Student Exchange in Sustainable Manufacturing

International Program, Department of Industrial Engineering offers Virtual Student Exchange Programs in Sustainable Manufacturing. It will be lecture series run in one semester during Odd Term 2020/2021.

Participants will be enrolled in one semester, a non-degree program with no fees incurred. Participants will also receive certificates and/or earn Credit Transfers.

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Student Exchange in Sustainable Manufacturing


The UN Brundtland Commission defines sustainable development as “ development  that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”  This is often linked with the concept of the Triple Bottom Line in which sustainability is the balance of the intersection between economic (profit), environmental (planet), and social (people).


In sustainable manufacturing, the focus is not only on how the product is made but also on the inputs, the manufacturing processes, and the design of the product.


Sustainable manufacturing also takes into consideration the amount of energy and material to produce the product, the amount of waste, the use of fewer hazardous materials, and recyclability or lower energy use of the product. These can be achieved from  very simple process improvements to large investments in new technologies and product redesign


This course introduces students to sustainable manufacturing in practice along the life cycle of a product discussing  the following topics


  1. Renewable materials
  2. Fewer materials and inputs and materials that are non-hazardous or recycled
  3. Modification of production processes to use less energy, water, and materials and to produce less waste
  4. Using less packaging, lowering product weight, using more efficient transportation and logistics
  5. Designing products to be reusable, remanufacturable, recyclable, or biodegradeable
  6. Expanding the life of the product
  7. Reducing the environmental impact of sales and distribution


openLCA, an open source, and free software for Sustainability and Life Cycle Assessment will be extensively used.


International Programs, Department of Industrial Engineering Universitas Islam Indonesia carries out a Virtual Student Exchange in Big Data. It will be lecture series run in one semester during Odd Term 2020/2021.

Participants will be enrolled in one semester, a non-degree program with no fees incurred. Participants will also receive certificates and/or earn Credit Transfers.

The Lecture will be delivered in a team teaching of Lecturer from the Department of Industrial Engineering, Universitas Islam Indonesia, and Tu Wien Austria.

For Applying the exchange, click

Any inqueries can be forwarded to :

email : [email protected] , line : ip_ieuii

Student Exchange on Big Data

Virtual Student Exchange in Big Data



Managing information flow for accurate and fast response decision making in the Artificial Intelligence era is very challenging today.  New technologies, devices, and social applications are revolutionizing data management in many domains of activities in business, public administration, and scientific research. Types of data are getting complicated. Organizations must face a massive amount of data on a daily basis ranging from text, images, sound, video (multimedia) coming from many sources of online and offline transactions. We are in the Big Data world. Big Data is continuously changing the way organizations run their businesses.


Organizations need to improve their ability to understand and analyze big data to take full advantage of its power in making the right and timely decisions such as strategic decision making and identify new business opportunities. Also, a massive level of information raises the high demand for data scientists and business analysts to help organizations gathering and analyzing data insights.


This course is designed to learn how big data is organized, analyzed and interpreted for enhancing decision making. Some practical big data analytic will be discussed for understanding what insight big data. This course will explore big data in practice and tools and technology employed to manage big data in an organization.


Course Outline:

  1. Introduction to Big Data. Topics such as What is Big Data, Types of Big Data, Source of Big Data, Big Data in Practice will be discussed.
  2.  Introduction to Technology of big data: Hadoop, Spark, NoSQL, Python, R.
  3. Machine learning with Big dataThis topic will introduce machine learning techniques to explore, analyze, and leverage data. Some technology and tools and algorithms will be discussed to create machine learning models. The big data analytics will use algorithms that run on Spark with Python. This topic also discusses Predictive Analytics, Descriptive Analytics, and Social Network Analytics.
  4. Big Data Projects

Source :

  • Baesens, Bart. Analytics in a Big Data World. The Essential Guide to Data Science and its Applications. John Wiley & Sons. 2014. Dasgupta, Nataraj. Practical Big Data Analytics. Packt Publishing. 2018.
  • Dasgupta, Nataraj. Practical Big Data Analytics. Packt Publishing. 2018.
  • Deitel, Paul J. Intro to Python for Computer Science and Data Science. Learning to Program with AI, Big Data, and Cloud. Pearson Education.2020.
  • Marr, Bernard. Big Data in Practice. How 45 Successful Companies Used Big Data Analytics to Deliver Extraordinary Results. John Wiley & Sons.2016.




The rapid development of the times has made many innovations that can be made to solve problems that often occur. The opportunity to innovate was used by students of the Islamic University of Indonesia, one of them at the INDISCO (Industrial Design Seminar and Competition). INDISCO is a competition and seminar on product design aimed at students from Southeast Asia and beyond. The event was organized by the Industrial Engineering Student Association, Diponegoro University, Indonesia. Industrial Engineering UII successfully passed 2 teams to compete in the semifinals of the top 20 and brought the good name of UII at the event.

The semifinal stage is the stage where each team that has passed the proposal file selection is required to present a product design plan to the jury on Friday-Saturday (2-3 / 11) at Grasia Hotel, Semarang. After that there is a big 5 stage where the teams that pass are required to promote their ideas directly to the public through an exhibition on Sunday (4/11) at Car Free Day, Jalan Simpang Lima, Semarang.

The team from UII is a NAT 4.0 team consisting of Muhammad Taufik Anugerah (Industrial Engineering class of 2014), Adam Ferdian Farizky (Industrial Engineering class of 2014), and Nashtiti Aliafari (Industrial Engineering class of 2014) and the Alif Lam Mim team consisting of Muhammad Iqbal Crescent (Mechanical Engineering class of 2014) Industrial class of 2015), Ahmad Hanif Faiz (Industrial Engineering class of 2016), and Dennis Kusuma (Industrial Engineering class of 2016). Each team made a design in accordance with the theme of INDISCO 10, namely “Inclusive Design for Convenient Daily Activities”. The product design of the NAT 4.0 Team won the 2nd Runner Up at INDISCO 2018. The design carried was a multifunctional and ergonomic shower named Wafles Shower. Wafles showers have a filter function for bacteria and viruses, neutralize water PH, there are water pressure regulating features, there are brushes that are adjustable and can rotate automatically to clean difficult parts of the body such as the back, and the shower can be carried and installed anywhere. Alif Lam Mim’s team also won an award as Favorite Team. The product that is carried is a tool to lift and install gallons of water automatically, so users can avoid the risk of injury.

In order to provide a deeper understanding of industrial marketing, on Friday, July 5, 2019, the Kanaba Industrial Marketing Public Lecture was held in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0 which took place in the Auditorium of the Faculty of Industrial Technology. This public lecture was delivered by the Manager of PT Hari Mukti Teknik Yogyakarta, M. Amin Syukron, S.T, who is also an Industrial Engineering Alumni of the Indonesian Islamic University. The activity was opened by the Secretary of the Industrial Engineering Study Program, Sri Indrawati, S.T., M.Eng. In his remarks, the Secretary of Study Program emphasized the importance of links and matches between the campus and the business world. On this occasion the Secretary of Study Program also appreciated the speakers who were willing to provide additional insights to the students.

In this public lecture the speaker conveys the role model of industrial marketing and what competencies are needed in employment in the 4.0 era. The speaker described the existing marketing patterns, existing marketing support, marketing planning patterns, and the CRM / customer relations system of PT Hari Mukti Teknik. According to the speaker, the competencies needed in employment in the 4.0 era are honest, atitude, mastering technology (iOT), mastering foreign languages, competency certification for scientific fields, good relationships, and fresh graduates who have more ability compared to other. Other capabilities that must be possessed are mastery of hardware and software technology, quick understanding of procedures, and being able to adapt to procedures. The speaker also presented the 2019 Compro of Kanaba video. At the end of the public lecture the speaker gave a summary of the participants in the form of three messages as follows: define your challenges, set realistic expectations, keep your eyes on the goal.

Meanwhile, Qurtubi, S.T., M.T. Industrial marketing lecturers who act as moderators said that this general lecture was attended by students taking industrial marketing courses, general industrial engineering students, and representatives of Industrial Engineering lecturers. By attending this public lecture, it is expected that students can better understand the material that has been delivered in class, then students can prepare competencies in the field of industrial marketing.

