UII Industrial Engineering students once again made proud achievements in the “X Congress & National Seminar of the Indonesian Ergonomics Association (PEI) 2024”. The event took place on (8-10/8) at Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, Bandung.

Muhammad Alif Basyariah, a representative of UII Industrial Engineering who is an assistant of the Work System Design and Ergonomics Laboratory (DSKE), presented a paper entitled “Ergonomic Car Seat Design with AI Integration”. The research raised innovative solutions in creating ergonomic car seat designs by utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) technology, in order to increase the comfort and convenience of drivers in driving. This paper is a development of posters and essays that were successfully presented at the Ergo Camp event.

Alif shared the process he went through, from drafting the paper, preparing the journal for publication, to doing various presentation exercises. This research is the result of collaboration with the Big Project team, which consists of Alif’s colleagues, Hadi Ramadhan, Aji Adianta Firjatullah, and Reyhandi Rachmad Fadila Wicaksono. Not only that, Alif was also under the guidance of Chancard Basumerda, a lecturer in UII Industrial Engineering in the field of Ergonomics. 

“I am proud. Because it is also the first time to be the representative for the National Ergonomics Conference too. Then meet great people too. Leading lecturers at major universities, as well as ergonomics experts. So I got a lot of valuable insight,” said Alif.

He also gave a message of encouragement to other students. “Grow a sense of curiosity and a sense of wanting to achieve something. So how can you get something from that feeling.  Well, then, how do you prepare for it. Continue to be balanced with good time management anyway, because one of the factors may be that it is difficult for students now.”

This achievement is proof of the contribution of UII Industrial Engineering students in the development of ergonomics and technology. Hopefully this achievement will inspire other students to continue working and make the university proud in the national and international levels.

Salwa Nur Rahma

Nada Putri Fauziyah, a student of Industrial Engineering at Universitas Islam Indonesia (TI UII), won the Best Student Paper award at the International Conference on Green Technology and Sustainable Development (GTSD) 2024 by HCMC University of Technology and Education as the organizer on July 25-26, 2024 in Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. In this prestigious conference, Nada compiled a paper with other friends, Mutia Putri Gaisani, Prita Nurkhalisa, and Roaida Yanti with the title “Understanding Consumer Behavior and Market Segmentation using Non-Hierarchical Clustering Method: A Case Study of Café Culturehead in Yogyakarta” which raised the theme of Data Management and Machine Learning, one of the 35 themes available at the conference.

Nada’s Preparation

To prepare her presentation, Nada took about two months. “I started compiling and submitting papers since May and in June I received an acceptance notification for the opportunity to present at HCMC University of Technology and Education,” said Nada. There were two modes of presentation, offline on July 25 and online on July 26. She chose to present offline on July 25 and managed to bring home the Best Student Paper award on the same night.

Preparing for the conference was not easy. “Because I really want to participate in competitions or activities that are international, I tried to ask Mr. Qurtubi who is one of UII’s IT lecturers. There I was given several choices of international conferences, and fell on the choice of GTSD 2024. Then, Mutia and Prita and I wrote the paper together,” she said. After going through various obstacles, Nada received support from friends, family, and alumni, including Yanti as a 2019 Industrial Engineering alumni who became the fourth co-author and accompanied her to Vietnam.

Best Student Paper

Nada’s Message to Other Students

Then, Nada also gave a message to other students who wanted to take part in a similar competition. “Opportunities don’t come twice. If given the time and ability to follow and try new experiences, why not? Never be afraid to try and totality without limits to make UII proud from the Industrial Engineering Study Program,” she said. He also emphasized the importance of not feeling inferior to one’s abilities and to always try to achieve dreams. Nada Putri Fauziyah has brought the good name of UII and Industrial Engineering study program to the international arena. This proves that Indonesian students are able to compete at the global level.

Rani Novalentina

Team Tim Multipin Salep

The PKM-Kewirausahaan (Entrepreneurship) team of Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) consisting of students from the Industrial Engineering and Pharmacy majors succeeded in making innovative ointment products. The team consists of Mumtaz Fahd Rifmawan Ms, Andi Muh Khaidir Resqullah, Muhammad Arif Fadhillah, Sofa Tasya Kamila, and Khanza Adinda Salsabila. Under the guidance of Ir. Muchamad Sugarindra, S.T., M.T.I., IPM, the team succeeded in creating an innovation titled “Multipin Salep: Innovation of Kalanchoe Pinnata and Jatropha Multifida Extract Ointment with Jasmine Scent as Wound Therapy Using Grassroots Campaign Strategy”.

Multipin ointment is a wound ointment product derived from the plants Kalanchoe Pinnata (cocor bebek) and (Jatropha Multifida) jarak tintir which have been proven as plants that have properties in wound healing. This ointment also has no side effects because it uses herbal ingredients and also has the advantage of having a jasmine flower aroma.

The idea for this product arose because abrasions and cuts are often experienced by many people in Indonesia, and many of them still rely on traditional medicine or herbs. By using natural ingredients from herbal plants, this wound ointment has the advantage of a lower risk of side effects compared to chemical products. The selected herbs are jarak tintir (Jatropha multifida Linn) and cocor bebek (Kalanchoe pinnata Lamk) due to their beneficial content in wound healing. Jarak tintir contains anti-bacterial substances such as alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, and saponins. Meanwhile, cocor bebek leaves contain flavonoids, steroids, saponins, and tannins that have anti-inflammatory effects or reduce inflammation. In addition, this product uses jasmine essential oil to provide a distinctive jasmine floral aroma.

The preparation of this ointment goes through three main stages, which are the making of simplisia powder, extracts, and ointment preparations. The preparation of Multipin ointment begins with washing, slicing, and drying the leaves of cocor bebek and jarak tintir. The dried simplisia was pulverized and stored. The powdered simplisia was then extracted with 96% ethanol for three days, filtered, and evaporated to obtain a thick extract. To make the ointment, Cera Alba and Vaselin Album were melted, then mixed with extracts, preservatives, glycerin, and jasmine essential oil until homogeneous. The finished ointment was put into a tube and labeled.

In conducting marketing strategies, Multipin Ointment products conduct online and offline marketing. Online marketing is done through social media and e-commerce such as Shopee. Meanwhile, for offline media through partner cooperation with a grassroots campaign strategy, namely working with pharmacies and traditional herbal medicine stores in marketing products.

Tim Ekadanta/ Ekadanta Team

Ekadanta team successfully advanced to the final stage of Petroleum Integrated Days (PETROLIDA) 2024, an international competition by Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) in collaboration with Unilever. As UII representatives, the team consisted of Rifki Nurul Mukarim, Nisrina Faiza Mufid, and Atiqoh Fairuz Hamidah. They successfully placed 4th in the International Business Case Competition.

There were many stages that they had to go through to get to that point. Starting from preliminary, semifinal, and final. In the preliminary stage, there was a case study in the form of a problem faced by the company, they brainstormed and made an executive summary of the solution to the problem. Next for the semifinal stage, they make a full report or solution proposal related to the given case study. At this stage, they held discussions with their advisor, Putri Dwi Annisa S.T., M.Sc., to optimize each aspect of the assessment that was considered so that it could provide an appropriate solution for the company.

Final Presentation/ Presentasi Final

Team Ekadanta’s effort and dedication paid off, they were selected to advance to the final stage to present their solution in front of the judges in person. At the final stage, they prepared various things such as leaflets, x-banners, and Pitch Deck PPT. Not to forget, they also practiced to be fluent in the presentation which was done in English.

Of course, all the processes they went through were not free from obstacles. One of them is the short preparation time for the final, as well as UII students who are in the midterm exam period (UTS). To overcome this, the Ekadanta Team tried to equalize their free time to take the time to practice together.

“Becoming a finalist in an international competition is a new and valuable experience for us. It’s not easy, but thanks to teamwork and great also supportive supervisors, we are able to commit in striving to give our best,” said the Ekadanta Team.

Salwa Nur Rahma

Mahasiswa Teknik Industri UII Lolos Pendanaan P2MW

Program Pembinaan Mahasiswa Wirausaha (P2MW) is a program organized by the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs (Belmawa), Ditjen Dikti Ristek, Kemdikbud Ristek designed to strengthen the entrepreneurial ecosystem in higher education. The program includes a series of coaching, mentoring, and business training for students. A total of 13 UII Industrial Engineering students won funding in this competition.

One of the team leaders who passed the funding stage, Fika Aliya Febriyana, expressed her happiness for this achievement. “My hope is that I can utilize the funding money as well as possible, and can pass the KMI Award P2MW later. Hopefully, this business will also keep running and not just for the competition.”

Fika shared the process she went through to get to this stage. “Form a solid team with a high vision and mission and commitment, then divide the tasks as well as possible so that the preparation of the proposal will be easier.” Fika also emphasized the importance of teamwork and time management in facing obstacles due to different majors and batches among team members.

Ir. Muchamad Sugarindra, S.T., M.T.I., IPM, one of the P2MW supervisors, expressed his pride in the students’ achievements. He hoped that more students would join this program. “Participate while there is still a chance because P2MW is a prestigious national level event. I hope this will receive high attention from students.” He also expressed UII’s support which will greatly facilitate those who are interested, both in terms of funding, mentoring, and others.

The following is a list of students who passed the 2024 Program Pembinaan Mahasiswa Wirausaha (P2MW) funding:

No.Business CategoryNameNIMProposal Title
1Digital BusinessArisa Tria Shavira21522226CabTreats Marketplace as an Effort to Optimize the Potential of Catering and Bakery MSMEs
2Service, Tourism and TradeFitri Fathurahma21522039Simpansini Laundry
3Yulia Puspitasari21522062
4Irfan Novaldi21522233Eco Green Laundry Business from Upstream to Downstream that Has Special Concern for the Condition of the Surrounding Natural Environment
5Khairullah Raesya Nugroho21522265
6Food and BeverageFika Aliya Febriyana21522381Buahlicious Bites High in Fiber and Vitamins
7Anggun Galuh Puspita Ningtyas21522352
8Muhammad Rafly Ferdiansyah21522154
9Rangga Pamungkas Putradharma22522284
10Manufacturing and Applied TechnologyArkan Abbad Falah Wibowo22522231Resikopi Dishwash Eco-friendly Dish Soap
11Nasha Fazilatun Nisa22522044
12Insan Akhsani22522040
13Zafira Ratna Dewi Nastiti22522063

Salwa Nur Rahma

Fauzan short degree program in saxion

It is spring in Europe during Ramadan 1441 H. This year, most of Moslems in Europe fast under the coronavirus lockdown, including Moslems in Netherlands. All the mosques are closed as restriction imposed by that country to curb the active spread of covid-19 virus.
Ramadhan in Netherlands takes 18 to 19 hours, longer if being compared with fasting duration in Indonesia. There, Imsak/Fajr is started at 4 AM, while the Maghrib is verified at 9 PM.
“It is a challenging feeling to have Ramadhan here, due to its longer duration and being apart from parents” said Fauzan Mahdy, one of the students of International Program, Industrial Engineering Undergraduate Program, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Islam Indonesia. Currently, he is accomplishing the Short Degree Program at Business Engineering, Saxion University, Netherland.
Since officially semi-lockdown was enacted by Netherlands government from February to June 1, 2020 with extension possibility, all schools, universities and offices have been closed. It makes the Moslems have found different condition in celebrating Ramadhan due to social distancing and limitation.
It is further stated by Fauzan “I no longer have class schedule recently, since I am conducting final project for the program. In-campus activities have been closed until June 1, 2020. Yet, for students who still have class sessions, it will be performed by online.”
Published also by UII News

Mahasiswa Teknik Industri Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) tuai prestasi di kancah nasional. Adalah Zakka Ugi Rizqi dan Naufal Alfareza meraih juara 3 pada CONSTRAIN (Competition of Industrial Engineering) yang diadakan pada tanggal 5-8 September 2019 di Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar. Kedua mahasiswa tersebut mengusung tema “Maritim Logistics” khususnya mengenai permasalahan yang dihadapi perusahaan Terminal Petikemas Makassar (TPM).



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Lomba Video Kreatif diadakan oleh Labma Scientific Fair 2019 dengan tahapan seleksi yakni tahap 1 seleksi video dan tahap 2 presentasi. Seleksi video diadakan dari bulan agustus sampai oktober 2019 dengan anggota puluhan peserta. Perwakilan dari Jurusan Teknik Industri berhasil meraih juara I pada kompetisi ini.

Tim yang beranggotakan Kresna Adji Setya Wardhana, Nadhita Az Zahrah dan Zain Akbar Rivaldhy membuat sebuah video kreatif berjudul Our Anxiety. pada video kreatif tersebut bertujuan untuk menyampaikan pesan kepada masyarakat untuk mengurangi penggunaan sampah plastic. Menurut World Bank, Sampah plastik di Dunia saat ini mencapai 150 juta ton. Sedangkaan di Indonesia, jumlah timbunan sampah sudah mencapai 65,2 juta ton pertahun.

Sampah plastik akan selalu meningkat jika tren urbanisasi, produksi, dan konsumsi selalu berlanjut. Dari keseluruhan sampah yang ada, 57 persen yang ditemukan di pantai adalah sampah plastik. Sampah plastik tidak mudah terurai, sehingga dapat menyebabkan masalah yang serius.

Video kreatif yang dibuat menampilkan latar belakang 5 tempat yang berbeda yang mengandung pesan tersirat di masing-masing tempat, yakni pantai, gumuk pasir, blue lagoon, hutan, dan kota. Nadhita berharap video yang dibuat dapat menjadikan penontonnya mengambil value  serta dapat .mengurangi konsumsi sampah plastik.

Pesatnya perkembangan zaman menjadikan banyak munculnya inovasi yang dapat dibuat untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan yang kerap terjadi. Kesempatan untuk berinovasi tersebut dipergunakan oleh mahasiswa-mahasiswi Universitas Islam Indonesia, salah satunya pada ajang INDISCO (Industrial Design Seminar and Competition). INDISCO merupakan sebuah kompetisi dan seminar mengenai desain produk yang ditujukan untuk mahasiswa-mahasiswi se-Asia Tenggara dan sekitarnya. Acara tersebut diselenggarakan oleh Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Industri, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia. Teknik Industri UII berhasil meloloskan 2 tim untuk berlaga di semifinal 20 besar dan membawa nama baik UII pada ajang tersebut.

Tahap semifinal merupakan tahap dimana tiap tim yang telah lolos seleksi berkas proposal diwajibkan untuk presentasi mengenai rancangan produk kepada dewan juri pada Jumat-Sabtu (2-3/11) di Hotel Grasia, Semarang. Setelah itu terdapat tahap 5 besar yang mana tim yang lolos diharuskan untuk mempromosikan ide mereka secara langsung kepada masyarakat melalui pameran pada hari Minggu (4/11) di Car Free Day, Jalan Simpang Lima, Semarang.

Tim dari UII adalah tim NAT 4.0 yang beranggotakan Muhammad Taufik Anugerah (Teknik Industri angkatan 2014), Adam Ferdian Farizky (Teknik Industri angkatan 2014), dan Nashtiti Aliafari (Teknik Industri angkatan 2014) serta tim Alif Lam Mim yang beranggotakan Muhammad Iqbal Sabit (Teknik Industri angkatan 2015), Ahmad Hanif Faiz (Teknik Industri angkatan 2016), dan Dennis Kusuma (Teknik Industri angkatan 2016). Masing-masing tim membuat rancangan yang sesuai dengan tema INDISCO 10, yaitu “Inclusive Design for Convenient Daily Activities”. Rancangan produk dari Tim NAT 4.0 berhasil menjadi juara 2nd Runner Up pada INDISCO 2018. Rancangan yang diusung adalah shower yang multifungsi dan ergonomis yang diberi nama Wafles Shower. Wafles shower mempunya fungsi penyaring bakteri dan virus, penetralisir PH air, terdapat fitur pengatur tekanan air, terdapat brush yang adjustable dan dapat berputar secara otomatis untuk membersihkan bagian tubuh yang sulit dijangkau seperti punggung, dan shower tersebut dapat dibawa dan dipasang dimana saja. Tim Alif Lam Mim juga berhasil mendapatkan penghargaan sebagai Favorite Team. Produk yang diusung adalah alat untuk mengangkat dan memasang galon air secara otomatis, sehingga pengguna dapat terhindar dari risiko cidera.

Mahasiswa Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) yang terdiri dari Mukhlas Dwi Putra, program studi Teknik Industri dan Nur Arifan dari program studi Manajemen mengikuti ajang konferensi internasional, 4th International Conference on Industrial and Business Engineering (ICIBE 2018) di Macau pada 24-26 Oktober 2018.

ICIBE 2018 merupakan konferensi yang bertujuan untuk mempertemukan para peneliti, ilmuwan, insinyur, maupun mahasiswa sarjana untuk bertukar dan berbagi pengalaman, ide-ide baru, dan hasil penelitian tentang semua aspek Teknik Industri dan Bisnis, serta mendiskusikan tantangan praktis yang dihadapi dan solusi yang diadopsi.

Dalam konferensi tersebut, Mukhlas dan Rifan membawakan paper dengan judul Waste Minimization Using Value Stream Analysis Tool (VALSAT) to Increase Company Productivity. Disampaikan oleh Mukhlas, penelitian ini dilakukan di salah satu UKM Gudeg yang ada di Yogyakarta. “Banyaknya UKM-UKM Gudeg yang tersebar di Jogja tentunya menjadi tantangan tersendiri untuk UKM tersebut agar bisa bersaing”, paparnya.

Ia menambahkan, di tempat penelitian tersebut dilakukan analisis waste (pemborosan) apa saja yang terjadi dengan menggunakan metode VALSAT, setelah diketahui kemudian mana yang akan di prioritaskan untuk diselesaikan, setelah itu barulah di berikan rekomendasi-rekomendasi kepada pemilik UKM Gudeg yang bersangkutan. “Tujuan akhirnya agar produktivitas dari UKM Gudeg yang diteiti tersebut bisa meningkat”, tandasnya.

Sementara itu Rifan mengungkapkan konferensi yang rutin diadakan setiap tahunnya ini diikuti oleh berbagai kalangan mulai dari Profesor, praktisi hingga mahasiswa dari berbagai negara seperti, Jerman, Rusia, Swedia, Korea Selatan, USA, Malaysia, Filipina, Peru, Indonesia dan masih banyak lagi. “Selain kami yang dari UII, dari Indonesia sendiri juga ada perwakilan dari UI dan juga UNDIP”, tuturnya.

“Semoga para mahasiswa UII lainnya bisa termotivasi untuk mengikuti kegiatan-kegiatan serupa, selain menambah pengetahuan dan pengalaman tentunya juga membangun jaringan dengan akademisi serta praktisi yang hadir dalam konferensi”, pungkas mereka.