WIB
(Look up academic calendar)
Click “Key-In”
February 23-24, 2021 at 09.00 -16.00 WIB
(Look up academic calendar)
February 3-11, 2021 Yes Thursday – Friday, February 11-12, 2021 at 09.00-16.00 WIB

“Add to Cart”

Thursday, February  18, 2021, at 10-16 WIB
(Look up academic calendar)Click “Key-In”
February 23-24, 2021 at 09.00 -16.00 WIB
(Look up academic calendar)

1. From February 3-5, 2021, you must proactively consult with your academic supervisor to arrange your Even-Term 2020/2021 Study PLan.

2. Pre Key-In and Key-In for Batch 2020 Students are not necessary. All courses have been bundled into a second-term course package that is listed below :

Table 2. A Second-Term Course Package for Batch 2020 Students :

No Code of Subject Course Credits Pre-Requisites
1 52225001 Ibadah and Akhlaq 2 Religion Education
2 52223002 Programming Logics 3
3 52223003 Calculus 2 3 Calculus 1
4 52223004 Physics 2 2 Physics 1
5 52223005 Physics Laboratory 1 Physics 1
6 52223006 Industrial Statistics 1 2
7 52223007 Engineering Mechanics 2 Physics 1
8 52223008 Materials Science 2
9 52223009 Chemistry 2
10 52223010 Introduction to Economics 2

3. Class enrollment for Students other than Batch 2020 is submitted with Pre Key-In or Key-In by choosing courses with  Class Initial similarly applied to all courses to avoid crashed schedules. The followings are an example of class enrollment.

Table 3. Course Class Initial Selection

No Code of Subject Course Credits Class
1 52242001 Production Planning and Control 3 C
2 52243002 Stochastic Model 3 C
3 52243003 Engineering Economics 2 C
4 52242004 Ergonomics and Work System Engineering 3 C
5 52243005 Database Management System 3 C
6 52243006 Quality Control and Assurance 3 C
7 52242007 Design of Industrial Organization 2 C

4. The complete schedules are listed in Table 1.

5. Additional Class Quota will be created as necessary after all classes of a course are evenly distributed with an equal number of students enrolled in all course classes.

6. Students, admitted to BANGKIT or NUNI, must enroll in the course classes by Key-In the equivalent course conversion as stated in Circular Letter (SE Kaprodi TI 02/Ka.Prodi S1/10/TI/I/2021 ).

7. Students, enrolled in Internship, Final Undergraduate Project (Skripsi), Community Services (KKN), must complete the Key-In process (see the schedule in Table 1),

8. Pre Key-In, Key-In, and Key-In Revision are available through RAS information Systems by accessing

9. If you need more information on how to operate RAS for Pre Key-In, Key-In, and Key-In Revision, then,  this youtube channel presents a deep explanation.


This information might help you to set your study plan. Then don’t miss the moment.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.


International Program of Industrial Engineering Study Program,
Faculty of Industrial Technology,
Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII)