Program Pembinaan Mahasiswa Wirausaha (P2MW) is a program organized by the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs (Belmawa), Ditjen Dikti Ristek, Kemdikbud Ristek designed to strengthen the entrepreneurial ecosystem in higher education. The program includes a series of coaching, mentoring, and business training for students. A total of 13 UII Industrial Engineering students won funding in this competition.
One of the team leaders who passed the funding stage, Fika Aliya Febriyana, expressed her happiness for this achievement. “My hope is that I can utilize the funding money as well as possible, and can pass the KMI Award P2MW later. Hopefully, this business will also keep running and not just for the competition.”
Fika shared the process she went through to get to this stage. “Form a solid team with a high vision and mission and commitment, then divide the tasks as well as possible so that the preparation of the proposal will be easier.” Fika also emphasized the importance of teamwork and time management in facing obstacles due to different majors and batches among team members.
Ir. Muchamad Sugarindra, S.T., M.T.I., IPM, one of the P2MW supervisors, expressed his pride in the students’ achievements. He hoped that more students would join this program. “Participate while there is still a chance because P2MW is a prestigious national level event. I hope this will receive high attention from students.” He also expressed UII’s support which will greatly facilitate those who are interested, both in terms of funding, mentoring, and others.
The following is a list of students who passed the 2024 Program Pembinaan Mahasiswa Wirausaha (P2MW) funding:
No. | Business Category | Name | NIM | Proposal Title |
1 | Digital Business | Arisa Tria Shavira | 21522226 | CabTreats Marketplace as an Effort to Optimize the Potential of Catering and Bakery MSMEs |
2 | Service, Tourism and Trade | Fitri Fathurahma | 21522039 | Simpansini Laundry |
3 | Yulia Puspitasari | 21522062 | ||
4 | Irfan Novaldi | 21522233 | Eco Green Laundry Business from Upstream to Downstream that Has Special Concern for the Condition of the Surrounding Natural Environment | |
5 | Khairullah Raesya Nugroho | 21522265 | ||
6 | Food and Beverage | Fika Aliya Febriyana | 21522381 | Buahlicious Bites High in Fiber and Vitamins |
7 | Anggun Galuh Puspita Ningtyas | 21522352 | ||
8 | Muhammad Rafly Ferdiansyah | 21522154 | ||
9 | Rangga Pamungkas Putradharma | 22522284 | ||
10 | Manufacturing and Applied Technology | Arkan Abbad Falah Wibowo | 22522231 | Resikopi Dishwash Eco-friendly Dish Soap |
11 | Nasha Fazilatun Nisa | 22522044 | ||
12 | Insan Akhsani | 22522040 | ||
13 | Zafira Ratna Dewi Nastiti | 22522063 |
Salwa Nur Rahma