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The Journey of UII Industrial Engineering Students in International Competition

Tim Ekadanta/ Ekadanta Team

Ekadanta team successfully advanced to the final stage of Petroleum Integrated Days (PETROLIDA) 2024, an international competition by Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) in collaboration with Unilever. As UII representatives, the team consisted of Rifki Nurul Mukarim, Nisrina Faiza Mufid, and Atiqoh Fairuz Hamidah. They successfully placed 4th in the International Business Case Competition.

There were many stages that they had to go through to get to that point. Starting from preliminary, semifinal, and final. In the preliminary stage, there was a case study in the form of a problem faced by the company, they brainstormed and made an executive summary of the solution to the problem. Next for the semifinal stage, they make a full report or solution proposal related to the given case study. At this stage, they held discussions with their advisor, Putri Dwi Annisa S.T., M.Sc., to optimize each aspect of the assessment that was considered so that it could provide an appropriate solution for the company.

Final Presentation/ Presentasi Final

Team Ekadanta’s effort and dedication paid off, they were selected to advance to the final stage to present their solution in front of the judges in person. At the final stage, they prepared various things such as leaflets, x-banners, and Pitch Deck PPT. Not to forget, they also practiced to be fluent in the presentation which was done in English.

Of course, all the processes they went through were not free from obstacles. One of them is the short preparation time for the final, as well as UII students who are in the midterm exam period (UTS). To overcome this, the Ekadanta Team tried to equalize their free time to take the time to practice together.

“Becoming a finalist in an international competition is a new and valuable experience for us. It’s not easy, but thanks to teamwork and great also supportive supervisors, we are able to commit in striving to give our best,” said the Ekadanta Team.

Salwa Nur Rahma