Competence is an expression that is trending in the industrial world today. Competence is one indicator of the acceptance of prospective workers in the Industry. That is what Kalkausar Khalid SH., MM, Senior HRD of PT. Yamaha Indonesia in the material presented at the general lecture activity “Productivity Improvement Internship opportunities at PT. Yamaha Indonesia.

The Faculty of Industrial Technology in collaboration with PT. Yamaha Indonesia is entering its 5th year in the field of lecturer and student internships. Currently the internship students who have been sent to PT. Yamaha Indonesia has entered the 90s from the Industrial Engineering and Mechanical Engineering FTI UII. This program is one of the flagship programs of Industrial Engineering Study Program in order to harmonize the academic world and the world of industry so that graduates have sufficient competence.

These public lecture activities are routinely carried out to provide an understanding of an internship program in industry. The internship program for students is carried out for 6 months with the number of internship participants per batch of over 10 people. The internship program will be carried out at the beginning of each semester with the main requirement of closing theory, because students within 6 months are no longer possible to take theory, because the main task of students in industry is to work on projects that have been prepared by Yamaha Indonesia, said Muchamad Sugarindra as PIC this internship program.

Industrial Engineering Study Program is currently collaborating with several companies in terms of internships, but cooperation with PT. Yamaha Indonesia is the most intense collaboration. The symbiosis of mutualism that we put forward so that companies and the world of work together benefit from internships. Take advantage of this opportunity as well as possible, even in the future the internship will become a compulsory curriculum for students so that students have competence, said DR. Taufiq Immawan, ST., MM in his speech opened this public lecture.

The internship program will be opened every semester for all Industrial Engineering Study Program students who have met the requirements. The announcement will be made via social media and the official website of the Industrial Engineering Study Program UII.

Pesatnya perkembangan zaman menjadikan banyak munculnya inovasi yang dapat dibuat untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan yang kerap terjadi. Kesempatan untuk berinovasi tersebut dipergunakan oleh mahasiswa-mahasiswi Universitas Islam Indonesia, salah satunya pada ajang INDISCO (Industrial Design Seminar and Competition). INDISCO merupakan sebuah kompetisi dan seminar mengenai desain produk yang ditujukan untuk mahasiswa-mahasiswi se-Asia Tenggara dan sekitarnya. Acara tersebut diselenggarakan oleh Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Industri, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia. Teknik Industri UII berhasil meloloskan 2 tim untuk berlaga di semifinal 20 besar dan membawa nama baik UII pada ajang tersebut.

Tahap semifinal merupakan tahap dimana tiap tim yang telah lolos seleksi berkas proposal diwajibkan untuk presentasi mengenai rancangan produk kepada dewan juri pada Jumat-Sabtu (2-3/11) di Hotel Grasia, Semarang. Setelah itu terdapat tahap 5 besar yang mana tim yang lolos diharuskan untuk mempromosikan ide mereka secara langsung kepada masyarakat melalui pameran pada hari Minggu (4/11) di Car Free Day, Jalan Simpang Lima, Semarang.

Tim dari UII adalah tim NAT 4.0 yang beranggotakan Muhammad Taufik Anugerah (Teknik Industri angkatan 2014), Adam Ferdian Farizky (Teknik Industri angkatan 2014), dan Nashtiti Aliafari (Teknik Industri angkatan 2014) serta tim Alif Lam Mim yang beranggotakan Muhammad Iqbal Sabit (Teknik Industri angkatan 2015), Ahmad Hanif Faiz (Teknik Industri angkatan 2016), dan Dennis Kusuma (Teknik Industri angkatan 2016). Masing-masing tim membuat rancangan yang sesuai dengan tema INDISCO 10, yaitu “Inclusive Design for Convenient Daily Activities”. Rancangan produk dari Tim NAT 4.0 berhasil menjadi juara 2nd Runner Up pada INDISCO 2018. Rancangan yang diusung adalah shower yang multifungsi dan ergonomis yang diberi nama Wafles Shower. Wafles shower mempunya fungsi penyaring bakteri dan virus, penetralisir PH air, terdapat fitur pengatur tekanan air, terdapat brush yang adjustable dan dapat berputar secara otomatis untuk membersihkan bagian tubuh yang sulit dijangkau seperti punggung, dan shower tersebut dapat dibawa dan dipasang dimana saja. Tim Alif Lam Mim juga berhasil mendapatkan penghargaan sebagai Favorite Team. Produk yang diusung adalah alat untuk mengangkat dan memasang galon air secara otomatis, sehingga pengguna dapat terhindar dari risiko cidera.

