IP IE International Mobility Programs

Dear IP IE UII students,
UII invites 250 students to join a Virtual Trip: Indonesia-Singapore that will be conducted on 10 May 2021. This program is a collaborative activity between Universitas Islam Indonesia and Temasek Polytechnic Singapore.
This program will:
* Enrich school-life experience
* Deepen cross-cultural skills & global mindset
* Build relationships (you are encouraged to continue your e-engagement)
Facility: E-certificate
Please register at http://bit.ly/TPUIIVirtualTrip
Save the date !!!
Thank you.
Best Regards,
International Program, Industrial Engineering Study Program, Universitas Islam Indonesia proudly announces that a series of Studium Generale (SG) has begun. The SG will discuss the implementation of Big Data for Machine Learning. Let’s join this free webinar.
This webinar will live on International Program Industrial Engineering UII Youtube Channel.
You will meet our distinguished Lecturers who are going to share the implementation of Big Data in the real world.

IP IE UII Webinar Machine Learning
1. Prof. Anirban Mukhopadhyay
Professor & Former Head
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of Kalyani. Kalyani-741235, Nadia, West Bengal, India.
“Machine Learning for Biological Data Mining”
2. Winda Nur Cahya, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D
Head of Magister Industrial Engineering, UII
“Social Media Data Mining”
Moderator : Annisa Uswatun Khasanah, S.T., M.Sc.
The Schedule of this event is on Saturday, 21st November 2020, 9:45 AM – 01.00 PM.
If you have any inquiries, don’t hesitate to contact International Program IE UII through email: [email protected]
This GL is free for you to enhance your knowledge.
e-Certificate will be issued for present participants
Stay tuned & don’t miss it.
Below is youtube link for our previous event:
Big Data: Accelerated Data Science Ecosystem with GPU and RAPIDS (07 November 2020)
International Program, Industrial Engineering Study Program, Universitas Islam Indonesia proudly announces that a series of Studium Generale (SG) is about to begin. The SG will discuss the implementation of Big Data Technology. IP IE collaborating with Novaglobal Pte Ltd from Singapore is arranging this webinar for you to update your knowledge. You also will uncover Research opportunities on Big Data for Industrial Engineering. Let’s join this free webinar. A door prize of Rp. 100.000 e-money for the 3 best participants and e-certificate for present participants upon following the International Program Instagram Account: international_ieuii
We are going to see how RAPIDS and the open-source ecosystem are advancing data science. In this session, we will explore RAPIDS, the new open-source data science platform from NVIDIA. Learn how to get started leveraging these open-source libraries for faster performance and easier development on GPU. See the latest engineering work and new release features including benchmarks, roadmaps, and demos. Finally, hear the stories on how data scientists across the world are leveraging on RAPIDS in production, how they benefit from early adoption, and how GPU outperform CPU equivalents.

Registration Big Data Webinar

IP IE UII Lecture Series on Big Data
Our distinguished speakers are ready to share with you the implementation of Big Data in the real world.
1. M. Andi Ariffin, ST
Novaglobal Pte Ltd
“Accelerated Data Science Ecosystem with GPU & RAPIDS”
2. Muhammad Ridwan, S.T, M.Sc., PhD
Head of Industrial Engineering Department, Universitas Islam Indonesia.
“Research Opportunities on Big Data Application in Industrial Engineering.”
Ir. Muhammad Ragil Suryoputro, S.T., M.Sc. (Secretary of Industrial Engineering Department, Universitas Islam Indonesia)
The Schedule of this event is on Saturday, 7th November 2020, 9:00 AM – 01.00 PM.
If you have any inquiries, don’t hesitate to contact International Program IE UII through email: [email protected]
This GL is free for you to enhance your knowledge.
e-Certificate will be issued for present participants
Stay tuned & don’t miss it.
The followings are the shortlisted awardees of the IP IE Scholarship for Virtual Internship programs in Vietnam:
Putri Amalia
Ryan Gerhan Canndrika
Fahrul Asshiddiqi
Muhammad Arif Naufal
Alma Fitria Milania
Sabila Rizki Alifian
Khusnul Qurrota Ain
The students will work at VTI company in Vietnam as the host company ( https://www.vti.com.vn/en/)
The internship duration program is 4 weeks started from November 16, 2020, through December 12, 2020.
Each student is going to work on a project within a group that collaborates with other Australian students.
The internship programs will work on AI/IoT/Mobile App/Cloud Computing projects.
An interview with the Host company will be conducted in September 2020.
The schedule of the interview will be announced later.
All awardees must commit to the completion of the internship program.
A Withdrawal in the middle of the program must be avoided.
If it finally occurs, the withdrawal will incur a penalty fee of 3x of the awarded scholarship.
Withdrawal from the program could be conducted by submitting a letter of withdrawal to IP no later than 3 days before the interview.
International Program, Department of Industrial Engineering offers Virtual Student Exchange Programs in Sustainable Manufacturing. It will be lecture series run in one semester during Odd Term 2020/2021.
Participants will be enrolled in one semester, a non-degree program with no fees incurred. Participants will also receive certificates and/or earn Credit Transfers.
For Applying the exchange, click http://bit.ly/exchangestudentIPIE
Send any inquiries to:
- email: [email protected], or
- line: ip_ieuii
The UN Brundtland Commission defines sustainable development as “ development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” This is often linked with the concept of the Triple Bottom Line in which sustainability is the balance of the intersection between economic (profit), environmental (planet), and social (people).
In sustainable manufacturing, the focus is not only on how the product is made but also on the inputs, the manufacturing processes, and the design of the product.
Sustainable manufacturing also takes into consideration the amount of energy and material to produce the product, the amount of waste, the use of fewer hazardous materials, and recyclability or lower energy use of the product. These can be achieved from very simple process improvements to large investments in new technologies and product redesign
This course introduces students to sustainable manufacturing in practice along the life cycle of a product discussing the following topics
- Renewable materials
- Fewer materials and inputs and materials that are non-hazardous or recycled
- Modification of production processes to use less energy, water, and materials and to produce less waste
- Using less packaging, lowering product weight, using more efficient transportation and logistics
- Designing products to be reusable, remanufacturable, recyclable, or biodegradeable
- Expanding the life of the product
- Reducing the environmental impact of sales and distribution
openLCA, an open source, and free software for Sustainability and Life Cycle Assessment will be extensively used.
IP Industrial Engineering, UII offers an Opportunity to a limited number of IPIE Scholarship for Virtual Internship of Academic year 2020/2021 in the field of Information Technology/ Information Systems (IoT, AI, Big Data) in Vietnam.
Students will be exposed to real working assignments to train new skills.
Due to the pandemic, the internship will be virtually conducted.
Students who meet the following criteria are eligible for IPIE Scholarship.
- Awarded to IPIE Students that their study progresses comply with the Industrial Engineering Internship rule and regulations
- Min GPA 3.25
- Willing to complete approximately 12-week duration program
- Have min B+ to the following courses: Programming Logics, Industrial Statistics 2, and Database management Systems. Students who have taken a Big Data course would be more preferable.
- The internship will be credited as a combo program of internship and final undergraduate program.
- Willing to publish the Final Project to an accredited Journal.
- Submit the latest CV. It is recommended that you polish and update the CV as it will be sent to potential companies.
Fill out the application form.
The registration deadline is 5th September 2020.
The application will be forwarded to potential host companies.
Upon the receiving of confirmation Letter from the host companies, Students are notified through email.
It takes approximately 1-2 weeks to process and place the companies before starting the internship.
An Internet connection and a laptop are required to conduct the Virtual Internship.
The orientation program will be started as the first program session supervised by a Program Coordinator.
to best introduce the company.
Each student will be assigned a Program Coordinator who will accompany, support, and supervise from the beginning of application until the internship completion.
Working hours will be varied and range from 20 to 40 hours a week depending on assigned projects.
Outcome-based will be the performance measurement of the internship program. Some possibility of commitment and workload can be discussed further with the host companies.
A certificate of completion will be released by the host companies.
Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
Students who are not passed but still willing to join the internship programs are welcome with some incurred cost consideration.
FPT Group
Established in 1988, FPT Group is the leading IT company in Vietnam with nearly 40,000 employees, operating in 40 countries. FPT Group has 4 main business sectors: IT, Telecom, Distribution – Retail and Education. With revenue over 1.3 Billion USD (2019) and 450 clients in the Top Fortune 500 (Boeing, Airbus, Hitachi, Panasonic, etc.), FPT has affirmed its leading position in the technology revolution.
Lotus QA
LQA is the 1st Vietnam based Independent Quality Assurance Firm, a globally trusted partner in QA outsourcing especially in Japan & Korea markets
CMC Global
CMC Global is a member of CMC Group, one of the biggest IT companies in Vietnam. CMC Global’s core services are to offer software development & digital tranformation services for developed markets like Japan, Europe & America.
Homa Techs Inc.
Homa Techs Inc. is a global provider of Internet of Things (IoT) networking and smart home/building devices that are powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) on-the-edge technologies for smart home and smart building applications. The company’s products focus on ease of installation (including on legacy homes and buildings), high reliability, and user-friendly usage, aiming to build a wellness, smart and efficient living environment for customers who deserve to enjoy their life without any compromise imposed by technological limits.
Ecovision Tech is a start-up company specialized in developing and maintaining IoT platforms and AI products (Smart waste management system, Smart Edu and Smart building)
“Enable manufacturers doing business online effortlessly.
eComBamboo brings your products to everywhere, multiplatform: from ecommerce to retail”
Digital Unicorn
Digital Unicorn is a mobile app development company based in France, offering our full range of service including design, development and web SEO, and web marketing for digital projects all over the world.
As one of the leading brands of real estate trends, LinkHouse has affirmed its position as an international luxury real estate developer. With a new mindset on housing architecture and transparent financial potential, they are continuously striving for building a new definition for housing product lines in Vietnam.
ASEAN Foundation
“After its establishment, the ASEAN Foundation has been tasked to support ASEAN’s community building efforts by promoting greater awareness of the ASEAN identity, human resource development, people-to-people interaction, and close collaboration among the business sector, civil society, academia and other stakeholders in ASEAN.
International Program
Department of Industrial Engineering
KH Mas Mansyur Building, 1st Floor
UII Main Campus
Kaliurang km. 14,5 Sleman
Yogyakarta 55584
+62 274 895287 ext. 118
WA : +6281216974433
[email protected]