Mahasiswa Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) yang terdiri dari Mukhlas Dwi Putra, program studi Teknik Industri dan Nur Arifan dari program studi Manajemen mengikuti ajang konferensi internasional, 4th International Conference on Industrial and Business Engineering (ICIBE 2018) di Macau pada 24-26 Oktober 2018.

ICIBE 2018 merupakan konferensi yang bertujuan untuk mempertemukan para peneliti, ilmuwan, insinyur, maupun mahasiswa sarjana untuk bertukar dan berbagi pengalaman, ide-ide baru, dan hasil penelitian tentang semua aspek Teknik Industri dan Bisnis, serta mendiskusikan tantangan praktis yang dihadapi dan solusi yang diadopsi.

Dalam konferensi tersebut, Mukhlas dan Rifan membawakan paper dengan judul Waste Minimization Using Value Stream Analysis Tool (VALSAT) to Increase Company Productivity. Disampaikan oleh Mukhlas, penelitian ini dilakukan di salah satu UKM Gudeg yang ada di Yogyakarta. “Banyaknya UKM-UKM Gudeg yang tersebar di Jogja tentunya menjadi tantangan tersendiri untuk UKM tersebut agar bisa bersaing”, paparnya.

Ia menambahkan, di tempat penelitian tersebut dilakukan analisis waste (pemborosan) apa saja yang terjadi dengan menggunakan metode VALSAT, setelah diketahui kemudian mana yang akan di prioritaskan untuk diselesaikan, setelah itu barulah di berikan rekomendasi-rekomendasi kepada pemilik UKM Gudeg yang bersangkutan. “Tujuan akhirnya agar produktivitas dari UKM Gudeg yang diteiti tersebut bisa meningkat”, tandasnya.

Sementara itu Rifan mengungkapkan konferensi yang rutin diadakan setiap tahunnya ini diikuti oleh berbagai kalangan mulai dari Profesor, praktisi hingga mahasiswa dari berbagai negara seperti, Jerman, Rusia, Swedia, Korea Selatan, USA, Malaysia, Filipina, Peru, Indonesia dan masih banyak lagi. “Selain kami yang dari UII, dari Indonesia sendiri juga ada perwakilan dari UI dan juga UNDIP”, tuturnya.

“Semoga para mahasiswa UII lainnya bisa termotivasi untuk mengikuti kegiatan-kegiatan serupa, selain menambah pengetahuan dan pengalaman tentunya juga membangun jaringan dengan akademisi serta praktisi yang hadir dalam konferensi”, pungkas mereka.

Isu mengenai limbah makanan saat ini sedang ramai diperbincangkan. Permasalahan timbul karena makanan yang tersedia tidak habis dikonsumsi hingga masa kadaluarsa. Isu tersebut rupanya mendorong sekelompok mahasiswa UII untuk membuat sebuah produk bernama “OPTIMA, Inovasi Produk Toples Pengingat Masa Kadaluarsa”. Tujuan dibuatnya alat ini sebagai solusi untuk meminimalkan makanan bersisa melewati masa kadaluarsa. Dengan beranggotakan tiga orang yang terdiri dari Oktavira Revi (Teknik Industri 2015), Nadia Zhafira (Teknik Industri 2015), dan Adienta Mustika Ma’arij (Teknik Industri 2015).

Disampaikan Oktavira Revi, prosedur kerja yang diterapkan dengan memasukkan toples yang sudah terisi makanan ke dalam Optima. Kemudian tombol daya dinyalakan sehingga display LCD hidup. Alat ini dilengkapi dengan aplikasi, sehingga kontrol dapat dilakukan pada smartphone yang sudah terpasang aplikasi Optima.

“Kontrol dapat dilakukan karena nama makanan dan tanggal kadaluarsa sudah diinput sebelumnya dan akan muncul pada display LCD. Sejak di input data makanan tersebut, display mulai melakukan expired countdown. Dilengkapi dengan lampu indikator dapat memudahkan konsumen untuk mengetahui waktu sisa kadaluarsa produk”, tambahnya.

Sedangkan lampu hijau menunjukkan makanan masih aman dikonsumsi. Lampu kuning merupakan signal waktu kadaluarsa tinggal 3 hari dan lampu merah sebgai tanda makanan telah melewati masa kadaluarsa.

“Kelebihan yang dimiliki oleh Optima sangat memudahkan konsumen karena terintegrasi dengan aplikasi di smartphone”, ujarnya. Meskipun demikian masih terdapat beberapa hal yang perlu dikembangkan. Salah satunya kendala yang dapat menghambat sistem kerja Optima terkait dengan masalah belum semua makanan dilengkapi dengan informasi kadaluarsa.

“Tantangan selama proses pembuatan Optima yang dihadapi adalah perawatan LCD karena membutuhkan kehati-hatian”, pungkasnya. (NR/ESP).

Penyandang disabilitas tuna wicara mempunyai keterbatasan untuk dapat berkomunikasi dengan menggunakan organ suara dengan orang di sekitarnya. Memang saat ini telah lama dikembangkan pemakaian bahasa isyarat bagi difabel tunawicara, namun tidak semua orang memahaminya. Hal inilah yang mendorong sekelompok mahasiswa UII untuk berinovasi.

Retno Gumilar (Teknik Industri) bersama 2 rekannya yakni Haryo Prawahandaru (Teknik Industri) dan Mufti Sayid Muqaffi (Teknik Industri) menciptakan jam yang dapat membantu komunikasi bagi tuna wicara dengan orang di sekitar melalui penerjemahan bahasa isyarat. Alat yang sedang dalam tahap monitoring dan evaluasi Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa (PKM) dari DIKTI ini diberi nama “Teg Watch” (The Guider Watch).

Penggunaan jam pintar itu juga punya tujuan lain sebagai alat mempermudah komunikasi. Salah satunya yakni potensi terjadinya tindakan kriminal semakin hari semakin berkembang seiring dengan bertambahnya jumlah penduduk di Indonesia. Kejahatan dapat menyasar siapa pun korbannya, termasuk orang dengan kebutuhan khusus (difabel) yang juga dapat menjadi objek bagi pelaku tindak kejahatan. Guna mengurangi tindak kriminal pada kaum difabel terlebih tuna wicara, alat ini dirasa dapat menjadi salah satu solusi.

“Inovasi jam ini menjadi sebuah alat yang inovatif dan praktis untuk mengatasi permasalahan komunikasi antara tuna wicara dengan orang di sekitar serta dapat menghindarkan diri mereka dari tindak kejahatan,” ujar Retno Gumilar.

Disampaikan Retno Gumilar alat yang mereka rancang merupakan jam yang ada pada umumnya namun ditambahkan beberapa sensor flex yang menempel pada jari-jari difabel tuna wicara. Sehingga ketika seorang tuna wicara berkomunikasi melalui bahasa isyarat, sensor flex akan menterjemahkan bahasa isyarat menjadi suara.

Penggunaan dari alat ini pun cukup mudah. Kita hanya perlu menekan tombol penerjemah dalam jam dan bahasa isyarat akan otomatis menjadi suara lewat jam ini. “Bagi tuna wicara hanya perlu menekan satu tombol saja dan bahasa isyarat akan segera dapat dipahami oleh orang di sekitar lewat penerjemahan ke suara”, ungkapnya.

Saat ini inovasi yang mereka kembangkan memasuki tahap pembuatan aplikasi Teg Watch pada platform android dan juga pengoptimalan module GPS untuk mengetahui lokasi terkini pengguna dengan bimbingan dosen yakni Setyawan Wahyu Pratomo, S.T., M.T. Retno Gumilar dan rekan-rekan berharap inovasi ini dapat dinikmati oleh seluruh elemen masyarakat khususnya kaum difabel sehingga dapat memudahkan komunikasi serta menghindarkan mereka dari incaran pelaku kriminalitas. (ENI/ESP)